Mohammad The Apostle Of Mercy
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Mohammad The Apostle Of Mercy - Qazi Fazl Ullah
Praise be to Allah the lord of all worlds and peace, and blessings of Allah may be upon his last prophet, whom he sent as a great mercy for all worlds. Also, peace be upon his followers until the day of judgment, and his family as well. Peace and blessing on all the prophets and messengers (i.e., Moses, Jesus, Noah…) sent by the Lord of all the worlds.
Allah (SWT) the sole creator of the universe has honored mankind with his special bounty. He created the angels and put in their nature the element of AQL
(intellect). So, they obey the commandment and perform their duties in full. They do not even know disobedience.
They do not disobey what Allah has ordered them and do what they have been ordered.
He created the animals and put in their nature desires and lusts, so they fulfill their desires. And He created mankind as a special creature and put in their nature, both intellect and lust to test them so that they may be honored more and more if they kept balance in their actions and deeds. It means he has created them balanced creatures as he has said in the Holy Quran,
And (I swear) by
Nafs (human nature) and its perfection in proportion, that he has inspired it, its evils and its piety.
And as we know that mostly human desires and lusts overtake his intellect, which is a failure in the sight of Allah, but purification of his nature by keeping up with balance is success.
As Allah said,
Indeed, succeeded one who purified (sanctified) it and lost one who corrupted it.
(91: 9-10)
His physical structure is unique as He said,
Then we originated him (mankind) as another (unique) creation. So blessed (who blesses also) is Allah the best creator.
Also, Allah said,
Indeed, we have created mankind in the best stature (Mold).
Allah has given them this talent which is actually the result of the combination of these two elements, the intellect, and the desire. They use their intellect to use the things in the universe to the best of their talent to fulfill their desires, while angels do not need it as they do not have desires, and animals are incapable because they don’t have intellect.
Allah (SWT) has made the world and the things therein, subject and subservient to mankind. Mankind is searching, researching constantly, and continuously to approach all these things and to use it for his good and needs.
Allah Said,
See you not that Allah has subjected to you what is there in the heavens and what is there in the earth, and he has completed (with perfection) his favors on you, the open one and the hidden one.
Allah said,
He has subjected to you the ships that they (ships) may sail through the sea by his command, and he has made rivers (also) to be subject to you. And he has made the sun and the moon, both constantly pursuing their courses, to be subject to you and he made the night and the day to be of service to you. And he gave you all that you asked for (need it) and if you count the blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them.
Allah (SWT) not only gave them the right to utilize all these, but he ordered them to do that.
He said,
He (Allah) is one who made the earth subservient to you so go into its shoulders and eat of his provision and to him is the resurrection.
He also said,
O group of Jinn and mankind! If you can get into the diameters of the heavens and the earth, then get into (it) you can’t do it, but with power.
This exploitation and utilization is a great honor given to them. Allah said,
Indeed, we have honored the children of Adam and given them charge in land and sea and provided them the pure lawful things and we have preferred them above many of those we have created with a marked (great) preferment.
As we said, mankind has mostly disregarded and forgotten the other aspect of his life which is intellectual and spiritual, because of the things here in this world and its use for his worldly life. Even though, this is a need and not an object. The actual object of human life is to establish a connection with Allah, his creator who has honored him to utilize all his creatures, but to grow closer to him and to have a prosperous life in the hereafter, so, he has to seek means of going close to him, as He said,
O you who believe! Fear Allah (fulfill your obligations) and seek means (sources to go close to him) and strive hard in his path (cause). So, you may become successful.
But they are doing otherwise so they are losers.
Say (O Mohammad) shall we tell you the biggest losers in respect of deeds? Those whose efforts are wasted (lost) in the life of this world and they think that they are doing something good.
To get them out of this big loss to put them in a balanced life, to take them closer to Allah, so they may get into success in the hereafter, Allah has sent to them messengers to guide them in this regard so they may not have any excuse.
Allah said,
(Allah sent these) Messengers as givers of glad tidings and warnings, so there may not be (any) excuse after these messengers.
So, sending messengers was a great mercy of Allah (SWT).
Allah (SWT) sent all these messengers with one and the same message and Deen
(religion) proceeding towards further perfection through different ages and messengers.
The message is, as Allah said,
And we haven’t sent before you any messenger, but we had been revealing to him that there is no God but only me (Allah), so worship me (alone).
They were given the same Deen
Islam, as He said,
He (Allah) has ordained for you the same religion (Islam) which he ordained for Noah (Nuh) and that which we have revealed to you (o Mohammad!) and that which we have ordained to Ibrahim, Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) so you may establish that religion and make no division there in it.
Allah completed this Deen
in the time of Mohammad (SAS).
This day I have completed for you your
Deen (religion) and perfected on you my favor and chose for you
Islam as
Deen (system of life).
