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Showing latest 50 of 97 images tagged with Bird of Prey tag.

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SO7023 : International Centre for Birds of Prey - The Hawk Walk by David Dixon International Centre for Birds of Prey - The Hawk Walk by David Dixon
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This is the area where all the trained birds are kept when they are not flying.
SE6083 : Fish Eagle by David Dixon Fish Eagle by David Dixon
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Fish eagles or sea eagles, as their name suggests, hunt mainly over open water.... (more)
SE6083 : Eagle and Sheep at Dunconbe Park by David Dixon Eagle and Sheep at Dunconbe Park by David Dixon
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An eagle flying over some sheep grazing at Duncombe Park. The sheep are not in... (more)
SE6083 : Beating the Wind by David Dixon Beating the Wind by David Dixon
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The common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) is also known as the European kestrel or... (more)
SE6083 : Verreaux's Eagle at the National Centre for Birds of Prey by David Dixon Verreaux's Eagle at the National Centre for Birds of Prey by David Dixon
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The Verreaux's eagle (Aquila verreauxii) is not native to the UK, it lives... (more)
SE6083 : Brown Wood Owl in Duncombe Park by David Dixon Brown Wood Owl in Duncombe Park by David Dixon
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A brown wood owl (Strix leptogrammica) taking part in the flying display at the... (more)
SE6083 : Flying Display at NCBP - Barn Owl by David Dixon Flying Display at NCBP - Barn Owl by David Dixon
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A barn owl returning to its handler's glove in front of a crowd of spectators.
SE6083 : Eurasian Buzzard by David Dixon Eurasian Buzzard by David Dixon
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SE5365 : Eagle Flying at York Bird of Prey Centre by David Dixon Eagle Flying at York Bird of Prey Centre by David Dixon
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The York Bird of Prey Centre was established in 2011 and is based within the... (more)
NT1372 : Birds of prey at the 2014 Royal Highland Show by Graham Robson Birds of prey at the 2014 Royal Highland Show by Graham Robson
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Two of the birds of prey on display owned by Birds Of Prey Display Ltd at the... (more)
SP0384 : Owls on Harborne High Street by Phil Champion Owls on Harborne High Street by Phil Champion
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Central England Reptile Rescue and Bird of Prey Sanctuary were raising money and... (more)
SE6083 : Ural owl (Strix uralensis) by Pauline E Ural owl (Strix uralensis) by Pauline E
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A young display bird at the International Centre for Birds of Prey at Duncombe... (more)
SE6083 : Display bird at the International Centre for Birds of Prey by Pauline E Display bird at the International Centre for Birds of Prey by Pauline E
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Harris Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus) at ICBP Duncombe. (Thanks to HV for positive ID)
SH7882 : An Owl in Llandudno by Gerald England An Owl in Llandudno by Gerald England
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Lord of the Wings took their owls to the Victorian Extravaganza Weekend in... (more)
SH7882 : Fena in Llandudno by Gerald England Fena in Llandudno by Gerald England
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Fena (the one on the right) is a Western Screech Owl that has its home at Lord... (more)
SH7882 : Jack in Llandudno by Gerald England Jack in Llandudno by Gerald England
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Jack (the one on the right) is a 15 year old Harris Hawk that has his home at... (more)
SH7882 : Lord of the Wings by Gerald England Lord of the Wings by Gerald England
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According to their Facebook Page... (more)
SJ4066 : Life and death in Northgate Street, Chester by John S Turner Life and death in Northgate Street, Chester by John S Turner
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This bird of prey has caught one of the many feral pigeons that abound in the... (more)
SD5705 : European Eagle Owl by David Dixon European Eagle Owl by David Dixon
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A tethered Eagle Owl at the birds of prey display outside Trencherfield Mill as... (more)
SJ7380 : Gauntlet Bird of Prey Centre, near Knutsford by Pauline E Gauntlet Bird of Prey Centre, near Knutsford by Pauline E
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Category: Attraction
Closest I've ever been to a barn owl.
