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Java Programming: Algorithms and Structures
Java Programming: Algorithms and Structures
Java Programming: Algorithms and Structures
Ebook411 pages3 hours

Java Programming: Algorithms and Structures

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About this ebook

This comprehensive guide is perfect for anyone aiming to master data structures and algorithms in Java. Even without prior knowledge, readers will find themselves equipped with essential skills by the end of the book. We ensure that you’ll not only read and understand these concepts but also apply them effectively in Java.
Focusing on different aspects of data structures and problem-solving, this book offers detailed explanations of all key concepts. We emphasize practical aspects, helping you improve gradually with time and practice. This is not a book to skim through but one to work with actively.

The text begins with fundamental terms, variable comparisons, and types of analysis. It then progresses to topics like recursion, backtracking, linked lists, stacks, queues, and trees, all with a practical approach. Our goal is to cover all topics thoroughly, using numerous examples to enhance understanding.

Each chapter includes an introduction to ensure a smooth flow of topics, making the book engaging and interesting to work with. We hope this book meets your highest expectations and provides a solid foundation in Java programming.

Release dateJan 3, 2025
Java Programming: Algorithms and Structures

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    Book preview

    Java Programming - Tanushri Kaniyar

    Java Programming

    Algorithms and Structures

    Java Programming Algorithms and Structures

    Tanushri Kaniyar

    Java Programming

    Algorithms and Structures

    Tanushri Kaniyar

    ISBN - 9789361523038

    COPYRIGHT © 2025 by Educohack Press. All rights reserved.

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    Life becomes complex because people don’t know how to simplify the complexity; simple is the beginning of wisdom. The same way is used to write and compile this book. You may find situations in life difficult, but you need a way to simplify those using principles and knowledge. Previous sentences tend towards the solutions of every issue in a properly streamlined way, which is considered as the central zest of our book Java Data Structures & Algorithms.

    Programming is a tool that is used to solve various small as well as big issues; this is the origin of the book. I started working on this book with the simple idea of providing knowledge and a better understanding of data structures and algorithms to the readers. Then I gradually framed it from the basic level to the higher difficulty level so that a beginner, as well as an expert, can get benefit from the book.

    The main intention of writing this book has been my keen desire for a proper solution of data structures and algorithm problems, with the use of Java language. It is a prevalent language, and in today’s time, most of the programming is done using Java, but still, very few people know the roots of it and correct usage of the concept. I got the idea to write the book while the above thoughts surrounded my mind.

    The primary motivation for completing this book has been the thought of make readers know what others don’t know and make them better than others in the market. This book will benefit you for a long time because it provides the best of what one can think of.

    I got acknowledged with many problems while writing the book since it is hard to find a simple way of learning for every topic. But my perseverance kept me going with the book and finally ended up with this book. I assure you the proficiency over the issues in the book if you work with it with complete devotion.

    I wish my efforts put the readers at a better place after reading the book. This book will take your knowledge to another level. The book will serve as a ladder for you to become extraordinary with data structures and algorithms.

