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The Human Needs: Human, #1
The Human Needs: Human, #1
The Human Needs: Human, #1
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The Human Needs: Human, #1

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Everything that you do in life you do to fulfill your needs, including your social demands, eating, development, addictions, sleeping, reproduction, social competition, and learning. While you can do so at all cognitive, existential, and social levels, depending on means, demands, and abilities.

Furthermore, you always follow laws in the world as you fulfill your needs, but can you follow these simultaneously? You may smile slightly here, since experience is personalized and therefore unique throughout the world, but what exactly is going on? Why should you ever encounter problems, as a living human being, in a human world? What are your needs and feelings exactly, and what do they make you do? Who sends you your own, personal, natural human needs? And is everything that you know about the human needs pertinent enough to assure a meaningful, successful, fulfilling life?

Because everybody ends up in dreadful circumstances at times, struggling with countless of problems, it happens to you and to those around, so why should you have to fail in life, at least partially, as a human being, while following rules and the human needs, simultaneously? And since this happens to everybody, can humans actually be at fault? Because if humans themselves are considered wrong, incapable, or compromised, in an actual human world, through their own natural needs and feelings, then what exactly do laws and authorities seek here, if they do not serve humans, society, needs, and fulfillment the most?

Because now, it seems that authorities hold you responsible for everything that life sends your way, ending up contradicting and judging life through you, and punishing you dreadfully. While many times, it is done so on purpose, to reach you, or to take you out of the way. Since everybody becomes involved when you fail, and you have to be highly capable today to manage both life and society simultaneously.

And to make matters more complex, you cannot find to learn anything on this topic, but only laws, codes, stereotypes, and irrelevant or trivial beliefs. And now when you study everything closely, you see how the human experience in this world is marked by the human needs and feelings on one side, and by people's ignorance about the human needs and feelings on the other.

Throughout this book, we study the comprehensive human existence very closely, as it starts with the human needs. We identify and analyze all needs, feelings, fulfillment, behavior, reasoning, and meaning, while understanding life and the wider world altogether. If you seek to learn more about yourself and your own needs and feelings, this book is for you.


Release dateDec 14, 2017
The Human Needs: Human, #1

Valentin Matcas

Valentin Leonard Matcas, M.Ed., is a Researcher, an Author, a Physicist, a Mathematician, and an Educator, currently studying, researching, and writing fiction and nonfiction. A graduate of universities from the United States and Canada, Valentin Leonard Matcas taught Physics, Mathematics, and English in Europe and in North America, while doing research in Physics and Mathematics.   Valentin Leonard Matcas created the following analytical models in Psychology, Biology, Physics, and Sociology: cognitive and social model for the human needs, models of modes of life, cognitive model for the human intelligence, model for this Reality, for other realities, and for the One, model for life in all forms and from all realities, study of the Human Civilization, study of the human status and rights, depiction of the hierarchy of intelligences, model for the human health and lifestyle, models for the human behavior, development, and developmental patterns, model for the human condition, models for the conscious, subconscious, highconscious, and classconscious intelligences, true model for the Human Society, model and depiction of the Human Conspiracy, models for the Higher Laws and for the Natural Laws of the Universe, study and depiction of human abilities, model of the Field and of our environment, model for Existence, study and depiction of timelines and lifelines of causality, and a lot more. All these form a comprehensive, greater model for you, for this world, and for your place and meaning in this world. As an enthusiast of Science Fiction, Valentin Leonard Matcas writes about terrestrial and alien civilizations, about life in the Universe and about the way it develops across galaxies. Valentin Leonard Matcas wrote ‘The Culling,’ ‘The Storyteller,’ and ‘Starship Colonial.’  When he is not writing, Valentin Leonard Matcas enjoys studying, hiking, swimming, kayaking, skiing, snowboarding, riding his bikes, listening to good books and podcasts, listening to good classical music, playing good strategy video games, and so on. Follow his research and discover all his books!

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    The Human Needs - Valentin Matcas

    1 Facts and Beliefs Influencing your Needs

    Everything that you do in life you do to fulfill your needs, including your social demands, eating, development, addictions, sleeping, reproduction, social competition, and learning. While you can do so at all cognitive, existential, and social levels, depending on means, demands, and abilities.

