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Showing latest 50 of 1,859 images tagged with Police Station tag.

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TM4290 : Tesco car park - The site of Beccles gaol and police and fire station by Adrian S Pye Tesco car park - The site of Beccles gaol and police and fire station by Adrian S Pye
geograph for square TM4290
This was the site of Beccles Gaol from 1803 to 1937 when it was demolished. The... (more)
SD3348 : Pocket Park by Gerald England Pocket Park by Gerald England
geograph for square SD3348
Pocket Park is on the corner of North Albert Street and Victoria Street. The... (more)
SD3348 : Pocket Park by Gerald England Pocket Park by Gerald England
geograph for square SD3348
Pocket Park is on the corner of North Albert Street and Victoria Street. The... (more)
SE6131 : ALDI, Portholme Road, Selby by Stephen Craven ALDI, Portholme Road, Selby by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE6131
I find the discount supermarkets' buildings have less architectural... (more)
SU6089 : Morrell Place by Bill Nicholls Morrell Place by Bill Nicholls
geograph for square SU6089
This was the site of the old police station in Wallingford SU6089 : Wallingford Police Station
SU6088 : Fence around the site by Bill Nicholls Fence around the site by Bill Nicholls
geograph for square SU6088
The fence hides the work being done to demolish the old police station and... (more)
SH7881 : Argyll Road by Gerald England Argyll Road by Gerald England
geograph for square SH7881
On the left is the site of the recently demolished Police Station. Next to it is... (more)
J4668 : Station House, Comber - January 2015(1) by Albert Bridge Station House, Comber - January 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4668
A block of six apartments now under construction on the site of the old police... (more)
ST6573 : Station Court by Neil Owen Station Court by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST6573
Now modern housing, this was the spot where the old police station stood as... (more)
SE3031 : Aldi and Poundland, Burton Road by Stephen Craven Aldi and Poundland, Burton Road by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE3031
Built on the site of the former Holbeck police station SE3031 : Holbeck Police Station - Burton Road.
ST4653 : The cop shop is gone by Neil Owen The cop shop is gone by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST4653
Cheddar used to have a modest part-time police station here on Cliff Road. But... (more)
TL1998 : Premier Inn Peterborough, built on the site of the former police station by Richard Humphrey Premier Inn Peterborough, built on the site of the former police station by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL1998
ST4653 : Old Station Mews by Neil Owen Old Station Mews by Neil Owen
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New houses where the old Police house used to be.
J4668 : Station House, Comber - January 2015(2) by Albert Bridge Station House, Comber - January 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J4668
See J4668 : Station House, Comber - January 2015(1). The agents’ board. This photograph appears as a matter of... (more)
SK9769 : Old Police House by Richard Croft Old Police House by Richard Croft
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The old Police House on South Park
ST3390 : The Old Police Station House, Caerleon by Jaggery The Old Police Station House, Caerleon by Jaggery
geograph for square ST3390
Located on an unnamed side road on the south side of Goldcroft Common. The... (more)
SJ8498 : Stained Glass, Denton Magistrates' Courtroom (GMP Museum) by David Dixon Stained Glass, Denton Magistrates' Courtroom (GMP Museum) by David Dixon
for square SJ8498
The 1895 Victorian magistrates’ court located at the Greater Manchester Police... (more)
SJ8498 : Stained Glass Window, Denton Magistrates' Court by David Dixon Stained Glass Window, Denton Magistrates' Court by David Dixon
for square SJ8498
The 1895 Victorian magistrates’ court located at the Greater Manchester Police... (more)
SJ8498 : GMP Museum, Denton Magistrates' Courtroom by David Dixon GMP Museum, Denton Magistrates' Courtroom by David Dixon
for square SJ8498
The 1895 Victorian magistrates’ court located at the Greater Manchester Police... (more)
SJ8498 : Victorian Magistrates' Courtroom, GMP Museum by David Dixon Victorian Magistrates' Courtroom, GMP Museum by David Dixon
for square SJ8498
The 1895 Victorian magistrates’ court located at the Greater Manchester Police... (more)
SJ8498 : Denton Magistrates' Courtroom (GMP Museum) by David Dixon Denton Magistrates' Courtroom (GMP Museum) by David Dixon
for square SJ8498
The 1895 Victorian magistrates’ court located at the Greater Manchester Police... (more)
SJ8498 : The Former Newton Street Police Station by David Dixon The Former Newton Street Police Station by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8498
SJ8498 : GMP Museum, Newton Street Police Station by David Dixon GMP Museum, Newton Street Police Station by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8498
SJ8498 : Greater Manchester Police Museum, Newton Street Police Station by David Dixon Greater Manchester Police Museum, Newton Street Police Station by David Dixon
for square SJ8498
SJ8498 : GMP Roll of Honour, Greater Manchester Police Museum by David Dixon GMP Roll of Honour, Greater Manchester Police Museum by David Dixon
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The board honouring police officers killed whilst carrying out their duties.... (more)
SJ8498 : Victorian Police Cell by David Dixon Victorian Police Cell by David Dixon
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This tiny cell with its wooden bed (and wooden pillow) cannot have been... (more)
SJ8498 : The Reserve Man's Room, GMP Museum by David Dixon The Reserve Man's Room, GMP Museum by David Dixon
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The reserve man's role was the general care of the prisoners in a police... (more)
SJ8498 : The Cells, Newton Street Police Station by David Dixon The Cells, Newton Street Police Station by David Dixon
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The Victorian cell corridor at the Greater Manchester Police Museum and Archive.
