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Showing latest 50 of 198 images tagged with Victoria Park (Belfast) tag.

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J3675 : Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The subway, from Park Avenue, after temporary closure and redecoration.... (more)
J3675 : Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (6) by Albert Bridge Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (6) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The view through the subway into Victoria Park. The subway and surrounding area... (more)
J3675 : Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The subway, from Park Avenue, under the Belfast – Bangor railway and the... (more)
J3675 : The Sam Thompson Bridge, Belfast by Rossographer The Sam Thompson Bridge, Belfast by Rossographer
geograph for square J3675
The Sam Thompson Bridge in Belfast which connects Victoria Park and Airport... (more)
J3675 : The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - April 2014(1) by Albert Bridge The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - April 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
There is still a considerable amount of work remaining (both major and minor) on... (more)
J3675 : Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (8) by Albert Bridge Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (8) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
See J3675 : Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (7) (3 January 2014). A close look at the partly-flooded subway and... (more)
J3675 : Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (7) by Albert Bridge Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (7) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
11.39 – the closed and shuttered subway from Park Avenue to Victoria Park. For... (more)
J3675 : Old fence, Victoria Park, Belfast by Albert Bridge Old fence, Victoria Park, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
Another of the old Belfast Corporation fences - similar to J3675 : Connswater fence, Belfast. This... (more)
J3675 : Pergola, Victoria Park, Belfast (January 2015) by Albert Bridge Pergola, Victoria Park, Belfast (January 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
A recently-erected pergola at the northern end of Victoria Park – officially... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   ParkX   subject:ParkX   top:Park and Public GardensX   structure:PergolaX   Victoria Park (Belfast)  
J3675 : Toilets, Victoria Park, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge Toilets, Victoria Park, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3675
See J3675 : Toilets, Victoria Park, Belfast (September 2013). The “coin in the slot” toilets, between the... (more)
J3675 : Subway, Victoria Park (night view), Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge Subway, Victoria Park (night view), Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3675
A ghostly cyclist heading home through the well-illuminated subway under the... (more)
J3675 : The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - November 2014(2) by Albert Bridge The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - November 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3675
The Sam Thompson footbridge, across the Connswater, looking from the harbour... (more)
J3675 : The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - November 2014(1) by Albert Bridge The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - November 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The Sam Thompson footbridge, across the Connswater, connecting Victoria Park to... (more)
J3675 : Streetlights, Victoria Park, Belfast (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Streetlights, Victoria Park, Belfast (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3675
See J3673 : Streetlight, Orangefield Park, Belfast (July 2014). Similar streetlights (near the subway) provided as part of the... (more)
J3675 : Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - May 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - May 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The flood embankment, now complete, seen from the Sydenham bypass. Trees have... (more)
J3675 : Embankment path, Victoria Park, Belfast (May 2014) by Albert Bridge Embankment path, Victoria Park, Belfast (May 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The path, awaiting a final surface, along the embankment to the south west of... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   subject:ParkX   ParkX   top:Park and Public GardensX   PathX   top:PathsX   Victoria Park (Belfast)  
J3675 : New "lookout", Victoria Park, Belfast (May 2014) by Albert Bridge New "lookout", Victoria Park, Belfast (May 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The new “lookout” at the northern end of Victoria Park – built on this site J3675 : The Connswater, Victoria Park, Belfast (2013-8).
