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Night Unbound
Night Unbound
Night Unbound
Ebook480 pages7 hours

Night Unbound

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Vampires

  • Immortality

  • Betrayal

  • Loyalty

  • Love

  • Love Triangle

  • Secret Identity

  • Chosen One

  • Forbidden Love

  • Enemies to Lovers

  • Found Family

  • Secret Society

  • Vampire Romance

  • Telepathic Communication

  • Love Conquers All

  • Telepathy

  • Friendship

  • Immortal Guardians

  • Supernatural Beings

  • Healing

About this ebook

In this USA Today–bestselling paranormal romance, a gifted warrior dreams of a mysterious man who may be her downfall.

For centuries, Lisette d’Alençon has been a warrior against the dark. She fights alongside her brothers and comrades. But when the dreams start coming, she can’t bear to confess them to the Immortal Guardians’ command. Dreams of a dark-haired man with soft eyes and brutal wounds, a man her heart aches for—and a man she knows has been declared a traitor.

Zach is an exile, a loner. He won’t defend himself against false accusations or grovel to those who should have faith in him. But he’ll damn sure defend the woman who kept him sane against a plague of super-vamps that seems to have appeared from nowhere. The Guardians will blame him, and that will make Lisette suspect, too. With life, death and eternity on the line, who can they really trust?

Praise for New York Times–bestseller Dianne Duvall and the Immortal Guardians series

“Duvall is a major player.”—RT Book Reviews

“The Immortal Guardians series is one you’ll want to follow.”—The Romance Review

“These dark, kick-ass guardians can protect me any day!”—New York Times–bestselling author Alexandra Ivy on Darkness Dawns

“Whizzing along at light speed...this sophomore effort sizzles.”—Publishers Weekly on Night Reigns
PublisherZebra Books
Release dateSep 2, 2014

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Reviews for Night Unbound

Rating: 4.336538346153846 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jun 29, 2019

    4.5 Stars! Up until a few months ago when I picked it back up when it went on sale I had forgotten how wonderful this series is! I am now totally addicted! I was so curious about Zach after the last book that I had to get this one right away (which I rarely do)! I am glad we got some answers...granted not all...but some.

    If only we could get Seth's book!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jun 29, 2019

    I really enjoyed getting back into the Immortal Guardians series and the rich, imaginative world that Dianne Duvall has created. I'd been eagerly awaiting this book since I finished Darkness Rises, and Night Unbound did not disappoint.

    I was so happy that this book was about Lisette, especially now that both of her brothers have found love. After feeling guilty for centuries for accidentally turning her brothers, she really deserved to find her own Happily-Ever-After.

    Zach has always been so mysterious in every instance that he has appeared in the series, and it was great fun finding out more about him. Lisette changes everything for him and pulls him out of the ennui that he had been feeling, although I suspect that he had already started doing that by helping Seth out in previous books. Although we do find out more about how he and Seth met and what they are (or could possibly be at least), there are still a ton of questions left I'd like to find the answers to and I'm hoping the next book answers a little more.

    Overall it was a really good read! This series as a whole is one of my favorites, and I'm really looking forward to reading the next one! If you haven't checked it out yet then you should definitely give it a try!

    ***Review copy provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review***
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Oct 28, 2019

    Reviewed by: Rabid Reads. - 3.5 stars

    NIGHT UNBOUND is the first installment in Dianne Duvall’s IMMORTAL GUARDIANS series that revolved around a female character, and although Lisette & Zach’s tale was undoubtedly passionate, it didn’t quite measure up to its male counterparts. Some major questions get answered with regards to the main story arc, and there’s no shortage of action or romance, but I failed to connect with the protagonists which caused the love scenes to lack chemistry. After four amazing books, I have no problem with giving the author a mulligan because we’re all allowed one, that’s the rule!

    Throughout this series, Duvall has been torturing readers with the origins of the IMMORTAL GUARDIANS, and finally some of my suspicions were confirmed. No big surprises on that front, but it was nice to have my hunches validated, especially the ones about Seth. Speaking of which, I did feel like this story was more about him than Lisette, albeit without the romantic aspects. I am getting a little tired of the supersoldiers plot line; the memory wipe / restore trick is getting old even though it does make sense for the author’s eventual end game. I enjoyed meeting the new characters, Ethan and Aidan, and Cliff is quickly becoming one of my favourite underdogs. I also LOVED the shout out to Québec!

    I was looking forward to learning more about Lisette d’Alençon, one of the only female IMMORTAL GUARDIANS, because she’s been a bit of a wallflower up until this point. Unfortunately, her role in this story seemed almost trivial at times, and her character wasn’t developed nearly as much as I would have liked. In fact, she came off as ditzy instead of ferocious which was disappointing because it made her pale in comparison to her male team mates. Zach’s another one who’s been lurking in the shadows, and the author was somewhat limited as to what she could unveil without giving too much away about the Others, so I didn’t mind his murkiness as much.

    Things heated up quickly between Lisette & Zach which made NIGHT UNBOUND the hottest installment yet! The latter’s telekinetic abilities sure came in handy—no more searching for the elusive g-spot with that card in your deck! However, I did feel like the numerous sex scenes were trying to compensate for this book’s lack of relationship growth, and the result was steam without chemistry. I found myself not really caring whether Lisette & Zach got their HEA because their romance was somewhat eclipsed by this series’ plot arc, and I just wasn’t invested in their love story like I was with previous novels.

