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Handbook of Advanced Mathematics
Handbook of Advanced Mathematics
Handbook of Advanced Mathematics
Ebook424 pages3 hours

Handbook of Advanced Mathematics

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About this ebook

This book explores much of advanced mathematics, starting from the milestone given by mathematical analysis and moving on to differential and fractal geometry, mathematical logic, algebraic topology, advanced statistics, and numerical analysis.
At the same time, comprehensive insights about differential and integral equations, functional analysis, and advanced matrix and tensor development will be provided.
With the mathematical background exposed, it will be possible to understand all the mechanisms for describing scientific knowledge expressed through a wide variety of formalisms.

Release dateDec 24, 2022
Handbook of Advanced Mathematics

Simone Malacrida

Simone Malacrida (1977) Ha lavorato nel settore della ricerca (ottica e nanotecnologie) e, in seguito, in quello industriale-impiantistico, in particolare nel Power, nell'Oil&Gas e nelle infrastrutture. E' interessato a problematiche finanziarie ed energetiche. Ha pubblicato un primo ciclo di 21 libri principali (10 divulgativi e didattici e 11 romanzi) + 91 manuali didattici derivati. Un secondo ciclo, sempre di 21 libri, è in corso di elaborazione e sviluppo.

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    Handbook of Advanced Mathematics - Simone Malacrida



    The conceptual leap between elementary and advanced mathematics was evident only after the introduction of mathematical analysis. The fact that this discipline was local, and not punctual, led to the study and development of topology, understood as the study of places and spaces not only in a geometric sense, but in a much broader sense. The general topology gives the foundations of all the underlying sectors, among which we can include the algebraic topology, the differential one, the advanced one and so on.

    We define topology as a collection T of subsets of a general set X for which the following three properties hold:

    1) The empty set and the general set X belong to the collection T.

    2) The union of an arbitrary quantity of sets belonging to T belongs to T.

    3) The intersection of a finite number of sets belonging to T belongs to T.

    A topological space is defined with a pair (X, T) and the sets constituting the collection T are open sets. Particular topologies can be the trivial one in which T is formed by X and the empty set and the discrete one in which T coincides with the set of parts of X. In the first topology only the empty set and X are open sets, while in the discrete one all sets are open sets. Two topologies are comparable if one of them is a subset of the other, while if one topology contains the other, the first is said to be finer than the second. The set of all topologies is partially ordered: the trivial topology is the least fine, the discrete is the finest, and all other possible topologies have intermediate fineness between these two.

    In a topological space, a set I containing a point x belonging to X is called (open) neighborhood of x if there exists an open set A contained in I containing x:

    A subset of a topological space is closed if its complement is open. Closed sets have three properties:

    1) The union of a finite number of closed sets is a closed set.

    2) The intersection of closed sets is a closed set.

    3) The set X and the empty set are closed.

    With these properties, a topology based on closed sets can be constructed. In general, a subset can be closed, open, both open and closed, neither open nor closed.

    Said S a subset of a topological space X, x is a point of closure of S if every neighborhood (open or closed) of x contains at least one point of S.

    Said S a subset of a topological space X, x is an accumulation point of S if every neighborhood (open or closed) of x contains at least one point of S different from x itself.

    Each accumulation point is a closing point while vice versa is not valid. Locking points that are not accumulation points are called isolated points.

    The set of all closure points of a given set is called closure and is denoted by cl(I). The closure in a set is a closed set and contains the starting set, moreover it is the intersection of all closed sets that contain the starting set and is the smallest closed set containing the starting set. These definitions go by the name of topological closure.

    A set is therefore closed if and only if it coincides with its own closure.

    Finally, the closure of a subset is a subset of the closure of the main set, and a closed set contains another set if and only if this set contains the closure of the second.

    It goes without saying that the closure of the empty set is the empty set, that of the general set X is the general set X and in a discrete space each set is equal to its closure.

    Said S a subset of a topological space X, x is an interior point of S if there exists a neighborhood (open or closed) of x contained in S.

    The set of all interior points of a given set is called the interior and is denoted by int(I). The inner part is an open subset of the starting set, it is the union of all open sets contained in that set and it is the largest open set contained in that set. These definitions are referred to as the topological interior.

    A set is open if and only it coincides with its interior, furthermore the interior satisfies the idempotence relation.

    Finally, the interior of a subset is a subset of the interior of the main set, and an open set contains another set if and only if that set contains the interior of the second.

    It goes without saying that the interior of the empty set is the empty set, that of the general set X is the general set X and in a discrete space each set is equal to its interior.

    A closed subset of a topological space is said to be rare if it has no interior. A topological space is said to be of the first category if it is the union of a countable family of rare closed sets, vice versa it is said to be of the second category.

    The internal part and the closure can be associated with operators that put these two concepts into a dual relationship.

    The set difference between the closure and the interior is called the frontier, an element belonging to the frontier is called the frontier point. The frontier is also the intersection between the closure and its complement and is defined as the set of points such that each neighborhood contains at least one point belonging to the set and at least one point not belonging to this set.

