S1E1: No magic bullets by Swift over Coffeeratings:
90 minutes
Jun 21, 2020
Podcast episode
In this episode: we celebrate Swiftmas and Dubmas all together, plus talk about remote conferences, tuple conformance, Mint, WWDC wishlists, and more.
Swift Package Index: http://swiftpackageindex.com
Swift AWS Lambda runtime: https://swift.org/blog/aws-lambda-runtime
Adding CI support to SPM packages: https://github.com/brightdigit/EggSeed
SE-0283: Tuples Conform to Equatable, Comparable, and Hashable – https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0283-tuples-are-equatable-comparable-hashable.md
SE-0270: Add Collection Operations on Noncontiguous Elements: https://github.com/apple/swift-se0270-range-set/
Paul’s pick: WWDC 2020 Student Challenge Submissions: https://wwdc.github.io/2020/
Erica’s pick: Mint from Yonas Kolb and GUI Rambo’s WWDC app: https://github.com/insidegui/WWDC
WWDC wishlists
Swift Package Index: http://swiftpackageindex.com
Swift AWS Lambda runtime: https://swift.org/blog/aws-lambda-runtime
Adding CI support to SPM packages: https://github.com/brightdigit/EggSeed
SE-0283: Tuples Conform to Equatable, Comparable, and Hashable – https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0283-tuples-are-equatable-comparable-hashable.md
SE-0270: Add Collection Operations on Noncontiguous Elements: https://github.com/apple/swift-se0270-range-set/
Paul’s pick: WWDC 2020 Student Challenge Submissions: https://wwdc.github.io/2020/
Erica’s pick: Mint from Yonas Kolb and GUI Rambo’s WWDC app: https://github.com/insidegui/WWDC
WWDC wishlists
Jun 21, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (46)
- 26 min listen