    If you like a lot of motion in your ocean, then NIGHT UNBOUND is sure to satisfy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jun 29, 2019

    A rare female Immortal Guardian, Lisette d'Alençon, finds herself attracted to, Zach, a man their leader, Seth, affirmed the enemy.

    Lisette is brave and honorable for helping Zack after he saved her life, regardless of the fact that she could get in trouble with Seth. I admire that she did what she felt was right heedlessly of the potential ramifications.

    Zach is an “other," as old as Seth. He is courageous for following Seth’s lead and breaks away from the others; despite the possibility of being tortured. He is strong for doing what he feels is right and not being part of the flock observing and doing nothing.

    I love Lisette's interaction and dialog between her brothers. I also, enjoyed watching Zach and Seth’s rapport evolve.

    Dianne Duvall created a wonderful world in the Immortal Guardians series. Night Unbound is original and well-written. The plot is intoxicating and carefully thought out. Many exciting things happened to keep me fascinated. There are numerous unexpected twists. I also appreciate that the story is a continuation of the previous books, including characters from earlier novels.

    Complimentary copy provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jun 29, 2019

    You would have thought I'd learn by now, but after each Immortal Guardians book I always tell myself, "There is no way I could possibly love any couple more than XX and XX". Dianne continues to prove me wrong, I truly fall in love with all of them.

    Lisette and Zach's attraction started in a previous book so we knew their story was coming for a while. Both have been drawn to each other and things get hot and heavy pretty quickly in NIGHT UNBOUND. I enjoyed getting to know both of the characters more in depth. They really were great together, but I had no doubt they would be going in.

    We get a surprisingly large amount of information about Seth in NIGHT UNBOUND. We also see a totally different side of him than we are used to. I really liked that side. He is more "human" in my eyes after seeing him interact 2-on-1 with Zach and Lisette.

    I know I have mentioned this before, but I can't help but mention it again because it's a huge part of why I love this series so much. I absolutely LOVE that all of the characters from previous and future books are a big part of each book. It keeps the storyline connected and I learn more and more about them all as the series continues. Dianne you have to write faster, I'm going through withdraw already.

    * This book was provided free of charge from the author in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jun 29, 2019

    I loved this book. Actually, I love the entire series. I've been eagerly awaiting the story of Lisette and Zach since they were introduced with that little bit of tension between them. We learned so much more about Zach, but of course there are still things that need to be revealed that we probably won't get to know about until Seth's book (if there will be one). The two immortals just pretty much deserved each other and I'm very happy they were paired together. Zach was almost childlike in the beginning and Lisette brought him happiness and added a depth to him that was fun to read. So looking forward to more in this series.

    Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jun 29, 2019

    Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy.

    NIGHT UNBOUND is yet another in a strong, Paranormal Romance series that offers action, romance, and characters that don’t fall prey to the “cast of thousands” fatigue so common in this genre. Both Lisette and Zach have appeared in prior books, and seeing these two find a happily-ever-after makes for a steamy and satisfying romance, with a minimum of drama keeping them apart.

    Despite that romance, or perhaps more impressive because of it, the Immortal Guardians series doesn’t skimp on the action side of the story. While necessity confines some aspects of this global war to the North Carolina research triangle, those constraints don’t detract from the overall enjoyability of the series. While individual Immortal Guardian hunts still seem strongly reminiscent of Buffy and the Scooby Gang going on patrol, yet another organized threat looms behind the usual vampire foes. Zach also brings with him a greater understanding of the mysterious “Others”, a detail I enjoyed.

    While NIGHT UNBOUND isn’t the best place for new readers to join the series (as they’d miss out on all the lore and relationships that precede it). Series Paranormal Romance can fall into repetitive patterns, but the Immortal Guardians has enough originality and genuine surprises to promise many, many more great books to come.

    Sexual Content: Sex scenes.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jun 29, 2019

    *Book source ~ A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

    Lisette D’Alençon is an Immortal Guardian. Young compared to many Guardians, she is a kickass French hottie that has been around a couple centuries killing vampires. Her twin brothers, also Guardians, have found love and she’s feeling down. She’s lonely and wonders if she even deserves love after accidentally turning her brothers into Guardians all those years ago. And then Zach comes into their lives. Mysterious, powerful, secretive and, also, apparently not on good terms with Seth, the leader of the Immortal Guardians. Seth has told her Zach is off-limits. Stay away or risk his displeasure. But Lisette can’t stay away and Zach is drawn to Lisette. Is it just lust or is it more? And is Zach the one who betrayed Seth or is it someone else?

    Darkness Dawns (book 1) was one of the first books I reviewed for Kensington. I read it and was enthralled. I love this series. I mean, I really do. For realz! I have said it before and I’ll say it again and not give a fuck that I’m repeating myself, it has everything I love in a book. Humor, paranormal elements, sexy steaminess, action, multiple POVs, twisty plot, sexy steaminess (did I say that already?), a wonderful cast of characters and a great world. Plus, it’s set in my own backyard here in North Carolina. I like to pretend I’ll run into a Guardian some evening. *stares off into space, drools a little* Where was I? Oh, yeah. This one even has a bit of a mystery to solve and the possibility that one of the Immortal Guardians has turned traitor. Say it isn’t so!