    The boundary of a set is closed. A set is closed if and only if its boundary is contained in the set while it is open if and only if its boundary is disjoint from it.

    The frontier of a set is equal to the frontier of its complement, and the closing operation is simply the union of the set with its frontier. The boundary of a set is empty if and only if the set is both closed and open.

    A subset of a topological space is locally closed if it satisfies at least one of the following conditions: it is open in its closure or it is open in any closed space or it is closed in any open space or if for each point of the subset there is an open neighborhood of this point such that the intersection between the neighborhood and the subset is closed in the neighborhood.

    A topological space is said to be compact if from any family of open subsets of the space whose cover is given by:

    one can extract a finite subset J in I such that the same covering relation holds. This is the so-called covering compactness and can also be defined by the use of closed sets.

    A topological space is said to be compact by sequences if every sequence of points in the space admits a sub-sequence converging to a point in the space.

    The Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem states that every infinite subset of a compact space admits at least one accumulation point.

    A closed subset of a compact is a compact; the product of compact spaces is a compact as is the quotient.

    The empty set and any set defined with the trivial topology are compact. A closed and bounded interval in the set of real numbers is compact. Every finite topological space is also compact, as is the closed sphere in RxR and the Cantor set (which we will discuss at length in the chapter dedicated to fractal geometry, almost at the end of the book). Infinite sets with discrete topology are not compact.

    A space is said to be locally compact which, for each point, admits a basis of neighborhoods made up of compact sets.

    A non-empty topological space is said to be connected if the only pair of disjoint subsets whose union is the space itself is given by the pair between the space and the empty set. Equivalently we can state that a topological space is connected if and only if the only subsets both open and closed are the empty set and the space itself.

    A connected component of a space is called a connected subset not contained in any other connected subset. A space whose connected components are its points is said to be totally disconnected. The Cantor set and a set with discrete topology are totally disconnected.

    The union of lines in the plane is a connected space if at least two lines are not parallel, while in the set of real numbers a subset is connected if and only if it is an interval in which each extreme can be infinite. Furthermore, the product of connected spaces is a connected space.

    A topological space is said to be connected by arcs, or by paths, if for each pair of points in the space there is a continuous function (for the definition of continuity, see the next chapter) which connects them with equal value to the endpoints of the path. Every space connected by paths is connected, but not vice versa.

    A space is locally connected if it has a system of connected neighborhoods. A path-connected topological space is simply connected if the path is contractible at will up to the transformation (called homotopy) in the constant path.

    We define continuous function between topological spaces as a function for which the counterimage of every open set is open.

    We define Hausdorff space as a topological space which satisfies the following axioms:

    1) At least one neighborhood of the point containing the point itself corresponds to each point in space.

    2) Given two neighborhoods of the same point, the intersection of these two neighborhoods is a neighborhood.

    3) If a neighborhood of a point is a subset of a set, then this set is also a neighborhood of the point.

    4) For each neighborhood of a point there exists another neighborhood of that point such that the first neighborhood is the neighborhood of any point belonging to the second neighborhood.

    5) Given two distinct points there are two disjoint neighbourhoods.

    In particular, the last axiom is called the Hausdorff separability axiom of topological spaces. The separability axioms of topological spaces can be generalized according to a category of successive refinements:

    1) Spaces : for each pair of points there is an open space which contains one point and not the other.

    2) Spaces : for each pair of points there are two open spaces such that both contain one of the two points but not the other.

    3) Spaces : for each pair of points there are two open disjoints which contain them respectively. These are Hausdorff spaces.

    4) Regular spaces: for each point and for each closed disjoint there exist two open disjoints which contain them respectively.

    5) Spaces : if they are and regular.

    6) Completely regular spaces: for every disjoint point and for every closed set there exists a continuous function with real values which is 0 in the closed set and 1 in the point.

    7) Spaces : if they are and completely regular.

    8) Normal spaces: for each pair of closed disjoints there are two open disjoints which contain them respectively.

    9) Spaces : if they are and normal.

    Open or closed subsets of a locally compact Hausdorff space are locally compact. Any compact Hausdorff space is second rate.

    We recall that in topological spaces notions of elementary mathematics such as the concepts of countability or cardinality can be extended, thus defining countable sets and continuous sets.

    A subset is dense in a topological space if every element of the subset belongs to the set or is accumulation point. Equivalent definitions are the following: a subset is dense if its closure is the topological space or if every non-empty open subset intersects the subset or if the complement of the subset has an empty interior or if each point of the space is the limit of a sequence contained in the subset.

    Every topological space is dense in itself; rational and irrational numbers are dense in the set of real numbers. A space is separable if its dense subset is countable. A set is never dense if it is not dense in any open set.

    A topological space is uniform if it has a family of subsets satisfying the following properties:

    1) Every family of subsets contains the diagonal of the Cartesian product X x X.

    2) Every family of subsets is closed under inclusion.

    3) Every family of subsets is closed under the intersection.

    4) If a neighborhood belongs to the topology then there exists a family of subsets belonging to the topology such that, if two pairs of points having a common point belong to the family of subsets, then the two disjoint points belong to the neighborhood.

