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Tactical Revenge
Tactical Revenge
Tactical Revenge


Ebook354 pages5 hours

Tactical Revenge

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

His past sins may destroy her future…

Ex-military sniper, Nick White, drives a big-rig to shove time served in Afghanistan into the rearview mirror. He wants nothing to do with therapist’s good intentions, people’s well-wishes, or the national chain of truck stops his wealthy family owns. Every solitary mile he travels helps grapple with a guilt that runs deep.

Brenna Carpenter pays the bills working tables at a Pennsylvania truck stop while finishing her business degree. Her plans don’t include desertion at a trailer park like her mother. A truck driver, no matter how sexy, complicates that ambition, but it’s the stalker that robs her focus. Mysterious notes and gifts are growing more possessive by the day.

When Nick’s violent past threatens Brenna, driving away isn’t an option. If he can’t track down the man who wants revenge, their budding relationship may come to the end of the road...

Release dateDec 5, 2023

Kari Lemor

Kari Lemor has always been a voracious reader. One of those kids who had the book under the covers or under the desk at school. Even now she has been known to stay up until the wee hours finishing a good book. Romance has always been her favorite, stories of people fighting through conflict to reach their happily ever after. Writing wasn't something she enjoyed when young and only in the last few years began putting the stories that ran rampant in her head, down on paper. Now that her kids are all grown and have moved out, she uses her spare time to create character driven stories of love and hope. She spends her time with her husband divided between a small town in New England and beautiful St. Augustine.

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    Book preview

    Tactical Revenge - Kari Lemor


    You are more beautiful than a field of wildflowers.

    Brenna Carpenter read the note resting under a handful of daisies. While the sentiment was complimentary, it totally creeped her out that she hadn’t been able to identify who was leaving them for her. They were never at a table that had been recently occupied, yet it was always in her section at a time when the diner was busy enough for no one to notice.

    Crumpling the note, she shoved it in her apron pocket with her tips and threw the wilting flowers in the trash.

    Bren, her friend, Jenny, called out, tilting her head toward the parking lot. Dark and sexy just pulled in.

    Yeah, the red eighteen-wheeler with the signature rifle scope on the side, sat at the edge of the parking lot, its owner swaggering toward the truck stop diner. Too bad the flowers weren’t from him. She’d save them all and toss them on her bed, hoping he’d take her there and ravish her. Nick White made her panties drip without even trying.

    Hey, Bullseye, she threw out casually, though her heart beat like a metronome on speed. Don’t let the customers know you have the hots for them. Number One rule. Not for the diner. For her. She might dream of dancing naked with him in the sheets, but nothing more would ever come of it. A college-educated man with a real future was what she was aiming for, not some highway Romeo. Her own college degree was close enough to smell.

    Or maybe that was mister quiet-but-sinful. His scent was far better than most of the diesel heads that came through this truck stop at the edge of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

    Hey, Red. Cup of coffee, please. Like always, he pulled off his well-molded baseball cap and shoved part of it in his back pocket.

    She already had the coffee poured by the time he settled in his favorite booth. Brenna wasn’t sure what to make of the fact he always sat in her section. Probably just liked being near the front windows.

    What are you in the mood for? She placed the mug in front of him, attempting not to appear like she was checking out his fine form. We’ve got fresh made meatloaf tonight, and I’ll even make sure they throw some extra gravy on your mashed potatoes.

    You spoil me, Red. I could be talked into meatloaf. His gravelly voice sent shivers down her spine. Good shivers. No man should have a voice that sexy.

    Resting her hip against the table, she crossed her arms over her chest to accentuate the cleavage on her double Ds. Not that they needed much help. Sadly, Nick always took a quick peek, then looked away, like he was a freakin’ gentleman or something. If I’ve got to talk you into food, you don’t want it bad enough. I’ll bring you a salad.

    As she pivoted away, his hand shot out and gently took her wrist. His eyes bore into her. Oh, I want it. There’s no doubt of that. Extra gravy and everything.

    His fingers were long and strong, but he’d never touched her in any disrespectful way. It was the only reason she flirted with him so much. The man was a walking double entendre, but he had never made a single move on her. At times like this, she almost wished he would. It had been a while since she’d gotten down and dirty with a guy, and she could use a refresher course. But she was picky about who she let in her bed. She didn’t want to make a mistake like her sisters and mom had. She was going somewhere with her life, and it wasn’t the trailer park down the road.

    Brenna picked up the menu and leaned across the table to tuck it back between the napkin holder and ketchup bottle. Okay, maybe she took a little longer to get it where it needed to be. A girl had to get her thrills somewhere. Even if they were only in her mind.