SJ8498 : Newton Street Police Station Charge Room by David Dixon Newton Street Police Station Charge Room by David Dixon
for square SJ8498
SJ8498 : Charge Room, Newton Street Police Station by David Dixon Charge Room, Newton Street Police Station by David Dixon
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SJ8498 : GMP Museum by David Dixon GMP Museum by David Dixon
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The "POLICE MUSEUM" sign and carved City of Manchester coat of arms... (more)
TM3877 : Former Police Station by Geographer Former Police Station by Geographer
geograph for square TM3877
On the B1123 Quay Street
SO8505 : Grade II listed former Stroud police station and court by Jaggery Grade II listed former Stroud police station and court by Jaggery
geograph for square SO8505
Viewed from this Link footbridge. Now in use... (more)
SJ3286 : Former Well Lane police station, Rock Ferry by John S Turner Former Well Lane police station, Rock Ferry by John S Turner
geograph for square SJ3286
Looking towards the former police station in Well Lane, Rock Ferry. The... (more)
NZ3181 : Former Police Station, Blyth by Bill Henderson Former Police Station, Blyth by Bill Henderson
geograph for square NZ3181
TQ1278 : Norwood Green, former police station by Mike Faherty Norwood Green, former police station by Mike Faherty
geograph for square TQ1278
On Norwood Road; now residential, though notice boards still remain.
SH7881 : The Front Entrance to the former Llandudno Police Station by Richard Hoare The Front Entrance to the former Llandudno Police Station by Richard Hoare
geograph for square SH7881
Prior to demolition.
ST5394 : The blue light has gone out by Neil Owen The blue light has gone out by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST5394
This building is a former Gloucestershire Constabulary police station. It was... (more)
SE2280 : The Old Police Station, Masham by Humphrey Bolton The Old Police Station, Masham by Humphrey Bolton
geograph for square SE2280
SS9944 : The old police station in Marsh Street by David Smith The old police station in Marsh Street by David Smith
geograph for square SS9944
Listed grade II, this gothic-style building was built in the 1850s and is now... (more)
TM2649 : Former Woodbridge Police Station by Geographer Former Woodbridge Police Station by Geographer
geograph for square TM2649
On the B1079 Grundisburgh Road at the junction with Moor's Way
TM2649 : Former Woodbridge Police Station by Geographer Former Woodbridge Police Station by Geographer
geograph for square TM2649
Off the B1079 Grundisburgh Road at the junction with Moor's Way
TM2649 : Former Woodbridge Police Station by Geographer Former Woodbridge Police Station by Geographer
geograph for square TM2649
On the B1079 Grundisburgh Road at the junction with Moor's Way
SD5074 : Former Police Station, Yealand Conyers by Karl and Ali Former Police Station, Yealand Conyers by Karl and Ali
geograph for square SD5074
Above the door it says 'County Police' and the date 1900.
TM2649 : Estate Agents Advertising Banner by Geographer Estate Agents Advertising Banner by Geographer
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On the B1079 Grundisburgh Road at the junction with Moor's Way.
SK5236 : Beeston Police Station is closed by David Lally Beeston Police Station is closed by David Lally
geograph for square SK5236
Presumably to re-open when the tram work is completed.
J2285 : Former police station, Templepatrick (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Former police station, Templepatrick (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2285
The former police station is now surrounded by scaffolding during conversion for... (more)
J3374 : Former Queen Street police station, Belfast (May 2015) by Albert Bridge Former Queen Street police station, Belfast (May 2015) by Albert Bridge
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The building remains vacant (now one of the many long-terms vacancies in the... (more)
J2285 : Former police station, Templepatrick (May 2014) by Albert Bridge Former police station, Templepatrick (May 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2285
The former police station, looking much the same but with all the glazing... (more)
J4058 : Former police station, Saintfield - March 2014(5) by Albert Bridge Former police station, Saintfield - March 2014(5) by Albert Bridge
for square J4058
The “architect’s impression” sign attached to the perimeter fence.
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