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Health 4 Ever
Health 4 Ever
Health 4 Ever
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Health 4 Ever

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Australian health expert Greg Wilson has crafted a concise, A-Z reference guide of health facts, tips and fascinating information all explained in simple terms with many captivating ideas on living a healthy and happier life.

NOT just another health bo

Release dateFeb 15, 2023
Health 4 Ever

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    Book preview

    Health 4 Ever - Greg Wilson


    Your Personal Guide to Health and Wellbeing

    Copyright © 2023 by Greg Wilson

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-63812-901-1

    Ebook ISBN: 978-1-63812-902-8

    All rights reserved. No part in this book may be produced and transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Published by Pen Culture Solutions 02/09/2023

    Pen Culture Solutions

    1-888-727-7204 (USA)

    1-800-950-458 (Australia)



    Your Personal Guide to Health and Wellbeing

    2nd Edition

    To my family; Jacinta my wife, our two boys Benjamin and Jacob.

    To my brother Mark for always supporting me and to my

    brother Ashley for prompting me to write this book.

    I am grateful to you all!






    Section I

    Concise Health Reference

    A to Z Health Reference

    Low Acid Diet plan

    Diet and Personal Health

    Basic Back Care

    Section II

    Living Happier

    Better relationships?

    Guiding Children


    Control and Power

    Keeping Ourselves on Track

    Getting ahead in the world

    Problem Solving

    Organs of the body and related emotions.


    Relaxation and Music




    About the Author


    Good nutritious food and clean drinking water are the main-stays of health. Unfortunately, commercialism, greed and lifestyle have largely corrupted our food supplies and the things we eat. Being aware of what foods you put into your body will bring balance to yourself and ultimately the planet. Health is a combination of factors including diet and lifestyle, a happy state of Being and a reduction in stress. When we balance these pillars of health we naturally drift toward happiness and can achieve our full potential in life.

    The physical food that we eat also contains an implicit vibration from seed to plant to harvest to store and finally onto your plate. Every stage that food goes through affects its quality. When consuming it, that vibration is going into your body. So bless your food! Be grateful for everything.

    This book will assist you on that road to true and lasting health. We stand on the pinnacle of a golden age with incredible discoveries happening now and awaiting us all on this beautiful blue planet. Science and the ancient wisdoms merge before our very eyes. Yet our bodies never needed proof for they have always known. Eat foods grown naturally and drink pure water.

    Gregory Wilson has a wealth of wisdom on organics, natural eating, bodily processes and quantum biological effects. All you need to attain a healthy state of being, all contained in a concise easy reference. Simplistic, but in-depth techniques to achieve happiness through correct living coupled with insightful knowledge on what to eat and what to avoid. Reading this wonderful book will change your life for the better and open your eyes to a whole new way of looking at food.

    Ashley Wilson.

    (A forward by Dorothea Saaghy)

    Greg Wilson, a friend of many years, has researched the subject of health through right living, good food, physical, mental and spiritual activity very thoroughly.

    To help others with his profound knowledge is a true passion. His enthusiasm shines through the words and will kindle and enrich the awareness in the reader: Transmitting energy through words is a form of healing.

    So, read the book, follow the advice and explanations, take action and you will be on the way to lasting health.

    And what better dwelling place, for mind and spirit, than a healthy happy body!

    Dorothea Saaghy.


    The concept of writing this book was borne for the reason that we seem to be mis-guided with regards to good health.

    If someone develops an illness or requires hospitalization then once they recover they do not receive sound, yet basic health advice. They are left in the dark as to what to do. We all need to take a little more responsibility of our own health, that does not require drastic changes nor enrolling in a health course of some sought.

    Herein lies some basic, concise information on common health complaints that we all can relate to and understand. It is through this understanding that we can exercise choice whether to act on our own health! I hope this book helps us all to look into our health.

    It is no good taking cough medicine every time we catch a cold. What we should be doing is addressing the cause of why we catch so many colds.

    This book is designed to help you be happy and healthy. It is a concise health reference for common ailments that also includes many fascinating facts on health. In section II the book is about how to live happier and offers some interesting thoughts, ideas and insights into life, and, how to get the best out of your relationships with others. We all would like to get along better in the world; just think of the benefits, globally, when we come closer to achieving this.

    I have set the book out to offer concise, (not long winded), information. Once we are better informed, with regards to our health, then we can make better decisions. I know some people are not interested in health nor looking after oneself, but, once a debilitating illness takes hold then they want help straight away. I feel it is advantageous to know more than to know less when it comes to our personal health.

    I have experienced health problems too. I was about to undergo surgery on a nerve problem in my hand. After researching my complaint further, I then received several treatments from an acupuncturist and masseur. Two weeks later I cancelled the surgery.

    Now there are times when we need to take advice first hand, I understand that, as there could be life threatening consequences if not heeded. With the example I mentioned above, I researched and acquired specific information that enabled me to fully understand my health concern and make an informed decision.

