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Showing latest 50 of 111 images tagged with Outdoor Seating Area tag.

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SJ8050 : Seating area in Leddy's Field by Jonathan Hutchins Seating area in Leddy's Field by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square SJ8050
NH9418 : Cafe outdoor seating area by Bill Kasman Cafe outdoor seating area by Bill Kasman
geograph for square NH9418
In Boat of Garten this building hires bicycles and offers a takeaway service for... (more)
SK3889 : Outside Seating Area, English Institute of Sport by Mick Garratt Outside Seating Area, English Institute of Sport by Mick Garratt
geograph for square SK3889
NS5767 : Outdoor seating area, Cafe Ibiza by Richard Sutcliffe Outdoor seating area, Cafe Ibiza by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS5767
A new outdoor extension to the Cafe Ibiza (previously The Botanics).
SS8176 : Outdoor seats - Costa Coffee, Porthcawl by Stephen McKay Outdoor seats - Costa Coffee, Porthcawl by Stephen McKay
for square SS8176
Chairs bask in the sunshine at the rear of the Costa Coffee outlet on John Street.
SY9186 : Wareham, outdoor seating area by Mike Faherty Wareham, outdoor seating area by Mike Faherty
geograph for square SY9186
Next to SY9186 : Wareham, Purbeck Sports Centre, with Purbeck School buildings in the background.
SK1880 : Seating area by Brough Lane at a footpath junction by Ian Calderwood Seating area by Brough Lane at a footpath junction by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK1880
Since SK1880 : Track and footpath junction was taken, a length of wall and a seating area have been built.
Tags: lane:Brough LaneX   BywayX   Footpath JunctionX   type:GeographX   Outdoor Seating Area   top:PathsX   subject:SeatX   Seating AreaX  
NZ2814 : Pavement cafes on Bondgate, Darlington by Robert Graham Pavement cafes on Bondgate, Darlington by Robert Graham
geograph for square NZ2814
Two outside seating areas for the Tapas Bar and the Old English Gentleman pub... (more)
SY6990 : Outdoor area, Brewhouse and Kitchen, Dorchester by Jaggery Outdoor area, Brewhouse and Kitchen, Dorchester by Jaggery
geograph for square SY6990
On the south side of Weymouth Avenue.
SH3735 : Sgwâr y Farchnad Pwllheli Market Square - former market hall by Penny Mayes Sgwâr y Farchnad Pwllheli Market Square - former market hall by Penny Mayes
geograph for square SH3735
Now a pine furniture and antiques shop. The market square also provides an... (more)
SU4313 : Seating area at the southern end of Adelaide Road, St Denys, Southampton by Jaggery Seating area at the southern end of Adelaide Road, St Denys, Southampton by Jaggery
geograph for square SU4313
Viewed from the northern end of the road named Horseshoe Bridge. The Junction... (more)
NX6851 : Seating Area, Kirkcudbright by Billy McCrorie Seating Area, Kirkcudbright by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX6851
Viewed from St. Cuthbert Street, looking over the seats is a view of the new... (more)
ST8661 : Seating for all in St Katharine's by Neil Owen Seating for all in St Katharine's by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST8661
Part of the church grounds are well used by children's groups for some... (more)
NX0561 : Seating Area, Stranraer by Billy McCrorie Seating Area, Stranraer by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX0561
In Agnew park looking over to the kids play area.
SJ8497 : At the corner of Portland Street and Oxford Street by Gerald England At the corner of Portland Street and Oxford Street by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8497
People are queuing on Oxford Street to enter one of the bars on the Circus... (more)
SX8966 : Seating area, The Willows by Derek Harper Seating area, The Willows by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX8966
Another view of the area shown in SX8966 : Seating area, The Willows.
SJ8398 : Plaza below Trinity Bridge by Gerald England Plaza below Trinity Bridge by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8398
Open area with benches on the Salford side of the River Irwell underneath the... (more)
SP5106 : Sitting Around in Broad Street by Des Blenkinsopp Sitting Around in Broad Street by Des Blenkinsopp
geograph for square SP5106
Oxford's ongoing and quite determined battle with motor vehicles scores... (more)
SJ3489 : Steps and seating, Duke's Dock, Liverpool by Christine Johnstone Steps and seating, Duke's Dock, Liverpool by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ3489
On the site of the former entrance lock from the Mersey.