All messengers had this Deen
as their mission but in a specific area, for a specific people of their respective times. That’s why they address using the word Ya Quami
O my people, but prophet Mohammad (SAS) was not a messenger of a specific people, specific time and specific area. That’s why his address starts with the words Ya Ayyuhannas
O mankind. He is the messenger for all mankind, as Allah said,
Say (O Mohammad!) O Mankind! Verily I am the messenger of Allah to you all.
He is the messenger for all coming generations. Allah said,
"He (Allah) is the one who sent in illiterate people (Makkans and people of peninsula) (a great) messengers from amongst them, reciting to them his verses sanctifying them and teaching them the book and wisdom (how to dispose of affairs) even though they were before (this) in a plain error.
And (he has sent him to) others of them who have not yet joined them (the coming generation until the last day) and he is all mighty, the all wise. That is the grace of Allah, which he bestows on whom he wills. And that Allah is the owner of mighty grace,
His grace is a message, and making Prophet Mohammad as the last and final prophet till the last day is his mighty grace. The word mighty
embodies greatness as well as a decisive power, that he has completed the message and decided to stop sending any further messenger and this is his power which no one can challenge. Also, he is all-wise, knowing the wisdom therein, so, no one can ask, why.
Allah said,
Mohammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the messenger of Allah and the last (and seal) of the prophets. And Allah is ever all aware of everything.
So, Allah has sent him as the final prophet. If someone asks ‘why?’ Allah has answered himself that he is the all, aware of everything. So, when he is all aware of, he is almighty and all wise, then, no one has any right to say that message and prophethood is the mercy of Allah so it could not be stopped. Yes, the message of Mohammad is going on continuously, so his mercy never stopped. But if someone says that, no, we mean messenger and prophets are mercy, we say yes, but till Allah says so and when he says otherwise, then, that is no more mercy. That’s why, Allah (SWT) very clearly said,
And indeed we had written in (all, written books after
zikr(reminder, admonition, remembrance of Allah, zikr and statement about Mohammad) that my righteous servants shall inherit the earth verily in this (zikr which is mentioned before or in this Quran or in this information which I have given you here about that
zikr) there is
Balagh (message, qualifying statement which makes satisfied or approach to final destination/goal) for a people who worship ( listen, obey, believe, understand and practice) and we have not sent you but a great mercy to
Al-Alamin( All words).
Now when Allah said that Mohammad is the great mercy/grace to all worlds, then there is no room for questioning how and why, as the wise people said,
Don’t put a question mark where Allah has put a period.
Then, the message basically has two aspects: Bashara,
giving glad tidings to those who believed in and Inzar,
giving warning of ultimate consequences to those who disbelieved.
Allah said,
And we have not sent you but a giver of glad tidings and a warner to all mankind. But most men know not.
The last portion of this verse indicates that this especially important point must be understood by all mankind. But most of them do not as the word Kaaffah
includes time, place, and kind which means all humans at all times anywhere in the world.
Also, Allah ordered the prophet to say,
And this Quran has been revealed to me, so I may warn you therewith this (Quran and whomsoever it may reach.
Whoever it may reach
means human beings everywhere and in every time.
As this Deen is the same one started with Adam, processed, and proceeded through all the Messengers and completed with Mohammad, that’s why it is must for everyone to believe in all Messengers and their Message as well.
For example, we can say that Message and Messengers are just like a course processing through various steps toward completion like one who is a PhD in a subject and one believes in his degree, it means he believed in his all-dependent diplomas and degrees.
Yes, message and religion is one and the same, but details were different in different times, areas and for different people.
For each one of you we have prescribed a (specific) law and a clear way.
This difference was due to circumstances in various times, even though the basic concept was the same.
Allah said to the Prophet (SAS),
Then we have put you on a (plain) way (given you a specific set of laws and rules) so follow that and follow not the desires of those who know not.
Allah had given to every people a specific way of actions, as he said,
For every
Ummah (people/followers of a specific messenger) we have ordained (a specific)
Mansak (Religious ceremonies/ways rules etc.) which they used to follow, so let them not dispute you on this matter (Religious ceremonies or ways in your
Shariah) and invite to your Lord verily you are on the straight guidance.
Also, Allah said,
And for every Ummah (people/nation) we have ordained
Mansak (Religious ceremonies/Ways/Rules etc.) so that they may mention the name of Allah over the beast of cattle (when slaughtering them).
These verses mean that different ways in different times were revealed from Allah. But aim and object was one and the same which is belief in Allah and to invite others towards Allah and straight guidance.
Messengers and Wahi is important for guidance as for seeking knowledge there are three means:
Now, this is a fact that the human body is created by Allah from dust,
And indeed, we have created mankind from extract (Nucleus) of dust.
Then, Allah has sent down soul and spirit from Hazeeratul-Quds
(Enclosure of Sanctity), a place upon the seven Heavens. The soul and spirit is immaterial element of life.
