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Showing latest 50 of 175 images tagged with OSNI tag.

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H9049 : Cannon Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Cannon Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square H9049
The top of the trig pillar on Cannon Hill south of Loughgall. A rivet has been... (more)
C8938 : Scudion Craig Passive GPS Station by Rossographer Scudion Craig Passive GPS Station by Rossographer
for square C8938
Small brass rivet (on the right) on top of Scudion Craig Triangulation Pillar... (more)
C8938 : Scudion Craig Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Scudion Craig Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
geograph for square C8938
OSNI trig pillar located off the Ballyhome Road about one mile south-east of... (more)
H9049 : Cannon Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Cannon Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
geograph for square H9049
Trig pillar on Cannon Hill south of Loughgall and adjacent to the Castledillon... (more)
H9049 : Cannon Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Cannon Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
geograph for square H9049
Trig pillar on Cannon Hill south of Loughgall and adjacent to the Castledillon... (more)
H1228 : Flush Bracket, Cuilcagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Cuilcagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square H1228
Flush bracket bench mark on Cuilcagh trig pillar at the summit of the mountain.... (more)
H1228 : Cuilcagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Cuilcagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
geograph for square H1228
Cuilcagh trig pillar at the summit of the mountain. A OSNI primary triangulation... (more)
H1228 : Cuilcagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Cuilcagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square H1228
Cuilcagh trig pillar at the summit of the mountain. A OSNI primary triangulation... (more)
J2875 : Flush Bracket, Divis Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Divis Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J2875
Flush bracket located on the Divis Triangulation Pillar J2875 : Divis Triangulation Pillar. The... (more)
J2974 : Spider, Black Mountain North Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Spider, Black Mountain North Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J2974
Detail of the 'spider' on Black Mountain North Triangulation Pillar... (more)
J0488 : Spider, Morris Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Spider, Morris Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J0488
The top of the trig pillar on Morris Hill a few miles SW of Randalstown... (more)
J0488 : Flush Bracket, Morris Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Morris Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J0488
Flush bracket bench mark on the trig pillar on Morris Hill a few miles SW of... (more)
H9692 : Flush Bracket, Aughrim Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Aughrim Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square H9692
Flush bracket bench mark on Aughrim Hill trig pillar H9692 : Aughrim Hill Triangulation Pillar. The number on... (more)
J2092 : Browndod Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Browndod Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J2092
Top of the trig pillar. The centre cap is marked "OSNI Triangulation Station".
J1792 : Carnearny Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Carnearny Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J1792
The top of the pillar. The spider is slightly offset and the centre cap is... (more)
C6930 : Binevenagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Binevenagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
geograph for square C6930
The top of Binevenagh trig pillar looking down over the Roe Valley and Lough... (more)
H9049 : Flush Bracket, Cannon Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Cannon Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square H9049
Flush bracket bench mark on Cannon Hill trig pillar. The number on the... (more)
D1136 : Flush Bracket, Knocklayd Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Knocklayd Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square D1136
Flush bracket bench mark on Knocklayd trig pillar D1136 : Knocklayd Triangulation Pillar. The number on... (more)
J5536 : Isabella's Tower, Ardglass by Rossographer Isabella's Tower, Ardglass by Rossographer
geograph for square J5536
Isabella's Tower on a hill on the southern edge of Ardglass. After... (more)
Tags: ArdglassX   top:CoastalX   building type:FollyX   FollyX   subject:FollyX   type:GeographX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   OSNI   building type:TowerX   TowerX   Triangulation PointX   Triangulation StationX  
H6197 : Spider, Sawel Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Spider, Sawel Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square H6197
The top of Sawel Triangulation Pillar H6197 : Sawel Triangulation Pillar. Everything intact, but... (more)
J5536 : Isabella's Tower, Ardglass by Rossographer Isabella's Tower, Ardglass by Rossographer
for square J5536
Isabella's Tower on a hill on the southern edge of Ardglass. This is the... (more)
Tags: ArdglassX   top:CoastalX   type:Cross GridX   building type:FollyX   FollyX   subject:FollyX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   OSNI   TowerX   Triangulation PointX   Triangulation StationX  
J5536 : Isabella's Tower, Ardglass by Rossographer Isabella's Tower, Ardglass by Rossographer
geograph for square J5536
Isabella's Tower on a hill on the southern edge of Ardglass. I... (more)
Tags: ArdglassX   top:CoastalX   building type:FollyX   FollyX   subject:FollyX   type:GeographX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   OSNI   TowerX   Triangulation PointX   Triangulation StationX  
J6248 : Spider, Tara Fort Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Spider, Tara Fort Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J6248
Spider on Tara Fort Triangulation Pillar. Intact and in good condition, it is... (more)
C8938 : Spider, Scudion Craig Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Spider, Scudion Craig Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square C8938
The top and spider on Scudion Craig Triangulation Pillar C8938 : Scudion Craig Triangulation Pillar. Oddly,... (more)
