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Showing latest 50 of 3,832 images tagged with OS Benchmark tag.

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H7538 : Flush Bracket, Middletown by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Middletown by Rossographer
for square H7538
Flush bracket bench mark on the front of the old Middletown Market House... (more)
H7538 : Bench Marks, Middletown by Rossographer Bench Marks, Middletown by Rossographer
for square H7538
Two bench marks on the front of the old Middletown Market House H7538 : Former Market House, Middleton.... (more)
H5830 : Flush Bracket, Smithborough by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Smithborough by Rossographer
for square H5830
Flush bracket bench mark on the front of the former Garda Station in... (more)
H7538 : Bench Mark, Middletown by Rossographer Bench Mark, Middletown by Rossographer
for square H7538
Bench mark on the front of the old Middletown Market House H7538 : Former Market House, Middleton. It... (more)
J0053 : Flush Bracket, Portadown by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Portadown by Rossographer
for square J0053
Flush bracket bench mark on the rear of St Mark's J0053 : St. Mark's Church, Portadown. in the centre... (more)
SU9677 : Flush Bracket, Windsor by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Windsor by Rossographer
for square SU9677
Flush Bracket Bench Mark on the south eastern buttress of a bridge in Windsor.... (more)
TQ2679 : Flush Bracket, Kensington by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Kensington by Rossographer
for square TQ2679
Flush Bracket Bench Mark on the north wall of the Royal Geographical Society... (more)
TQ3877 : Flush Bracket, Greenwich by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Greenwich by Rossographer
for square TQ3877
Flush Bracket Bench Mark on a wall at Greenwich Royal Observatory. The number... (more)
C0137 : Bench Mark, Dunfanaghy by Rossographer Bench Mark, Dunfanaghy by Rossographer
for square C0137
Cut bench mark on the southern side of Market Square, Dunfanaghy, facing onto... (more)
H8077 : Flush Bracket, Cookstown by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Cookstown by Rossographer
for square H8077
Flush bracket bench mark on the rear wall of the Church of the Most Holy... (more)
J2727 : Bench Mark near Spelga Dam by Rossographer Bench Mark near Spelga Dam by Rossographer
for square J2727
Cut bench mark on a small wall (possibly over a stream) on the Slievenaman Road... (more)
H8990 : Flush Bracket, Magherafelt by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Magherafelt by Rossographer
for square H8990
Flush bracket bench mark on a front wall near the entrance to Rainey Endowed... (more)
H8177 : Flush Bracket, Cookstown by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Cookstown by Rossographer
for square H8177
Flush bracket bench mark on the north wall of St Luran's Parish Church,... (more)
H8583 : Flush Bracket, Moneymore by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Moneymore by Rossographer
for square H8583
Flush bracket bench mark on the bottom right hand side of the front of Moneymore... (more)
H9393 : Flush Bracket near Castledawson by Rossographer Flush Bracket near Castledawson by Rossographer
for square H9393
Flush bracket bench mark on the wall of an outhouse adjoining a house on the... (more)
J5252 : Bench Mark, Killyleagh by Rossographer Bench Mark, Killyleagh by Rossographer
for square J5252
Cut bench mark on the north side of the tower on the parish church in Killyleagh... (more)
J5252 : Bench Mark, Killyleagh by Rossographer Bench Mark, Killyleagh by Rossographer
for square J5252
Bolt bench mark located on Killyleagh Quay J5252 : Quayside, Killyleagh. This mark dates from... (more)
J3436 : Bench Mark, Castlewellan by Rossographer Bench Mark, Castlewellan by Rossographer
for square J3436
Bolt bench mark located on the northern side of the old Castlewellan Market... (more)
SJ9885 : Hague Bridge by Adrian Taylor Hague Bridge by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SJ9885
This early nineteenth century Grade II listed bridge carries Waterside Road over... (more)
NW9954 : Benchmark, Portpatrick Jetty by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Portpatrick Jetty by Adrian Taylor
for square NW9954
Detail of the Ordnance Survey rivet benchmark on the east side of the jetty wall... (more)
NY9166 : Benchmark, Old Railway Bridge, Warden by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Old Railway Bridge, Warden by Adrian Taylor
for square NY9166
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the west abutment of the old... (more)
NY0336 : Benchmark, Christ Church, Maryport by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Christ Church, Maryport by Adrian Taylor
for square NY0336
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the south east corner of Christ... (more)
NZ2464 : Benchmark, Earl Grey's Monument by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Earl Grey's Monument by Adrian Taylor
for square NZ2464
Detail of the Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark on the plinth of Earl Grey’s... (more)
NX9718 : Benchmark, St James' Church, Whitehaven by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, St James' Church, Whitehaven by Adrian Taylor
for square NX9718
Detail of the Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark on a stone quoin at the south... (more)
SD2878 : Benchmark, King Street by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, King Street by Adrian Taylor
for square SD2878
Detail of an Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the limestone quoin of a shop on... (more)
SO7192 : Remains of benchmark, West Castle Street by Adrian Taylor Remains of benchmark, West Castle Street by Adrian Taylor