    The gang is back in Lisette and Zach’s romance. There are even a few new guys. I went into this book with trepidation because these two characters have had very little page time. I had no feel for them and didn’t know if I could connect. I was right to be worried because I didn’t connect as well as I have in the past with the main love story characters, but this book is plenty long enough and I came to love both of them once I got to know them. Now, I’m sitting here impatient for the next book. Who finds love next? Seth? David? Ethan? Or will it be new guy Aidan? My vote goes for Aidan even though he’s new. I need Seth to be alone a bit longer though I know that’s cruel. And I really want Chris to find someone to love. He may be human, but he deserves someone who’ll take care of him since he’s too busy taking care of the Guardians and the Network to take care of himself. Make that happen! *ahem* If that’s ok with you, Ms. Duvall. Plus, we still need to find the person responsible for creating the super vampires, discover what the hell the Others are and how Marcus and Ami’s baby is doing. Plenty of fodder for many books to come, I hope!

    So many good quotes in this book that I have to add a few. The whole scene with Zach in bad shape at Lisette’s is quote worthy, but I’ll just add this one...

    “Bastien nodded to Ethan, then stared down at Zach. After a few moments he looked around. “Where’s the shovel?”
    Ethan coughed to cover a laugh.
    “I didn’t kill him!” Lisette nearly shouted.
    Bastien shifted his gaze to Ethan.
    Ethan held up his hands. “Don’t look at me. I didn’t kill him.”
    “He isn’t dead,” Lisette snapped. “And I’m not into rough sex!”
    Bastien stared at her. “Ooookay.””

    Chris to Bastien:
    “”And you are supposed to be serving as guard. Seven vampires live across the hallway. What are you going to do if a couple of them have psychotic breaks and try to escape while you two are having a quickie?”
    “Chase them down bare-ass naked and give the human guards an eyeful.”
    “I don’t know about you,” one of the vamps said in his room, “but I’m pretty sure even total mind-fuck madness wouldn’t make me risk that guy chasing me down and tackling me while he’s naked and has a hard-on.”

    “Seth glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. “Now what’s wrong. You’re scowling again.”
    “I don’t know,” Zach said, puzzled. “For a moment I just felt this peculiar…I don’t know…non-murderous connection to you or something.”
    “It’s called kinship, asshole.”
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jun 29, 2019

    Listened for Review/Purchased (Tantor/Audible)
    Overall Rating: 4.00
    Story Rating: 3.75
    Character Rating: 4.25

    Audio Rating: 4.50 (not part of the overall rating)

    First Thought when Finished: I loved Lisette and Zach in Night Unbound by Dianne Duvall!

    Story Thoughts: Going to admit that I love the romance part of Night Unbound. It was refreshing that words like love and support were early (for romance) to raise their hand in this story. It made me fall in love with the romance more than I expected too. As for the forwarding of the overall arc of the series. I felt this was a bit of filler novel but important filler. A lot happened but we only moved forward a bit. That being said, at no point was I bored during listening to the story. It was well worth the time.

    Character Thoughts: Second admission: I liked Lisette in the previous books but I wasn't sure I could handle her as the lead in a full-length novel. I was wrong. In fact, it was a little frustrating when the story wasn't about her and Zach. I loved them together. Zach has always been swoon-worthy to me. He is one of those broken but healing characters I love to love. However, falling in love with them as a couple stunned but pleased me.

    Not writing spoilers but why you can't skip this: Two very important pieces of information come out during this book. Also if we don't find a way to save Cliff I am going to cry (that isn't a spoiler as he is infected but I say this every book since Bastian).

    Audio Thoughts:

    Narrated By Kirsten Potter / Length: 13 hrs and 21 mins

    This is a series that I will only listen to on audio. Kirsten + Dianne = great author/narrator pairing. Kirsten outdid herself this time--her numerous accents were dead on!

    Final Thoughts:Now counting down to the next one!

Book preview

Night Unbound - Dianne Duvall



Bathed in the light of a full moon, Zach listened to the activity in the two-story house below him.

Gargoyle duty. Wasn’t that what Seth had called Zach’s propensity to perch upon rooftops and eavesdrop on or observe whatever happened beneath him?

He glanced around. Aside from the trees that towered over him and surrounded the house, his only companions were the shingles beneath his feet, the solar panels that reflected the moon like a tranquil pond, and an opossum trudging across the back lawn.

What the hell was he doing here? He had visited this particular house so often, he thought wryly, that his ass would soon leave a permanent imprint in the roof.

What drew him here?

The answer opened the front door and, offering her Second, or human guard, a see you later, crossed to the motorcycle parked in the circular drive.

Lisette d’Alençon, a very rare female Immortal Guardian.

As silent as the faint breeze, Zach flexed his wings and took to the sky, seeking refuge behind one of the thick evergreens.

Lisette donned her helmet and lifted her chin to fasten the strap. Her gaze, as it always did, went to the roof, wandering across the peak as though she expected to find something there.

Or someone.

Did she hope to find him there?

No. Of course not. He had only spoken to her twice. And one of those times had been when she and a couple of her fellow immortals had ambushed him, chained him up, and interrogated him.

She knew Seth, the leader of the Immortal Guardians, didn’t trust him.