"And they ask you (O Mohammad) about Ruh
(spirit); say: Ruh
(spirit) is the ‘Amr’ (Matter/affair/command) of my Lord. And you have not been given knowledge, but a little." (17:85)
Now, all the requirements of the human body are fulfilled from the earth from which is the origin of his body, but as Ruh
(spirit) is from upon the seven Heavens, its requirements and needs are to be fulfilled from there and that is in shape of Wahi
(revelation). That’s why Wahi is also called Ruh
which gives actual life.
Allah said,
He sends
Ruh (revelation) by his command to whom he wills of his slaves, that he (the servant) may warn (people) of the day of mutual meeting (with their Lord).
Also, He said,
And the same way we revealed to you
Ruh (Revelation) of our command.
Then, Allah (SWT) has sent more or less than 124,000 messengers and Prophets. Three hundred and thirteen out of them are messengers or Rasul
and the rest are Prophets or Nabi.
A messenger is one who received a revealed book or scripture in written or in verbal shape or received a Shariah
(set of Rules and Laws), while a Prophet is one who followed the Shariah of another messenger. Both of them were bound to convey that and try to establish and implement that in words and spirit.
Allah has sent many Messengers without a written book. But he never sent a book without Messenger which means that a Qualified Scholar or Teacher of any field can teach and train without a book. But none can learn from a book if that is beyond his scope and approach. To learn a book, one needs to have it from a knowledgeable person of that field. Messengers got brought up under the eyes of Allah, then, a Messenger is a perfect person developed by Allah as regarding prophet Musa.
Allah said,
In order that you may be brought up under My Eye.
Also, Allah said to Musa,
And I have made you for myself (my job, the Message).
No Messenger of Allah has ever learnt from anyone. But he received the Message from Allah through revelation and inspiration. Most of them were brought up without the supervision of his father, even.
Prophet Ibrahim’s father never taught him anything as he was an idol worshiper and Ibrahim by nature disliked that. Prophet Musa’s bringing up took place in the house of Pharaoh (Firaun). Prophet Isa was born without having a father, Prophet Ismael was left as a baby there in Makkah valley, Prophet Yusuf was thrown in a well as a teenager and was taken to Egypt where his upbringing took place. And Prophet Mohammad was born as an orphan. But all of them were given a pious and pure nature. As Allah said, regarding Ibrahim,
And indeed, we had given Ibrahim maturity/rectitude before (attaining the age of puberty or before receiving Message) and we were well aware of him.
Because of that God-given pure nature, nobody had any objection on the character of any Messenger, but even they presented their pre-message time as evidence and proof to their people as Prophet Mohammad said,
I have spent (big) life (40 years) amongst you before this so you do not use your intellect.
Meaning no one had blamed him for any misbehavior.
He also asked before conveying to them the message for the first time,
Have you found me a truthful one or a liar?
They said we have found in you nothing but truth only.
And because of that, the prophet is the perfect role-model for his people, and that’s why Allah blessed human beings by sending them the messengers from amongst them whose life was known to them, so, they may follow them in their physical and material fields as well as they have the same basic human requirements.
Allah said,
"Say (O Mohammad!) I am but a man like you (but), have been inspired that your God is only one God so who so ever hopes (believe) the meeting with his Lord (life after death) so he may practice righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord." (18:110)
This righteousness or righteous virtuous deeds could be known through prophets and their teachings and practice.
Indeed, in the messengers of Allah there is the best example (role model) for you, those who hope (believes) for (the meeting with) Allah and the last day and remember Allah a lot.
And that’s why Sahabah used to watch the Prophet (SAS) and follow him in words, practice and spirit as they knew that the prophet of Allah is the practical interpretation of the Holy Quran.
Aaisha said,
His character (daily behavior) was Quran.
The Sahabah carefully have collected and memorized his teachings which are called Sunnah and Hadith and the forthcoming generations of Ulama(scholars) have very carefully compiled those which exceed the number of 700,000 Ahadith. Not only that, but these Ulama also put on record the Biography of all those who narrated the Ahadith. This is also a miracle of Mohammad and a confirmation of the promise of Allah where He said,
Verily, we, we, we have sent down
Zikr and verily we are for it the Guards.
in the Holy Quran is used in different meanings. It means remembrance, reminder, admonition, advice, knowledge, wisdom and skill, mentioning advice, Holy Quran (itself) and also the saying and practice of the Prophet.
To mean Holy Quran by word Zikr
here in the aforementioned verse is clear as Allah said, verily we have sent down ‘Zikr’.
But it includes the saying and the practice of the prophet as well. Because that has also been sent down, revealed and inspired. Also, that is called Zikr
as Allah said,
And we have not sent down to you the Book, but to explain to them, things they differed therein and a guidance and a mercy for people who believe.
Now, how, and where from The Prophet will explain the Book? He received the same from Allah as well either in a revealed shape or in an inspired shape.
And we have sent down to you the
Zikr so you may explain to people what has been revealed to them and that they may think.