    Furthermore, you always follow laws in the world as you fulfill your needs, but can you follow these simultaneously? You may smile slightly here, since experience is personalized and therefore unique throughout the world, but what exactly is going on? Why should you ever encounter problems, as a living human being, in a human world? What are your needs and feelings exactly, and what do they make you do? Who sends you your own, personal, natural human needs? And is everything that you know about the human needs pertinent enough to assure a meaningful, successful, fulfilling life?

    Because everybody ends up in dreadful circumstances at times, struggling with countless of problems, it happens to you and to those around, so why should you have to fail in life, at least partially, as a human being, while following rules and the human needs, simultaneously? And since this happens to everybody, can humans actually be at fault? Because if humans themselves are considered wrong, incapable, or compromised, in an actual human world, through their own natural needs and feelings, then what exactly do laws and authorities seek here, if they do not serve humans, society, needs, and fulfillment the most?

    Because now, it seems that authorities hold you responsible for everything that life sends your way, ending up contradicting and judging life through you, and punishing you dreadfully. While many times, it is done so on purpose, to reach you, or to take you out of the way. Since everybody becomes involved when you fail, and you have to be highly capable today to manage both life and society simultaneously.

    And to make matters more complex, you cannot find to learn anything on this topic, but only laws, codes, stereotypes, and irrelevant or trivial beliefs. And now when you study everything closely, you see how the human experience in this world is marked by the human needs and feelings on one side, and by people’s ignorance about the human needs and feelings on the other.

    Throughout this book, we study the comprehensive human existence very closely, as it starts with the human needs. We identify and analyze all needs, feelings, fulfillment, behavior, reasoning, and meaning, while understanding life and the wider world altogether. If you seek to learn more about yourself and your own needs and feelings, this book is for you.

    And how exactly do you study life and the world, in their entire complexity, with you within, in order to learn more about everything, including your actual human needs? Life and the wider world are extraordinarily complex, yet from your own perspective and through your own experience, reasoning, and involvement, everything starts with you, with your own life and social interaction, and mostly with your own needs. The human needs. Followed by your feelings, reasoning, development, cognition, behavior, lifestyle, meaning, condition, reality, and so on, since you cannot understand one without considering and understanding the rest. While you may always learn the truth about everything, by learning about your needs and feelings first, since you may perceive and understand needs firsthand, right from the beginning, since you have them in you. Apart from the cacophony of stereotypes of the world, invalid beliefs, and entire ideologies.

    What exactly are needs? You can always feel your needs as you feel them right now, because needs are feelings. More precisely, needs are a specific type of feelings, meant to inform you of what you have to do next in order to survive, subsist, thrive, and develop, in life and in the world, alone or alongside your loved ones and everybody else. Since this is how the intelligent human society should always be.

    But is it? Can you actually fulfill all your human needs in the current society? Because, if you fail only one need, it can be game over for you, for your family, and for humanity altogether.

    What needs exactly? Your need to eat, or to develop to the intelligent human level, or to reproduce, defend yourself and those around, care, maintain prosperity in the world, teach those around, preserve nature, and mostly, the need to visit the bathroom. Fail one, and you fail everything, including the entire world. But who exactly sends you your needs, natural and consensual?

    Furthermore, at a closer study, you notice how you are capable to undergo an entire existence even without thinking, just by following your feelings and needs. Birds are capable to build entire colonies of laborious nests, just by following their needs and feelings closely, as raw as they may come, one twig and feather after another, without university degrees. While it must be very fulfilling. You build a nest. Since birds do everything in order to feel good, natural need after natural need, while avoiding pain. While feeding themselves, keeping warm, and reproducing, as they leave behind these laborious colonies of nests, throughout a successful, fulfilling life. Otherwise, no more birds. Yet you do the same, at work, at home, and everywhere else in society, while you are capable to involve your human reasoning just as well, to help you on the way. There are entire successions of higher level needs involving your comprehensive human reasoning, as they work well, similar to birds, or even better. Therefore, all you have to do in life is feeling good, and avoiding pain. Yet there is more to consider.

    Because humans are great, better than birds, yet problems occur not exactly when everything goes well, but when it does not. Because, without warning, your own needs, natural and consensual, can get you in trouble or killed, whenever you follow them carelessly, inapt, or out of tune, and this is the problem. Since this is why humans have invented reasoning, to keep them out of jails and morgues. While achieving this entire fulfilling diversity in life and in the world.