SJ5031 : Milo, the Harris Hawk, at Shropshire Falconry by David Dixon Milo, the Harris Hawk, at Shropshire Falconry by David Dixon
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Milo, the Harris Hawk, taking part in a flying display over the fields behind... (more)
SJ5031 : Harris Hawk in Flight by David Dixon Harris Hawk in Flight by David Dixon
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Milo, the Harris Hawk, taking part in a flying display over the fields behind... (more)
SJ5031 : Tawny Owl in Hedgerow by David Dixon Tawny Owl in Hedgerow by David Dixon
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The tawny owl (Strix aluco) is the familiar 'brown owl' of the... (more)
SN7281 : Nant Yr Arian by I Love Colour Nant Yr Arian by I Love Colour
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Bwlch Nant Yr Arian forest recreation centre. In 1999, Bwlch Nant yr Arian... (more)
TM1459 : Flying display: Raptor in flight by Roger Jones Flying display: Raptor in flight by Roger Jones
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Bird in flight as part of a falconry display at the Birds of Prey Centre
SN7181 : Red Kite, Bwlch Nant yr Arian by I Love Colour Red Kite, Bwlch Nant yr Arian by I Love Colour
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Red Kite seen over the feeding station at Bwlch Nant yr Arian There is no way... (more)
TM1459 : Suffolk Owl Sanctuary flying ground by Roger Jones Suffolk Owl Sanctuary flying ground by Roger Jones
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The flying demonstration area at the Birds of Prey Centre. See a bird in flight... (more)
ST3450 : Birds over the beacon by Neil Owen Birds over the beacon by Neil Owen
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The beacon stone on top of Brent Knoll is a familiar landmark but hovering above... (more)
SE0391 : Indian Eagle Owl Flying at Bolton Castle by David Dixon Indian Eagle Owl Flying at Bolton Castle by David Dixon
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An added attraction for visitors to Bolton Castle is the "Birds of Prey... (more)
SD5705 : Barn Owl by David Dixon Barn Owl by David Dixon
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The Barn Owl is the most widely distributed species of owl, and one of the most... (more)
SU5985 : No photos please by Bill Nicholls No photos please by Bill Nicholls
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Damn bird turned away and would not look at me during the Fete at Fairmile.
H6164 : Bird of prey, Dunmoyle by Kenneth  Allen Bird of prey, Dunmoyle by Kenneth Allen
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I first saw it perched on a post, but as soon as I got out the camera, it took... (more)
SJ5117 : Hawk in a Tree near Battlefield Bird of Prey Centre by David Dixon Hawk in a Tree near Battlefield Bird of Prey Centre by David Dixon
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NC8500 : Peregrine Falcon at Dunrobin Castle by David Dixon Peregrine Falcon at Dunrobin Castle by David Dixon
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Falconry is the ancient art of hunting with birds of prey. Falconry displays are... (more)
TL5480 : Hooded bird of prey on the river in Ely by Richard Humphrey Hooded bird of prey on the river in Ely by Richard Humphrey
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Tags: Bird of Prey   BoatsX   type:GeographX   Great OuseX   subject:RiverX   RiverX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX  
SJ3865 : A male Kestrel on an electricity pole by John S Turner A male Kestrel on an electricity pole by John S Turner
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This beautiful male Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) was not bothered by my presence... (more)
SD6557 : Bird of prey above Whitendale by Bill Boaden Bird of prey above Whitendale by Bill Boaden
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It was too far away for me to identify.
SO1053 : Flyby birds of prey by Bill Nicholls Flyby birds of prey by Bill Nicholls
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First time I have seen a Red Kite and Buzzard this close though they took little... (more)
SW6618 : Bird of prey over Polurrian Cove by Bill Boaden Bird of prey over Polurrian Cove by Bill Boaden
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I was unable to identify it from this distance.
SD5705 : Great Grey Owl (Strix nebulosa) by David Dixon Great Grey Owl (Strix nebulosa) by David Dixon
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A Great Grey Owl at the Birds of Prey display outside Trencherfield Mill as one... (more)
SD5705 : Southern White-Faced Owl (Ptilopsis granti) by David Dixon Southern White-Faced Owl (Ptilopsis granti) by David Dixon
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A Southern White-Faced (Scops) Owl at the Birds of Prey display outside... (more)
SD5705 : Southern White-Faced Scops Owl by David Dixon Southern White-Faced Scops Owl by David Dixon
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The Southern White-faced Owl (Ptilopsis granti) is a fairly small owl only about... (more)
SD5705 : Harris's Hawk by David Dixon Harris's Hawk by David Dixon
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A Harris Hawk at the birds of prey display outside Trencherfield Mill; one of... (more)
SD5705 : Harris Hawk by David Dixon Harris Hawk by David Dixon
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A tethered Harris Hawk at the birds of prey display outside Trencherfield Mill;... (more)
SU5985 : Hmm looks interesting by Bill Nicholls Hmm looks interesting by Bill Nicholls
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Love to know what the owl was looking at from his perch at the Fairmile Fête.
SD4615 : Common Buzzard by David Dixon Common Buzzard by David Dixon
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Isobella is a 12 month old Buzzard, now the commonest and most widespread UK... (more)
SJ7526 : Buzzard near Shebdon Wharf, Staffordshire by Roger  D Kidd Buzzard near Shebdon Wharf, Staffordshire by Roger D Kidd
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This bird of prey was keeping an eye on the canal and the fields behind the trees.
SS9046 : Wildlife in wood by Graham Horn Wildlife in wood by Graham Horn
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Here is a part-finished wooden sculpture of a bird of prey, in the Wildlife in... (more)
SS9046 : Wildlife in wood by Graham Horn Wildlife in wood by Graham Horn
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This business makes animal figures from wood. Here is a bird of prey with wire... (more)
SJ5031 : Goshawk by David Dixon Goshawk by David Dixon
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The goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) was all-but extinct as a breeding species in... (more)
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