Here in this verse, there is Zikr
which with the prophet will explain and there is which is revealed to them
so the Zikr
is the sayings and practices of the Prophet, (SAS) and the revealed to them
is the Holy Quran. Prophet (SAS) was given two things from Allah (1) The Quran and (2) His Hadith and Sunnah as Allah said,
Move not with this (Quran) your tongue to make haste there with. It is for us to collect it (in your heart) and to (make you able for) its recital. So, when we (our messenger Gabriel) recite it then follow its recital (with concentration and due attention). Then it is for us to explain it.
Here in these verses Allah made it truly clear that he revealed the explanation of the Quran as well and that is the Hadith and Sunnah.
Also, He said,
This is (the) Book, its verses are filled with wisdom, then explained (in detail) from one (Allah) who is all-wise, well acquainted.
Again, Allah made it clear that after the Book is revealed in parts it was explained from him as well, and that explanation is in the form of sayings and practices of the Prophet (SAS).
Prophet’s sayings and practices were made safe by Allah.
Allah said,
"Neither your companion (Mohammad) wandered from the right path/erred (ignorantly) nor he seduced (arrogantly) nor does he speak of his own desire. This is, but a revelation revealed." (53:2-4)
Here, in these verses Allah has totally negated any intentional error or seduction in his actions and also negated any talk of his based on evil desire which means he was watched and guarded by Allah, inspiring him with all these words and acts.
Allah said,
"And put your trust (O Mohammad!) in the All-Mighty, The Merciful, the one who looks at you (see you/watch you/guard) when you stand up (to call towards Allah or to pray alone) and (look at) your movements (changing forms) among those who prostrate. Verily he is the all-hearer, the all knower." (26:217-220)
It means every time you are safe guarded by Allah to keep you in the proper way in your saying and practices as well, that’s why that is followed by,
Verily he is the all hearer (hears your words) the all-knower (knows your actions).
In Islamic literature one can find the Prophet, his sayings and practices everywhere, but Muhaditheen (compilers of Hadith) have collected and compiled his teachings, words, and practices. Historians preserved his life and history in different ways while other scholars wrote Books in his Seerah,
which is also his biography. One can very easily find out ways of life from his biography. To write a Book in Seeratun-Nabi
is actually seeking a way to have a connection with the Prophet (sas). This is also a Book like that even though we cannot aid more to this field, but to our best we will try to have a moral written wherever and whenever we can deduce it from His Seerah.
May Allah (SWT) enable us to do what is good in this regard and to make this effort a useful and beneficial one. Amen.
As we all know, Allah (SWT) has sent more than a hundred thousand messengers to human beings. They might have been sent to various regions and nations, where the life was in progress in various times, but the messengers who are mentioned in the Holy Quran by names and their stories are stated there in, their region message was alongside the Mediterranean, which is now today occupied by Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. As we see that Nuh, Hud, Saleh, Yunus, Ibrahim, his descendants, Musa, his followers then all messengers of Bani Israel and Issa were sent in that region. Let us see why this region was chosen for the message and especially for the Message of these known Messengers?
Here one can say either a messenger is or was to be sent to an uncivilized, unsocial and an illiterate region or to be sent to a social and civilized region to teach them and to give them some spiritual knowledge, because ultimately a civilization is to be exported by the said nation to others or to be imported by other nations from them, with all this the message requires civilization of the territory in Toto.
Historians say that Egypt was the cradle of human civilization some six thousand years ago. Archeologists are busy discovering whether Iraq and Syria were prior to it, as these were the base for Mesopotamian and Phoenician civilization. Whatever the results may be, one thing is recognized that the civilization was connected to the Mediterranean Sea, and Egypt was the one who exported its civilization to Greece and Rome. As far as the far cast civilization is concerned, we do not discuss that as Islam first influenced the near east’s civilization and then that mixed civilization influenced the far east and the rest of the globe as well.
The Semitic race is one of the famous ancient civilizations. This race occupied a special place in mankind history. In this region, religion always influenced civilization, though the people most of the time either rejected it or got rid of it. The most famous religions of this race are Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
These Semitic people sometimes immigrated to different parts of fertile land known as Babylonian, attributed to Babyl the birth city of Ibrahim their great grandfather, while some other time they were named as Assyrians, the Phoenicians, and the Hebrews. Around 3500 B.C. these people settled in the Tigris Euphrates valley of the civilized Samarian people.
Alexander the Greek hero conquered Persia, then, the eastern civilization was introduced into Europe and a new civilization from the mixture grew up, which was called Helixes civilization. In 146 B.C Romans conquered Greece, and then in 7th century, Islam conquered Persia and Rome both, and a new civilization arose up in the Region.
The Region between Tigris and Euphrates rivers is called Mesopotamia. The northern part of the region was named as Assyria and the southern part as Babylonia. This second part was fertile. Before Isa, this part had several states, and each had its own god and king as well. There were fights and wars amongst them.
Akkadu was the capital and Akkad was the Ruler from this Semitic Race. Akkad or Sargon 1 united the southern valley in 2800 B.C and conquered Syria.
