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FLAMES Documentation

All the manuals are in Adobe's Acrobat (PDF) format.

FLAMES User's Manual

All the information about the instrument itself, its modes and their characteristics.

  • Period 114, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (no changed wrt to P113) Also valid in P115
  • Period 113, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (no changed wrt to P112)
  • Period 112, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (no changed wrt to P111)
  • Period 111, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (no changed wrt to P110)
  • Period 110, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (no changed wrt to P109)
  • Period 109, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (minor changes in respect to P108)
  • Period 108, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (contact information updated wrt P107)
  • Period 107, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (Minor changes wrt to P106)
  • Period 106, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (Minor changes wrt P105)
  • Period 105, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P104)
  • Period 104, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P103)
  • Period 103, to be used for Phase I preparation
  • Period 102, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P101)
  • Period 101, to be used for Phase II preparation. (Some changes wrt P100).
  • Period 100, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P99)
  • Period 99, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation.
  • Period 98, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P97)
  • Period 97, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation.
  • Period 96, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P95)

FLAMES Template User Manual

Detailed information on the acquisition, observation, and calibration templates.

  • Period 114, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P113) Also valid in P115
  • Period 113, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P112)
  • Period 112, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P111)
  • Period 111, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P110)
  • Period 110, to be used for Phase I preparation. (minor changes wrt P109)
  • Period 109. to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P108)
  • Period 108. to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P107)
  • Period 107. to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P106)
  • Period 106. to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P105)
  • Period 105. to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P104)
  • Period 104. to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P103)
  • Period 103. to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P102)
  • Period 102. to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P102)
  • Period 101. to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P100)
  • Period 100, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P99)
  • Period 99, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation.
  • Period 98, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P93.)
  • Period 97, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P93.)

FPOSS User Manual

Detailed information on the preparation of fibre configurations.

  • Period 114, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P113) Also valid in P115
  • Period 113, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P112)
  • Period 112, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P111)
  • Period 111, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P110)
  • Period 110, to be used for Phase I preparation. (minor further changes wrt to P109)
  • Period 109, to be used for Phase I preparation. (minor further changes wrt to P108)
  • Period 108, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No further changes)
  • Period 107, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No further changes)
  • Period 106, to be used for Phase I preparation. (Minor changes wrt P105; created for P107, but in time for P106 Phase II)
  • Period 105, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P104)
  • Period 104, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P103)
  • Period 103, to be used for Phase I preparation. (No changes wrt P102)
  • Period 102, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P101)
  • Period 101, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P98).
  • Period 100, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P98.)
  • Period 99, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P98.)
  • Period 98, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation.
  • Period 97, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P94.)

FLAMES Calibration Plan

Detailed information on the calibration plan of FLAMES observations.

  • Period 113, to be used for Phase 1 preparation. (No changes wrt P112) Also valid in P114 and 115
  • Period 112, to be used for Phase 1 preparation. (No changes wrt P111)
  • Period 111, to be used for Phase 1 preparation. (No changes wrt P110)
  • Period 110, to be used for Phase 1 preparation. (minor changes wrt P109)
  • Period 109, to be used for Phase 1 preparation. (minor changes wrt P108)
  • Period 108, to be used for Phase 1 preparation. (No changes wrt P90)
  • Period 107, to be used for Phase 1 preparation. (No changes wrt P90)
  • Period 106, to be used for Phase 1 preparation. (No changes wrt P90)
  • Period 105, to be used for Phase 1 preparation. (No changes wrt P90)
  • Period 104, to be used for Phase 1 preparation. (No changes wrt P90)
  • Period 103, to be used for Phase 1 preparation. (No changes wrt P90)
  • Period 102, to be used for Phase 1 and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P90)
  • Period 101,. to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P90.)
  • Period 100, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P90.)
  • Period 99, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P90.)
  • Period 98, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P90.)
  • Period 97, to be used for Phase I and Phase II preparation. (No changes wrt P90.)

Data Reduction Frequently Asked Questions

Data reduction and other reports

Other FLAMES publications - mainly technical in nature:

  1. FLAMES: a Multi-object Fibre Facility for the VLT
    Pasquini L. et al., conference, Munich, March 2000
    Format: PostScript compressed (1301kb)
    Please cite this publication when writing papers containing FLAMES data.
  2. Mechanical features for the OzPoz positioner for the VLT
    Gillingham et al., SPIE conference, Munich, March 2000
    Format: PostScript compressed (1209kb)
  3. KUEYEN: a unique machine for stellar studies
    Pasquini L., "From Extrasolar Planets to Cosmology: The VLT Opening Symposium",
    2000, eds. J. Bergeron and A. Renzini (Springer), p. 211
    Format: PostScript compressed (23kb)
  4. The Data Reduction Software for GIRAFFE, the VLT medium resolution multi-object fiber-fed spectrograph
    A. Blecha, V. Cayatte, P. North, F. Royer, G. Simond, proceedings for SPIE conference: "Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2000",
    Format: PDF
  5. Installation and first results of FLAMES, the VLT multifibre facility
    Pasquini, L. et. al., proceedings for SPIE conference: "Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2002",
    Format: PostScript
  6. Installation and commissioning of FLAMES, the VLT multifibre facility
    Pasquini, L. et. al., The Messenger no. 110, December 2002.
    Format: PDF
  7. Toward accurate radial velocities with the fibre-fed GIRAFFE multi-objectVLT spectrograph
    Royer, F. et. al., proceedings for SPIE conference : "Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2002"
    Format: PostScript compressed (660kb)
  8. Two Extremely Hot Exoplanets Caught in Transits
    Bouchy et al. , ESO press release, May 2004.
    Format: HTML
  9. Quality Control of VLT-FLAMES/GIRAFFE data
    Hanuschik et al., In: "Optimizing Scientific Return for Astronomy through Information Technologies ", SPIE Glasgow 2004.
    Format: PDF (556kb)
  10. Quality Control for UVES-fiber at the VLT-Kueyen Telescope
    Wolff et al. , In: "Optimizing Scientific Return for Astronomy through Information Technologies ", SPIE Glasgow 2004.
    Format: PDF (204kb)
  11. Performance of FLAMES at the VLT: 1 year of Operations
    Pasquini et al., In: "Ground-based instrumentation for Astronomy", SPIE Glasgow 2004.
    Format: PDF (3364kb)