Publication sitemap
- 4D Printing
- A Life in the Day
- Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración
- Academic and Library Computing
- Accounting Research Journal
- Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
- Advances in Autism
- Advances in Dual Diagnosis
- Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities
- Advances in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities
- African Journal of Economic and Management Studies
- Agricultural Finance Review
- Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology
- American Journal of Business
- American Journal of Police
- Annals in Social Responsibility
- Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials
- Applied Computing and Informatics
- Applied Economic Analysis
- Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research
- Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences
- Archnet-IJAR
- Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Arts Marketing: An International Journal
- Arts and the Market
- Asia Pacific International Journal of Marketing
- Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration
- Asian Association of Open Universities Journal
- Asian Education and Development Studies
- Asian Journal of Accounting Research
- Asian Journal of Economics and Banking
- Asian Journal on Quality
- Asian Libraries
- Asian Review of Accounting
- Aslib Journal of Information Management
- Aslib Proceedings
- Assembly Automation
- BLL Review
- Balance Sheet
- Baltic Journal of Management
- Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology
- Benchmarking: An International Journal
- British Food Journal
- British Journal of Clinical Governance
- Built Environment Project and Asset Management
- Business Analyst Journal
- Business Process Management Journal
- Business Process Re-engineering & Management Journal
- Business Strategy Series
- COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering
- Campus-Wide Information Systems
- Career Development International
- Central European Management Journal
- China Accounting and Finance Review
- China Agricultural Economic Review
- China Finance Review International
- China Political Economy
- Chinese Management Studies
- Circuit World
- Clinical Governance: An International Journal
- Clinical Performance and Quality Healthcare
- Collection Building
- Collection and Curation
- Competitiveness Review
- Construction Innovation
- Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality
- Continuity & Resilience Review
- Corporate Communications: An International Journal
- Corporate Governance
- Critical Perspectives on International Business
- Cross Cultural & Strategic Management
- Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal
- Data Technologies and Applications
- Development and Learning in Organizations
- Digital Library Perspectives
- Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance
- Digital Transformation and Society
- Direct Marketing: An International Journal
- Disaster Prevention and Management
- Drugs and Alcohol Today
- Drugs, Habits and Social Policy
- Ecofeminism and Climate Change
- EconomiA
- Education + Training
- Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues
- Electronic Resources Review
- Emerald Open Research
- Employee Counselling Today
- Employee Relations
- Empowerment in Organizations
- Engineering Computations
- Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
- English Teaching: Practice & Critique
- Environmental Management and Health
- Equal Opportunities International
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care
- EuroMed Journal of Business
- European Business Review
- European Journal of Innovation Management
- European Journal of Management Studies
- European Journal of Management and Business Economics
- European Journal of Marketing
- European Journal of Training and Development
- Evidence-based HRM
- Executive Development
- Facilities
- Foresight
- Forestry Economics Review
- Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment
- Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy
- Gender in Management
- Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication
- Global Smart Food Systems
- Grey Systems: Theory and Application
- Handbook of Business Strategy
- Health Education
- Health Manpower Management
- Higher Education Evaluation and Development
- Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning
- History of Education Review
- Housing, Care and Support
- Human Resource Management International Digest
- Humanomics
- IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies
- IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation
- IIMT Journal of Management
- IMP Journal
- ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance
- Indian Growth and Development Review
- Industrial Lubrication and Tribology
- Industrial Management
- Industrial Management & Data Systems
- Industrial Robot
- Industrial and Commercial Training
- Information Discovery and Delivery
- Information Management & Computer Security
- Information Technology & People
- Information and Computer Security
- Information and Learning Sciences
- Innovation & Management Review
- Integrated Manufacturing Systems
- Interactive Technology and Smart Education
- Interlending & Document Supply
- Interlending Review
- International Hospitality Review
- International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies
- International Journal for Researcher Development
- International Journal of Accounting & Information Management
- International Journal of Advertising and Marketing to Children
- International Journal of Agile Management Systems
- International Journal of Bank Marketing
- International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation
- International Journal of Career Management
- International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management
- International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology
- International Journal of Commerce and Management
- International Journal of Comparative Education and Development
- International Journal of Conflict Management
- International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
- International Journal of Crowd Science
- International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
- International Journal of Development Issues
- International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment
- International Journal of Disruptive Innovation in Government
- International Journal of Educational Management
- International Journal of Emergency Services
- International Journal of Emerging Markets
- International Journal of Energy Sector Management
- International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
- International Journal of Ethics and Systems
- International Journal of Event and Festival Management
- International Journal of Excellence in Government
- International Journal of Future Government
- International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship
- International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
- International Journal of Health Governance
- International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis
- International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare
- International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
- International Journal of Information and Learning Technology
- International Journal of Innovation Science
- International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics
- International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems
- International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
- International Journal of Law and Management
- International Journal of Law in the Built Environment
- International Journal of Leadership in Public Services
- International Journal of Lean Six Sigma
- International Journal of Managerial Finance
- International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
- International Journal of Manpower
- International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education
- International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
- International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
- International Journal of Operations & Production Management
- International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior
- International Journal of Organizational Analysis
- International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing
- International Journal of Physical Distribution
- International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
- International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management
- International Journal of Prison Health
- International Journal of Prisoner Health
- International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
- International Journal of Public Leadership
- International Journal of Public Sector Management
- International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
- International Journal of Quality Science
- International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences
- International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
- International Journal of Service Industry Management