Amorites, the second group of the Semitic people, came from Syria and dominated the Euphrates valley under the leadership of Hammurabi (2123 -2081 B.C). He united the whole valley divided into two parts Sumeru and Akkad and renamed it as Babylon. He collected and codified the ancient laws of Babylonia.
These people were the idolaters with gods and goddesses, they had faith in evil spirits and foretelling of events by stars and planets’ movement.
The Holy prophet (PBUH) said in this regard that there is no Safar
an evil spirit in a specific lunar month between Muharram and Rabi-Ul-Awal and also said,
Whenever there is mentioned some stars so keep silent.
Means do not attribute to them the events. In another Hadith it is said that Allah says,
Son of Adam makes partner to me by saying that such and such star or because of it we been rained.
They developed some words for writing. They had proficiency in astrology more than Egyptians. They divided the year into twelve months as nature is. Allah (SWT) says,
The number of the months (of a year) is twelve in the book (natural system is record) of Allah (SWT).
In mathematics, they invented the decimal system.
They were in the northern part. They conquered the countries by cruelty. Sargon 2 was the cruelest king (722-705B.C), he captured Samaria, Israel’s capital, and carried ten tribes of them as captives which were lost forever. His son Sanacherib was also of such nature (705-68 B.C) He subjugated Egypt and Palestine. Asher Banipal (668- 626 B.C) was recognized as an authority of Western Asia. After his death, Assyrians declined and later on they got sacked by the Aryan of Persia (612.B.C). Assyrians with all their cruelty were knowledgeable, builders and imitated none. They had developed a centralized system; the governors were directly responsible to the emperor.
These people called Jews were claiming Ibrahim to be their Ancestor. They were nomads of the desert and later on settled in Palestine the Cannan. They had established their kingdom under Dawood S/o Jesse of the Juda tribe and after him his son Soloman was the king (961-922 B.C) as in Holy Quran, Allah said,
And Dawood killed Jalut and Allah (SWT) gave him the rule.
Also, He said,
And Soliman inherited Dawood.
Soliman made Jerusalem as capital. He was keen of learning, building and commerce. After his death the Jews divided the kingdom in two parts namely Juda in the south and Israel in the north. Assyrian conquered Israelia in 722 B.C and Chaldean king Nebuchadnezzar conquered Juda in 568 B.C.
Jews were religious people having belief in Tawheed.
Sasanians and Byzantine were two powers in the Middle East – Byzantian was the capital. This Roman Empire consisted of Egypt, Syria, Palestine and some parts of Europe. This Greek city Byzantium was made the capital in 327 AD by Constantine the Great, later on named it as Constantinople. After him there were some 70 Rulers; it fell in 1204 AD. Theodosius 1 (379-395) made Christianity as state religion. Justinian 1 (527-565 AD) had collected the Roman laws. He built a university and also the church of St. Sophia which was first built by Constantine the Great. Heraclius (610-641) had freed Syria and Egypt from Sasanian and fought Iranians as well, but he could not control the recovered provinces against Muslims. He was the one who gave respect to the messenger of the Holy prophet.
In 1500 B.C some Aryan tribes settled in western Iran. In the southern parts they were called Persian while in the mountains Medes. In 539 B.C. king Cyrus with the help of his people Medes and Persians dethroned Chaldean king. Power passed from Babylonians to Aryans. Cyrus’ son Cambyses after him captured Egypt. In 334 B.C Alexander the Great invaded Persia and the Empire finished. In 226 AD Ardsher led a revolt against the Greek rule Sasanian came to power. Ardsher the son of Papak of Faris captured Karman, so Ardawn (Greek) invaded Faris. The final fight was fought in Hormuz. Ardawn was killed and later on Sasanian ruled Persia for four centuries. Under them the old religion of Zoroaster renewed. His son Shahpur (309 AD-329 AD) also ruled bravely, but after him the decline started. Shahpur fought Romans and regained the five lost provinces by his grandfather. Nowsherwan ascended the throne in 531 AD. He was keen of learning and was a great builder and best administrator known for his justice.
Khosrow Pervez (590 AD) the grandson of Nowsherwan was the last powerful king of this dynasty. He was the one who had torn the letter of the Holy prophet calling him to Islam. He was brave and courageous in his early life, but tyrannical in old age. In the days of Yazda Gard (634) this Empire was overthrown by Muslims.
Christianity brought by Romans to Persia was supported by India and the Far East, and it was face to face with the Zoroastrianism.
Isa appeared in Nazareth in Palestine and in the days of Tiberius they passed a decree of his crucifixion in Syria where his teaching was first preached by St. Paul.
Allah said,
They have not killed him nor crucified him.
This whole history and mixing up developed new civilizations and also one religion influenced the other.
Because of the Birth and rescue story of Isa (Jesus), Christianity is divided into sects and actual religion could not remain.
The word Arab
means deserts and a vast barren land which is almost treeless and waterless. Also Arab
means one who speaks clearly and eloquently and can express what is there in his heart and mind. When it is said, Aaraba
it means, He spoke and expressed clearly. People living in deserts speak their pure language without mixing and also, they are simple and close to nature and for bearing, having no reservations, so, they speak clearly what is there in their mind.