    Be back with the meatloaf in a few. She sashayed away, her hips swinging more than usual. It was for a good tip. Nothing more.

    She bustled around the room, cleaning tables and taking more orders, all the while aware of Nick’s gaze on her. He had a tendency to watch her as she worked, but he’d never given her any other indication he was interested, unlike many of the drivers who bounced in and out of here, treating her like she was a lot lizard, happy to jump in their cab for a ten-minute ride.

    The Kensington family who owned this truck stop, and a few dozen others in the state, frowned upon that type of activity in their parking lot. If a driver rented one of the motel rooms to do the same deed? Oh, well. At least it was in private.

    She’d never known Nick to take any of the ladies into his truck or a room. He drove in, had his meal, maybe hung out for a few cups of coffee, then took off again. Most likely, he had a place nearby and some women who helped him out when he had the urge. A guy as hot as him wouldn’t lack for female companionship if he wanted it.

    Tall, dark, and handsome didn’t even begin to describe Nick. He had to be about six-foot three or four with dark, wavy hair she wanted to run her hands through. His skin was golden tanned, even through the winter months, and his well-shaped lips were ones she often dreamed of kissing.

    The bell rang, and the cook shouted her name. She made him throw even more gravy on the potatoes and tossed an extra roll on the side of the plate before strolling back to the table by the window.

    Here you go, Bullseye. Enjoy.

    Thanks, Red. Another coffee when you get a second, if you don’t mind.

    She threw her signature smirk at him. You think I’m a waitress or something? Fine. I’ll swing by in a minute with another cup of joe for you. Can’t have you falling asleep at the wheel.

    He dug into his meal before she took two steps away. The man did appreciate a good plate of food. And he tipped like crazy. She wasn’t sure if it was the extra gravy and roll, the heavy dose of sarcasm, or the sneak peeks she always gave him. It sure wasn’t her gracious table-side manner. That was reserved for the families and older couples who came in.

    As she slid dirty dishes into the plastic pan near the sink, Jenny sidled by. Why can’t he ever sit in my section? That man is so damned lickable. God, what I wouldn’t give to strip him down and sample some of his goodies.

    Brenna laughed. What would your husband say to that? The forty-something woman talked a good game but was devoted at home.

    Jenny rolled her eyes. If it left Gino alone to watch sports, I think he’d be fine with it. Less work he has to do.

    Hot stuff wants more coffee. Go, make your move. Be a hero.

    Nah, he’s yours. No poaching. Besides, he never looks at me the same way he does you. Like he’s undressing you with his eyes.

    So cliche. You need to do better than that.

    Jenny peeked over her shoulder at Nick sopping up gravy with the second roll she’d given him. You need to do better, Bren. He’s been coming in here for a few years, and neither one of you has ever made a move on the other.

    Brenna grabbed the coffee pot. Because he’s a nice guy, and I don’t want a diesel head.

    You don’t need him for the long haul. A short trip around the block would be fun. I need to live vicariously through someone. Come on, make my day.

    Brenna shook her head as she approached his table and poured the steaming liquid into his empty cup. Here you go. Do you want another roll for the rest of that gravy? You look like you’re ready to lick it off the plate.

    She poked her tongue out of her mouth and swiped it across her lips. Desire flared in his eyes, but his hand clenched and he forced a smile. The control in him was a sight to see.

    The gravy sure is delicious. Almost worth licking it all up. He never looked away from her when he said this. Those damn shivers again.

    You need anything else or you ready for this? She reached inside her apron pocket and dug out her pad. After quickly tabulating it and adding tax, she ripped it off and slapped it on the table.

    Don’t go anywhere. I’ve got you right here. He pulled a fifty out of his pocket and placed it on the receipt.

    Let me get you some change. I should have enough in here. As she pulled out a pile of bills, a scrap of paper fell on the floor.

    Nick bent over and picked it up, the scrawled words apparent. She’d forgotten she’d stuffed that stupid note in there.

    As he held it toward her, his eyes narrowed. A field of wildflowers, huh? You’ve got an admirer.

    Hardly. The note creeped her out, but she needed to shake it off.

    Sliding out of the booth, Nick picked up the fifty and slid it in her hands, then held them together in his. Keep it. I’ve got to do something to move me up in the rankings. Not sure I like that I’ve got competition.

    He patted her hand, took a last sip of his coffee, then walked out, his worn jeans molding to his incredible form.

    Competition? Yeah, he was only kidding, but somewhere deep inside, she wished he wasn’t.

