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E- English Grammar
E- English Grammar
E- English Grammar
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E- English Grammar

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About this ebook

The book titled E-English Grammar is a unique explanation of all important chapters of English grammar with suitable examples wherever necessary in a very simple language, in a very logical order, and so methodically one after another. The subject in question is about all the important chapters, beginning with orthography and followed by etymology, particularly for kids in nursery classes. This can be a scientific tool or a guideline to teach them at home as well as in school by their parents and teachers respectively and, after that, in their upper or higher classes on promotion one after another till tenth, eleventh, and twelfth levels and even beyond that.

There is no exaggeration in saying that such an English grammar bookwith superb thought, unique explanation, and moreover, the most logical and appropriate examples that the learners can follow with easehas never been written so far.
Release dateJul 20, 2016
E- English Grammar

Durga Prasad

What a good English teacher he is! What he teaches is not only educative but interesting too. A chap with a cap! Merely nineteen years old, he appears so mature and experienced in teaching grammar, explaining each topic so simply and logically too, that any student can follow and grasp it. Amazing!

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    E- English Grammar - Durga Prasad

    Copyright © 2016 by Durga Prasad.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    Kinds Of Sentence

    Parts Of Speech

    Analysis Of Sentence


    Synthesis Of Sentence

    Transformation of Sentence

    Voice Change

    Degree Change









    In Memory of My Mother


    Late Ram Dulari Devi

    (Expired on 5th Jan. 1988)


    E nglish is an international language. People all over the world are desirous of learning this language. Language is learnt either at home or in school. The language which is learnt at home is termed as Mother Language. It is the mother that teaches her child for the first time. It is the mother that gives birth to a baby - male or female, nourishes him/her and teaches him or her how to recognise the person, place or thing in and around him or her. The medium through which mother explains in her tiny broken word/words so that the child can grasp (pick up) at ease and understand it thoroughly is said to be the language in real sense of the term. English is the mother language or tongue of the English who originally hail from any part of the country and territories under the jurisdiction and rule of the Great Britain. Slowly and slowly the British under its ruler so called king or queen started evading the nearby countries and began to rule over them for a pretty long time. Likewise the number of such small territory went on increasing and within a few decades the British ruled almost all over the world. As the earth is round the Sun rises in one part of it - it is known as day while sets in another part of it - it is known as night. We normally know where the Sunlight prevails, it is called day and where darkness prevails, it is called night. A time came in the history of British regime that almost all countries said to be the territories around the world were under their rule and administration. People used to say that the Sun never set during the period of the British Regime.

    Obviously, where the British ruled over, English became the official language and consequently the people under their control had to learn English language and literature in order to get a better job. Moreover English was made compulsory subjects in schools, colleges, institutions and universities.

    As such a large number of missionaries were opened in main cities and towns of so called territories where the weaker class of society was admitted, fed and brought up free of cost. They were taught by the nun primarily English language to read, write and speak. The very purpose of such missionaries was to help the unprivileged and downtrodden people. With the pace of time from the grass root levels of primary, middle and high schools English was taught to the students from the very beginning. At matriculation and entrance levels all the subjects of the syllabus or curriculum were in English and to get through all these two examinations viz. matriculation and entrance one had to be strong, if not versed in or mastery over English language and literature. There are two more important reasons for learning English - the first almost all the books of the prescribed syllabus were available in English only and the secondly those who were at par or superior to the British in qualification were getting opportunity of better services or jobs also in Government company or in their offices.

    After so many centuries the people of the territories so ruled by the British raised their voice for freedom, fought and became independent, these territories became democratic countries like our country - India (Bharat) but the craze of English language and literature has not decreased rather has increased tremendously in most of such countries other things being equal.

    The reasons are quite obvious. In higher education like science and technology, medical and engineering, commerce and trade, business management and administration the syllabi are taught in English only. The books also are available in English only.

    Now the countries whose mother tongue is not English, English is used as second language or so of the state. All prestigious examinations are conducted in English only. That is why English is a must, if anyone wants to go up in career so to say in life.