Jazeeratul Arab
or Shibh – al - Jazeera
is a peninsula. It is surrounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, Syrian ocean, Tigris and Euphrates rivers or that is enclosed in the west by the red sea and Sinai, in the east by the Arabian Gulf, in the South by the Arabian sea, which is an extension of the Indian ocean, and in the north by old Syria and part of Iraq – the area is estimated between a million and a quarter square miles.
Mostly that area is desert and life is a tough sort of life, that’s why the people there had been enjoying a complete sort of liberty and independence through the ages, even though two empires, Byzantine and Persian, used to fight each other to grab as much land as they could. However, in the case of the peninsula, they never tried to control it directly, as materially there was no attraction for them, and its people, due to their tribal nature, were tough and hard to be controlled by outsiders. Its geographical situation, as it was surrounded by seas almost completely from three sides made it difficult to be invaded. But as this area had a strategic position, providing links through sea and land, it remained the center of the world and also it was the center of trade, culture, and religion as well. Due to the desert nature of the area and tough nature of its people, being custodians of the House of God, it was a link for nations through sea and land. Its people were freely moving all over and conducting business as well.
Allah said,
And Allah puts forward (states) the example of a township (Makkah as it was the city where the House of Allah situated and was the center for trade etc. as a route) which was secure and content (satisfied), its provision was coming to it in abundance from every place. But it (its people) denied/ rejected the favours of Allah (the message of Mohammad and Holy Quran) so Allah made it taste extreme of hunger (Famine and also their business trips were no safer) and fear, because of what they used to do.
They had their safe trips in winter and summer both as Allah said,
(Because of) taming of Quraish, their taming of trips in winter and summer, so they may worship the Lord of this House (Kabah) who has fed them against hunger and made them safe from fear.
These trips became their nature-like habits that had been made safe by Allah, and they were bringing their needs from everywhere and they were safe as well.
Allah said,
So have we not established for them a secure sanctuary (Makkah) to which are brought fruits of all kinds, a provision from our side, but most of them know not.
Allah also said,
Have they not seen that we have made (Makkah) a secure sanctuary, while men are being snatched away from all around them? Then do they believe in false and deny the graces of Allah.
They are the progeny of Ya’rub bin Yash Jub bin Qahtan-They are known as Qahtanid.
They are from the offspring of Ismael bin Ibrahim. They are called Adnanid.
Pure Arabs used to live in Yemen while the Arabized Arabs from the children of Ismael mostly lived in the peninsula.
Ibrahim was born in Ar
near Kufa on the west Bank of Euphrates River. The people of that area used to worship heavenly bodies and idols of different types. It is known clearly from the story of Ibrahim in the Holy Quran. For details, see Surat Ul An’am verses 74-81, Surat Ul Anbiya verses 51-70 Surah As - Saffat verses 83-99.
Ibrahim strongly opposed their beliefs; he broke their idols, and they threw him into blazing fire.
Allah said,
So, they plotted a plot against him, but we made them the lowest.
Allah ordered the fire to be cool and safe for him.
We (Allah) said,
O fire be cool and safe for Ibrahim and they wanted to harm him but we made them the worst losers.
After that he left for Palestine as Allah relates,
And he (Ibrahim) said verily I am going to my Lord. He will guide me.
Ibrahim made Palestine the center of his message. He went all over the area till he went to Egypt. There the Heksus or Emalekite kings had been ruling that area. They had a bad habit of taking any beautiful woman by force. Sarah, the wife of Ibrahim, was also a beautiful lady. The king tried to take her by force but every time he was stopped by Allah, and he felt that this lady is not only beautiful but also has a connection to God.
To acknowledge both her beauty and attachment to Allah, he gave his daughter, or niece who he had adopted as his daughter, Hagar (Hajar) to Sarah for her services. As Sarah had no child, she gave Hagar to Ibrahim as wife. When they returned to Palestine, Hagar gave birth to a beautiful son who was named Ismail (Ishmael).
It is but natural that Sarah became jealous of Hagar and forced Ibrahim in one way or another to take Hagar and her son to a faraway valley in Hijaz
by the sacred House of Allah (SWT). That area was very much exposed to floods. Also Ibrahim was inspired by Allah to take them both there. He placed them under a tree, which was later on the site of Zam Zam
(The Holy water). At that time there was no life at all. Nobody was living there, nor was there any water available. Ibrahim put a leather bag with some dates and another one with water near them. When Ibrahim departed, Hagar asked him,
Where are you going, leaving us here?
He neither turned his face nor answered. She repeated the same question several times but in vain. Then, Hagar asked him,
Have you been ordered by Allah to do so?
Ibrahim said,
Hagar said,
So now he will never neglect us.