    Nicholas Kensington-White shut his rig down and stared at the truck stop, his gaze roaming the large parking lot. The gas station pumps for cars took up the far left with the pumps for RVs and big rigs farther behind. The restaurant sat squarely in the middle of the plaza, sandwiched between the gas station and the motel.

    This stop was mid-sized in the whole Kensington consortium of truck stops. Some of the others had larger and nicer motels with fancier restaurants. He liked coming to this one best. Yes, it was only thirty minutes from his cabin, but that wasn’t the reason he enjoyed it most.

    A flash of red hair caught his attention through the diner window. Brenna was working today. He practically knew her schedule by heart, but occasionally she switched with another waitress when she had a test to study for. It was about time for midterms, so he’d wondered if she’d be here. Wondered about the note he’d gotten a peek at yesterday, as well. More reason for him to stop by, even though he didn’t have to pick up his haul for another five hours.

    Did Brenna know the author of the note? She’d seemed uncomfortable when he’d mentioned an admirer but had shrugged it off like it was nothing. Of course, working at a place like this, at the crossroads of two major highways, she’d had to develop a thick skin to deal with the amount of rabble that flowed through the diner. It probably wasn’t her first note of admiration. Still, he wanted to keep an eye on her.

    When he entered, he scanned the room as he always did. Alert for any danger, any suspicious characters, anything that was out of the ordinary and didn’t belong. Too many years in the military checking for insurgents and trouble had left him hyper aware and cautious.

    His favorite table was occupied by a beautiful, shapely redhead and a stack of books. Wandering over, he rested his hip against the opposite bench and crossed his arms over his chest.

    Pretty sure I had reservations for this table. Guess I’ll have to get the manager to straighten things out.

    Brenna’s head popped up, and her eyes widened. Oh, I’m sorry. You’re early today or I wouldn’t have sat here.

    Are you working or studying? She wore her typical white blouse and black denim skirt with the black apron tied around her waist.

    Both. I’ve got midterms this week. Since it’s the slow time of the day, Claire said I could study in between customers.

    She started to rise, but Nick placed his hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back down. Don’t get up on my account.

    You don’t want dinner?

    It’s only two in the afternoon, and I already had lunch.

    Her eyebrows scrunched together. Then, what are you doing here?

    Had a hankering for some pie. I seem to recall there was something with blueberries in it on the dessert menu yesterday.

    Blueberry buckle. There’re a few pieces left. I’ll go grab one for you.

    Keep studying. I’ll get it. Walking over to the counter, he waved at Claire O’Hara. She was in charge of the waitstaff and was the mother-in-law of his Army buddy, Chris. She was also one of the sweetest ladies he’d ever met.

    Hey, Nick. Can I get you something? Claire smiled his way.

    You got two plates of that blueberry buckle and a cup of coffee?

    Two plates? Your sweet tooth acting up?

    I’m gonna try and entice Brenna to share some with me. She needs energy to study for her exams.

    Claire shook her head. That girl works so hard. Puts in extra shifts to pay for her classes and works nights on the days she has class. Wish I could do something so she had a little more time for her studies without giving up her paycheck.

    Yeah, he’d like that, too. It was one reason he gave her ridiculous tips. He certainly didn’t need the money. Not that anyone knew that around here. Well, maybe Claire did. Chris knew his family owned the chain of rest stops, not to mention the entire Kensington truck corporation. If you sell eighteen-wheelers, you might as well set up places for those drivers to stop and eat as well. That’s what his grandfather had thought, anyway, fifty years ago when he’d married his grandmother and started the business.

    I guess for now I can make sure she eats something.

    Claire put two plates of the blueberry dessert on the counter. You’re a good man, Nick. I’ll bring your coffee over in a minute.

    After nodding, he carried the plates over to the table and set them beside Brenna’s notebook.

    What’s this? You decide to hog all the dessert today? Brenna stared at the blueberry buckle the way he wanted her to stare at him.

    Sliding into the booth across from her, he pushed one plate toward her. Nope, decided to share. Eat up. You need energy to cram all this information into your brain.

    A huge sigh escaped her perfect pink lips. How often had he fantasized about those lips touching his own? Too often, so he shoved those thoughts away and picked up one of her textbooks.

    Tax Codes. Riveting.

    She rolled her eyes and shrugged. Yeah, there’re a few things that’ll be on the midterm that I don’t get. Maybe I’m not cut out for this type of job.

    Reaching over, he took her hand and gave it a light squeeze. I’ve seen you do sums in your head in seconds. You’ve got an amazing mind for figures. Better than lots of accountants out there. What exactly don’t you understand?

    She flipped open the book and showed him a chapter. He grinned at the subject.

