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Miracles and Magic: Awaken
Miracles and Magic: Awaken
Miracles and Magic: Awaken
Ebook53 pages44 minutes

Miracles and Magic: Awaken

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About this ebook

Miracles and Magic explains miracles and magic in terms of super-energy resonance technology and defines the process underlying physical Ascension. Many examples are given including John of God, Sathya Sai Baba and the Philadelphia Experiment.Logical explanations for these events are given in terms of super-physics and Consciousness.

PublisherRobin Beck
Release dateOct 20, 2018
Miracles and Magic: Awaken

David Ash

David Ash was born in Kent, England in 1948. One of eight children he was the second son Dr Michael and Joy Doreen Ash. David has been married three times and is father of nine children and grandfather of eleven.David (with Peter Hewitt) is author of The Vortex: Key to Future Science, by Gateway books in 1990. He is also author of The New Science of the Spirit published in 1995 by the College of Psychic Studies in London. In the same year Kima Global Publishing of Cape Town published his book Activation for Ascension. Kima Global Publishing has published all his subsequent titles including: The New Physics of Consciousness and The Role of Evil in Human Evolution in 2007 and The Vortex Theory.David travels the world speaking on the Vortex Theory and the Living Universe. He is also an accomplished musician and singer-song writer. David usually includes his music in his teaching programmes and concludes his workshops with a Sacred Sabai Blessing which is a sung meditation based on a Thai style ceremony.

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    Book preview

    Miracles and Magic - David Ash

    Miracles and Magic

    There is such an order in this intricate vast mystery, a sort of preordained pattern in everything. It’s like we all have our destiny and our potential for vibrant health so it doesn't matter what comes along to change it or try to destroy it, if we have faith in the infinite re-creative energy real healing can happen.

    Anna Mary Ash

    David Ash

    With Matthew Newsome & Susan Saillard-Thompson

    Published by:

    Kima Books


    Copyright David Ash 20th October 2018

    eISBN 978-87-93886-64-3

    Publisher’s web site

    Author’s web site

    Cover art by Argonaut Design Ltd.

    World rights Kima Global Publishers. With the exception of small passages quoted for review purposes, this edition may not be reproduced, translated, adapted, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or through any means including mechanical, electronic, photocopying or otherwise without the permission of the publisher.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Psychic Surgery

    Chapter 2: Miracle Man

    Chapter 3: Ectoplasm Apparitions

    Chapter 4: The Hoax Deception

    Chapter 5: Crop Formations

    Chapter 6: UFOs

    Chapter 7: The Philadelphia Experiment


    About the Author

    Other Books by David Ash


    To my family.

    I’d rather be one of the devotees of God than one of the straight, so-called sane or normal people who just don’t understand that man is a spiritual being, that he has a soul.

    George Harrison


    Miracles and Magic explains miracles and magic in terms of super-energy resonance technology and defines the process underlying physical Ascension. Many miracles can be explained in terms of super-energy resonance.

    Chapter 1: Psychic Surgery

    Psychic surgery is an extraordinary procedure through which many thousands of people have experienced dramatic healing. Materialists decry psychic surgery as a hoax. They accuse psychic surgeons of fakery and say the patients have been duped. This disparaging attitude stems from the inadequacy of the materialist paradigm. The materialistic frame of under- standing they are embedded in fails to account for supernatural and paranormal phenomena.

    A new frame of understanding, emerging from the vortex theory, is based on the assumption that super-energy exists beyond the speed of light. This can account for supernatural and paranormal phenomena in a scientific context. I call this frame, super physics. Within this new scientific frame of understanding there is a simple way of explaining psychic surgery and other seemingly ‘miraculous’ phenomena.

    Many miracles can be explained in terms of super-energy resonance. Super-energy resonance occurs when an intense beam of super-energy is applied to matter. Resonance then occurs between the energy in the matter and the super-energy in the beam. This resonance causes the energy in the vortices and waves of the matter to undergo acceleration of its intrinsic speed value and come into equilibrium with the intrinsic speed value of super-energy in the beam. If the super-energy beam is switched off, the energy reverts to its original ‘natural’ speed value. There are therefore, two modes to the super-energy resonance process.

    Energy ascension is the mode in super-energy resonance when the speed of energy in subatomic ‘vortex’ particles and ‘quantum’ wave particles is accelerated to speed values exceeding the speed of light. In this procedure matter and light would be ascended or evaporated from the physical state to the hyperphysical or superphysical states of matter and light. In this process the matter or light would vanish. They would not ‘go anywhere’ as such but as their energy is accelerated to super-energy they would no longer be in physical space and time so they would no longer reflect physical light or interact with physical matter.

    Super-energy descension is the mode in super-energy resonance when the speed of super-energy in hyperphysical or super- physical ‘vortex’ subatomic particles and ‘quantum’ wave particles are decelerated to the speed of light. In

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