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Showing latest 50 of 515 images tagged with Former Police Station tag.

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TM4290 : Tesco car park - The site of Beccles gaol and police and fire station by Adrian S Pye Tesco car park - The site of Beccles gaol and police and fire station by Adrian S Pye
geograph for square TM4290
This was the site of Beccles Gaol from 1803 to 1937 when it was demolished. The... (more)
SD3348 : Pocket Park by Gerald England Pocket Park by Gerald England
geograph for square SD3348
Pocket Park is on the corner of North Albert Street and Victoria Street. The... (more)
SD3348 : Pocket Park by Gerald England Pocket Park by Gerald England
geograph for square SD3348
Pocket Park is on the corner of North Albert Street and Victoria Street. The... (more)
SE6131 : ALDI, Portholme Road, Selby by Stephen Craven ALDI, Portholme Road, Selby by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE6131
I find the discount supermarkets' buildings have less architectural... (more)
SU6089 : Morrell Place by Bill Nicholls Morrell Place by Bill Nicholls
geograph for square SU6089
This was the site of the old police station in Wallingford SU6089 : Wallingford Police Station
SU6088 : Fence around the site by Bill Nicholls Fence around the site by Bill Nicholls
geograph for square SU6088
The fence hides the work being done to demolish the old police station and... (more)
SH7881 : Argyll Road by Gerald England Argyll Road by Gerald England
geograph for square SH7881
On the left is the site of the recently demolished Police Station. Next to it is... (more)
J4668 : Station House, Comber - January 2015(1) by Albert Bridge Station House, Comber - January 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4668
A block of six apartments now under construction on the site of the old police... (more)
ST6573 : Station Court by Neil Owen Station Court by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST6573
Now modern housing, this was the spot where the old police station stood as... (more)
SE3031 : Aldi and Poundland, Burton Road by Stephen Craven Aldi and Poundland, Burton Road by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE3031
Built on the site of the former Holbeck police station SE3031 : Holbeck Police Station - Burton Road.
ST4653 : The cop shop is gone by Neil Owen The cop shop is gone by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST4653
Cheddar used to have a modest part-time police station here on Cliff Road. But... (more)
TL1998 : Premier Inn Peterborough, built on the site of the former police station by Richard Humphrey Premier Inn Peterborough, built on the site of the former police station by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL1998
ST4653 : Old Station Mews by Neil Owen Old Station Mews by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST4653
New houses where the old Police house used to be.
J4668 : Station House, Comber - January 2015(2) by Albert Bridge Station House, Comber - January 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J4668
See J4668 : Station House, Comber - January 2015(1). The agents’ board. This photograph appears as a matter of... (more)
TM3877 : Former Police Station by Geographer Former Police Station by Geographer
geograph for square TM3877
On the B1123 Quay Street
SO8505 : Grade II listed former Stroud police station and court by Jaggery Grade II listed former Stroud police station and court by Jaggery
geograph for square SO8505
Viewed from this Link footbridge. Now in use... (more)
SK9769 : Old Police House by Richard Croft Old Police House by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK9769
The old Police House on South Park
ST3390 : The Old Police Station House, Caerleon by Jaggery The Old Police Station House, Caerleon by Jaggery
geograph for square ST3390
Located on an unnamed side road on the south side of Goldcroft Common. The... (more)
SD4364 : Former Morecambe Police Station, Kensington Road by Stephen Armstrong Former Morecambe Police Station, Kensington Road by Stephen Armstrong
geograph for square SD4364
There is a sign over the door for Unik Care Solutions, although their website... (more)
Tags: top:City, Town CentreX   type:GeographX   former:Police StationX  
SE7871 : Former police station, Malton by Stephen Craven Former police station, Malton by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE7871
Close to the cattle market in the town centre. The building is now used by a... (more)
SJ8398 : Former Chapel Street Police Station by Alan Murray-Rust Former Chapel Street Police Station by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SJ8398
Built c.1900 and very much a statement piece with its conical spirelet with... (more)
SE2633 : Former police station, Upper Wortley Road by Stephen Craven Former police station, Upper Wortley Road by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE2633
The building dates from 1899 and has some nice architectural details including... (more)
SX9164 : Castle Lane, Torquay by Derek Harper Castle Lane, Torquay by Derek Harper
for square SX9164
The southwest elevation of the former police station shown in SX9164 : Former police station, Market Street, Torquay.... (more)
SP0467 : The former Redditch police station by Mike Dodman The former Redditch police station by Mike Dodman
geograph for square SP0467
Now a heap of rubble awaiting redevelopment. I believe that the police are... (more)
SO0561 : County Buildings by Gerald England County Buildings by Gerald England
geograph for square SO0561
This building was opened in 1909 as the headquarters of Radnorshire County... (more)
SE2233 : Lister House, Lower Tofts Road, Pudsey by Stephen Armstrong Lister House, Lower Tofts Road, Pudsey by Stephen Armstrong
geograph for square SE2233
A residential property which was formerly a Police Station.
Tags: top:City, Town CentreX   type:GeographX   subject:HouseX   top:Housing, DwellingsX   former:Police StationX  
SO2103 : Former Abertillery Police Station by Jaggery Former Abertillery Police Station by Jaggery
geograph for square SO2103
In 2024 the brick building at 85 Somerset Street is in residential use.
