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The Real Estate Bible: How To Follow Your Heart Light
The Real Estate Bible: How To Follow Your Heart Light
The Real Estate Bible: How To Follow Your Heart Light
Ebook154 pages2 hours

The Real Estate Bible: How To Follow Your Heart Light

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The Real Estate Bible lays out the blueprint for those looking to combine their real estate career and spiritually. You'll discover simple daily steps that enable you to burn "Clean Fuel" which naturally magnifies your intuition or "Heart Light".  Enjoy a fresh take on a career that is traditionally not known to inco

PublisherAlex Vasquez
Release dateMar 16, 2020
The Real Estate Bible: How To Follow Your Heart Light

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    Book preview

    The Real Estate Bible - Alex M Vasquez


    I’m the kind of person who consistently pushes the limits and looks for ways to better myself. Whether that is physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, I have always felt the best way for me to achieve great things is to continually grow and drive beyond my fears.

    During a recent search for a new Real Estate book, I continually saw an unfulfilled niche. Sure, there was an abundance of books that showed me, How to be the next millionaire in Real Estate or books to teach me about, The Real Estate boom, or Real Estate made easy and The basics of Real Estate. I felt like I’d read them all. However, as I continued my search, I realized the key element that I learned from many successful individuals in real estate, had been left out.

    A gap in the market perhaps? I thought so ...

    It seemed to me that the core of what turns dreams into reality and allows your fears to subside, had somehow been overlooked. Let me explain. I’m not referring to a hidden secret or a get rich quick scheme. I used the word bible in the title of this book, knowing it carries a religious connotation, and it can be correctly assumed that God, or a higher being, is the cornerstone of this book’s foundation.

    My objective is not to preach or sway you towards a particular faith, but to encourage you to embrace your own inner light. And to help you blend this real-life superpower with your Real Estate business and day to day activities. That is the niche I feel has been missed — until now. In my experience, the individuals who rise to the top all have one thing in common: they believe in something bigger than themselves, and while they are committed to excellence to an almost manic degree, and love the rewards that come with those efforts, they clearly go about their work with a sense of purpose. Being able to do what they love naturally paves the pathway to success. And coincidentally, the financial aspect of success tends to be a part of that. In this book, I will guide you to discover a way of being will give you a sense of personal freedom and, if implemented, can far exceed anything money can buy. My aim is to give you practical tools to unlock your true being and genuine nature. Having happiness and passion for what we do is pure liberation, and I believe it is something we all deserve.

    I hope you’re ready to walk down this path and give yourself everything God intended you to have. We work the majority of our lives, therefore we might as well embrace it, otherwise our true gifts will never fully shine.

    I want to jump straight into the heart of the book, but before I do, I have a quick story I want to share with you.

    I was running my Real Estate brokerage when I was approached by the local managing partners of Berkshire Hathaway: Warren Buffett’s company. One of the partners was a close friend and mentor. They had watched my company grow and they made an offer to acquire my firm. The acquisition was based on my company’s future trajectory and Berkshire Hathaway’s intention to expand their market share.

    My fledgling company was in its infancy when they approached me. Initially, my business plan had been to build the brand to the level where I would franchise it myself. However, when the offer was made to buy, I felt I had no choice but to weigh out the options. To be honest, I was honored and in awe that this world-renowned brand was taking an interest in my company, and in me. I took it as a huge compliment and I was extremely flattered. With all of this in mind, I concluded that accepting their offer was the best decision and we proceeded to get the deal closed.

    Part of the terms were for me to help the managing partners run the two hundred plus brokerage firm: from culture influencing, to recruiting, to marketing. Once the ink was dry on the contract, I hit the ground running and worked non-stop for eighteen months straight! Afterwards I took a vacation for a couple of weeks, and while it was a celebratory trip, looking back, I think it was more to clear my head and recharge my batteries from the huge workload that initially ensued.

    Did it change my life? For sure it built my notoriety and credibility, and I was nominated and awarded for several achievements; including the 40 Under 40 Award. From a financial standpoint it positioned me to scale my other business and grow my personal Real Estate portfolio. But most importantly, it gave me the opportunity to provide for my family and loved ones. I am truly grateful for such an amazing chapter in my business life and this book is my way of giving back.