When Ibrahim came to such a place where they could not see each other, he faced the Holy Kabah
and said,
O our Lord! I dwelt my offspring in an uncultivable valley near your sacred House. Our Lord! in order to perform prayer to make the hearts of some people inclined towards them and provide them with fruits (material and spiritual as well) so they may pay thanks (to Allah).
Hagar was eating dates, suckling her son, and using the water. The water being used up, she and her son both became thirsty. Ismail was crying because of thirst. She couldn’t endure looking at him. She went to the top of the nearest mountain Safa
and looked all around the valley to try to see someone but she couldn’t find anyone. She came down off the hill, in the lowest part of the valley she started running. She went to the other side of the valley to another mountain Marwah
to try to see someone, but again, nobody was there. She did the same practice seven times. This is the source of Sa’i
between Safa and Marwah in Hajj and Umrah which is Fard
(mandatory) according to three imams and Wajib
(compulsory) according to Imam Abu Hanifa, but the running in the specific part in between Safa and Marwah is not allowed for women and is for men only.
For the last time when she was on Marwah, she heard a voice twice.
O! You have made me hear your voice; have you got something to help me? And Behold! She saw an Angel at the place of Zamzam digging the earth with his heel (or wing), till water flowed from that place. She started to make something like a basin around it using her hands in this way and started filling her water bag with water, and the water was flowing out after she had scooped some of it.
The prophet said,
May Allah Bestow mercy on the mother of Ismael! Had she let Zamzam, it would have been a stream flowing on the surface of the earth.
The Angel further said, don’t be afraid for this is the House of Allah which will be built by this boy and his father. She lived there till some people from Jurhum tribe of Yemen passed. They landed in the lower part of Makkah where they saw a bird that had the habit of flying around water. They sent one or two messengers who discovered that there was water, so those people came to Hagar sitting near the water. They asked her if they could stay there. She said yes, but they will have no right to possess the water. They agreed to it. Also, they invited other people from their tribe, and some of them settled there – The prophet said, the mother of Ismael was happy to have their company. Ismael later on learnt Arabic from them.
Once Ibrahim saw a dream as this is mentioned in the Holy Quran,
So they plotted a plot against him (put him on fire) but we made them the lowest (losers) and he said (after his rescue) verily I am going to my Lord. He will guide me. My Lord! Grant me (offspring) from the righteous. So we gave him the glad tidings of a for bearing boy. And when he (his son) was old enough to walk with him, he said, ‘O my Son I have seen in a dream that I am slaughtering you. So look what you think? He said, O my Father! Do that which you are commanded. If Allah wills you shall find me of the patients.
Then when they both surrendered to (the will of) Allah and he laid him prostrate on his forehead (or on the side of his fore head) we called unto him O Ibrahim!
You have fulfilled the dream verily in such a way we reward the good doers verily this indeed was a manifest Trial. And we ransomed him with a great sacrifice (Ram), and we left for him (a goodly remembrance) among the later generations. Peace be upon Ibrahim. Thus, indeed we reward the good doers verily he was one of our believing slaves.
The dream of a Messenger is a sort of Wahi, that’s why Ibrahim took it literally and tried to slaughter his son, and actually he did.
That’s why Allah said;
You confirmed/fulfilled your dream.
Now who was the slaughtered son of Ibrahim, Ismail, or Ishaq (Isaac)?
Jews claim that it was Ishaq, their great-grandfather, and he tried to slaughter him on the Rock in Jerusalem. They claimed the same to have this honor.
Christians say the same, while some Muslim scholars also expressed the same that this was Ishaq.
Not at all! It was Ismael.
It is mentioned in ancient books that Ibrahim tried to slaughter his lonely son, and this is understood that Ismael was born of Hagar, the first ever son of Ibrahim, when Ibrahim’s age was 86 years, and Sarah became jealous of Hagar as she did not have a child. Ishaq was born almost 14 years after Ismail, and Ishaq was not the only son of Ibrahim as Ismail was already there.
Holy Quran itself when narrating the story of slaughtering said after that.
And we gave him glad tidings, a prophet from pious people.
It means that this glad tiding was after that trial, another reward, as the first one was that Ismail was ransomed by a ram, and Ibrahim’s remembrance with good words and peace by people of coming generations lasted, while this glad tiding is the second one and Allah (SWT) has mentioned the word reward twice in above said verses, once in verse 105 and for twice in verse 110.
In Holy Quran it is mentioned that Ibrahim left Ar
for Palestine, he made Dua
(invoked Allah) and Allah accepted that,
O my lord, grant me (offspring) from the righteous, so we gave him the glad tidings of a forbearing boy.
For this boy Allah used the quality Forbearing
while for the other son Allah said,
(The angels said) verily we give you glad tidings of a boy having much knowledge.
Also, Allah said,
And they (the angels) gave him happy tidings of a son having knowledge.
Now, these are two different qualities of two different sons. The second quality is related in the story of the glad tidings about Ishaq (Isaac), so the first one forbearing
quality is for his other son Ismael, and he showed that quality in his life-long history by facing the hardship there in valley alone and later on showed his free consent for sacrifice as well. But it doesn’t mean that either of them did not have the other quality, but in the said one, he was the example.
