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I Want To Be Remembered As An Outstanding
I Want To Be Remembered As An Outstanding
I Want To Be Remembered As An Outstanding
Ebook170 pages2 hours

I Want To Be Remembered As An Outstanding

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In the third stage of physician selling, which we call prescribing, you convincingly present your products or services as a perfectly suitable solution to a problem or problem. needs that you and the customer have identified together.

During this prescribing phase, you introduce your product or service, answer questions or concerns the cus

Release dateMay 1, 2024
I Want To Be Remembered As An Outstanding

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    I Want To Be Remembered As An Outstanding - William Blanke

    I Want To Be Remembered As An Outstanding

    I Want To Be Remembered As An Outstanding

    Copyright © 2024 by William Blanke

    All rights reserved








    Dreams are the power to change the world. I would bet that everyone who is making world history today had big dreams when they were young. The United States, with a history of just over 200 years, is shaping the history of the world today. And as we all know, it is the great dreams of pioneers with resilient spirits that give power to such development.

    But nowadays, I often hear that young people no longer have dreams about the future. Or the dreams they have are tied to the present. If that is true, then there is nothing more sad, not only for each individual but even for the entire nation.

    Dreams often make people. They control the person's personality, work and even destiny. Dreams are like the rudder of a ship under sail. The rudder may be small and we don't see it, but it controls the ship's course. Therefore, a life without dreams is like a ship without a rudder, it will lose direction and drift until it gets stuck in seaweed.

    A false dream is just as dangerous as no dream at all. A person whose dreams do not extend beyond personal satisfaction in the present is as despicable as a person who has no dreams at all: That person does not recognize the greatest value of youth. If you have a dream, and I hope you do, nurture it to the fullest, because your dream is the rudder that will determine the direction and course of your life's ship.

    I once had a dream when the 5 of us built Daewoo Industrial Company. That dream is to contribute to social development through business activities. We started with just $10,000 in a small, shabby room rented in the corner of a building, but I had a dream that was even bigger than the universe.

    That dream began to come true as the company grew, and in just 10 years, I had the largest building in Korea, which is today's Daewoo Center. However, at that time, I also had reservations about building the Daewoo Center. I think it might be better to invest in manufacturing facilities that contribute more to immediate economic development. I'm also afraid that the company will be criticized for real estate speculation.

    However, I changed my mind, and started a new dream, the dream of expanding the company to the point where Daewoo people could fill the giant building. At that time, such a feat was truly unimaginable; But I realized that dream within 5 years. Now, Daewoo's staff is more than 100,000 people, enough to fill three such buildings.

    Now I have another dream, which is to create the best quality products in the world throughout my life. I have set many world records, the world's largest single berth at Daewoo Okpo Shipyard; the world's largest garment factory in Busan; largest apparel sales volume in the world. But there is still something we have not achieved, which is creating the best quality products in the world.

    I'm still saving this dream. That product can be anything, as long as it is known as the best product in the world of its kind – like Parker pens or Nikon cameras, and as long as people say it is made by Kim Woo- Choong made it. That's my dream. But it seems like it's a dream that won't be easily achieved in the near future. Perhaps it will only happen after I have handed over Daewoo to an outstanding successor.

    I still have one more dream, my biggest dream, which is to be remembered as a respectable businessman. I don't want to be known for being rich or making a lot of money.

    In Korean tradition, businessmen are not respected; instead, they are despicable people or should be avoided. There are probably many reasons for this, and perhaps the biggest reason is the deep-rooted Confucian tradition of social hierarchy: intellectuals, farmers, workers, merchants, in that order, merchants at bottom. Another reason can be seen in more recent trends in which, for some entrepreneurs, the end – accumulating wealth – justifies the means. But I don't see why a businessman can't have the same respect as a professor or an artist.

    I want to be remembered as an outstanding professional in my field, and my ultimate dream is to help create a society in which entrepreneurs are respected. And I continue to strive to make that dream come true.

    Youth without dreams is not youth. Dreams are very important and necessary for youth. Youth is dreams. And history belongs to those who dare to dream.

    [2].Philosophy of life

    TIn the world, there is nothing more dangerous than dividing things into opposing sides, but if we speak relatively, I am an optimist. Throughout my life, no matter what happens, I will never give up my optimism.

    Once, during my many travels around the world, I was on a plane that was forced to make an emergency landing, and another time a fire broke out in the cockpit just as it was taking off. Not once did death cross my mind, and I guess that shows my level of optimism. When I consider the fact that I always view decisive situations as nothing more than a fleeting moment of danger, I come to the conclusion that I am a born optimist.

    I think that in a certain sense, business is a form of fierce struggle. The bigger your business, the more you have to fight and pay more. And if a businessman falls into despair and pessimism, his development is over.