    I can help if you want. Explain it a bit better than I’m sure your professor did. Most of those instructors haven’t been in the field in too long and forget how to break it down for the novice.

    Brenna tipped her head. How do you know about this? She pointed to her book.

    Another secret bites the dust. Not that it was a big secret. I have a business degree. Got it before I got shipped overseas. Took plenty of accounting classes. Only use it now to deal with my trucking business, but it saves me paying someone to do the job.

    He left out the part where he’d gone to Harvard and that his wealthy father had paid for it. Had all but forced him to go. He’d need it to take over the family business someday. Yeah, that wasn’t happening. At eighteen, he hadn’t had enough backbone to fight him on it. Now, he fought tooth and nail. Every time he got pulled into a Sunday family dinner.

    Her head swiveled around as she took in the almost empty diner. You’ve got time to sit and go over some of this with me?

    He shrugged. Let her think his being here early was a casual thing. I don’t need to head out for a few hours. I was bored, so I figured I’d kill some time causing trouble with my favorite waitress.

    That’d better be me, Claire said as she deposited his coffee in front of him.

    Nick held his hand to his heart. If you’d finally leave your husband, I’d take you away from all this.

    Claire laughed and shook her head. Eat your dessert, you silly man.

    He picked up the napkin bundle, unwrapped it, and removed his fork. After his first bite, he moaned loud enough to make Brenna laugh. This is delectable. Have you had some?

    You can have my piece if you help me get through this midterm exam.

    I’ll help you, and you don’t even need to give up your dessert. Slide over.

    Her eyes widened when he slid in beside her and unwrapped her fork, too. What are you doing?

    It’ll be easier to show you if we can both see the book at the same time. Now, take a few bites before you pass out. He lifted her fork, scooped some buckle from the plate, and aimed it toward her mouth. When her lips closed around the food, he swallowed hard. The moaning came from her this time, and it got his motor revving to dangerous speeds. Maybe this studying thing wasn’t such a good idea.

    God, I needed that. Brenna closed her eyes, her face wreathed in ecstasy. What the hell would she look like when she orgasmed? Part of him was dying to find out.

    Have a few more bites, then we’ll get started. He needed time to recover from their proximity and the incredible expression on her face.

    He grabbed the fork and shoveled in the rest of his dessert while Brenna savored hers. Flipping through her textbook, he brushed up on what she needed help with.

    Are you ready for this?

    She nodded. If you can help me understand enough to pass my tests, I’ll cover your meals for the next month.

    You don’t need to cover anything. Let’s do this.

    For the next few hours, he walked her through the steps she needed to understand the tax codes and gave her tips for remembering certain ones. A few customers came in and left, but Claire took care of them and shook her head whenever Brenna attempted to get up and work.

    Nick took the opportunity to observe this beautiful woman as she displayed her intelligence. He’d always loved her snappy comebacks and flirting nature, but he’d known she wasn’t meant to be a waitress her whole life. Seeing her grasp the complex concepts she was studying proved that. Her ability to recall what he’d just reviewed with her was astonishing.

    Around four, the crowd got heavier, and she closed her books. You’ve been great, but I really have to get working. It’s gonna be a madhouse in here soon.

    I’m glad I could help. If you need any more, let me know, and we can arrange something for when you aren’t at work. Hopefully, that didn’t have as much of an I-want-to-see-you-naked vibe as he thought.

    That’s so sweet. Thank you. Brenna leaned in and pressed her lips to his cheek.

    Yeah, sweet wasn’t what he thought of when he took in her rounded curves and tiny waist. Or the long red hair bouncing from her ponytail. Though, after today, he had to appreciate her smarts as well. Too bad he couldn’t act on it. Fantasies would have to suffice for now.

    I needed to make sure I was still your favorite. The guy with the flowers and fancy talk hasn’t got me beat, has he?

    Her body stiffened, and she frowned. Okay, so she didn’t appreciate the admirer’s note.

    It’s just some joker who likes to play pranks. She piled her books inside a backpack and waved for him to leave the booth.

    He scooted out and stood waiting. Not someone you know? I figured it was a boyfriend.

    Brenna rolled her eyes. I’ve got too much to do between work and school right now to even think about dating. Or worry about some clown leaving me flowers and notes.

    He’s done this before? Have you told anyone about it? He didn’t like the fact Brenna was being targeted. It could be innocent enough, but it also could be the beginning of something worse.

    Shrugging, she shook her head. I’ve gotten a few notes with flowers left on my table. I don’t even know they’re for me. My name’s never on them. They could be for any of the waitresses. Like I said, just a clown having some fun.

    If you say so. Let me know if it gets to be more than that, okay? Promise me.

