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Elementary Concepts of Topology
Elementary Concepts of Topology
Elementary Concepts of Topology
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Elementary Concepts of Topology

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Alexandroff's beautiful and elegant introduction to topology was originally published in 1932 as an extension of certain aspects of Hilbert's Anschauliche Geometrie. The text has long been recognized as one of the finest presentations of the fundamental concepts, vital for mathematicians who haven't time for extensive study and for beginning investigators.
The book is not a substitute for a systematic text, but an unusually useful intuitive approach to the basic concepts. Its aim is to present these concepts in a clear, elementary fashion without sacrificing their profundity or exactness and to give some indication of how they are useful in increasingly more areas of mathematics. The author proceeds from the basics of set-theoretic topology, through those topological theorems and questions which are based upon the concept of the algebraic complex, to the concept of Betti groups which binds together central topological theories in a whole and upon which applications of topology largely rest.
Wholly consistent with current investigations, in which a larger and larger part of topology is governed by the concept of homology, the book deals primarily with the concepts of complex, cycle, and homology. It points the way toward a systematic and entirely geometrically oriented theory of the most general structures of space.
First English translation, prepared for Dover by Alan E. Farley. Preface by David Hilbert. Author's Foreword. Index. 25 figures.

Release dateAug 13, 2012
Elementary Concepts of Topology

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    Elementary Concepts of Topology - Paul Alexandroff



    1. The specific attraction and in a large part the significance of topology lies in the fact that its most important questions and theorems have an immediate intuitive content and thus teach us in a direct way about space, which appears as the place in which continuous processes occur. As confirmation of this view I would like to begin by adding a few examples¹ to the many known ones.

    1. It is impossible to map an n-dimensional cube onto a proper subset of itself by a continuous deformation in which the boundary remains point-wise fixed.

    That this seemingly obvious theorem is in reality a very deep one can be seen from the fact that from it follows the invariance of dimension (that is, the theorem that it is impossible to map two coordinate spaces of different dimensions onto one another in a one-to-one and bicontinuous fashion).

    The invariance of dimension may also be derived from the following theorem which is among the most beautiful and most intuitive of topological results:

    2. The tiling theorem. If one covers an n-dimensional cube with finitely many sufficiently small² (but otherwise entirely arbitrary) closed sets, then there are necessarily points which belong to at least n + 1 of these sets. (On the other hand, there exist arbitrarily fine coverings for which this number n + 1 is not exceeded.)

    For n = 2, the theorem asserts that if a country is divided into sufficiently small provinces, there necessarily exist points at which at least three provinces come together. Here these provinces may have entirely arbitrary shapes; in particular, they need not even be connected; each one may consist of several pieces.

    FIG. 1

    Recent topological investigations have shown that the whole nature of the concept of dimension is hidden in this covering or tiling property, and thus the tiling theorem has contributed in a significant way to the deepening of our understanding of space (see 29 ff.).

    3. As the third example of an important and yet obvious-sounding theorem, we may choose the Jordan curve theorem: A simple closed curve (i.e., the topological image of a circle) lying in the plane divides the plane into precisely two regions and forms their common boundary.

    2. The question which naturally arises now is: What can one say about a closed Jordan curve in three-dimensional space?

    The decomposition of the plane by this closed curve amounts to the fact that there are pairs of points which have the property that every polygonal path which connects them (or which is bounded by them) necessarily has points in common with the curve (Fig. 1). Such pairs of points are said to be separated by the curve or linked with it.

    In three-dimensional space there are certainly no pairs of points which are separated by our Jordan curve;³ but there are closed polygons which are linked with it (Fig. 2) in the natural sense that every piece of surface which is bounded by the polygon necessarily has points in common with the curve. Here the portion of the surface spanned by the polygon need not be simply connected, but may be chosen entirely arbitrarily (Fig. 3).

    The Jordan theorem may also be generalized in another way for three-dimensional space: in space there are not only closed curves but also closed surfaces, and every such surface divides the space into two regions—exactly as a closed curve did in the plane.

    FIG. 2

    FIG. 3

    Supported by analogy, the reader can probably imagine what the relationships are in four-dimensional space: for every closed curve there exists a closed surface linked with it; for every closed three-dimensional manifold a pair of points linked with it. These are special cases of the Alexander duality theorem to which we shall return.

    3. Perhaps the above examples leave the reader with the impression that in topology nothing at all but obvious things are proved; this impression will fade rather quickly as we go on. However, be that as it may, even these obvious things are to be taken much more seriously: one can easily give examples of propositions which sound as obvious as the Jordan curve theorem, but which may be proved false. Who would believe, for example, that in a plane there are three (four, five, ... in fact, infinitely many!) simply connected bounded regions which all have the same boundary; or that one can find in three-dimensional space a simple Jordan arc (that is, a topological image of a polygonal line) such that there are circles outside of this arc that cannot possibly be contracted to a point without meeting it? There are also closed surfaces of genus zero which possess an analogous property. In other words, one can construct a topological image of a sphere and an ordinary circle in its interior in such a way that the circle may not be contracted to a point wholly inside the surface.

    4. All of these phenomena were wholly unsuspected at the beginning of the current century; the development of set-theoretic methods in topology first led to their discovery and, consequently, to a substantial extension of our idea of space. However, let me at once issue the emphatic warning that the most important problems of set-theoretic topology are in no way confined to the exhibition of, so to speak, pathological geometrical structures; on the contrary they are concerned with something quite positive. I would formulate the basic problem of set-theoretic topology as follows:

    To determine which set-theoretic structures have a connection with the intuitively given material of elementary polyhedral topology and hence deserve to be considered as geometrical figures—even if very general ones.

    Obviously implicit in the formulation of this question is the problem of a systematic investigation of structures of the required type, particularly with reference to those of their properties which actually enable us to recognize the above mentioned connection and so bring about the geometrization of the most general set-theoretic-topological concepts.

    The program of investigation for

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