Tags: type:GeographX   top:Housing, DwellingsX   former:Police StationX  
SE4943 : Datestone on the old police station by Stephen Craven Datestone on the old police station by Stephen Craven
for square SE4943
Tags: date:1856X   type:Close LookX   top:Housing, DwellingsX   former:Police StationX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SE4943 : Former police station, York Road, Tadcaster  by Stephen Craven Former police station, York Road, Tadcaster by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE4943
The building bears a date of 1856. The police station has been on the other side... (more)
Tags: date:1856X   type:GeographX   top:Housing, DwellingsX   former:Police StationX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SE3694 : The Northallerton Inn by Stephen Craven The Northallerton Inn by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE3694
The building at 72 High Street is grade II listed (list entry 1150739). In its... (more)
SO6303 : A century of policing in Lydney by Neil Owen A century of policing in Lydney by Neil Owen
geograph for square SO6303
The old station on Hill Street dates from 1876, but is now used by commercial firms.
SO6303 : Entrance for the innocent by Neil Owen Entrance for the innocent by Neil Owen
for square SO6303
Lydney Police Station dates from the nineteenth century but closed some time ago... (more)
Tags: top:City, Town CentreX   type:Close LookX   subject:Police StationX   former:Police StationX   Public EntranceX  
SH7877 : Lancaster Square, Conwy by Bill Harrison Lancaster Square, Conwy by Bill Harrison
geograph for square SH7877
The statue of Llewelyn ap Iowerth is prominent in the foreground and grade-II... (more)
H4573 : Former Police Station, Omagh by Kenneth  Allen Former Police Station, Omagh by Kenneth Allen
geograph for square H4573
Pictured along Mountjoy Road The site has been vacated for 15 years and the... (more)
TQ1869 : Kingston-upon-Thames - Kopshop by Colin Smith Kingston-upon-Thames - Kopshop by Colin Smith
geograph for square TQ1869
The Kopshop in Old London Road is a business centre located in a former police... (more)
SN4119 : Within the castle walls by Eirian Evans Within the castle walls by Eirian Evans
geograph for square SN4119
The Visitor Centre at the far end in what was formerly a police station
NS5469 : Sim & Son Funeral Directors by Richard Sutcliffe Sim & Son Funeral Directors by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS5469
In the former Temple Police Station on Bearsden Road. The police station dates... (more)
SZ6698 : Former Southsea Police Station by David Martin Former Southsea Police Station by David Martin
geograph for square SZ6698
Unused as a police station since 2015 and since redeveloped into 18 apartments.
SD9312 : Former Milnrow Police Station, Newhey Road by Alan Murray-Rust Former Milnrow Police Station, Newhey Road by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SD9312
Built c.1886 to accompany the Board of Health offices. Now converted to... (more)
Tags: date:1886X   top:City, Town CentreX   type:GeographX   conversion:HousingX   top:Housing, DwellingsX   period:Late 19th CenturyX   former:Police StationX   top:Public Buildings and SpacesX   building material:Stone and SlateX  
SX4753 : RNLI offices, Custom House Lane, Plymouth by Stephen Craven RNLI offices, Custom House Lane, Plymouth by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SX4753
The grade II listed 19th century structure was originally the dock customs tower... (more)
SP3265 : The Polish Centre, High Street, Leamington Spa by A J Paxton The Polish Centre, High Street, Leamington Spa by A J Paxton
geograph for square SP3265
This building was Leamington's first town hall, built in 1830-31 to designs... (more)
NS6573 : The Kirky Puffer by Richard Sutcliffe The Kirky Puffer by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS6573
A Wetherspoon's public house on Townhead, Kirkintilloch. Originally built... (more)
TL8564 : Moyses Hall, Bury St Edmunds by Sandy Gerrard Moyses Hall, Bury St Edmunds by Sandy Gerrard
geograph for square TL8564
LinkExternal link... (more)
SJ5798 : Former police station, Warrington Street, Ashton-in-Makerfield by Alan Murray-Rust Former police station, Warrington Street, Ashton-in-Makerfield by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SJ5798
Opened in 1879, it was replaced in 1904 as a station and used for police... (more)
NZ2085 : Former police station at Morpeth by Oliver Dixon Former police station at Morpeth by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square NZ2085
This gaunt Victorian barrack-like building was relinquished by the Police in... (more)
ST4354 : The old police station by Neil Owen The old police station by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST4354
Axbridge had a large and imposing station in Moorland Street, which is now in... (more)
SE0641 : Keighley Civic Centre by Stephen Craven Keighley Civic Centre by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE0641
The building on North Street was originally a police station, now used by... (more)
SE3245 : Keystone Cottage, Church Lane, Harewood by Stephen Craven Keystone Cottage, Church Lane, Harewood by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE3245
The 18th century house by John Carr is listed grade II (list entry 1226240).... (more)
ST5445 : The cop shop is shut by Neil Owen The cop shop is shut by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST5445
Wells grand police station has been closed and the officers relocated to the... (more)
ST5445 : The former police station by Neil Owen The former police station by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST5445
Wells police station on Glastonbury Road was a large and expansive creation... (more)
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