    But who exactly sends you your needs, natural and consensual? Ideologies, stereotypes, social hierarchies, strong personal convictions, and entire jurisdictions send you your consensual needs. These are your beliefs, rules, laws, and regulations, and you know them very well, since they shape your life continuously, since birth. But who or what exactly sends you your natural needs? You simply feel these, naturally, even randomly or chaotically at times, and you must suppress them, or this is what the current science and the entire society state. You are even born from sin, since this is what most of your ideologies state. But do you want to know more? Tough luck, since this is all that the current science offers.

    But why having to fail in life, while you follow your own needs and feelings, and while still following all laws and rules, alongside any mainstream and alternative knowledge that you acquire? Because there is more to life than the general belief that you must always follow your needs and feelings even blindly, to feel good in life, while avoiding pain and misery, as they do on TV.

    But should you not seek to feel good in life? Should you not seek to follow your good feelings, while avoiding the bad ones, as everybody else? Since there is significantly more to consider throughout life, than this simple, trivial, stereotypical belief that once you feel very good, you remain meaningful and successful by default. Otherwise, you end up addicted, harmful, indoctrinated, or convicted, alongside everybody else, since it happens with everybody.

    The need to feel good, better, very good, and extraordinarily good continuously is a normal, natural human need, standing at the core of all natural human needs, since it motivates them naturally. Otherwise, you are never determined to do anything in life. And so you die shortly for lack of subsistence, wondering continuously what went on. Because this general belief that the meaning in life is to feel good continuously is insufficient, as it remains embedded in the current human society and human lifestyle, since it is part of the main ideologies still influencing the world.

    Because this is how people end up living life the way it comes, in any manner they can, they take the ride, they perceive everything pleasant, everything spectacular, they love it and they believe it to last endlessly, assuming that they are always fine and safe in this beautiful world, no matter what they do. And then one day they lose everything, and what an unfortunate day.

    Because as stated, it is insufficient. Since when you pursue only pleasure and happiness throughout life, it interferes with the comprehensive fulfillment of the rest of your needs, meanings, and development, lowering your human capability and responsibility, and consequently, determining you to fail in life and then to accept failure, casually. While taking chances, and now this must be life. While as you know, when you fail, you lose everything, and it happens with everybody. In a living human world, as a living human being, you can always fail, even tragically, just look around to see it for yourself.

    Because it happens through people’s needs and feelings on one side, and through people’s ignorance about the human needs and feelings on the other, as already seen. While you may even know all probability and statistics involving everything dreadful in the world, coming your way too: addiction 72%, divorce 63%, heart attack 36%, job loss 75%, cancer 40%, custody loss, bureaucracy, social competition, inflation, jail time, climate change, subpoenas, natural disasters, social exploitation, appeals, pollution, dreadful assignments, and fines.

    These statistical numbers might still seem too low to count, because you can always find your way out, or this is what you always assume, yet when you add up the numbers, it exceeds 100%. Which means certainty, not probability. Happening to everybody and to you too. Always. Inevitably. Exactly as you see in the news. Just wait and see.

    Which means that bad luck is not eventual in the world, and not even probabilistic, but it happens with certainty to everybody. Or more precisely, ‘bad luck’ happens when you fail understanding yourself, life, the world, and your place and meaning in life and in the world. Or when you stop reasoning. Or when you stop developing. Or when you stop being meaningful in life and in the world. Since ‘random’ failure, as it is portrayed everywhere is never accidental as they state and as you find it in the media. While you may even know your own ‘probability’ of total failure by now, from the examples above. Because, when you lose, you lose everything.

    And as you study the above inevitable misfortune closely, you see it related mostly to your consensual needs, and not too much to your natural needs. While this is what is going on.

    Yet it does not have to be in this manner, mostly when you seek to learn everything about the human needs. You have your own, natural needs within, your human needs, as you can feel them even while studying them. And therefore, your needs, meanings, and feelings assure the consistency between truth, righteousness, and wellbeing, as you learn everything about yourself. You can even distinguish truth from lies, and right from wrong, on your own, since you can feel these firsthand.

    You have your pertinent needs and feelings within, as it is the case right now, while reading this book. Which means that you can always succeed in life, as a living human being, in a human world, and you can do so by following your intelligent human needs. These are the specific needs demanding learning, reasoning, care, equality, prosperity, development, and harmonious interconnectivity. Along with much more, since natural needs include your own natural, physiological needs and feelings, along with your natural family needs and feelings, and social needs. Comprising everything alive, apart from the consensual, if you can make the distinction. Just study yourself at home, in the family, alongside your loved ones, to discover your true human nature, with human needs included. And if you expect to live in a genuine living human society just as well, it should be the same outside your home and family.