SJ3398 : Seating area, Rimrose Country Park by Christine Johnstone Seating area, Rimrose Country Park by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ3398
On the north-west bank of the Leeds & Liverpool canal.
ST6672 : An early preacher by Neil Owen An early preacher by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST6672
This little open area is at the end of Belsher Drive - a new housing development... (more)
TQ3688 : Parklet on Coppermill Lane, Walthamstow by Malc McDonald Parklet on Coppermill Lane, Walthamstow by Malc McDonald
geograph for square TQ3688
A "parklet" on Coppermill Lane in Walthamstow, in the suburbs of north... (more)
NX1898 : Seating Area at Girvan Harbour by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Girvan Harbour by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX1898
SX9066 : Seating area, Torquay Cemetery by Derek Harper Seating area, Torquay Cemetery by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX9066
Just northeast of the crematorium.
NX1898 : Seating Area at Girvan Harbour by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Girvan Harbour by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX1898
ST3187 : Public seating area, Usk Plaza, Newport by Robin Drayton Public seating area, Usk Plaza, Newport by Robin Drayton
geograph for square ST3187
Sponsored by an artificial grass manufacturer.
NX1898 : Seating Area at Girvan by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Girvan by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX1898
Wonder why it's quite!
NS3527 : Seating Area, Monkton by Billy McCrorie Seating Area, Monkton by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS3527
NS3426 : Seating Area at Prestwick Shore Front by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Prestwick Shore Front by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS3426
NS3321 : Seating Area at the Low Green by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at the Low Green by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS3321
NS3317 : Seating Area at Burns Museum by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Burns Museum by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS3317
NX8499 : Seating Area at Beech Loch by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Beech Loch by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX8499
NS3569 : Seating Area, Kilmacolm by Billy McCrorie Seating Area, Kilmacolm by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS3569
NS3454 : Seating Area at Beith by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Beith by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS3454
NS2642 : Seating Area at Stevenston by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Stevenston by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS2642
NS2642 : Seating Area at Stevenston by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Stevenston by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS2642
NS2642 : Seating Area at Stevenston by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Stevenston by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS2642
NS2642 : Seating Area at Stevenston by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Stevenston by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS2642
NX0561 : Seating Area, Agnew Park Stranraer by Billy McCrorie Seating Area, Agnew Park Stranraer by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX0561
NX1898 : Seating Area at Girvan Harbour by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Girvan Harbour by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX1898
NS3231 : Seating Area at Troon Town Centre by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Troon Town Centre by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS3231
NS3131 : Seating Area at Troon Town Centre by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Troon Town Centre by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS3131
NS3318 : Seating Area at Burns' Cottage Car Park, Alloway by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Burns' Cottage Car Park, Alloway by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NS3318
NX6851 : Seating Area at Harbour Square, Kirkcudbright by Billy McCrorie Seating Area at Harbour Square, Kirkcudbright by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX6851
NY4465 : Millennium seating area on Skitby Road by Rose and Trev Clough Millennium seating area on Skitby Road by Rose and Trev Clough
geograph for square NY4465
Between the benches there is a small rock with the inscription 'Smithfield... (more)
NZ2362 : Sculpture by the Tyne by Graham Robson Sculpture by the Tyne by Graham Robson
geograph for square NZ2362
The large concrete sphere which appears to form a focal point for the riverside... (more)
SX8966 : Seating area, The Willows by Derek Harper Seating area, The Willows by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX8966
Given that, increasingly, shopping centres fail to provide anywhere to sit down... (more)
TQ3380 : Seating area by  Tower Place East by Steve Daniels Seating area by Tower Place East by Steve Daniels
geograph for square TQ3380
TQ3688 : Post box and parklet on Coppermill Lane, Walthamstow by Malc McDonald Post box and parklet on Coppermill Lane, Walthamstow by Malc McDonald
geograph for square TQ3688
A "parklet" on Coppermill Lane in Walthamstow, in the suburbs of north... (more)
SU6453 : Seats by the Community Centre by Des Blenkinsopp Seats by the Community Centre by Des Blenkinsopp
geograph for square SU6453
A sitting out space in front of Oakridge Community Centre.
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