Regarding glad tidings about Ishaq, Allah said:
So we gave glad tidings to her (Sarah) of Ishaq and after Ishaq of Yaqoob (Jacob).
Now it is understood that the dream was taken literally by Ibrahim, and the son concerned was when he reached the age of working with him
meaning early teenager. He received another message about Ishaq as well. He will have his son Jacob, which means Ishaq will still remain to beget children and will not be slaughtered in his early age. Now, if it was Ishaq to be slaughtered for sure Ibrahim would have been confused considering the glad tidings of Ishaq’s future children.
Then, throughout history, the followers of Ibrahim have been celebrating that sacrifice in Hajj in Mina where Ismael lived. Ishaq was living in Palestine, which means Ismael was slaughtered.
The Arabs from generation-to-generation have been transferring this story about Ismael’s slaughter.
When the ransomed ram was slaughtered, its horns were preserved there in Kabah for centuries until Hajjaj bin Yusuf attacked Abdullah bin Zubair in Makkah and Kabah was demolished, and these horns were lost as well. Ibni Abbas and Aamir Ash Shabi both said they had seen these horns in Kabah.
Now the Jewish thought was otherwise to have higher status. The Christian’s own narrations are confused. Their narrations said that he was ordered to sacrifice his lonely son Ishaq, while other narration said that Ibrahim’s wife Sarah did not have any child, and Hagar delivered the first son, it also said that when Ismael was born, Ibrahim was 86 and Allah told him and his wife Sarah that they will also have a son. When he was born, Ibrahim was 100 years old. Also, Ibrahim circumcised Ismael when he was 13 years of age, one year before the birth of Ishaq. This was also a type of sacrifice cutting a piece of his body.
Those Muslims who said it was Ishaq Ibni Kathir related that Ka’b Ul Ahbar, a Jew who became a Muslim in the time of Umar, even though he was a good Muslim and a scholar as well, would sometimes narrate something from the ancient books as well. Umar used to listen to him and others.
The Prophet said,
Take (knowledge) from me, that is not sin and take (it) from people of the Book and that is not a sin. Now taking from them has a condition and that is if it does not contradict Quran and Sunnah as most of their books and narrations are perverted,
And one perverted narration is this one.
Also, the Prophet said.
I am the offspring of two slaughtered.
Meaning Ismael and Abdullah.
The story of Abdullah goes as follows: Abdul Muttalib gave a pledge to God that if he is given ten sons, he will sacrifice one of them. He had ten sons. When they all reached their manhood; he told them about his vow. They gave their consent that whoever he wants to slaughter, he is ready. He wrote their names on divination arrows and gave it to the guardian of their powerful and beloved goddesses Hubal. The arrows were shuffled and drawn. It showed the name of Abdullah on it. Abdul-Muttalib took him to Ka’ba to slaughter him. The Quraish tribe Bani Makhzum, the maternal uncles of Abdullah and his brother Abu Talib, tried to convince Abdul-Muttalib not to do so and to seek a substitute. He asked them for advice. They said to bring the she-diviner. She advised to draw the divination arrow with respect to Abdullah as well as ten camels. She said to repeat the same for another ten added to the first ten, if the name of Abdullah came out, then, do the same until the Camel’s arrow comes out. They did the same 10 times. In the end when the number of camels was 100 it came out. So, 100 camels were slaughtered and Abdullah was spared. The same number later on was counted as the capital for blood money and the same was adopted by Islam as well. A custom that has been kept intact. Referring to the story of Ismael and the story of Abdullah, the prophet said as Ibni Hisham related;
I am the son of two slaughtered.
It is also said that Abdul Muttalib had forgotten the vow. Then, he was reminded of that in a dream.
Once Ibrahim came to Makkah to visit his wife and son. This time his wife Hagar had passed away. Ismail had married Mamid, a woman from Jurhum tribe, those who were dwelling there in Makkah. Ismail was not home and his wife was there. Ibrahim asked her about Ismail, she said, he has gone for livelihood. He asked her about their way of living. She said,
We are living in misery.
We are living in hardship and destitution,
complaining of their life. When Ibrahim was leaving, he told her,
When your husband comes back, convey my salutation to him, and tell him to change the threshold of the gate of the house.
When Ismael came back, she told him the entire story and the complexion of the old man. He said that was my father, and he ordered me to divorce you as you are not a content and grateful woman. So he divorced her. After that he married the daughter of Mudad bin Amr, the chief of the Jurhum tribe living there.
Once again Ibrahim came to see him. This time also he was not at home. Ibrahim asked his wife about him. She told him he had gone hunting. He asked her about their way of living. She said, we are well off and prosperous and thankful to Allah. Ibrahim asked her,
What are you people eating and drinking?
She said,
We eat meat and drink water.
Ibrahim said,
"O Allah bless their meat and