    I took it upon myself to continue researching matters of health a couple of decades ago and to this day I am convinced that we can improve our health; we can make better decisions in life when we are better informed. I hope you will get a great deal of sound ideas from this book and use some of them for your family and yourself.

    For many years now I have seen how our health is declining ever so slowly despite wonderful advancements in medicine. I feel we are misguided and not truly informed of our health and how we can make a difference to achieve Health 4 Ever. Ignorance is not a virtue! We have been misguided somewhat. We have been coerced into believing that we cannot overcome modern day illnesses. Maybe through this coercion we start to accept this fact. Well, I can tell you now, quite categorically, that if you pay attention to correct nutrition, lifestyle and psychological health you can make a difference.

    There are groups of people throughout the world that do not get modern day illnesses. For example; arthritis, blood diseases, cholesterol problems–even cancer. You have to ask the question, why?

    The media, some food companies, the medical and pharmaceutical industries play such a vital role in our health and, therefore, have a persuasive and influential outcome on our thoughts and beliefs with regards to our health: Maybe they should be a little more responsible with their influence on our health. I might add that most all health professionals do the right thing and have a vested interest in our better health – I cannot over-emphasize this, without our dedicated doctors and nurses we would be struggling with illnesses. I hold them in high regards.

    However, de-natured foods, even though we may think we are eating right, are having a major impact on our lives. The doctors and hospitals do not have the time, nor the training, to put into guiding us with correct nutrition and lifestyle choices.

    As mentioned, I personally, experienced health problems. Having tried the orthodox approaches without much success. I started to explore other possibilities of health improvement. That is when I saw great value in correct nutrition, lifestyle and other health factors. In the book I have further personal examples of health improvement.

    This leads on to the reason why I wrote this book; to inform, to educate, to motivate us all to help take responsibility and control of our own health so that our future life is not so debilitating, nor dependent on the medical and hospital fraternity. If you work with some of the ideas and thoughts of true health contained herein I passionately know you can address modern health illnesses.

    Once given better information regarding our personal health then we can decide to do something about it, or, we can choose to continue down the existing path – it is a matter of choice.

    Health 4 Ever


    The aim of this book is to combine principles on living happier along with (better) understanding of health and illnesses: Health and happiness are intrinsically linked in profound ways! You cannot have one without the other – it just won’t work in life!

    Are modern day illnesses and diseases addressable? Yes, they are…

    Being better informed about our health enables us to take action. One problem I see is that we tend to expect our doctors and nurses to have all the solutions to our health.

    We often overlook our nutrition plan in daily life so this book is designed to give some succinct and informative ideas on attaining health forever.

    Meal preparation hints, tests that you can perform at home or through your doctor, fingernail patterns that show signs of pending health issues, etc. These and many more interesting, and often unheard of facts you will find in the book that can help pre-warn of future health problems.

    There is a huge misconception that we cannot improve our health, especially our modern-day diseases –arthritis and cancers, to name only two. Well, we can improve our health! A lot of our physical illnesses are centered around three things;

    1.Poor nutritional foods and overloading with artificial foods

    2.Poor digestion of these foods

    3.A weak immune system

    If you elect to ignore good health then that is your choice. However, a little understanding and some minor adjustments to your lifestyle will help to add years of pain free health to your life. Here I offer you the chance to gain better information on health and how this affects us. I lay it out on the table so to speak, so you can make a decision without the influence of commercialism, the media and other related groups that have their own agenda – not your health in mind.


    In section 1 you will find a concise health reference that you can look up to find fascinating information on common health ailments and many other interesting facts relating to health and nutrition.


    In section II I look at ways to live a happier life, striving for wellbeing of the mind. I know that in our modern, fast paced world, things may not always work out as we would like. However, there are some basic things we can pay attention to that can have a very positive impact on our relationships with others, more importantly, with ourselves! I have observed interactions of people going about their daily activities and have noticed that we all can do with a few pointers to keep us on track, and to make our relationships, more importantly, with others a better experience for all.

    This A to Z reference quickly gives you information that we all can relate to – concise, accurate, easy-to-understand! I have taken the liberty to exclude some detailed explanations. We do not necessarily need to know all the facts. The content of the book has all come about through extensive research, personal experience and observation throughout many years. I have compiled this to make it simpler to understand the principles of nutrition and health. I hope this will enlighten you; and help you gain (better) insight into your own health, and that of your family.

    You are being affected by the foods you are eating, and, the foods you are not eating!

    Most illnesses have signs of nutrition and enzyme deficiency. Even the humble arthritis has a base of deficiency inherent and of excess of the wrong foods as the root of the cause.

    As we are human we also have human traits to enjoy all aspects of life and not always be so regiment in our approaches to life. One golden rule stands out for me

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