    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm 1

    1.1 Introduction 1

    1.2 Variables 2

    1.2.1 Definition 2

    1.3 Data Type 4

    1.4 Data Structures 5

    1.4.1 Definition 6

    1.4.2 Abstract Data Types 6

    1.5 Algorithm 7

    1.5.1 Definition 7

    1.5.2 Why it’s Necessary to Analyze an Algorithm? 8

    1.5.3 What is the Primary Purpose of Analyzing an Algorithm 8

    1.5.4 What is Running Time Analysis 8

    1.5.5 How to Compare Different Algorithms? 9

    1.6 Define Rate of Growth 9

    1.6.1 Commonly used Rate of Growths 10

    1.7 Various Types of Analysis 11

    1.7.1 Asymptotic Notation 12

    1.7.2 Important Notes 13

    1.7.3 Why is it called Asymptotic Notation? 13

    1.7.4 Guidelines for Asymptotic Notations 14

    1.8 Properties for Notations 15

    1.9 Commonly Used Logarithms and Summations 15

    1.9.1 Logarithms 15

    1.9.2 Summations 16

    1.10 Master Theorem for Divide and Conquer 16

    1.10.1 Problems on Master Theorem for Divide and Conquer 17

    1.11 Master Theorem for Subtract and Conquer Recurrence 17

    1.12 Method of Guess and Confirm 18

    1.13 Amortized Analysis 18

    1.14 References 19

    2 Brief about Recursion and Backtracking 21

    2.1 Introduction 21

    2.2 What is Recursion? 21

    2.2.1 Properties 22

    2.2.2 Implementation 22

    2.3 Why Recursion? 23

    2.3.1 Time Complexity 23

    2.3.2 Space Complexity 23

    2.4 Format of Recursive Function 23

    2.5 Recursion and Memory (Visualization) 24

    2.6 Recursion versus Iteration 26

    2.7 Points to Remember about Recursion 26

    2.7.1 Direct Recursion 27

    2.7.2 Indirect Recursion 27

    2.7.3 What is Tail Recursion? 28

    2.7.4 What are Linear and Tree Recursion? 29

    2.7.5 How to Convert Recursive Functions to be Tail Recursive? 30

    2.7.6 How to Convert Tail Recursive Functions

    to Iterative Functions 31

    2.8 Brief about Recursive Algorithm 32

    2.9 Problems on Recursion 32

    2.10 What is Backtracking? 33

    2.10.1 Backtracking Algorithm 34

    2.11 References 34

    3 Brief about Linked List 36

    3.1 Introduction 36

    3.2 Array Overview 37

    3.3 Linked Lists Vs Dynamic Arrays 38

    3.4 Singly Linked Lists 41

    3.5 What is Doubly Linked List? 46

    3.6 Circular Linked Lists 53

    3.7 What is the Unrolled Linked List? 53

    3.8 What is the Skip List? 54

    3.9 References 54

    4 Everything about Stacks 56

    4.1 What is a Stack? 56

    4.2 How to Use stacks 57

    4.2.1 Stack Pop Method 59

    4.2.2 Stack Peek Method 60

    4.2.3 Boolean Empty Stack 62

    4.2.4 Stack Search Method 63

    4.3 Stacks in ADT 64

    4.4 Exceptions 64

    4.5 Implementation of Stack 67

    4.5.1 Stack Implementation Using an Array 67

    4.5.2 Implementation of Stack Using Linked List 68

    4.6 Applications of Stacks 71

    4.7 Comparison of Implementation of Stacks 71

    4.8 References 72

    5 Detailed Overview of Queues 74

    5.1 Introduction 74

    5.2 Operations on Queue 76

    5.2.1 How are Queues Used? 76

    5.2.2 Queue Abstract Data Type 77

    5.2.3 Queue as an Array 77

    5.2.4 Queue as a Linked List 79

    5.2.5 Exceptions in Queue 81

    5.3 Queue Implementation 81

    5.4 References 83

    6 Everything about Trees 85

    6.1 What is a Tree? 85

    6.2 Glossary 86

    6.3 What is a Binary Tree? 87

    6.3.1 Properties of Binary Tree 87

    6.3.2 Types of Binary Tree 88

    6.4 Binary Tree Traversals 88

    6.5 Generic Trees (N-ary Trees) 90

    6.5.1 Advantages 91

    6.5.2 Disadvantages 91

    6.6 Threaded [Stack or Queue Less] Binary Tree Traversal 91

    6.6.1 Introduction to Threaded Binary Tree 91

    6.6.2 Why Do We Need Threaded Binary Tree 92

    6.6.3 Types of Threaded Binary Tree 92

    6.6.4 Threaded Binary Tree Traversal 93

    6.7 Expression Trees 94

    6.7.1 Construction of Expression Tree 95

    6.8 XOR Tree 95

    6.9 Binary Search Trees (BSTs) 96

    6.9.1 Properties of Binary Search Tree 96

    6.9.2 Operation Which can be Performed on

    Binary Search Tree 97

    6.9.3 Advantages of Binary Search Tree 97

    6.9.4 Disadvantages of Binary Search Tree 97

    6.10 Balanced Binary Search Tree 98

    6.10.1 Conversion of a Binary Search Tree to Balanced Binary Search Tree 98

    6.10.2 What is the Difference between Binary

    Search Tree and Binary Tree? 99

    6.11 AVL (Adelson-Velskii and Landis) Trees 100

    6.11.1 Properties of AVL Tree 100

    6.11.2 Height Balanced Tree 101

    6.11.3 AVL Rotations 101