And yet, Zach almost convinced himself that he saw disappointment in her pretty brown eyes before she climbed onto the back of her sleek black Hayabusa and took off.

He might as well be a kite connected to her with a string. That increasingly familiar compulsion to follow her sent him sailing through the night above her.

Wings spread, Zach rode the breeze, swooping and twirling as he raced the motorcycle that ate up the asphalt below.

The slender figure guiding it nearly scraped her knee on the pavement as she leaned into a curve, taking it far too fast. Her long, midnight braid flapped and danced in the wind, bouncing off the sheathed shoto swords strapped to her back. Garbed all in black, she didn’t wear her long coat tonight and, no doubt, would generate a great deal of attention if any other drivers on the road could keep up with her long enough to notice the multitude of weapons she bore.

And she knew how to use those weapons. He had seen her in action. Hunting insane vampires was a violent, bloody business. One made all the more so recently when mercenaries had gained knowledge of immortals, vampires, and the virus that infected them both.

Zach shook his head. Mankind was so predictable. Getting rich always triumphed over doing good. The mercenaries had seen the virus as a means of creating an army of supersoldiers they could hire out to the highest bidder. And their determination to understand why vampires were driven insane by the virus and immortals weren’t had nearly led to Lisette’s capture.

Slowing, the lovely immortal in question turned onto a private drive and stopped before a tall security gate.

Zach’s gaze lingered on her long legs, outlined nicely by fitted cargo pants, as she straddled the bike and typed in the code.

When the gate swung open, she shot forward once more.

Zach swept his wings down, propelling himself forward and following her progress through the breaks in the trees that formed a canopy between them. She headed for the home of David, the second oldest Immortal Guardian on the planet. Zach had first developed his fascination with Lisette by spending time perched upon the roof of this house, which he often thought of as the hub of the Immortal Guardians’ world here in the United States. David treated immortals, their Seconds, and the other humans who assisted them as family and welcomed any and all to visit whenever they wished to.

Any and all save Zach, who wasn’t part of their world.

Completely distracted, Zach nearly crashed into a large owl. Feathers flew as the owl panicked. Talons threatened. Zach banked, reversed, dodged, and lost sight of Lisette. By the time he caught up with her, she had stowed her helmet away and was striding up the walk to David’s front door.

Damn, he loved to watch her walk, loved those long, confident strides.

And damned if he didn’t envy those inside who were about to share her company.

He waited until she entered, then spread his wings and gently floated down to the rooftop.

A heavy weight slammed into his middle, knocking the breath from him, breaking several ribs, and lifting him from the roof.

North Carolina vanished, replaced by icy tundra being swept clean by a blizzard.

Zach grunted in pain as his back slammed down onto a glacial surface as hard as stone. Several bones in the wings he hadn’t had time to retract broke, snapping like twigs. Ice pellets peppered him, stinging like needles and abrading skin left bare save for his usual leather pants.

Squinting against the white, he focused on the figure kneeling above him, face dark with fury, eyes glowing gold.

Seth, the eldest and most powerful Immortal Guardian in existence. The only Immortal Guardian who could match Zach, who had seen millennia, in age. Give or take a century.

Loyal leader. Fierce protector.

Seth had scorned the path Zach and the Others had chosen so long ago. He had chosen a far different path.

It wasn’t until recently that Zach had begun to question which path was the right one.


Did you think I wouldn’t know? Seth bellowed over the howling winds. Did you think I wouldn’t figure it out? His large hand closed around Zach’s throat and held him down.

Zach tried to teleport and couldn’t. Seth must be doing something to block or hamper Zach’s gifts.

I warned you, Seth said. I warned you I’ve been exercising and growing my powers while you and the Others sat on your asses. Did you think I lied?

When Zach opened his mouth to respond, Seth lifted him and slammed him against the ice again, breaking more bones in Zach’s wings.

Just tell me why!

Why what? Zach growled as agony overwhelmed him.

Lightning streaked through the sky and struck the glacier a few yards away.

He had never seen Seth so enraged.

Don’t fuck with me! Why did you restore Donald’s and Nelson’s memories? Why did you help them prey upon my Immortal Guardians?

Donald and Nelson. Leaders of the mercenary group that had twice hunted immortals and twice been defeated in epic battles.

Seth and David had buried the two humans’ memories of immortals and vampires after the first final battle. And, once Seth and David had buried those memories, no mortal would have been able to resurrect them. Such could only have been accomplished by . . .

Zach shook his head, unable to speak past the fingers clutching his throat.

Roaring, Seth rose to his feet and waved an arm in a circle.

The wind ceased blowing. The snow it had been carrying fluttered down to the ground, settling upon Zach and decorating his eyelashes as silence engulfed them.

Shit. Seth could control the weather? None of the Others, himself included, could do that.

Zach started to rise, but found he couldn’t.

Seth held Zach in place telekinetically, his power a frightening and tangible force. "Only you or an Immortal Guardian could have done it. And my immortals wouldn’t betray me. Just tell me why you did it."

Zach shook his head. Your problem, Seth, he gasped, has always been . . . that you think yourself . . . invulnerable. Is it . . . so hard for you to believe . . . that one of your precious . . . Immortal Guardians might have betrayed you?

You deny it was you?

I deny nothing, Zach snarled, his own fury now matching Seth’s.

So be it.