    We got freedom on 15th. August 1947 and started ruling the country democratically on and from 26th. January 1950 when our constitution was promulgated and became effective all over the country. In order to commemorate these two auspicious days, we Indians celebrate them as Independence Day on 15th. August and 26th. January as Republic Day every year. These two days are the national holidays all over the country and we celebrate them as our national festivals. Our national flags are hoisted in all Govt. and Non- Govt. offices, schools, colleges, universities, organisations and so on by the dignitaries.

    Whatever has been said above is only the history about how English language became so important as well as prominent in all over the countries or territories of the globe wherein the British rules were prevalent and the people had to obey the law of the land in the right spirit and letters.

    Now I do come to the point. The book in your hand is an English grammar written by me in a very simple language with suitable examples explaining appropriately pros and crones of the subject in question so that the readers of grass root level, middle level as well as of higher level can grasp (pick up), can understand and can learn English particularly how to read, write and speak English correctly with ease.

    Only the important chapters of English grammar have been explained with suitable examples. The main chapters are as follows:

    1. Orthography

    2. Etymology

    3. Sentence

    4. Kinds of Sentence

    5. Parts of Speech

    6. Analysis of Sentence

    7. Analysis (Principal Clause and Subordinate Clause)

    8. Synthesis

    9. Transformation of Sentence

    10. Voice Change

    11. Degree Change

    12. Narration

    13. Verb

    14. Adverb

    15. Preposition

    16. Conjunction

    17. Interjection

    18. Punctuation

    Do hope this book will prove to be an asset, moreover a guide, not only to the students but their parents and teachers also.

    Its second volume or part will be available within a very short period of time from the date of publication of this book which will cover the rest chapters of Grammar. English Grammar is a tough subject and to write it suitably is tougher than anything else.

    The book in question is the outcome of my effort sincerely made during the period of the last five decades in teaching English language and literature to the pupils of different levels of schools and colleges particularly when I had been an Assistant Teacher of English and later on generally when I was employed with different firms & companies in different posts & positions. Since it was my hobby to teach English language & literature, I used to teach my wards & the wards of my colleagues as and when I got time. After superannuation I thought of writing books on English language & literature so that the people residing in different corners of the world can be in a position to learn it with ease.

    Since the e-classes were taken exclusively through computers, all the chapters were saved as treasure and preserved in the Hard Disk. Now after a pretty long time my daughter Mrs. Susmita Bharti M.Sc. (Zoology), B.Ed., B.T.C., Assistant Teacher, Varanasi requested me to make the whole chapters, which were taught to my grandsons and granddaughters, make available in a book form inasmuch as she needs the book urgently to learn herself and also to teach her students.

    I assessed, planned properly and lastly succeeded in making it in a book form to her entire satisfaction. My grandson - Mr. Shubham Kumar who is now a student of Asansol Engineering College, West Bengal and my granddaughter - Miss Monika Kumari who is now a student of B.P. Poddar Institute of Management and Technology, West Bengal helped me a lot in searching, setting and consolidating the whole matters of what I had taught them nearly a few years back. I am thankful to them in assisting in my work.

    I am also thankful to Mr. Jairam Rajwar - a senior teacher of English for his valuable guidance and assistance extended to me in completing the book.

    I am grateful to Late Santosh Kumar Banerji and Late Ramakant Jha - formerly Headmaster and Assistant Headmaster respectively for teaching me English in my school days.

    Durga Prasad.

    Govindpur, Dhanbad, Jharkhand - 828109.


    7th. March 2016 (Monday)

    Mob.Nos: 9304885187/9430730717

    E-Mail: durga.prasad.1946@gmail.com



    Description (Orthography)

    H OW TO TEACH AND LEARN ENGLISH is a major subject in which the author has made an attempt to explain as to how effectively and efficiently the students of nursery classes at the primary level of education the first chapter of English Grammar termed as ORTHOGRAPHY can be taught step by step.

    In this chapter students are taught alphabet – a group of 26 letters of English language – Capital and Small letters both separately step by step.

    The author has suggested the important method and procedure how nicely with ease the children in between the age groups of 3 to 5 years can be taught in their classes by their class teachers and at home by their parents as well.

    Children at this age are very sensitive to grasp (pick up) the subject concerned and as such they should be taught with sheer love and affection so that fear or hesitation does not enter their heart or mind about the teachers or parents in any way, in any shape or form.

    Regular practice of reading and writing can strengthen their aptitude or attitude of learning their lessons quickly and improving their performance to a higher quality/standard. It is to be taken care of.