H9634 : Spider, King's Ring Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Spider, King's Ring Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square H9634
The top and spider on King's Ring trig pillar which is located on farmland... (more)
H9634 : Flush Bracket, King's Ring Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, King's Ring Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square H9634
The flush bracket bench mark on King's Ring trig pillar which is located on... (more)
J2875 : Divis Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Divis Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
geograph for square J2875
The original Divis trig pillar which, after being removed from the summit of the... (more)
J3145 : Spider, Slieve Croob Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Spider, Slieve Croob Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J3145
The top of the Slieve Croob trig pillar. Although well worn it is marked... (more)
C8138 : Flush Bracket, Portstewart by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Portstewart by Rossographer
for square C8138
Flush bracket bench mark, it is located on Agherton Parish Church, Portstewart... (more)
J2092 : Flush Bracket, Browndod Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Browndod Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J2092
Flush bracket bench mark on Browndod Triangulation Pillar J2092 : Browndod Triangulation Pillar. The mark... (more)
J1792 : Flush Bracket, Carnearny Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Carnearny Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J1792
Flush bracket bench mark on Carnearny Triangulation Pillar J1792 : Carnearny Triangulation Pillar. The... (more)
J5852 : Flush Bracket, Ballywhite Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Ballywhite Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J5852
Flush bracket bench mark on Trig pillar Ballywhite Triangulation Pillar. The... (more)
J3771 : Flush Bracket, Casaeldona Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Casaeldona Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J3771
Flush bracket bench mark located on the Casaeldona Triangulation Pillar. The... (more)
J3198 : Flush Bracket, Carninard Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Carninard Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J3198
Flush bracket bench mark on Carninard trig pillar. The number on the bracket... (more)
J3383 : Flush Bracket, Carnmoney Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Carnmoney Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J3383
Flush bracket bench mark on Carnmoney Hill trig pillar. The mark hasn't... (more)
C6930 : Flush Bracket, Binevenagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Binevenagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square C6930
Flush bracket bench mark on Binevenagh trig pillar. The number on the... (more)
J2670 : Flush Bracket, Collin Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Collin Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J2670
Flush bracket benchmark on Collin trig pillar J2670 : Collin Triangulation Pillar. The number on the... (more)
J1440 : Flush Bracket, Ballynafoy Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Ballynafoy Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J1440
Flush bracket bench mark located on the southern side of Ballynafoy trig pillar.... (more)
J2017 : Flush Bracket, Slieve Martin Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Slieve Martin Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J2017
Flush bracket bench mark on the trig pillar on the summit of Sliabh Mártain... (more)
J3078 : Flush Bracket, Squires Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Squires Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J3078
Flush bracket bench mark on Squires Hill trig pillar. The number on the... (more)
D0002 : Flush Bracket, Tully Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Tully Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square D0002
Flush bracket bench mark on Tully hill trig pillar between Ahoghill and... (more)
H6197 : Flush Bracket, Sawel Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Sawel Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square H6197
Flush bracket bench mark on Sawel Triangulation Pillar H6197 : Sawel Triangulation Pillar. The... (more)
H6197 : Sawel Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Sawel Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
geograph for square H6197
Primary OSNI Trig pillar at the summit of Sawel in the Sperrins. The summit is... (more)
D1723 : Trostan Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Trostan Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
geograph for square D1723
Primary OSNI trig pillar on the summit of Trostan. This is the highest point in... (more)
D1723 : Flush Bracket, Trostan Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Trostan Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square D1723
Flush bracket bench mark on Trostan trig pillar. The pillar sits at 551m above... (more)
D1723 : Trostan Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Trostan Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
geograph for square D1723
Primary OSNI trig pillar on the summit of Trostan. This is the highest point in... (more)
H1228 : Spider, Cuilcagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Spider, Cuilcagh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square H1228
The top of Cuilcagh trig pillar at the summit of the mountain. An OSNI primary... (more)
J0220 : Flush Bracket, Slieve Gullion Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Slieve Gullion Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J0220
Flush bracket bench mark on Slieve Gullion Triangulation Pillar J0220 : Slieve Gullion Triangulation Pillar.... (more)
H7987 : Flush Bracket, Slieve Gallion Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Slieve Gallion Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square H7987
Flush bracket bench mark on Slieve Gallion trig pillar. The mark has not been... (more)
J4793 : Flush Bracket, Muldersleigh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Muldersleigh Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J4793
Flush bracket bench mark on the Trig pillar at Muldersleigh near Whitehead.... (more)
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