The blizzard resumed, wind whipping Seth’s long hair.

So quickly that he appeared to vanish for a moment, Seth drew a dagger and—kneeling—plunged the blade into Zach’s chest an inch from his heart.

Pain shrieked through him.

Seth leaned in close and turned the blade, heightening Zach’s suffering. "Listen closely, Cousin. This is but a tiny fraction of the power I wield. Betray me again, endanger my Immortal Guardian family again, and I will destroy you. If the Others don’t like it and choose to confront me, I assure you they will meet the same fate."

He rose while Zach struggled for breath.

"Stay away from Ami. Stay away from Lisette. Stay away from all of us. Seth shook his head, his face full of scorn as his glowing gaze raked Zach. What a fucking disappointment."

He vanished.

The pressure holding Zach in place fell away.

Raising a hand that shook, Zach grasped the handle of the dagger and slowly pulled it from his chest.

It fell to the ground, staining the ice red.

He tried to teleport and found he couldn’t. Seth had done something to drain his powers.

Gritting his teeth, Zach sat up with a growl of agony and dragged his wings with him.

A shiver shook him.

He glanced around at the frozen landscape.

No structure or shelter in sight.

For the next several hours, until his broken wings healed enough to carry him home, Zach’s only company would be the anger festering inside him.

That and the satisfaction of knowing he wasn’t the one who had betrayed Seth.

Apparently, somewhere out there, an Immortal Guardian was plotting to take down his or her illustrious leader.

And Zach would watch it all with a smile.

Through the curtain of snow whipping past him, Zach caught movement.

He rose, muscles stiff with cold and strain. Gravity pulled at his broken wings, increasing the pain.

If Seth had decided to return, Zach would meet him on his feet.

He squinted against the stinging snow and ice.

A shadowy figure separated itself from the dark backdrop of night. Tall. As tall as Zach, who was only a couple of inches short of seven feet. His body bracketed by wings.

A second figure joined him. Similar height. Similar wings.

Then a third. And a fourth.

Nearly a dozen in all.

How had they—?

Shit. Seth. Of course.

After the first time Zach had strayed . . . to help Seth, the ungrateful bastard . . . and been punished, Zach had learned to hide his presence from the Others, to shield his movements and elude detection. The Others had had no idea how far he had deviated from their chosen path in recent months.

Until now. Until Seth had destroyed Zach’s ability to evade their scrutiny and led them right to him.

The powerful men surrounded him.

It appears you haven’t learned your lesson, one pronounced.

Oh, but I have, Zach thought.

We’ll have to be more diligent this time in our efforts to impress upon you the importance of not deviating from the path.

He was certain they would be very diligent indeed.

Bitterness welled within him, nearly choking him in its intensity.

Little did they know their punishment, lesson, whatever they wished to call the torture they intended for him, wasn’t necessary.

Twice Zach had intervened to aid Seth and his Immortal Guardians. And all it had gotten him was a knife in the chest.

He wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

If he survived what was in store for him.

Chapter One

Lisette prowled the University of North Carolina’s campus in Greensboro. Though the fall semester had only recently begun, parties abounded. Freshmen, thrilled to have left the nest and escaped their parents’ rule, got drunk off their asses and lured vampires like sugar lured ants. Male. Female. It didn’t matter. Easy prey was easy prey. And vampires tended to be lazy that way. Even when the brain damage the virus caused in humans progressed enough to drive them insane, sheer habit—she supposed—prompted the vampires to return to college campuses.

Lisette headed toward the frat houses.

Everything else might suck, but at least she wouldn’t descend into madness. Gifted ones—men and women like Lisette who had been born with extremely advanced DNA (the origins of which remained unknown)—were protected from the more corrosive aspects of the virus. They also possessed various and assorted gifts that humans and vampires didn’t. Like the telepathy that let her hear the revolting thoughts of the vampires stalking a young couple deep in their cups.

Two vamps. Two potential human victims who had no idea they were about to be fed upon by creatures who delighted in inflicting pain.

Immortal Guardians had recently taken an unprecedented step and begun attempting to recruit vampires who had not yet succumbed to the madness.

These guys didn’t fall into that category. Bad news for them. Good news for her. She really wasn’t in the mood for conversation.

Lisette raced forward so fast she blurred, little more than a breeze humans couldn’t follow with their eyes. Zipping past the young couple, she barreled into the vampires like the athletes she so loved to watch in the NFL and drove them back behind the nearest building.

The vampires hit the ground hard as she released them.

Out of sight of the humans, she drew her shoto swords.

The vamps’ eyes lit up like candles, glowing blue and green.

Her own, she knew, glowed a vibrant amber.

Immortal Guardian, one vampire sneered, making the title an insult.

She saluted him with a sword as the vamps drew bowie knives longer than her damned forearm.

One good thing about vampires: Most were college students who had been turned after spending most of their leisure time lounging on their asses, gaming, texting, and surfing the Internet. Few had any real skill with weapons.

Unlike Lisette, who had trained with a master swordsman.

The vampires attacked simultaneously. Shoto swords met bowie knives, swept them aside, and struck flesh. Howls of pain pierced the night. The pungent aroma of wild fury mixed with fear suffused the air, accompanied by the metallic scent of blood.

One vampire circled around behind her.

