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A Guide to Successful Substitute Teaching
A Guide to Successful Substitute Teaching
A Guide to Successful Substitute Teaching
Ebook98 pages51 minutes

A Guide to Successful Substitute Teaching

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About this ebook

This book is intended to be used by individuals, which have entered the educational field, who must go through the substitute teaching experience. In order to obtain a contracted position, individuals must gain experience only obtainable through substitute teaching.

Release dateOct 31, 2018
A Guide to Successful Substitute Teaching

Wade McAfee

Dr. Wade McAfee has taught in the public schools for over thirty years. He began his career in education as a substitute teacher in California. He has taught multiple subjects as well as single subjects in grades k–12th. He has taught at school also in Washington State, Virginia, Washington D.C., Michigan, and Nevada. He has taught in elementary, middle, and high school. He has been an Assistant Principal, Assessment Coordinator, and a Safety Coordinator while working in the public school systems. He has an undergrad degree in Social Science, a master’s degree in School Administration, and a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership. Dr. McAfee enjoys working in the educational profession and understands the tremendous issues confronting public school education in the 21st century.

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    A Guide to Successful Substitute Teaching - Wade McAfee

    About the Author

    Dr. Wade McAfee has taught in the public schools for over 30 years. He began his career in education as a substitute teacher in California. He has taught multiple subjects as well as single subjects in grades k–12th. He has taught at school also in Washington State, Virginia, Washington D.C., Michigan, and Nevada. He has taught in elementary, middle, and high school.

    He has been an Assistant Principal, Assessment Coordinator, and a Safety Coordinator while working in the public school systems. He has an undergrad degree in Social Science, a master’s degree in School Administration, and a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership. Dr. McAfee enjoys working in the educational profession and understands the tremendous issues confronting public school education in the 21st century.



    I would like to dedicate this book to my wife and everyone who has contributed to my academic career.

    A Guide To Successful Substitute Teaching

    Published by Austin Macauley at Smashwords

    Copyright 2018, Wade McAfee

    The right of Wade McAfee to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the

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    Available from the British Library.




    A Guide To Successful Substitute Teaching, 2018

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.

    ISBN 9781788482097 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781788482103 (Hardback)

    ISBN 9781788482110 (E-Book)


    First Published in 2018

    Austin Macauley Publishers.LTD/

    CGC-33-01, 25 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf, London E14 5LQ



    I would like to acknowledge Dr. Joseph Saxton, Dr. Jerry Olivas, and Dr. Lesley-Hanchey-Harbin, who were on my committee while I worked on my doctorate degree.





    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Things to Know

    Chapter 2

    Substitute Survival Kit

    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4

    First Things to Do

    Chapter 5

    No Lesson Plans

    Chapter 6

    Emergency Drills

    Chapter 7

    Now You Are in Class

    Chapter 8

    Making Sure You Get Noticed







    Chapter 1

    Things to Know

    The first day of substitute teaching can be a frightening experience. The new teacher, more than likely, will be very nervous and apprehensive about what to expect. There are some common sense things a new, inexperienced teacher can do to prepare for this new adventure. It is assumed that the new teacher got into the educational profession because of the love of children, teaching others, doing something for the enhancement of society, and all the good things new people like to believe about systematic public and private school education.

    A new teacher should think about the substitute teaching experience as a way to be seen by a school’s administrators that can lead to an opportunity to become a contracted teacher, with all of the benefits associated with the position. School Principals are looking for good talent. They particularly like substitute teachers that can handle themselves in the classroom. I mean, can the individual maintain classroom management of the children and perform all the tasks associated with teaching the students?

    The substitute teacher should be prepared before they enter the classroom by performing earlier tasks. The substitute teacher should keep in mind that they are in the classroom to not only perform the task of filling in for the regular teacher, but also to have some fun working with the children at the same time.

    The first task a new substitute teacher should perform is to obtain a list of all the schools in the school district they will be working with. Some school districts like Clark County Public Schools (Nevada) have prepared school maps. The maps show all the schools they serve and areas where the schools are located. Clark County school maps also exhibit things like libraries, landscapes, and important city areas to note. The substitute should then decide which schools are close to where they are living and schools they would be willing to travel to, further away from home.

    A substitute teacher will spend a great amount of time traveling from assignment to assignment. It would be prudent to ensure traveling time is as brief as possible.

    Today, traveling by car or bus is not an easy task. This chore can be stressful, time consuming, and can put people in a bad mood for the day. Commuting from assignments should never be more than 30 minutes’ travel time.

    A substitute teacher should always take into consideration the fact that they might get lost or sidetracked due to excessive traffic and run late for whatever reason that can cause disruptions in getting to the assignment. If a new substitute teacher decides that they are willing to substitute teach over a wide area of a city, they should know as much about a particular city as they can learn. If at all possible, a substitute teacher should drive around a city to learn city streets and various landmarks that can make getting to an assignment easier and faster.

    Driving a car to get to an assignment is the best way to ensure that a substitute teacher can get to an assignment in the most efficient way. Some individuals might prefer to take public transportation to a new assignment. If this is the chosen method of transportation, then a substitute should always plan to add an additional 30–45 minutes to their arrival time at the job location. Public transportation always has a waiting period for the bus or train to arrive to transport people to where they plan to attend.

    Weather conditions should also be taken into consideration if bus service is chosen as a mode of transportation. Substitute teachers should also plan whether to take a lunch or purchase lunch

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