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Showing latest 50 of 212 images tagged with Nesting tag.

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J3575 : Nest, Belfast by Rossographer Nest, Belfast by Rossographer
for square J3575
Hooded crow... (more)
SD7807 : Swan Nesting; Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Swan Nesting; Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
for square SD7807
A swan’s nest is a huge mound of material, normally dried grasses and assorted... (more)
SJ7952 : Mute Swan on nest at Mill End, Audley by Jonathan Hutchins Mute Swan on nest at Mill End, Audley by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square SJ7952
The nest has been partly fenced as a protection against predators.
J5683 : Nest, Orlock by Rossographer Nest, Orlock by Rossographer
for square J5683
Swallow nest in rocks at Orlock Point - the nest in at the entrance to the... (more)
Tags: type:Close LookX   top:CoastalX   NestX   subject:NestX   Nesting   Nesting BirdX   ORLOCKX   place:OrlockX   place:Orlock PointX   top:Rocks, Scree, CliffsX   SwallowX   bird:SwallowX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX  
NH5853 : Osprey nest and perching tree by Julian Paren Osprey nest and perching tree by Julian Paren
for square NH5853
I have left the location vague in case this is an unknown osprey site. One... (more)
Tags: type:ExtraX   subject:NestX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX   top:Woodland, ForestX  
SD7908 : Nesting Swan on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Nesting Swan on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
for square SD7908
This stretch of canal has always been a favourite nesting site for swans. What... (more)
SD7908 : Swan nesting next to the towpath near Rothwell Bridge by David Dixon Swan nesting next to the towpath near Rothwell Bridge by David Dixon
for square SD7908
This stretch of canal has always been a favourite nesting site for swans. What... (more)
SH8956 : Osprey nest platform, Llyn Alwen by Eirian Evans Osprey nest platform, Llyn Alwen by Eirian Evans
geograph for square SH8956
A closer look at the osprey nest platform near Llyn Alwen SH8956 : Strange pole by Llyn Alwen. Putting... (more)
Tags: Brenig Osprey ProjectX   type:GeographX   Llyn AlwenX   top:MoorlandX   subject:MoorlandX   subject:NestX   NestX   top:UplandsX  
J5082 : Black Guillemot, Bangor by Rossographer Black Guillemot, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5082
A Black Guillemot which appears to have nested inside a drainage pipe in the sea... (more)
NY1202 : A Sad End by Peter Trimming A Sad End by Peter Trimming
for square NY1202
I have walked this route, most months, for the past six years. About five years... (more)
Tags: type:Close LookX   county:CumbriaX   subject:NestX   top:PathsX   bird:RobinX   place:Santon BridgeX   top:Woodland, ForestX  
NS5569 : Sand martin nesting bank by Richard Sutcliffe Sand martin nesting bank by Richard Sutcliffe
for square NS5569
On the north bank of the River Kelvin in Garscube Estate. This strange-looking... (more)
SD7908 : Nesting Swans on the Manchester, Bury and Bolton Canal by David Dixon Nesting Swans on the Manchester, Bury and Bolton Canal by David Dixon
for square SD7908
This pair of swans have built their nest next to the towpath at Rothwell Bridge... (more)
SD7908 : Swan and Bridge, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Swan and Bridge, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7908
Bridge#19 on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal is a small, brick-built... (more)
SK2725 : House Martin at the nest by M J Richardson House Martin at the nest by M J Richardson
for square SK2725
A parent just about to feed two hungry mouths poking out from the nest. The nest... (more)
TQ3296 : Coot's Nest, New River Loop, Gentleman's Row, Enfield by Christine Matthews Coot's Nest, New River Loop, Gentleman's Row, Enfield by Christine Matthews
for square TQ3296
Although there are no eggs in the nest, this coot has staked its claim on this... (more)
TQ3296 : Coot's Nest, New River Loop, Gentleman's Row, Enfield by Christine Matthews Coot's Nest, New River Loop, Gentleman's Row, Enfield by Christine Matthews
geograph for square TQ3296
Although there are no eggs in the nest, this coot has staked its claim on this... (more)
J3675 : Nesting coots, Victoria Park, Belfast - June 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Nesting coots, Victoria Park, Belfast - June 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3675
See J3675 : Nesting coots, Victoria Park, Belfast - June 2014(1). The second nest – at the north western end of the park.