    Since when you do so, you live your life at an entirely different developmental level, the intelligent human level. While the continuous curiosity keeping you engaged cognitively right now while reading this book is part of your intelligent human needs. As a reference, intelligent human needs are of the third intelligent developmental level, standing above the second level animal physiological needs that you know well, standing above the first level consensual needs pushing you continuously to follow, instate, and fulfill laws, rules, and regulations in the current consensual human society, while standing above zero level addictions just as well.

    Why having to fail in life, as a human being, in a human world, mainly by following your actual human needs? What exactly is going on? Are pleasure and happiness bad, sinful, or even wicked? Or are you meant to fail in life from birth, as already seen? What goes on is that there are many levels of life engaging you continuously, some lower and some higher, while you may even choose your own developmental level as you wish. But only if you remain aware of all these, because ignorance and underdevelopment actually cause failure, servitude, and exploitation in life and in the world, more than raw instincts and constant temptations, and even more than genetic backgrounds and innate abilities.

    Which means that there is nothing wrong with pleasure and happiness in life, they are better than misery and pain, only that these four specific feelings of happiness, pleasure, misery, and pain are only rewards and punishment for the fulfillment of your actual natural needs and meanings, while they are not needs and meanings themselves, and not even virtues and achievements in life, as people assume. Which means that pleasure, love, and happiness are not human needs, human meanings, or human virtues in life and in the world, but they are only your own inner, natural, cognitive constraints and rewards, determining you continuously to do whatever you have to do in life and in the world. They are your good leashes constraining your life naturally and consensually, alongside your other leashes, your dreadful leashes, as your pain, hate, misery, boredom, and discomfort. Since all you need is love, but there is significantly more than love to consider, otherwise your end up addicted, in jail, in the morgue, harmful, or exploited. And it happens with everybody, just look around to see it for yourself.

    Because you should focus on your natural, real, living needs and meanings first, in a conscious, rational manner, in order to assure your continuous fulfillment, wellbeing, and implicitly good feelings throughout life, including happiness and love.

    Since all these have their own well-defined place throughout all lines of causality, with needs and meanings preceding achievements, failures, pleasure, and pain, preceding even love and happiness, and should not be confused. Otherwise, you lose concordance with your natural, living human nature and meaning in life and in the world, you fail alongside everybody else, and you are punished too.

    While as already seen, it is never random. You lose your natural pleasure and happiness in this manner, you are forced to take drugs to compensate, it aggravates and it never stops, it happens similarly to everybody else including your loved ones, it is never random, but many times, it is assigned and imposed beforehand in society, while it is not the same happy life anymore as they promise. Or you may still claim that it is, since it happens with everybody, and therefore it must be, with everyone having to go helplessly through the entire misery of the human addiction, human sickness, human loss, and human servitude. Since these keep the current human hierarchy of power instated. And it is so common, that it must feel normal by now.

    Yet should humans not follow their needs and feelings throughout life? They should, only that a multitude of laws, requirements, and social expectations go against the fulfillment of the actual, natural human needs and feelings, constraining you in this manner to go against yourself and your loved ones, adding chaos and misery to an entire blind world. Because this is why it is always significant to reason alongside everything that you need, feel, and do throughout life, since reasoning is the most relevant human ability, an intelligent human ability, of the third developmental level. While you have to reason independently, in order to be able to escape eventual lies, stereotypes, personal convictions, doctrine, and trickery leading to failure, servitude and exploitation.

    Because as stated, there is a difference between reasoning, needs, feelings, and therefore intuition, and it must be considered. Animals live life at the second level, intuitively, by taking chance continuously, by default, since animals follow their feelings and needs raw and directly as they come straight from Life. And they do so by simply seeking love, happiness, and pleasure continuously and naturally, while avoiding pain, loss, and misery. And it works, for them.

    But more importantly, raw instinct and raw intuition work well for animals because animals are not capable to use drugs to substitute or compensate with artificial pleasure throughout a continuous failure, as humans do. Since if animals could take drugs, they did so continuously, while falling from their own, second animal developmental level to the zero addicted level, as humans do. Yet even higher level angels fall at times, and not only humans, for the same causes, mostly ignorance. They fall down to the same zero addicted vicious helpless level, losing their wings and other higher abilities, as you find it stated throughout the old records.