    5) If a neighborhood belongs to the topology then also the inversion of the neighborhood in the Cartesian product belongs to the topology.

    A metric space is a topological space generated by a topology of a basis of circular neighborhoods. In metric spaces a metric is defined which associates a non-negative real number to two points in the space for which the following properties hold:

    A function is said to be continuous at a point on a metric space if, for any choice of arbitrary positive quantities, the distance between this point and another point is bounded. Considering the spherical neighborhoods and the domain of the function we have:

    A metric space is always uniform. In a metric space, the distance between a point and a set also holds, defined as:

    This distance is zero if and only if x belongs to the closure of I. The distance between two points of two sets can be defined in the same way. Instead, it dictates the excess of one set over the other:

    The Hausdorff distance is as follows:

    A metric space is bounded if its closure is bounded. In a metric space x is a closure point if for every positive radius there exists a point within the space such that the distance between x and this point is less than the radius. In a metric space x is an interior point if there exists a positive radius such that the distance between x and a generic point belonging to the space is smaller than the radius.

    A metric space is complete if every Cauchy sequence converges to an element of the space. A metric space is compact if and only if it is complete and totally bounded. A metric space is always dense in its completion.

    We define a normed space as a metric space in which the distance is expressed by the norm:

    The norm has the properties of being positive definite and homogeneous; moreover, the triangle inequality holds. In formulas we have:

    A metric space in which the first relation does not hold is said to be semi-normed. It goes without saying that every regulated space is a metric (and therefore topological) space. An infinite-dimensional normed space is not locally compact.

    A metric space in which the distance (and therefore the norm) are Euclidean is called Euclidean space. This space is the usual one of elementary geometry, in fact the n-dimensional distance is very reminiscent of the classic Pythagorean theorem:

    Defined as a subset of an n-dimensional Euclidean space, a point x is closure if every open n-dimensional sphere centered on x contains at least one point of the subset. Similarly, a point x is interior if there is an open n-dimensional sphere centered at the point and contained in the subset.

    Euclidean spaces are locally compact. The n-dimensional sphere, the line, the plane and any Euclidean space are simply connected. The Euclidean space consisting of the set of n-dimensional real numbers is a connected space. By the Heine-Borel theorem a subset of this Euclidean space is compact if and only if it is closed.

    In a Euclidean space a convex set is a set in which, for each pair of points, the path connecting them is entirely contained in the set. A convex set is simply connected.

    A homeomorphism between two topological spaces is a continuous, bijective function with continuous inverse. The homeomorphism relation between topological spaces is an equivalence relation. Two homeomorphic spaces have the same topological properties. Local homeomorphism occurs if the function is locally but not globally continuous. Every local homeomorphism is a continuous and open function, every bijective local homeomorphism is a homeomorphism, the composition of two local homeomorphisms is another local homeomorphism.

    A diffeomorphism is a function between two topological spaces with the property of being differentiable (see below for the definition of differentiability), invertible and with differentiable inverse. The diffeomorphism is local if the function has these properties locally but not globally. A local diffeomorphism is a particular kind of local homeomorphism, so it is open.

    An isomorphism is a bijective map such that both the function and its inverse are homeomorphisms. The structures are said to be isomorphic and are substantially identical. If there is also an ordering property, we speak of order isomorphism or isotonia.

    A homotopy between two continuous functions defined in two topological spaces is a continuous function between the Cartesian product of a topological space and the unit interval [0,1] which associates to the zero point the value of the first continuous function and to the one point the value of the second continuous function. Homotopy is an equivalence relation, every homeomorphism is an equivalence of homotopy. Two homotopic topological spaces maintain the properties of path connection and simple connection.

    A bijective function between two metric spaces is called isometry if it holds

    If this relation is multiplicative for an arbitrary positive number other than one, it is called similarity. Furthermore, it is called uniformity if it is an isomorphism between uniform Euclidean spaces and it is a homeomorphism if it is an isomorphism between two topological spaces.

    An n-dimensional topological manifold is a topological Hausdorff space in which every point has an open neighborhood which is homeomorphic to an open set in n-dimensional Euclidean space. The number n is called the dimension of the manifold. The topological manifolds of dimension one are the circle and the straight line, those of dimensions two are called surfaces (examples are the sphere, the torus, the Mobius strip, the Klein bottle). For three-dimensional topological manifolds the Poincaré conjecture holds true (which states that every three-dimensional topological manifold that is simply connected and closed is homeomorphic to a three-dimensional sphere), those of four dimension represent the space-time of general relativity. Topological manifolds are homeomorphic to Euclidean spaces and hence are locally compact.

    A topological subspace is a subset of a topological space that inherits the topological structure of the space.

    We refer to the following chapters for insights into advanced, algebraic, functional and vector topology. This first introduction to general topology was necessary to fully understand the innovations introduced by mathematical analysis, which we will discuss shortly.



    Mathematical analysis is that part of mathematics that deals with the infinite decomposition of dense objects or sets, therefore it is based on topological concepts expressed in the first chapter.

    In particular, it involves two complementary and antithetical concepts, those of infinitesimal and

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