    One thing that distinguishes me from most other entrepreneurs is that I have significant experience taking over troubled companies and turning them around. These companies are completely abandoned by their owners, banks and even the government. And denial is an act of pessimism. On the contrary, time and time again, I have turned catastrophic failures into profitable businesses very quickly. This caught the attention of the international press, and when I was asked about it, I always had the same answer: When others began to see it as impossible, I saw it as completely possible.

    At Daewoo, whenever I start a new business or start talking about doing business with a new country, a lot of people get nervous. When I conducted the refrigerator factory project in the People's Republic of China, there were more opponents than supporters. During the hotel project in Hungary and when I left for Moscow to open the Russian market for Daewoo, things were the same. And the opposition outside the company was even greater. Banks and governments appear extremely concerned.

    But I do not think so. I solidify the prospects, and then quickly get to work on whatever can make these prospects a reality – the business, the people, the technology, the money, the machines, and the requirements. other.

    People who still have the thought Maybe we won't win or What will we do if we fail? not capable of being a businessman. If there is only a 1% chance of success, a true entrepreneur still sees that 1% as the spark to light the fire. The business world is not where you combine one with one to get two, but where you have to see one turn into ten and ten turn into fifty. That's how you have to look at it.

    A decade ago, we built a tire factory in Sudan. This is the first factory ever built by a Korean company on an international scale, and many people have reservations because Daewoo has never even known the tire business. But I started by seeing the possibilities.

    What are the prospects? Although Sudan has a tire market, it does not have a factory, and it loses foreign exchange by having to import expensive foreign tires. Therefore, I predict they will welcome such a project. Additionally, 80% of Sudan is desert, and cities are far apart, increasing the need for vehicle travel. And I received information from a reliable American source that a large oil field had been discovered in the south of the country.

    Such an oil field will promote strong economic development, and demand for cars will increase correspondingly with economic development. For every additional car, at least 5 tires will be needed. And tires in hot deserts will wear out faster than tires used in more temperate climates.

    I see the market that way. And it turned out everything was exactly as I planned. The tire factory is making more and more money. The factory has had to expand many times, but the demand for our tires is so great that customers now have to pay in advance.

    * * *

    So, you can see the benefits of optimism. From the very beginning, you should be optimistic about whatever you do. But there is one thing that is very important to turn prospects into reality: dedication.

    Likewise, you must have a philosophy of life. People often think of something lofty and difficult when they hear the word philosophy, but a philosophy of life is not difficult at all. Whatever you do, give it your full attention, and if you can do it wholeheartedly for the benefit of society, that's enough.

    For example, you must have a clear view of values. You must set clear standards for making and spending money. And you must always think of yourself as someone who loves your country. If you follow these instructions correctly, then you will have a meaningful life.

    * * *

    I'm an optimist, but I have to admit that I have some doubts about the current state of Korean education. Although Korean education is certainly capable of imparting academic knowledge, I feel it falls short in perfecting the process of character development.

    I am not an educator. I am a business executive who hires people with degrees to work for the company. In business terms, I am the one who uses people born by school and family. And as a user, I have many concerns.

    The first thing that makes me wonder is that nowadays there is a tendency to only think about immediate benefits. And perhaps because of this, people feel satisfied with very small achievements. People seek immediate comfort and satisfaction instead of fighting to overcome difficulties and succeed in the long term. As a result, people choose jobs based on short-term favorable conditions, not based on life philosophy. Currently, more than 80% of potential new recruits at Daewoo only want a job at Daewoo Securities, regardless of their expertise.

    Securities companies pay slightly higher bonuses than other companies. Shares and stocks have increased so rapidly in Korea over the past few years, and competition for employees has increased along with the need for larger staffs, so these companies are now offering bigger reward. But this is only temporary. A few years ago, with the construction fever in the Middle East, everyone wanted to jump into the construction industry; Before that, a similar situation also happened in the machinery industry. But as we have seen, economics is constantly changing. There is a downturn in some once-golden industries, and today's big winners may no longer be attractive in the future. Recently, the construction industry abroad has recovered somewhat, but many people who jumped into the craze before have fallen into despair.

    So you see, immediate benefits are not really a satisfactory reason to look for a job. That's like betting your entire future on today. A wise person first decides what he or she really wants to do with his or her life, and then chooses a job based on that decision.

    Another thing that worries me is that too many people have a self-centered attitude. If everyone is selfish then there will always be trouble. Grabbing to satisfy your own greed means the end of peace: At the individual level, it creates social disorder, and at the national level, it creates war. It's a history lesson.

    Whenever I get a chance, I mention this. A few years ago, a group of educators invited me to speak to them a second time, and I still said exactly what I said the first time. And once again, today, I repeat to the teachers of Korea:

    "In the not too distant past, we worked from 6 a.m.

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