About this ebook
Abdul is rejected as a son-in-law because of his poverty. Convinced that God loves the poor and the rich of the same love, he resists his opponents but fails, falls into resentment and depression. After months of suffering, he breaks rules and goes out for liberty into the savannah. Once therein, a curious man kindles his curiosity. Following his traces, he is trapped by a secret society ritual. He feels he is the lamb of the sacrifice and wants to flee, too late. Will he survive finally?
A. B. Doungméné
Hi, I am Achille Bérenger Doungméné, Christian from Assemblies of God Cameroon. I have been serving God since my eighth year, first in the Roman Catholic Church as choir member and priest servant. I receive the conviction to write books for the perfecting of men, women, teens and children at twenty; that is in 1993. Even though I could start in 2000, I felt I needed God to equip me, to mature what I had learnt in the faith while at University, while serving the Lord in the Choir, in the Evangelization team, in the Leading of Adoration, in the work place and in the ordinary social life. What today? Are my writings rich enough to meet the need of my readers, to lead them to better choices and to help them live better lives? That is the question only you readers can help me assess. All my efforts is to serve you just as Jesus Christ our Lord asks us to fervently serve each other. One thing is sure; I need your critics, your corrections and your appreciations to help me serve you better. God bless you Achille
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Love Delusions - A. B. Doungméné
Glory be to Jesus Christ!
The evil can’t find haven in the Church of the Most High God
Every plant that my heavenly father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.
(Matthew 15.13; NIV)
Abdul is rejected as a son-in-law because of his poverty. Convinced that God loves the poor and the rich of the same love, he resists his opponents but fails, falls into resentment and depression.
After months of suffering, he breaks rules and goes out for liberty into the savannah. Once therein, a curious man kindles his curiosity. Following his traces, he is trapped by a cult ritual. He feels he is the lamb of the sacrifice and wants to flee, too late. What will he do finally?
The Story
I couldn’t bear it anymore. Two months confinement as if I was a prisoner. I needed fresh air and earnestly longed to escape.
My flatmate was out for nearly an hour. Seated on the terrace, the fresh air of the Harmattan under the 3 P.M. sun produced in me an intense desire to run away.
Why do they treat me like a child? Why have they lost confidence in me and guard me days and nights? A forty years old man certainly deserves respect!
All started as in a delusion of persecution. At church, the committee of Elders withdrew me from ministry. In their regards, I needed rest and they felt impelled by the Holy Spirit to help me. In my view, it was a blow of too much. Through my efforts, the Children's Department had resumed its activities. Parents, previously dissatisfied because the education of their progenies was neglected had continued since the beginning of this year 2012 to congratulate me, to thank me for the changes they were observing in the lives of their kids. Why this unexpected retreat?
My co-worker in the Department had already warned me