for square SO7192
Detail of the eroded remains of an Ordnance Survey cut benchmark beside the door... (more)
J5278 : Flush Bracket, Ballygrainey by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Ballygrainey by Rossographer
for square J5278
Flush bracket located on the bottom left hand corner of the former Ballygrainey... (more)
C8938 : Flush Bracket, Scudion Craig Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Scudion Craig Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square C8938
Flush bracket bench mark located on Scudion Craig Triangulation Pillar... (more)
NZ8911 : Benchmark and lightning conductor by Adrian Taylor Benchmark and lightning conductor by Adrian Taylor
for square NZ8911
Detail of the Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark on the south west side of the... (more)
J2990 : Flush Bracket, Ballyclare by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Ballyclare by Rossographer
for square J2990
Flush bracket bench mark on the north-western tip of the former benefits office... (more)
SD2877 : Benchmark, Ulverston Station by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Ulverston Station by Adrian Taylor
for square SD2877
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the south east corner of... (more)
SO7192 : Benchmark, Castle Hill Walk by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Castle Hill Walk by Adrian Taylor
for square SO7192
Detail of the weathered Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the west wall of Castle... (more)
SD7152 : Benchmark, 24 Chapel Street by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, 24 Chapel Street by Adrian Taylor
for square SD7152
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the corner of 24 Chapel Street,... (more)
SO7192 : Benchmark, New Road Wall, Bridgnorth by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, New Road Wall, Bridgnorth by Adrian Taylor
for square SO7192
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on a wall on the west side of New... (more)
NY5261 : Benchmark, Brampton Police Station by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Brampton Police Station by Adrian Taylor
for square NY5261
Detail of the Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark on the wall of Brampton... (more)
NZ2063 : Benchmark, Whitfield Road by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Whitfield Road by Adrian Taylor
for square NZ2063
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark at the top of the steps leading down... (more)
NY3768 : Flush bracket benchmark, Longtown Bridge by Adrian Taylor Flush bracket benchmark, Longtown Bridge by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3768
Detail of the Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark number 1450 on the south... (more)
H4472 : Flush Bracket, Omagh by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Omagh by Rossographer
for square H4472
Flush bracket bench mark on the side of St Columba's Church of Ireland in... (more)
J3145 : Flush Bracket, Slieve Croob Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Slieve Croob Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J3145
Flush bracket bench mark on Slieve Croob Triangulation Pillar. The number of... (more)
J1576 : Flush Bracket, Crumlin by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Crumlin by Rossographer
for square J1576
Flush bracket bench mark located on the east wall of a small building in front... (more)
NU1702 : Flush Bracket, Nelson Monument by Adrian Taylor Flush Bracket, Nelson Monument by Adrian Taylor
for square NU1702
Detail of the flush bracket benchmark on the Nelson Monument. The flush bracket... (more)
NY3649 : Benchmark, Union Bridge by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Union Bridge by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3649
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the north parapet of Union Bridge... (more)
NY3124 : Benchmark, Threlkeld Bridge by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Threlkeld Bridge by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3124
Detail of the Ordnance Survey rivet benchmark on the north west parapet of... (more)
NY7005 : Grassy bank near Badger Hill by Adrian Taylor Grassy bank near Badger Hill by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY7005
This grassy bank was once supported by the north east wing wall of the railway... (more)
ST5222 : Flush Bracket, Ilchester by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Ilchester by Rossographer
for square ST5222
Flush Bracket Bench Mark on the southern wall of a former Methodist Chapel on... (more)
NY5361 : Benchmark, Brampton, Moot Hall by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Brampton, Moot Hall by Adrian Taylor
for square NY5361
Detail of the Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark on the west side of the Moot... (more)
NY6820 : Benchmark, Appleby High Cross by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Appleby High Cross by Adrian Taylor
for square NY6820
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the plinth of Appleby High Cross.... (more)
NY4323 : Benchmark, Cove by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Cove by Adrian Taylor
for square NY4323
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on a dry stone wall at Cove,... (more)
H4572 : Bench Mark, Omagh by Rossographer Bench Mark, Omagh by Rossographer
for square H4572
Cut bench mark on the northern side of Omagh Courthouse (previously seen in... (more)
H4572 : Bench Mark, Omagh by Rossographer Bench Mark, Omagh by Rossographer
for square H4572
Bolt bench mark on a pillar at the front of Omagh Courthouse (seen previously in... (more)
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