Lisette merely turned to the side and continued to swing her swords, striking metal, metal, flesh, metal, flesh, flesh, flesh. The more blood she drew, the more careless they became, at last allowing her to strike major arteries.

They dropped to their knees, spewing epithets and slavering like rabid dogs as they bled out faster than the virus that infected them could repair the damage. Weak and furious, they continued to cut the air with their weapons.

Lisette took a couple of steps backward and waited as they collapsed and drew their last breaths. It would’ve been a hard thing to watch had she not heard their twisted plans for the inebriated couple.

A moment passed.

Their bodies began to shrivel up like mummies as the virus devoured them from the inside out in a desperate bid to continue living. Dr. Melanie Lipton had told Lisette this virus behaved like no other on the planet, and the proof lay—disintegrating on the ground—before her.

She glanced around to ensure no humans loitered nearby.

Don’t do it, she counseled herself softly as a compulsion grew within her.

Yet again, the words didn’t stop her.

Sighing, she looked up and searched the rooftops around her, waiting to see if a dark, winged figure would separate itself from the shadows.

It didn’t.

You knew he wouldn’t be there, she muttered with disgust, and bent to retrieve the bowie knives.

Who wouldn’t? a deep voice queried softly.

Gasping, she straightened and spun around. You.

Just as she had imagined a thousand times, a tall figure emerged from the darkness and slowly approached her. Damned near seven feet tall, he towered over her five-foot six-inch form. Dark leather pants. No shirt. Just a leanly muscled form bereft of hair except for the raven tresses that adorned his head and fell beneath his shoulders.

Behind him spread beautiful wings that would span twelve or fourteen feet when fully extended. Nearly translucent, the feathers that graced them were the same tan as his skin at the wings’ base and darkened to black at their tips. Her fingers curled as she remembered touching them. Just once. So soft. Like the hair on a newborn baby’s head.

Zach, she breathed. The last time she had seen him he had saved her life.

Stopping several feet away, he closed his eyes for a moment. You remember my name.

Of course I do, she said, heart racing. It’s only been four months.

His eyes opened, so dark a brown they were nearly black. Is that how long it’s been? Four months?

She nodded.

Who were you looking for? he asked.

You, she admitted, though she knew she shouldn’t.

A month ago, when curiosity and no recent sightings had driven her to ask about this intriguing, yet formidable immortal, Seth had not reacted well. Face dark with rage, he had instructed her to forget Zach and to stay away from him.

Zach tilted his head to one side. Why?

I . . . Can’t stop thinking about you. I wanted to apologize.

For what?

Was that moisture forming on his forehead? Even immortals her age could regulate their body’s temperature without thinking about it. Though the night was unusually warm, his body should be cool.

For what? he asked again.

She swallowed hard, wishing now she had thought of another answer. This man possessed almost as much power as Seth. Pissing him off probably wasn’t a very good idea.

He glanced to the side, as though he heard something she couldn’t. I don’t have much time, he murmured, and returned his attention to her.

I wanted to apologize because . . . I think I said something that made Seth angry at you.

His eyes flashed golden. What?

Thunder rumbled overhead, drawing her wary gaze. After we fought Donald’s mercenaries that last time, I asked Seth why he didn’t just do what you did when you came to my rescue and kill all of our enemies with a thought instead of letting us risk our existence in battle with them. She shook her head. The question seemed to anger him. An understatement. But that anger seemed to be directed at . . . you.

A shadow formed on Zach’s chest.

No. Not a shadow. A large bruise. Another darkened the area around one eye.

I thought . . .

A long gash, like that cut by a whip, streaked across his chest, parting the bruise.

What the hell?

Her gaze darted all around them, seeking but finding no assailant. I thought, she stuttered, that might be why I haven’t seen you around. More gashes opened on his flesh as he stared at her, his handsome face expressionless. I thought Seth might have told you to stay away. An ugly abrasion formed on his temple. Blood trailed down to the edge of his strong jaw and drip, drip, dripped onto his broad shoulder. She took a step forward. Zach, what’s happening to you?

In what seemed like seconds, bleeding lash marks striped his arms, shoulders, chest, and abdomen. His jaw clenched as, beneath her horrified gaze, bones in his wings began to break.

Swearing, she raced to his side, swords raised to combat . . . whoever the hell was doing this to him.

Feathers fluttered to the ground at his feet as he staggered. Those still attached to his wings began to glisten with crimson liquid as wound after wound appeared.

Who’s doing this? she shouted, panic threatening. Who could move so fast that even she couldn’t see them?

I can’t stay, he whispered, blood painting his teeth and staining his lips.

Who’s doing this to you? she repeated urgently. How can I help you?

He shook his head. You can’t. I can’t believe you would even want to, knowing . . .

Knowing what?

He grunted as another bone snapped.


His eyes rolled back as his knees bent.

Lisette dropped her swords and thrust her arms out to catch him as he sank toward the ground.

A warm breeze washed over her as he vanished inches before they touched.

Shaken, she stared down at her empty arms. Zach?

Turning in a circle, she waited for whatever unseen force had attacked him to turn its attention on her and begin inflicting wounds.

It didn’t.

Zach! Lisette jerked awake, her frantic gaze taking in her surroundings. Heart racing, she sat up and reached over to turn on the lamp beside the bed. Though she could see clearly in darkness, she had never managed to abandon the comfort light had given her as a mortal and appreciated the dim glow that now illuminated the familiar basement bedroom of her two-story home.