    The author has suggested for holding the regular tests/examinations based on the lesson taught to them so that the result of individual performance can be known and corrective measures can be taken to improve the shortcomings, if any, found in any of the students. Teacher and parents meet should be arranged by the school authority to interact on the periodical progress of their wards.

    The parents must take care of their children. They should spare some time regularly in teaching their lessons, they should not depend totally upon their class teachers/schools. The role of parents in building the career of their wards at the very initial stage of education, in any way, is of no less important than that of the class teachers.

    Durga Prasad.


    *     *     *


    English grammar is divided into five parts:

    1. Orthography

    2. Etymology

    3. Syntax

    4. Punctuation and

    5. Prosody

    ORTHOGRAPHY: Orthography can be defined as a method or system of how rightly one can learn to write, read and speak out (pronounce) the letters of the language concerned (here English Language as referred above). From the true sense of the term it is an art as well as a science. It is a technique how nicely it can be written with ease and how correctly can be read out.

    In fact it is the initial chapter which teaches us about 26 letters of English language – the group of which is known as alphabet. Alphabet is reckoned as the cluster of these 26 letters and again all these 26 letters are either vowels or consonant.

    Vowels are of five kinds whereas the rest of the 21 letters are called consonant

    A, E, I, O, and U are 5 vowels whereas the rest of 21 letters B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, and Z are 21 consonants.

    5 vowels and 21 consonants – altogether 26 letters are jointly termed as Alphabet. Alphabet is nothing but a group of 26 letters beginning with A and ending in Z.

    Thus Orthography is the most important chapter in which children of nursery classes or any learners of any other language can get acquainted with all these 26 letters. It is the base ladder that leads one in learning up to the top level, here that anyone succeeds means succeeds like success in learning it for his/her better prospect.

    Once again these 26 letters are written in two ways - one is known as CAPITAL LETTERS and another as SMALL LETTERS.

    At the very initial or at the beginning of education so to say at primary level of education the students are taught to recognize each and every letter in CAPITAL LETTERS from A to Z and secondly how to write them in their slates or copies with pencils or pens (preferably ball pens) only.

    The next stage of teaching to teach them to pronounce all these letters correctly, and after that the question of teaching them small letters arises. Similarly the students are asked to recognize each letter one by one and also taught how nicely and conveniently these letters can be written on their slates or copies – the methods and procedures of writing the letters in a right direction using the straight and curved lines is taught to the students step by step.

    The teacher himself or herself must know the art of writing these letters and also must know the technique as to how easily and nicely with sheer patience can be taught to his or her students within the prescribed period of time – in between 3 to six months. Here the teachers have to be cool and quit to teach their students who have tiny hands with tender fingers. The aptitude and attitude of the students at the learning stage differ from one to another, inasmuch as the art of writing is considered as an inborn quality of the students – some students grasp quickly and learn within a very short period of time whereas some take much more period of time in learning. The second most important aspect or part that a few students write the letters very beautifully that attract the attention of the teachers or anybody who happens to see their writing – so good handwriting – good handwriting whereas in some students this quality is lacking and they write the letters absurdly and then we say their handwriting is not up to the desired level or up to the mark or up to the desired standard, instead we use to remark it as not good hand - writing or as bad hand - writing. Here the teachers have to pay more attention to such children and teach them with sheer patience with immense love and affection the art or technique to improve their hand writing – the students of such category are to be practised again and again and instead of scolding them should be encouraged or motivated in the ways they need or require. I think their parents particularly the mothers are to be contacted and are to be informed about the performance of their wards in class and also requested to take care of the weaknesses of their wards.

    As the mother is the first teacher of her babies, she can be better utilised to improve the shortfalls of their wards. The mothers should co - operate the teachers in strengthening the foundation of their wards. It is such a period – let it be a critical one, when much more care is to be taken by school teachers as well as the parents to improve the students lacking in and naturally lagging behind in their classes, the unforeseen part attributable to spoil the students is their shyness in the company of their good colleagues and performing better than them. Such shyness in the long run deviates the students in question from the study and gradually day by day they lose interest in learning their lessons.

    What I have seen and marked in most of the schools in primary classes like nursery, KG- I and KG- II students are provided 4

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