She Teaches in the Hall
About this ebook
She teaches in the hall.
There you will find her changing “git”
to “get”
Pulling up pants and pulling down skirts
Sharing a word of encouragement
Scolding without words, just furrowed
She wears her emotions on her dainty sleeve.
Her heart on display that you may never
question her motives
She smiles when you cry and cries when
you smile
A help to whomever whenever.
She is a mother.
In her womb have winged creatures been
Some still being groomed, others conceiving
She holds on while they realize their wings
She lets go to prove they can fly.
She puts all of herself in all that she does
When no one is looking.
She is extravagantly humble
She is ferociously kind
She is loved beyond measure
She is Teacher and she teaches in the hall
Janiece Little, 2010
Irene Reed Singletary Ed.D.
She Teaches in the Hall: Irene Reed Singletary, Ed.D., grew up in a small rural county known as Bamberg, SC, yet her reach extends far beyond her hometown into lands distant and near. She is extravagantly humble She is ferociously kind She is loved beyond measure A dedicated educator for over forty years, she is adored by anyone who comes in contact with her. It is far more than her charm and intellect that draws you in; it is her sincerity; it is how she rallies in the corner and fights on the front lines with and for each of her students, to whom she affectionately refers as her children. Pre-service teachers, veteran teachers, and people from all walks of life will find inspiration in this book which offers insight and reflections of impactful education, by demonstrating love and guidance that transcend the classroom.
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She Teaches in the Hall - Irene Reed Singletary Ed.D.
© 2019 Irene Reed Singletary, Ed.D. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 11/21/2019
ISBN: 978-1-7283-3008-2 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2019915459
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She Teaches in the Hall
Reflections of Irene Reed Singletary, Ed.D., an Impactful Teacher
This book is dedicated to one of my former students, Dr. Frankie Day. I taught her English at Lewisville High School. Her desire was to become an actress. She succeeded. Not only did she become an actress, but she also taught acting to students at North Carolina A&T University, and graduates of that program went on to perform professionally and a few starred on Broadway.
When we started the journey of this book, Frankie told me that because of her illness she was unable to complete her anecdotal piece at the time initially requested. However, I assured her, not to be concerned because the book would not be published without her being in it. Well, Frankie passed in October of 2015. To keep my promise, I am dedicating this book to her. She was quite a student, a lady, and the epitome of professionalism.
She wrote a poem in my honor when I retired from public education in 2000. In it, she summarized our relationship and told our story in a most unique way. I will cherish her ability to translate current day themes into the language of our elders, and those who have gone before. An excerpt gives you a glimpse of that poetry:
So, I’se sayin
An we’s sayin
We knows you talk’n retire
But we knows you always be de teacher dat will inspire
So on dis your Retirement Day
May de good Lawd Bless you in a real Special Way!
Frankie Day
August 5, 2000
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 The Makings of an Impactful Teacher
Chapter 2 Proficient Passionate Patient Prayerful
Chapter 3 Proficient Passionate Patient Prayerful
Chapter 4 Proficient Passionate Patient Prayerful
Chapter 5 Proficient Passionate Patient Prayerful
Chapter 6 Reflections from an Impactful Teacher
About the Book, She Teaches in the Hall:
It is a pleasure to write the foreword to this very useful and practical volume, She Teaches in the Hall: Reflections of Irene Reed Singletary, Ed.D., an Impactful Teacher, reflecting the life and work of Dr. Irene Reed Singletary as a teacher, told from the perspective of her students. This project is one that, throughout the years of observing her commitment to teaching and loving students, I, along with countless others, have many times urged Irene to write! But this is better than our suggestion: Her students wrote the book! Who can better tell the story?
I have known Dr. Singletary for more than twelve years. I first met her when I came to Morris College in Sumter, SC, where she was a professor of education. She had been employed at Morris as Associate Professor and Director of Teacher Education for a year upon my arrival. We were both employed in the Division of Education with Dr. Bobby Leroy Brisbon serving as Chairperson. Immediately, I recognized that Dr. Singletary was a special teacher, a rare, passionate, conscientious, consummate professional. In my fifty years of teaching and supervising teachers, I have never come across anyone who can match her ability to inspire and motivate students; to teach with such energy and enthusiasm, to present the lesson in such an in-depth and thorough exposition; that one dare not to learn. Her favorite statement is failure is not an option
and let me tell you, there is no truer statement.
There have been so many times when her students faced what appeared to be insurmountable obstacles and were just at the very precipice of giving up, when Dr. Singletary stepped in and immediately provided the right prescription. Her knowledge and experience coupled with her Godly wisdom were more than enough to turn them around and get them back on track. Their discouragement, personal problems, financial difficulties, low self-esteem, speech and language usage, professional decorum to name a few; she gathered all the information to appropriately diagnose the situation, and gave or found the solution, and with dispatch.
I have observed her work under pressure; she is relentless. She works until mastery is achieved, not 80% but 100%! She just does not give up on herself or her students. Under her direction, Morris College’s Teacher Education Program had been awarded national accreditation on the first attempt and five years later received continuing accreditation. Additionally, the program is also widely recognized at the local and state levels. Her prospective teachers are sought after and often offered contracts prior to completing the student teaching. After graduation, she follows them into their classrooms and visits their classes; not just the first second or third year but continuously. She follows up with text messages of encouragement and recommendations for improvement. Many of her students have sought degrees beyond the bachelor’s. Several have been recognized as Teachers of the Year,
Teachers of the District,
Teachers of the Month,
and the like.
From the entries included in this book you can sense Dr. Singletary’s impact, accessibility and her willingness to go beyond the usual to meet the needs of her students. You can vicariously appreciate her astute ability to guide students through the learning experience, coaching them much like an athletic coach, modeling, while simultaneously sharing with them her personal experiences as a means of helping the student to relate to the information being taught. She constantly reminds them of the demands of living and working in the real world and how one needs to be prepared and ready to meet those demands. She is extremely transparent and often shares her experiences, her expectations, and her aspirations for her students. She is comfortable admitting her failures; she laughs, cries, and without hesitation, pulls a male student