A dream. It had all been a dream?

So real, she whispered. Looking down, she discovered that her hands shook.

What had just happened? It had been a dream, but . . .

The fact that she had been fighting vampires didn’t surprise her. When one hunted and slew vampires every night for two hundred years, one tended to dream of little else. But Zach’s presence . . .

She frowned. Elder telepathic immortals like Seth and David maintained complete control over their gift and didn’t hear other people’s thoughts unless they chose to. Younger telepathic immortals like Lisette and her brother Étienne, who had only lived roughly two hundred and thirty years, had far less control over their gift and automatically heard the thoughts of everyone around them unless the telepaths consciously blocked them. Since she lost that ability once she fell asleep, Lisette often found herself pulled into the dreams of those with whom she was in close proximity. As did Étienne, who had walked into her dreams countless times over the centuries. She had learned very quickly to discern who was a natural part of her dream and who wasn’t. When Étienne walked into her dreams, she knew it.

Only Lisette and Tracy, her mortal Second, slumbered in the house. And Tracy sure as hell wasn’t dreaming of Zach. Tracy didn’t even know Zach existed. No, a quick peek told Lisette Tracy dreamed of swimming in a lake near her childhood home.

The dream was mine, Lisette said, trying to understand. But Zach had not been indigenous to it.

He must have walked into her dream.

Which meant he was nearby.

Excitement flared. Tossing back the covers, she sped upstairs, disabled the security system, and dashed out the front door.

Sunlight seared her.

Spewing French epithets, she darted into the heavy shade of the nearest tree.

How could she have forgotten it was morning?

Her skin pinkened with a sunburn as she wished for the millionth time that she possessed elder immortals’ stronger tolerance for the sun.

Turning around, she looked up at the roof, expecting to see Zach perched atop it as he had so often perched atop David’s.


Clinging to shadows, she circled around to the back, again looked up, and found nothing.

Disappointment snuffed out excitement as she glanced around.

No need to worry about neighbors seeing her in her nightgown. Chris Reordon, head of the East Coast division of the human network that aided immortals, had built her house upon a nice, large tract of land so no one could live close enough to her for her to hear their thoughts or experience their dreams.

Thoroughly confused, she took the most shaded route back to the house, darted inside, and locked out the daylight.

Are you mental?

Lisette jumped at the question.

Tracy squinted at her through eyes puffy from sleep, her blond hair a tangled mess. Matching Lisette in height and slender of build, the Second wore only a large man’s T-shirt that didn’t quite reach mid-thigh and clutched two 9mm’s. What the hell were you doing out there?

Lisette shrugged, feeling foolish. I thought I heard something.

"Well, next time send me out to investigate. That’s what I’m here for." Almost every Immortal Guardian was assigned a human Second for just that purpose: so they could do the things immortals couldn’t (or shouldn’t) do during daylight hours because of their photosensitivity.

Flicking on the safeties, Tracy headed into the kitchen. Let me get you some blood to heal those burns.

Lisette listened as Tracy set her weapons down, opened the refrigerator door, and delved into the special compartment that contained bags of blood.

Zach had walked into her dream. She was sure of it. But, if he weren’t here, how had he accomplished it? And what had caused those wounds to open up on him like that? She had never seen that before, either in a dream or in reality.

Finding no answers, she followed Tracy into the kitchen and took the bag of blood she offered. Thank you.

Tracy yawned.

Go back to bed, Lisette told her. I’m sorry I woke you.

Nodding, her Second collected her weapons, then shuffled out of the kitchen and down the hallway.

Lisette let her fangs descend and sank them into the bag, siphoning the blood directly into her veins. Her skin ceased burning. Blisters swiftly healed. Pink faded.

Tossing the empty bag in the trash, she returned to her bed.

But she found no more sleep that day.

Zach struggled to hold on to the image of Lisette—racing to his side, swords drawn, ready to defend him from his attackers. He saw again her drop those swords and, face stricken, hold out her arms to catch him as he fell.

He could have felt those slender arms wrap around him, hold him close, then ease him down to the ground . . . as he had once done for her.

But the pain had finally gotten the better of him.

Too many blows to count had sealed his left eye shut. Sweat and blood stung his right eye as he cracked it open and peered around the dimly lit cavern. So cliché.

Decided to join us again, have you? a voice drawled.

I told you he couldn’t block us forever, another murmured.

If only . . . Zach thought bitterly.

Resume, the first voice commanded.

Agony sliced through Zach as another bone in his right wing snapped. Though he made no sound, he jerked involuntarily. The thick chains that cut into his wrists and dangled him from the cavern’s ceiling jingled as he swung slightly. Needles pricked every inch of his arms. Or at least, that was what it felt like. He had been hanging thusly for a very long time, his arms supporting all of his weight.

More feathers fluttered down from his broken wings, disappearing into the darkness that consumed the floor far beneath him. A whip opened his flesh again. And again. Blood seeped from wounds and trailed down his body in tiny tributaries that merged at his ankles before slithering down to cascade over his toes.

He had long since lost all track of time. Lisette had said she hadn’t seen him in four months. His confrontation with Seth had transpired shortly after Zach’s last encounter with her. Had he really been here that long? Or had those few seconds with Lisette merely been a fantasy?