    What can you do? Can you ever achieve to live an intelligent human life, in an intelligent human world, while fulfilling your intelligent human needs? Yes, since only through your intelligent human achievements you can create an intelligent human world, directly and implicitly. Only that you have to live your life at the third intelligent human level, while fulfilling your intelligent human needs and meanings continuously. Can you? And you do so by fulfilling intelligent human needs, and not by fulfilling only animal physiological needs and not by fulfilling even lower needs, as consensual, vicious, or addiction needs.

    To make matters more complex, the fulfillment of all needs triggers pleasure and good feelings in general, but only when you are successful. Therefore, you cannot simply eliminate good feelings from your life, only to achieve to live life at the intelligent human level, as many ideologies and schools of thought impose. Natural pleasure does not mean sin, or not necessarily. You may feel good throughout life, as you do now while reading this book, since it is nothing wrong. You may enjoy any feeling that you receive naturally, throughout your cognition and behavior, but you must always reason just as well, independently. You have to reason and to maintain conscious awareness in order to be able to identify your feelings, in order to remain aware of everything happening everywhere, while always acting accordingly, at the intelligent human level.

    Do not suppress, conquer, or remove your fear since you must always be strong and not weak and afraid as they say, because this is only a stereotype. Because if you start removing forcefully and stereotypically natural needs, natural feelings, and natural fulfillment, for various reasons, and through various beliefs and entire ideologies, you fail learning the cause and meaning of your needs and feelings present within your cognition at those specific times and circumstances, and you stand blindly and unfulfilled. Do not remove your fear, guilt, jealousy, envy, curiosity, or reticence. Instead, seek to learn why these manifest in you, or in the family, and everywhere in society, and then solve the main causes triggering them. If you are ever capable to identify them.

    All needs and feelings are meaningful, since they are your windows to your other worlds, inner, outer, and higher. Whatever the case is, you may always remain successful, even continuously, if you know how, and more importantly, if you can manage to live your life at the third, intelligent human level. Which should be trivial to achieve, since all living beings are capable to live life at their own developmental level and higher, even by default, but is this the case? And why not?

    While at the third intelligent human level, you may enjoy good feelings, instead of dreadful ones. You do not have to chase your good feelings as everyone does, but instead, you may assure a continuous fulfillment, since this is your meaning in life and in the world, as an intelligent human being. With Life punishing you continuously when you live your life below the third, intelligent human level, and this is why you take drugs to compensate. With the current human society providing all drugs, entertainment, superficiality, and divertissement by default, to compensate for your missing third level intelligent human fulfillment, so yes, what can it ever go wrong?

    How many tasks, laws, rules, and regulations keep you below the intelligent human level in the world, in society, and even at home in the family? How many times does the current human society go against the human life, human nature, human needs, and human fulfillment?

    And to make matters even more complex, you cannot reason, follow intelligent human needs and feelings, and therefore behave at the intelligent human level, while following the intelligent human needs and feelings, if you are not developed at the intelligent human level in the first place. This is yet another cyclical circumstance, keeping you underdeveloped and unfulfilled, and it happens to everybody. Because when society goes against you and your human nature, it does so in order to maintain you below the human developmental level.

    What can you do? Is this why humanity will never understand the human mind, human life, and human meaning, as the current science states? Science states many things, but as already seen, just start with the awareness, understanding, and fulfillment of your real, natural, meaningful, harmonious human needs and feelings, since you have them within, continuously. While you may enjoy your natural good feelings just as well, throughout your continuous awareness, comprehension, ability, and achievement, since this should be the normal human experience. But if you happen to experience good feelings, followed by dreadful ones, followed by good feelings, followed by dreadful ones, and so on, as in the pleasure, love, and happiness, followed by the inevitable loss, hangover, and depression that everyone experiences today even inevitably, this is not an intelligent human fulfillment. It may be a zero level addiction, along with a first level servitude and exploitation, but not a third level fulfillment. Something is not consistent here, probably an entire current consensual, imposed human lifestyle.

    You fulfill Life continuously, at your own, specific living level or higher, while feeling fulfilled continuously, since this is how it works, and it happens with all living beings, including flies, pine trees, angels, amoebas, and humans. And it works, just study Life. But now, if your try to substitute human fulfillment with drugs and servitude, it never works, and you end up in the current first level consensual human society. And it does not work, while ruining everything, and while making you feel depressed, guilty, restless, and unfulfilled, regardless of the place that you have in the current social hierarchy. Unless you are a tyrant, yet tyrants have to take more drugs, to substitute for their lack of meaning and lack of fulfillment.