    6.12 Other Variation in Trees 103

    6.13 References 106

    7 Detailed Overview of Priority Queues and Heaps 109

    7.1 Introduction 109

    7.2 Priority Queue ADT 111

    7.2.1 Here are the Operations of the Priority

    Queue ADT 111

    7.3 Double Ended Priority Queue 112

    7.4 Applications of Priority Queues 112

    7.4.1 Some of the Other Implementation Queues 113

    7.5 Naïve and Usual Implementation of Priority Queues 113

    7.6 Heaps and Binary Heaps 114

    7.7 Binomial Tree 115

    7.8 Binary Heap 116

    7.8.1 Operations of Binary Heap 116

    7.8.2 Advantages of Binary Heap 116

    7.9 References 117

    8 Detailed Overview of Disjoint Set ADT 119

    8.1 Introduction 119

    8.2 Equivalence Relation and Equivalence Classes 120

    8.3 Disjoint Set ADT 121

    8.4 Operations on Disjoint sets 121

    8.5 Applications 122

    8.5.1 What is a Kruskal’s Algorithm? 123

    8.6 Quick Find Fast Union Implementation 126

    8.7 Quick Find Implementation in JAVA 128

    8.8 Path Compression 128

    8.9 References 129

    9 Detailed Overview of Graph Algorithms 132

    9.1 Introduction 132

    9.2 Definition 133

    9.3 Applications of Graphs 134

    9.4 Graph Representation 134

    9.4.1 Representation Using Sets 134

    9.4.2 Adjacency Matrix 135

    9.4.3 Adjacency List 135

    9.5 Graph Traversals 135

    9.5.1 Breadth First Search 136

    9.5.2 Depth First Search 140

    9.5.3 Topological Sort 140

    9.5.4 Shortest Path Algorithms 141

    9.5.5 Unweighted Shortest paths 141

    9.5.6 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 142

    9.5.7 All-to-all Shortest Problem 142

    9.6 Minimal Spanning Tree 142

    9.6.1 Brouvka’s Algorithm 144

    9.6.2 Kruskal’s Algorithm 144

    9.6.3 Jarnik Prims Algorithm 145

    9.6.4 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 145

    9.7 References 145

    10 Detailed Overview of Sorting 147

    10.1 What is Sorting? 147

    10.2 Why is Sorting Necessary? 148

    10.3 Classification 148

    10.4 Other Classifications 149

    10.5 What is a Bubble Sort? 150

    10.6 Selection Sort 152

    10.6.1 How Selection Sort Works? 154

    10.7 Insertion Sort 154

    10.7.1 Advantages of Insertion Sorting  ١٥٤

    10.8 Shell Sort 157

    10.9 Merge Sort 160

    10.10 Heap Sort 161

    10.11 Quick Sort 162

    10.12 Tree Sort 165

    10.13 Comparison of Various Sorting Algorithms 167

    10.14 Linear Sorting Algorithms 167

    10.15 Counting Sort 168

    10.16 Bucket Sort 169

    10.17 What is Radix Sort? 171

    10.18 Topological Sort 173

    10.19 External Sorting 175

    10.20 References 175

    11 Detailed Overview of Searching 178

    11.1 What is Searching? 178

    11.2 Why do We Need Searching? 178

    11.3 Types of Searching 179

    11.3.1 Binary Searching 179

    11.3.2 Linear Search 181

    11.4 Symbol Tables and Hashing 183

    11.4.1 Symbol Table 183

    11.4.2 Hashing 184

    11.4.3 Hash Function 185

    11.5 Search Algorithm 185

    11.5.1 Classifications of Search Algorithms 185

    11.6 References 187

    12 Detailed Overview of Selection Algorithms 189

    12.1 Introduction 189

    12.2 Selection by Sorting 190

    12.3 Partition Based Selection 192

    12.4 Incremental Sorting by Selection 192

    12.5 Linear Selection Algorithm – A Median of Medians 193

    12.6 References 195

    13 Detailed Overview of Symbol Tables 197

    13.1 Introduction 197

    13.2 What are Symbol Tables? 198

    13.2.1 Uses of Symbol Table 199

    13.2.2 Symbol Table Entries 199

    13.2.3 Symbol Table Stores 199

    13.2.4 Symbol Table provides the following

    Information to Compiler 200

    13.2.5 Operations on Symbol Table 200

    13.2.6 Advantages of Symbol Table 201

    13.2.7 Disadvantages of Symbol Table 201

    13.3 Symbol Table Implementation 202

    13.4 Comparison of Symbol Table Implementations 203

    13.4.1 List 203

    13.4.2 Linked List 204

    13.4.3 Hash Table 204

    13.4.4 Binary Search Tree 204

    13.5 References 205

    14 Detailed Overview of Hashing 206

    14.1 What is Hashing? 206

    14.2 Why is Hash used? 207

    14.3 Hash Table ADT 208

    14.3.1 Understanding Hashing 208

    14.3.2 Hash Function 209

    14.3.3 Load Factor 209

    14.4 Collision 210

    14.4.1 Separate Chaining 210

    14.4.2 What is Open Addressing? 211

    14.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hashes 211

    14.5.1 Advantages 211

    14.5.2 Disadvantages 212

    14.6 Uses of Hashes 212

    14.7 Hash implementation in Java 213