J3675 : The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - April 2014(3) by Albert Bridge The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - April 2014(3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
See J3675 : The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - April 2014(2). The view, across the Connswater, from near Airport Road West,... (more)
J3675 : The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - April 2014(2) by Albert Bridge The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - April 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
J3675 : Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - March 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - March 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The flood embankment and a new path seen from the top of the subway under the... (more)
J3675 : Car park, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Car park, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The public car park is to be rebuilt as part of the works. In the meantime it... (more)
J3675 : Car park, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Car park, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The public car park is to be rebuilt as part of the works. In the meantime it... (more)
J3675 : Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
When I took this shot J3675 : Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast (3), in October 2013, it didn’t make much sense –... (more)
J3675 : "Greenway" sign, Victoria Park, Belfast by Albert Bridge "Greenway" sign, Victoria Park, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
A sign, at the southern end, referring to the Connswater Greenway project. For... (more)
J3675 : Victoria Park footbridge site, Belfast (7 in 2013) by Albert Bridge Victoria Park footbridge site, Belfast (7 in 2013) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The foundations on the eastern (park) side of the Connswater. The official... (more)
J3675 : Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (5) by Albert Bridge Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (5) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The Park Avenue side looking approximately north east. The subway and... (more)
J3675 : Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The Park Avenue side looking approximately south west. The subway and... (more)
J3675 : Victoria Park footbridge site, Belfast (2013-5) by Albert Bridge Victoria Park footbridge site, Belfast (2013-5) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The view from the park, towards the embankment and the Airport Road, where... (more)
J3675 : Victoria Park footbridge site, Belfast (2013-3) by Albert Bridge Victoria Park footbridge site, Belfast (2013-3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The view from the embankment into the park where preliminary clearance work has... (more)
J3675 : The Connswater, Victoria Park, Belfast (2013-8) by Albert Bridge The Connswater, Victoria Park, Belfast (2013-8) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The path beside the Connswater, on the embankment, at the north western corner... (more)
J3675 : The Connswater, Victoria Park, Belfast (2013-4) by Albert Bridge The Connswater, Victoria Park, Belfast (2013-4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The Connswater, just under an hour before high water, looking towards “Samson”... (more)
J3675 : The Connswater, Victoria Park, Belfast (2013-3) by Albert Bridge The Connswater, Victoria Park, Belfast (2013-3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The Connswater, about an hour before high water, looking across the unkempt... (more)
J3675 : The Connswater, Victoria Park, Belfast (2013-2) by Albert Bridge The Connswater, Victoria Park, Belfast (2013-2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The Connswater, about 80 minutes before high water, looking upstream towards the... (more)
J3675 : Embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge Embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The embankment and path, on the south western side of the lake, in Victoria... (more)
J3675 : Embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge Embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The embankment and path, on the south western side of the lake, in Victoria... (more)
J3675 : Footbridge, Victoria Park, Belfast by Albert Bridge Footbridge, Victoria Park, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The footbridge across the lake in Victoria Park. The viewpoint for this J3675 : Autumn trees, Belfast (3).
J3675 : Lake, Victoria Park, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge Lake, Victoria Park, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
Part of the lake on the western/north western side of the park. This tranquil... (more)
J3675 : Path, Victoria Park, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge Path, Victoria Park, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The path on the north western side of the park. Part of the lake is behind the... (more)
J3675 : Lake, Victoria Park, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge Lake, Victoria Park, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
Mallard on the lake at the north eastern end of the park. Part of one of the... (more)
J3675 : Litter bin and seat, Victoria Park, Belfast (April 2015) by Albert Bridge Litter bin and seat, Victoria Park, Belfast (April 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3675
See J3773 : New seating area, Orangefield Park, Belfast (November 2014). The standard style of litter bin and seat provided as part of... (more)
J3675 : The Connswater, Victoria Park, Belfast (night view) (November 2014) by Albert Bridge The Connswater, Victoria Park, Belfast (night view) (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The view downstream, from the Sam Thompson Bridge J3675 : The Sam Thompson Bridge, Victoria Park, Belfast - November 2014(2), 27 minutes after... (more)
J3675 : Flood embankment and path, Victoria Park, Belfast - August 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Flood embankment and path, Victoria Park, Belfast - August 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The new path (which includes the vehicular entrance) and completed flood... (more)
J3675 : Flood embankment and path, Victoria Park, Belfast - August 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Flood embankment and path, Victoria Park, Belfast - August 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The new path and completed flood embankment, seen from the Sydenham bypass,... (more)
J3675 : Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - May 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - May 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The flood embankment, now complete, seen from the Sydenham bypass. The path has... (more)
J3675 : Path, Victoria Park, Belfast (April 2014) by Albert Bridge Path, Victoria Park, Belfast (April 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
There is still a considerable amount of work remaining (both major and minor).... (more)
J3675 : Greylag goose, Victoria Park, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge Greylag goose, Victoria Park, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge
for square J3675
Well away from the lake, this was one of two greylags paddling about in the... (more)
J3675 : Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - March 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - March 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The flood embankment, partly topsoilled, and the new access road seen from the... (more)
J3675 : Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014(3) by Albert Bridge Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014(3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
Part of the new flood embankment, which incorporates the inward access road,... (more)
J3675 : Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014 by Albert Bridge Subway, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014 by Albert Bridge
for square J3675
Work on the subway has still to start. Part of the flood embankment site is on the right.
J3675 : Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Flood embankment, Victoria Park, Belfast - February 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3675
The new flood embankment and the Sydenham bypass (top) seen from this footbridge... (more)
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