J3675 : Nesting coots, Victoria Park, Belfast - June 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Nesting coots, Victoria Park, Belfast - June 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
for square J3675
There were two coots’ nests visible today in Victoria Park. This one is to the... (more)
SE3944 : Nesting coot by Christine Johnstone Nesting coot by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE3944
On Waver Spring Pond, Compton.
SD1778 : Ternery on Hodbarrow Lagoon by Oliver Dixon Ternery on Hodbarrow Lagoon by Oliver Dixon
for square SD1778
A large number of nesting Sandwich Terns. The "nest" is just a slight... (more)
ST7564 : Swans' nest, above Pulteney Weir, Bath by Christine Johnstone Swans' nest, above Pulteney Weir, Bath by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square ST7564
On an overgrown slipway, below a busy urban path.
Tags: subject:NestX   bird:Nesting SwanX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   Swans NestX  
SJ9291 : Bird's Nest at Bredbury by Gerald England Bird's Nest at Bredbury by Gerald England
for square SJ9291
A bird's nest in a tree behind Bredbury Station SJ9291 : Bredbury Station. It has been... (more)
Tags: place:BredburyX   DrayX   NestsX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
NO0393 : Ants' nest near Derry Lodge by Nigel Brown Ants' nest near Derry Lodge by Nigel Brown
for square NO0393
Category: Ants' nests
In the woods around the lodge nests like these are common.
TA1974 : Sea Birds nesting at Bempton Cliffs by David Dixon Sea Birds nesting at Bempton Cliffs by David Dixon
geograph for square TA1974
NT2470 : Nest box, damaged by a Woodpecker by M J Richardson Nest box, damaged by a Woodpecker by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
The bird box has been in the Sycamore for at least 20 years. Too high now for me... (more)
NZ4064 : Cormorants on their nest by Robert Graham Cormorants on their nest by Robert Graham
for square NZ4064
On top of a rock stack at Lizard Point, Marsden. A typical Cormorant nest site... (more)
NZ0953 : Rookery at Shotley Bridge by Robert Graham Rookery at Shotley Bridge by Robert Graham
for square NZ0953
In trees beside the A694 at the north end of the village. In common with all... (more)
SE0391 : Swallows Nesting in St Oswald's Church by David Dixon Swallows Nesting in St Oswald's Church by David Dixon
for square SE0391
This swallows' nest was inside the porch of SE0391 : St Oswald's Church, Castle Bolton.
Tags: type:Close LookX   bucket:CloseupX   bucket:IndoorX   type:InsideX   NestX   Nesting BirdsX   SwallowX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX  
TR0420 : A grey heron nest near the top of a tree by All Saints Church, Lydd by Andrew Diack A grey heron nest near the top of a tree by All Saints Church, Lydd by Andrew Diack
geograph for square TR0420
This photo shows a grey heron's nest, high in a tree, as seen from the top... (more)
TA2471 : The queen of Queen Rock by Oliver Dixon The queen of Queen Rock by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square TA2471
Herring gull nesting on top of the sea stack in Breil Nook. Incredibly, the nest... (more)
Tags: Car TyreX   CliffX   top:CoastalX   type:GeographX   subject:NestX   NestX   top:Rocks, Scree, CliffsX   Sea StackX  
TQ3096 : Herons' Nests at Boxer's Lake, Enfield by Christine Matthews Herons' Nests at Boxer's Lake, Enfield by Christine Matthews
for square TQ3096
I can see five or six nests in the trees on the island.