    14.7.1 Various Constructors used in Implementing

    Hash Tables 215

    14.7.2 Various Methods used While Implementing

    Hash Tables 215

    14.8 Hashing Techniques 216

    14.8.1 Linear Probing 217

    14.8.2 Quadratic Probing 218

    14.8.3 Double Hashing 219

    14.8.4 Bloom Filters 220

    14.9 References 222

    15 Detailed Overview of String Algorithms 224

    15.1 Introduction 224

    15.2 String Algorithms 224

    15.3 Brute Force Method 227

    15.4 Rabin-Karp String Matching Algorithm 229

    15.5 String Matching with Finite Automata 230

    15.5.1 Automate 230

    15.5.2 Finite Automata 231

    15.6 KMP Algorithm 233

    15.7 Boyce-Moore Algorithm 235

    15.8 Data Structures for Storing Strings 237

    15.8.1 Storing String as a Character Array 237

    15.8.2 Storing String as a Character Pointer 237

    15.9 Hash Tables for Strings 238

    15.10 Binary Search Trees for String 239

    15.11 Tries 240

    15.12 Ternary Search Tree 242

    15.13 Comparing BSTs, Tries, and TSTs 243

    15.13.1 Binary Search Trees 243

    15.13.2 Tries 243

    15.13.3 Ternary Search Tree 243

    15.14 Suffix Trees 244

    15.15 References 245

    16 A Brief about Algorithm Design Techniques 247

    16.1 Introduction 247

    16.2 Classification of Algorithms Based on the Representation 249

    16.3 Choosing the Right Algorithm 251

    16.4 Classification of Algorithm Based on Implementation 251

    16.4.1 Serial Implementation 251

    16.4.2 Parallel Implementation 251

    16.5 Classification of Algorithms Based on Design 252

    16.6 Classification Algorithms 253

    16.7 References 254

    17 Detailed Overview of Greedy Algorithms 258

    17.1 Introduction 258

    17.2 Greedy Strategy 259

    17.3 Elements of Greedy Algorithm 260

    17.4 Does Greedy Always Work? 261

    17.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Greedy

    Algorithm 263

    17.6 Applications of Greedy Algorithm 263

    17.6.1 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 264

    17.6.2 Huffman Coding 265

    17.7 Understanding Greedy Technique 266

    17.8 References 267

    18 Brief about Divide and Conquer Algorithm 269

    18.1 Introduction 269

    18.2 Divide and Conquer Strategy 270

    18.3 Does Divide and Conquer Always Works? 271

    18.4 Visualization of Divide and Conquer 272

    18.5 Understanding Divide and Conquer 273

    18.5.1 Deployment of the Issues 273

    18.5.2 Advantages 274

    18.5.3 Disadvantages 275

    18.6 Master Theorem 275

    18.7 Divide and Conquer Applications 277

    18.8 References 279

    19 Brief About Dynamic Programming 282

    19.1 Introduction 282

    19.2 What is Dynamic Programming Strategy? 283

    19.3 Properties of Dynamic Programming Strategy 284

    19.4 Can Dynamic Programming Solve all the Problems? 284

    19.5 Dynamic Programming Approaches 285

    19.6 Examples of Dynamic Programming Algorithms 286

    19.6.1 0-1Knapsack Problem 286

    19.6.2 Chain Matrix Multiplication 286

    19.6.3 All Pairs Shortest Path 287

    19.6.4 The Floyd Warshall Algorithm: Improved

    All Pairs Shortest Path 287

    19.7 Understanding of Dynamic Programming 287

    19.8 References 288

    20 Brief about Complexity Classes 290

    20.1 Introduction 290

    20.2 Polynomial/ Exponential Time 291

    20.3 Decision Problem 292

    20.3.1 Decidability 293

    20.3.2 Function Problems 294

    20.4 Decision Procedure 294

    20.5 What is a Complexity Class? 294

    20.6 Types of the Complexity Class 295

    20.6.1 Complexity Class P 295

    20.6.2 NP class 295

    20.7 Reduction 295

    20.7.1 Requirement of Reduction 296

    20.7.2 Types and Applications of Reduction 296

    20.8 References 297

    21 Miscellaneous Concepts 298

    21.1 Introduction 298

    21.2 References 300

    22 Appendix A: Abbreviations 302

    23 Appendix B: Figures 304

    24 Appendix C: Graphs & Tables 308

    24.1 Graphs 308

    24.2 Tables 308

    Index 310


    1 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm

    1.1 Introduction

    Simply put, Data Structures are the organized forms of data, whereas algorithms are a collection of various steps that helps in solving a particular problem. Both of them are essential and basic concepts in computer science. Consider it networking, operating systems, architecture, game, or other visual applications, etc.; you will see the use of various data structures and algorithms taking part in them. They are so rooted that some say, a program is nothing but the combination of algorithms and data structures that we execute to get results.