    I promise, but it’ll be fine. You’ll see. Thanks again for the tutoring.

    Allowing himself the luxury of touching her shoulders, he grinned at her. You’ll do great. Make sure to let me know how you did after the test.

    Will do. She slung her bag over her shoulder and trotted into the kitchen, then came out without it a second later.

    As she greeted a family a few tables over, he sat back down in his regular booth and picked up the menu. He didn’t need to look at it. He’d been coming to this place three or four times a week for almost two years now. The menu was ingrained in his memory. What he liked was how Brenna leaned over to replace it.

    God, he needed to get his mind out of the gutter. It had been too long since he’d had any action. But after what had happened on his last tour, the episode he couldn’t get out of his mind, the last thing he could bring himself to do was put real moves on any woman.


    Brenna glanced out the window and did a double take. A few dozen flowers covered her car. What the heck? When had this happened and how did this jerk know which vehicle was hers?

    She’d come straight from class today for her three o’clock shift and hadn’t bothered to park over near the motel. Whoever this guy was, he must have been here when she’d pulled up, and now he knew what she drove. Not that her twelve-year-old Ford was in any danger of being stolen, but she didn’t like the idea of someone having that kind of information about her.

    Hopefully, he didn’t know that she lived in the motel. That would be creepy. More creepy than leaving her notes and flowers on her car.

    Shaking it off, she concentrated on delivering the meals for table twenty-one while searching the diner for anyone who might be looking at her. She’d been here for almost two hours now. When had this weirdo put the flowers on her car?

    The bell above the door rang, and she whipped her head around to see who it was. Her secret admirer?

    No, it was Nick. Could he be… No, he seemed surprised when he’d seen the note a few days ago. Or was that all an act? But he’d never been here when she’d gotten the notes and flowers. She would have noticed. She was aware of his presence at all times, no doubt.

    Hey, Red. You okay? His brows knit together, and he glanced around like she’d been doing.

    Fine. You heading out tonight for a run?

    Nick shook his head. Nope. Had an early load today and just getting back. So, no coffee tonight or I won’t be able to sleep.

    Have a seat, and I’ll be over in a minute.

    His eyes stayed narrowed, but he dropped into his regular booth and picked up the menu. She delivered another order, then went back to check on Nick.

    What can I get you, Bullseye?

    Think I’m in need of a big ol’ burger tonight. Load it up with cheese, bacon, and the works.

    Onion rings, too?

    You know me too well, Red. It’s why I love coming in here. I get spoiled.

    Well, you’re going to get spoiled even more. Grades came out for my midterm, and I aced that tax test. All because of you.

    Nick grinned. I didn’t do anything other than guide you through what you already knew. You did the rest.

    I thank you for your guidance, then. I’ll be back in a few with the food.

    On her way around the diner, she kept glancing out at her car. Was she hoping to get a glimpse of the weirdo who kept leaving her notes and flowers? Was he still around waiting for her reaction, or had he decorated her vehicle and skedaddled?

    When she brought Nick’s food over, she couldn’t help but take another look.

    Are you expecting someone, Red? You’ve been searching the parking lot since I got here.

    No. Guess I’m a little distracted. Sorry. She smiled down at him. Can I get you anything else?

    Answers. He reached up and stroked her arm. What’s got you shook up?

    His earnest expression persuaded her to confide in him. She’d known Nick for almost two years. Granted, only from the diner. But what she’d observed of his behavior, manners, and how he treated the staff here, he was a good guy.

    See that beige Ford near the corner of the building?

    Yeah, it’s got…What are those? Flowers? Is your secret admirer hitting on someone else?

    She wished. No, that’s my car. I don’t usually park out front, but today I was running late and didn’t have time to park near the motel. She wouldn’t mention that she lived there. The fewer people who knew the better.

    His hand still held her arm, his thumb rubbing across her skin. You want me to check it out? See if there’s anything more than flowers?

    Shaking her head, she shrugged. St. Patrick’s Day is tomorrow. It’s probably some idiot already dipping into the green beer. I can clean it off later. No need to worry.

    If you say so.

    Despite his assurances, Nick’s gaze stayed on her car as she headed back to the kitchen. Keeping herself busy with customers and refilling napkin and ketchup bottles, she attempted to forget about her car. But after Nick finished his meal, he got up and walked outside.

    What the heck? He’d never done a dine-and-ditch before. Wait. He only went as far as her car. After sweeping the blooms off, he fiddled with her windshield wiper, then perused the parking lot. By the time he came back in, her stomach was in knots.

    You didn’t have to do that. I’m sure it’s nothing.


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