    While it is not too difficult to understand yourself firsthand, since you can feel your needs continuously, and you may distinguish them with ease. You may start identifying your needs and feelings right now. Just relax slightly, read slowly, and breathe deeply, while identifying your feelings present within your cognition, both upfront and in the background. You may study the need for learning and development that you have right now, along with the good feeling of reward accompanying it, to find them of a higher level compared to your current need to eat, shop, drive around, chat randomly, or surf the Internet. Your current need for learning and development might even feel better than addictions, making addictions seem laud, empty, and therefore of a lower quality. Because the zero level feelings induced by drugs, entertainment, and vices stand below the third level fulfillment that you experience continuously at the third intelligent human level. Furthermore, if you happen to find this knowledge relevant, then your current need for learning and development becomes prioritized within your current cognition, causing you to ignore almost everything else, in order to determine you to continue reading. While you enjoy it too. And this is the actual, normal, natural human living level.

    Who or what exactly determines you to continue reading and therefore to continue learning about yourself? And can it do so just by sending you your needs? Are you not the one deciding to do everything that you do in life? And is this the case with all your decisions, work, and achievements? Are your needs actually deciding everything in your place, but not you? Yet I have already given the answer in the beginning of the book: everything that you do in life you do to fulfill needs and meanings. Everything, including your addictions, social demands, duties, virtues, orders, eating, sleeping, reproducing, social competition, learning, and development, you do everything to fulfill your needs.

    You should fulfill your needs at a higher, human developmental level, since you are a living human being. Or if not, you end up fulfilling only lower level needs instead, if you remain careless or unaware of all these, as first level consensual needs of servitude, zero level addictions and entertainment, along with second level animal instincts. While the satisfaction of these lower level needs is of a lower quality, even painful, as it is the case during hangover or during social punishment, while it is not fulfilling. Yet people can live an entire life intoxicated, under servitude, and indoctrinated, as you see them everywhere, mostly on TV, and in real life, even at home.

    Yet there is more to consider. Just study your life closely now, to notice how you do not reason and temper yourself, you do not always behave as you do at work or elsewhere in society, and therefore you cannot always be what society expects from you. Because sometimes you can temper yourself, while the other times you identify and follow only your feelings. While you never do so according to the natural or social environment as you may assume, but according to your own abilities and desires.

    And this is exactly what determines you to take chances in life, your attempt to exceed your abilities and therefore accomplishment, through risks, and therefore through chance alone. And you do so because it seems easier in this manner, than through perseverant learning and continuous development.

    Because you might do everything in life in order to fulfill your needs and meanings, but it always matters the way you do, the way you behave while fulfilling your needs and meanings, since your behavior affects society and the entire world the most. While you may still claim that you are forced to behave the way you do since you are always constrained to fulfil your natural human needs, while as already seen, in order to identify accurately your needs, meanings, reasoning, and behavior, you have to be developed at the third intelligent human level. Which means that you cannot live your life unconsciously or through chance, but only through a continuous, independent reasoning, and therefore through continuous, intelligent, conscious awareness, at the third intelligent human level. Because you happen to be a living human being, and you cannot change this, since Life made you human, and not cattle or robot.

    What does Life have to do with your needs and feelings, and how exactly do you receive these? I refer comprehensively to all living beings found in all worlds and realities as Life. You may perceive and identify all living beings forming Life here on Earth with all humans, plants, animals, and bacteria included. Furthermore, we may refer to all higher living beings found throughout all higher worlds and realities as higher beings, higher selves, souls, or higher living beings in general, depending on circumstances. While below us, throughout the multitude of our lower, inner realities, we may find all artificial intelligences of all computer videogame worlds, along with all inner intelligences of all minds and cognitive systems, with yours included. Computer intelligences may be artificial, digital, and therefore nonliving and not part of Life, while mind intelligences are alive, since these form life along with the physical bodies that they animate. Mind intelligences are alive, while computer intelligences are not. While all intelligences are subjective, below our objective existential level as humans in this world.

    Life is very complex, as she spans her worlds and realities flawlessly, while this is but a rudimentary glimpse of all living beings, higher beings and inner intelligences forming Life through everything that they are, seek, and accomplish.

    Addressing the topic of this book, your own inner intelligences send you your needs and feelings, by the zillions. Your own intelligences do so, along with the

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