    Java is the right choice of implementing data structures and Algorithms, as it is still a widely used language, and portability and security of the execution environment still stand the test of time to this age.

    In this Chapter, We will start from primitive data storing objects --- variables and then build upon that to discuss data structures. In the starting sections we discuss Data Structures. And then, we discuss Algorithms, where we start Analysis to algorithms, and then we will be discussing the theorem used for the analysis of various algorithms, making it easier to understand. And also, about what to do when appropriate conditions for applying that theorem is not met, and we conclude this chapter by discussing situations when another underlying assumption goes wrong.

    1.2 Variables

    What’s a computer when you can’t operate on data? Many times while programming, you will be not only needed to work on data and produce the result right away but to save the data so that it can be accessed in the future. At that time, variables are needed. Variables are named locations in memory that one can store and access data.

    Think of variables as a Black box where you put in some data and take it whenever you require it. Before discussing further variables, let’s talk about some terminology about them.

    We use the term Identifier to reference variables in computer language, and the data stored in it is termed as its value. The memory location of the variables is termed as Address. Let’s see how they are associated with Data Type.

    1.2.1 Definition

    Variables are storage locations in memory, which are paired with an identifier and associated with a value.

    Variables are also said to have a scope, i.e., the visibility of that particular variable within the program. Based on the scope, there are broadly two types of variables, Global Variables, and local variables. Global Variables are those which are visible in the entire program, and local variables are restricted towards a specific block (if you remember a block is the space between the starting and ending curly brace).

    There are specific rules one needs to follow in naming a variable. Here are they:

    1. Do not call your variable as any of the keywords.

    2. The name of the variable cannot start with a number.

    3. Do not use spaces between words while naming the variable.

    We can see that the first rule can be easily bypassed as Java is a case sensitive language if you want your identifier to resemble a keyword, you can simply change the case of any letter in it. For example, short is a keyword in Java, if you name your variable short. The compiler gives an error. But if you name it Short, it’s perfectly fine!

    The workaround of the 3rd rule is by including underscores between your words. In case you want to name a variable starting node, you can name it, starting_node.

    While the above rules are necessary for syntactical accuracy for a variable, some practices are recommended to be followed for functional programs. Like

    1. Always choose a name for the variable which can showcase the purpose of it.

    2. Provide necessary comments besides the variable so that other people who read your program can understand it.

    3. Initialize the variable to a certain value.

    Even though it is perfectly fine to violate these rules, like naming your variable a instead of sum or just leaving without initializing. They may result in confusion or abnormal behavior of programs.

    Take an example, assume that you are calculating the sum of all elements stored in an array and want to store its sum in a variable called x, and you haven’t initialized the variable. If you write the correct logical code for the program and try to execute it, you will get different results than the expected ones. This happens as you hadn’t initialized the variable and thus automatically a garbage value (which is likely the value present at the location before allocation) gets assigned, and all your elements are added to that garbage value instead of zero! (Note that this situation can also be evaded by having a different type of variable)

    For using variables in your program, you will need to do something called a declaration. The declaration is the process of giving necessary information for a variable to be created. As of the information provided above, you may expect that the necessary and

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