Late spring sunshine
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
This morning is sunny with a clear blue sky over an atmosphere swept clean of... (more)
Spring foliage
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Trees at the side of the footpaths
Southbound path
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Looking south to the sunlit trees
Swelling fruit
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0720
The cherry blossom has blown, and now the fruit develops in its place. Today is... (more)
So much Speedwell
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
There are huge banks of Speedwell in the woods this spring. The weather seems... (more)
Oakish fecundity
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Wreckage in pink
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
As the petals start to fall at the end of a Hawthorn's blossoming, they... (more)
The dawn of gold
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
This week the buttercups have started flowering. Here is a small clump, and its... (more)
After the rain
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Puddles below the newly-greened trees on this path.
Aesculus hippocastanum
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
A Horse Chestnut in flower in Bourne Woods
Lying where it fell
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
This larch fell over 20 years ago, and is rotting where it fell. I am curious... (more)
Who can resist?
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Who can resist the creamy deliciousness of closely bundled Hawthorn blossom?
All bright with sunlight
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The sunlight streaming through the fresh leaves of the Hazels
Hawthorn blossom
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
No two hawthorns are alike.
The way west
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
The public footpath on a sunny morning.
Stained Hazel
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Hazel leaves
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Fungus in the grass
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
We normally think of fungus fruiting bodies as autumnal, but they can arise at any time
Maple in flower
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Field Maple flowers and leaves
Holly flowers
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
The hollies in Bourne Woods are all flowering together. Unlike the Hawthorn,... (more)
Holly flowers
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Spent catkins
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0720
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0720
While out on our dog walk this morning, the early morning cloud burned away and... (more)
A complicated trunk
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0720
Aesculus hippocastanum
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0720
A Horse Chestnut
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0720
There is a youngish Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), perhaps 4 metres... (more)
Young pheasant
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
This bird was wandering around vocalising in a most insistent manner, and... (more)
Dog, Bird
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
This is Dotti, a small dog. She barks at pigeons and other avian invaders.... (more)
A hole
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Gall on oak tree
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Oak Apple
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Flowers on the Holly
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Holly in flower
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
And so it begins
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
A tiny thread of Ivy, spreading up the trunk of this oak. It never fails to... (more)
Buttressed roots
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0821
A firmly rooted tree
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0821
An Oak with wide buttress roots
The top of the dying tree
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0821
A dying oak
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0821
The bark is falling off up a considerable length of this poor tree. Way above... (more)
A wet path
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
One of the mysteries of Bourne Woods, and Lincolnshire generally, are the way... (more)
Departing bluebells
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
English bluebells do this strange thing after being pollinated. They stop... (more)
Loving vandalism
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
We don't see much carving of love tokens into trees these days, perhaps... (more)
Lichens on dead twigs
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
A large branch, from the top of a nearby tree, fell in last winter's storms... (more)
Grasses in flower
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Tall grass stems all over the wood now.
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0919
Hawthorn near St Peter's Pool
Cow Parsley on the Wellhead
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0919
The hedge on the left is an ancient remnant of the course of the Eau.
Serial number on a tree
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Lime tree
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
Galium aparine - tiny white flower
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
The flowers of Goosegrass, or Cleavers, are small white affairs around a single... (more)
Plantago lanceolata
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
The Ribwort Plantain, a common grassland plant. It loves damp soil, and has... (more)
Raindrops and wildflowers
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Herb Robert sparkling with raindrops