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Myths in Modern Physics: Awaken
Myths in Modern Physics: Awaken
Myths in Modern Physics: Awaken
Ebook44 pages33 minutes

Myths in Modern Physics: Awaken

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Inspired by the insight of Yogis from ancient India, visionary physicist David Ash has dedicated his life to developing a vortex physics that bridges the physical with the non-physical. He has opened the frontiers of science to the supernatural and the paranormal in a way never before possible. Ash shows there may be super-energy realities co-existing with our world in dimensions beyond the speed of light and our range of perception.

PublisherRobin Beck
Release dateOct 10, 2018
Myths in Modern Physics: Awaken

David Ash

David Ash was born in Kent, England in 1948. One of eight children he was the second son Dr Michael and Joy Doreen Ash. David has been married three times and is father of nine children and grandfather of eleven.David (with Peter Hewitt) is author of The Vortex: Key to Future Science, by Gateway books in 1990. He is also author of The New Science of the Spirit published in 1995 by the College of Psychic Studies in London. In the same year Kima Global Publishing of Cape Town published his book Activation for Ascension. Kima Global Publishing has published all his subsequent titles including: The New Physics of Consciousness and The Role of Evil in Human Evolution in 2007 and The Vortex Theory.David travels the world speaking on the Vortex Theory and the Living Universe. He is also an accomplished musician and singer-song writer. David usually includes his music in his teaching programmes and concludes his workshops with a Sacred Sabai Blessing which is a sung meditation based on a Thai style ceremony.

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    Book preview

    Myths in Modern Physics - David Ash

    Myths in Modern Physics

    David A. Ash

    With Matthew Newsome & Susan Saillard-Thompson

    Published by:

    Kima Books,


    © David Ash 20th October 2018

    eISBN 978-87-93886-19-3

    Publisher’s web site

    Author’s web site

    Cover art by Argonaut Design Ltd.

    World rights Kima Global Publishers. With the exception of small passages quoted for review purposes, this edition may not be reproduced, translated, adapted, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or through any means including mechanical, electronic, photocopying or otherwise without the permission of the publisher.


    To my family.


    Chapter 1: Challenging the Standard Theory

    Chapter 2: Quark Nonsense

    Chapter 3: Problems with the Neutron

    Chapter 4: A Challenge for Quantum Mechanics

    Chapter 5: Crazy Theories in Quantum Mechanics

    Chapter 6: Understanding Quantum Mechanics

    Chapter 6: Understanding Quantum Mechanics

    About the Author


    We live on an unstable planet. The Earth is subject to a cycle of massive changes. Less than ten thousand years ago rivers were flowing on the continent of Antarctica. Canada and the North Eastern States of America were covered by an ice sheet two miles deep and mammoths grazed peacefully on the sunny grasslands of Siberia. Then something suddenly happened. Siberia shot towards the North Pole as it shifted from Hudson Bay to the Arctic Ocean and America moved some two thousand miles towards the Equator. The planetary change was devastating. It was so sudden the mammoths were frozen with the grass still in their mouths.

    For fifty years I have been involved in developing a new vortex physics which has helped me understand the origin of the Universe, the mystery of human existence and the destiny of planet Earth. My research has led me to conclude that the Earth is unstable. Albert Einstein knew this too. He endorsed the idea that every few thousand years the crust of our planet slides over the Poles. It appears to have happened before and we have no reason to believe it won’t happen again. The Earth’s shifting crust could be the cause of periodic pole shifts and past planetary convulsions. Geological evidence suggests these Earth changes happen like clockwork and the vortex physics provides, in a new theory for gravity, a straightforward account for why they occur.

    Using the vortex theory I have identified a source of enormous energy at the core centre of the Earth. I call it the Gravity Geyser. Geological evidence reveals every few thousand years devastating earth changes occur that are linked to the reversal of the Poles. The understanding of why this might happen has until now been unclear. My work in the field of vortex physics provides a theoretical framework to support the notion that colossal amounts of heat are periodically released from a gravitation mechanism acting like

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