    Thank you for joining me on this incredible adventure: if you are ready, let’s begin and, most importantly, let’s have some fun!



    In my experience, and I wholeheartedly believe this to be true, when we clearly define what we want, and when we totally accept our circumstances, and when we are entirely prepared to work all-out, relentlessly, then absolutely nothing can stop us from achieving our dreams.

    I was taught that timing was everything. I heard it everywhere, so I believed it to be true. When I first set out, I didn't recognize what I know now, and even if I did, I doubt I would change a thing. I believe it was the tough times that enabled me to experience the good times. Looking back over my shoulder to ponder my highs and lows, they’ve merged to form a flow of true-life experiences. And, that’s true for all of us. I entered the Real Estate market in 2006, right before the market tanked. Everyone was leaving, running for the hills, just as I was marching in. The timing was terrible, but timing is everything!

    When the whole world around you seems to be caving in and abandoning ship, you’re left with one obvious option: to move forward!

    So that’s what I did. I defined, I accepted, and I worked.

    I took the decision to make the shift from my busy career in hospitality, into Real Estate. My time as a chef had come to an end, and now it was the stage for me to pursue my destiny. I believe cooking taught me how to work extremely hard. When you're working behind a blistering hot stove in a kitchen for fourteen hours a day, six days a week, in uncomfortable, difficult conditions, you build up your reserves of endurance most others can’t fathom.

    As a chef, I was on a comfortable salary, so at twenty-three I purchased a new house, bought a new car, and a five-acre plot of land. Naturally, that was with the understanding my salaried chef position was going to sustain all of these acquisitions. When I transitioned into Real Estate, it was a completely commission-based role. I got my Real Estate licence and I was ready, but like most new brokers entering the business, what I needed was a steady income until my new trade proved profitable. I worked at the Olive Garden waiting tables at night, Tuesday through Sunday. During the day, I worked at Foot Locker part-time.

    About two years in, I got rid of the Foot Locker job, but I continued to wait tables for six years while working my Real Estate business. I was very fortunate because the manager of the restaurant was a good friend, and it enabled me to work deals while I was running tables. A typical evening looked like this: I would serve bread and drinks to new customers, then I'd get a text or an email. I'd run to the back, call, and start negotiating, and begin writing up contracts on my phone. It was a very humbling lesson. Today when I put on a suit and tie, and actually go out and just talk to people, I have no room to complain at all.

    For six years my life was nothing other than waiting tables, writing Real Estate contracts, clearing tables, reading emails, serving drinks, and working deals. There was no order to the play list, just work, lots of hard work.

    My first home was a 2,000 square-foot, four-bedroom house. It was too big for me alone. I decided to rent out the rooms for $600 a room, and I did that for eight years. I made a profit of $600+ per month on my own house. Each night I came home to essentially a damn frat house in order to pay the bills. This is just one example of the sacrifice I made to obtain success. I worked sixteen-hour days to survive, I had to. Today, I work sixteen-hour days because I want to.


    Your new path, the one that allows you to break free from what you're doing, can often come from right under your nose, when you least expect it.


    Your new path, the one that allows you to break free from what you’re doing, can often come from right under your nose, when you least expect it.

    The general manager, who was my friend from the Olive Garden, bought his retirement home, which was close to a million-dollar transaction. Coincidentally, in the same month, I closed another million and a half dollars multifamily complex. Which I also double ended: in Real Estate terminology that means you represent both the buyer and the seller. In this instance, it was a bank owned property that they wanted to offload and on that commission alone, I made in excess of $75,000. Added to the commission from the Olive Garden General Manager million-dollar deal, I pocketed a shade under $100,000.

    My six-figure month enabled me to leave the Olive Garden and tackle my Real Estate business full-time, safe in the realization I had a comfortable nest egg. $100,000 in one month! But remember, that was six years in the making.

    Whilst I juggled my Olive Garden work alongside my business, I managed to become a multimillion dollar Real Estate

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