Where do you go when you do that?

Zach ignored the question. Just as he had ignored all of those that had preceded it.

Another bone in his wing broke.


He doesn’t go anywhere.

Are you so sure? He doesn’t respond. Doesn’t seem to feel pain. Mentally he seems to be elsewhere. Do you not think we should know where?

Zach snorted before he could stop himself. They could do whatever they wished to him. He would never lead them to Lisette. He might be broken physically, but his mind remained sharp. His mental barriers held strong. And his fantasies . . .

Well, those enabled him to endure this.

Another bone broke.


Where do you go? Lamech demanded.

I’ve not left this cavern, Zach responded just to irritate them, as you well know, since you guard me twenty-four-seven.

He supposed it should please him that they felt the need to.

They did, of course. Need to guard him, that was. Ever since Seth had first mentioned growing his powers a couple of years ago, Zach had been working to strengthen his own.

"He doesn’t go anywhere. He meditates, like that guy in Tribes," Jared said.

Zach had always thought it odd that Jared was such a film and television hound. Zach and the rest of the Others paid little attention to the stories concocted by Hollywood. After all, what could possibly top what they had seen in the thousands of years they had lived? Mankind would freak if they knew some of the things that hadn’t made it into the history books.

The better question, Jared added, is whom does he imagine he’s with?

Zach wasn’t so sure he had imagined this last encounter with Lisette. Usually, when he fantasized about her, he controlled her every action, determined what she would say . . .

This time had been different. He hadn’t chosen where they had met, how they had met, or what they had said. Had it been real? Or as real as it could be with his physical body trapped in this damned cavern? Had he managed to tap into her dreams?

He struggled to keep his heart from beating faster at the notion.

Were you with Seth? Lamech asked.

That rat bastard? Hell no.

Why did you meet with Seth in the Arctic? Jared demanded, taking the whip.

Coincidence, Zach replied through cracked lips.

The whip tore into Zach’s chest.

What is your interest in Seth? Lamech asked.

What’s yours? Zach countered.

What it has always been, Jared said. If we don’t keep Seth and his little Immortal Guardians in check—

Zach laughed, then nearly wept at the pain it inspired. "When have we ever kept them in check?"

Another crack of the whip.

More feathers fluttered down into the void.

Lisette. Just think of Lisette.

If he had infiltrated her dream, then he must finally be regaining strength.

Not physically. Physically he had never been weaker.

But perhaps all of those fantasies he had been weaving around the fierce female immortal had accomplished two goals: distracting him from the pain and strengthening his mental gifts.

Mind over matter.

He found a smile.

Who would’ve thought that shit actually worked?

The dream haunted Lisette for the next two weeks. She had seen no sign of Zach since, neither awake nor when ensconced in slumber.

Each night she doggedly continued to hunt and slay vampires too insane to recruit.

Honestly, she didn’t know why they weren’t just killing them all. Humans infected with the virus had no hope. They would become vampire. They would lose themselves to madness. And they would prey upon humans, killing and often ruthlessly torturing them. Melanie had found no cure for the virus. Nor had she and the other researchers at the network found a treatment that would prevent or reverse the progressive brain damage the virus caused in humans.

Wasn’t simply killing them the kindest thing immortals could do? Spare them those painful moments of realizing they had suffered a psychotic break and done something unspeakable? Spare them that slow descent into insanity? Spare them those last few lucid moments when they knew they were losing everything they once had been and were becoming monsters?

Yet, Seth had ordered them to continue to keep an eye out for vampires who weren’t too far gone.

Lisette sighed. At least she didn’t have to converse with the vamps the way other Immortal Guardians did. She could hear every depraved thought in the vampires’ heads. Which also made it easier to kill them.

Every damned night without fail.

Then, as dawn approached, she would return home and seek her bed with an eagerness that disgusted her, hoping she would once more encounter Zach in Morpheus’s realm.

Why was she so obsessed with the mysterious elder?

Why were he and Seth at odds?

Hell, if Bastien—who had thought himself vampire, loathed the Immortal Guardians for two hundred years, and pitted a vampire army against them—could turn around and join the Immortal Guardians, what the hell held Zach back? What bad blood existed between him and Seth? And how bad was it?

Lisette trusted Seth implicitly. Always had. So why should she doubt his judgment now? Because Zach had saved her life?

Well, that had been pretty big. The mercenaries who had cornered her and drugged her would have captured her and dissected her if Zach hadn’t killed them. He could have just let her fall. Why save her instead if he were such a bad guy?

She released a sigh full of frustration.

And why could she not stop thinking about him? Had she not learned her lesson? Had she not already suffered at the hands of a so-called bad boy? She was immortal today because she had fallen in love with a man who had skated the edge. A rake. A reprobate. A charming, yet evil scoundrel who had nearly killed her by trying to turn her against her will.

How stupid would she be to make the same damned mistake twice?

You look pissed, Tracy commented.

Lisette tried to erase her frown as she took the weapons her Second offered and prepared for the night’s hunt. I haven’t been sleeping well.

A moment of silence passed.

Do you want me to stay at David’s for a couple of days? Tracy asked.

Lisette smiled. No. It isn’t you. Or your dreams. It’s . . . She shook her head. If she told Tracy she was pining for a man who appeared to be Seth’s

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