NH8624 : Wood Ant Nest by valenta Wood Ant Nest by valenta
for square NH8624
Large wood ant nest by the track up to Black Mount
NZ0356 : Wood ant nest, Wild Wood by Adrian Taylor Wood ant nest, Wild Wood by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NZ0356
An ant hill approximately 60cm in height constructed by a colony of wood ants... (more)
TF0820 : Abandoned nest by Bob Harvey Abandoned nest by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
An exposed place to build a nest, and no longer in use. It is half way up the... (more)
SD7908 : Swans Nesting on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal near Fishpool by David Dixon Swans Nesting on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal near Fishpool by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7908
Two swans nesting on the bank of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal.
SD1778 : Ternery on Hodbarrow Lagoon by Oliver Dixon Ternery on Hodbarrow Lagoon by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square SD1778
A large number of nesting Sandwich Terns. The "nest" is just a slight... (more)
NZ4064 : Kittiwake towers by Oliver Dixon Kittiwake towers by Oliver Dixon
for square NZ4064
Unlike other so-called "seagulls", kittiwakes are essentially a... (more)
NZ4064 : Kittiwake towers by Oliver Dixon Kittiwake towers by Oliver Dixon
for square NZ4064
Unlike other so-called "seagulls", kittiwakes are essentially a... (more)
TQ8622 : Wood ants' nest, Flatropers Wood by Patrick Roper Wood ants' nest, Flatropers Wood by Patrick Roper
geograph for square TQ8622
This nest, or nests, of wood ants (Formica rufa) are made almost entirely of... (more)
NZ0091 : Snipe's nest with eggs by Russel Wills Snipe's nest with eggs by Russel Wills
for square NZ0091
I nearly trod on the bird on this nest! The bird flew off, I think it was a... (more)
Tags: type:Close LookX   top:GrasslandX   top:LowlandsX   top:MoorlandX   subject:NestX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX  
NT2470 : Magpies' nest by M J Richardson Magpies' nest by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
In a Sycamore by the Braid Burn. Easily visible now that the leaves have fallen.... (more)
J3373 : Chimney pots, gull and nest, Lower Crescent, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge Chimney pots, gull and nest, Lower Crescent, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3373
Three subjects for the price of one. The seven pots, with vented holes, are on... (more)
J3276 : Nesting coot, the Waterworks, Belfast (June 2014) by Albert Bridge Nesting coot, the Waterworks, Belfast (June 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3276
A coot, on its nest among the water lilies, at the south western side of the pond.
SJ9398 : Nesting Canada Goose by Gerald England Nesting Canada Goose by Gerald England
for square SJ9398
A Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) at its nest by the side of the Ashton Canal.
NO0829 : Des Res at Battleby by Richard Sutcliffe Des Res at Battleby by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NO0829
The strange structure on the pole is in fact an artificial nest site for Sand... (more)
TL2182 : Nest, near Wood Walton church by Christopher Hilton Nest, near Wood Walton church by Christopher Hilton
for square TL2182
In a beech hedge some 2 feet above ground level; I would guess a robin's.
SK2020 : Rookery in Black Meadow Wood by Jonathan Hutchins Rookery in Black Meadow Wood by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square SK2020
Two other trees held small numbers of nests, making about 17 occupied nests in all.
SP8535 : Swan's nest on Furzton Lake by Stephen McKay Swan's nest on Furzton Lake by Stephen McKay
for square SP8535
The swan has decided that this spot at the southern end of Furzton Lake is ideal... (more)
NS5096 : Great spotted woodpecker's nest by Richard Sutcliffe Great spotted woodpecker's nest by Richard Sutcliffe
for square NS5096
In the top of a dead birch tree beside the track at Back Borland. Once I... (more)
SE6050 : Coot on a nest by DS Pugh Coot on a nest by DS Pugh
for square SE6050
Looking towards a nesting coot in Rowntree Park.
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