- International Journal of Social Economics
- International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
- International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
- International Journal of Structural Integrity
- International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
- International Journal of Tourism Cities
- International Journal of Web Information Systems
- International Journal of Wine Business Research
- International Journal of Wine Marketing
- International Journal of Workplace Health Management
- International Journal on Grey Literature
- International Marketing Review
- International Perspectives on Health Equity
- International Trade, Politics and Development
- Internet Research
- Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy
- Islamic Economic Studies
- Journal for Multicultural Education
- Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change
- Journal of Accounting Literature
- Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies
- Journal of Advances in Management Research
- Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research
- Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
- Journal of Applied Accounting Research
- Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
- Journal of Asia Business Studies
- Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies
- Journal of Assistive Technologies
- Journal of Blood Service Economics
- Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
- Journal of Business Strategy
- Journal of Business and Socio-economic Development
- Journal of Capital Markets Studies
- Journal of Centrum Cathedra
- Journal of Children's Services
- Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies
- Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship
- Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management
- Journal of Clinical Effectiveness
- Journal of Communication Management
- Journal of Consumer Marketing
- Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science
- Journal of Corporate Real Estate
- Journal of Criminal Psychology
- Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice
- Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development
- Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics
- Journal of Derivatives and Quantitative Studies: 선물연구
- Journal of Documentation
- Journal of Economic Studies
- Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences
- Journal of Economics and Development
- Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science
- Journal of Educational Administration
- Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics
- Journal of Enabling Technologies
- Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology
- Journal of Enterprise Information Management
- Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy
- Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
- Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
- Journal of Ethics in Entrepreneurship and Technology
- Journal of European Industrial Training
- Journal of European Real Estate Research
- Journal of Facilities Management
- Journal of Family Business Management
- Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
- Journal of Financial Crime
- Journal of Financial Economic Policy
- Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction
- Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance
- Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting
- Journal of Global Mobility
- Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing
- Journal of Global Responsibility
- Journal of Health Organization and Management
- Journal of Health Research
- Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Horizons
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology
- Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting
- Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences
- Journal of Indian Business Research
- Journal of Industry - University Collaboration
- Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society
- Journal of Innovative Digital Transformation
- Journal of Integrated Care
- Journal of Intellectual Capital
- Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour
- Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment
- Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles
- Journal of International Cooperation in Education
- Journal of International Education in Business
- Journal of International Logistics and Trade
- Journal of International Trade Law and Policy
- Journal of Internet and Digital Economics
- Journal of Investment Compliance
- Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research
- Journal of Islamic Marketing
- Journal of Knowledge Management
- Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China
- Journal of Korea Trade
- Journal of Leadership Education
- Journal of Learning Disabilities and Offending Behaviour
- Journal of Management Development
- Journal of Management History
- Journal of Management History (Archive)
- Journal of Management in Medicine
- Journal of Managerial Psychology
- Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
- Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science
- Journal of Modelling in Management
- Journal of Money Laundering Control
- Journal of Money and Business
- Journal of Organizational Change Management
- Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
- Journal of Organizational Ethnography
- Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership
- Journal of Place Management and Development
- Journal of Product & Brand Management
- Journal of Professional Capital and Community
- Journal of Property Finance
- Journal of Property Investment & Finance
- Journal of Property Valuation and Investment
- Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law
- Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
- Journal of Public Mental Health
- Journal of Public Procurement
- Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
- Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning
- Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
- Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship
- Journal of Responsible Production and Consumption
- Journal of Risk Finance
- Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
- Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China
- Journal of Service Management
- Journal of Service Theory and Practice
- Journal of Services Marketing
- Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
- Journal of Social Impact in Business Research
- Journal of Social Marketing
- Journal of Strategy and Management
- Journal of Structural Fire Engineering
- Journal of Systems and Information Technology
- Journal of Technology Management in China
- Journal of Tourism Analysis: Revista de Análisis Turístico
- Journal of Tourism Futures
- Journal of Trade Science
- Journal of Valuation
- Journal of Work-Applied Management
- Journal of Workplace Learning
- Kybernetes
- LBS Journal of Management & Research
- Leadership & Organization Development Journal
- Leadership in Health Services
- Leadership in Health Services
- Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives
- Librarian Career Development
- Library Consortium Management: An International Journal
- Library Hi Tech
- Library Hi Tech News
- Library Management
- Library Review
- Library Workstation Report
- Library Workstation and PC Report
- Logistics Information Management
- Logistics Research
- Logistics World
- M300 and PC Report
- Machine Learning and Data Science in Geotechnics
- Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review
- Management Decision
- Management Development Review
- Management Matters
- Management Research
- Management Research News
- Management Research Review
- Management of Environmental Quality
- Managerial Auditing Journal
- Managerial Finance
- Managerial Law
- Managing Service Quality: An International Journal
- Marine Economics and Management
- Maritime Business Review
- Marketing Intelligence & Planning
- Measuring Business Excellence
- Meditari Accountancy Research
- Meditari Accountancy Research
- Mental Health Review Journal
- Mental Health and Digital Technologies
- Mental Health and Social Inclusion
- Mental Illness
- Microelectronics International
- Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications
- Multicultural Education & Technology Journal
- Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures
- Multinational Business Review
- Nankai Business Review International
- New England Journal of Entrepreneurship
- New Library World
- Nutrition & Food Science
- OCLC Micro
- OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives
- Office Technology and People
- On the Horizon
- Online Information Review
- Online Review
- Online and CD-Rom Review
- Open House International
- Organization Management Journal
- Organizational Analysis
- Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People
- Oxford Analytica
- PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice
- PSU Research Review
- Pacific Accounting Review
- Participation and Empowerment: An International Journal
- Performance Measurement and Metrics
- Personnel Review
- Pigment & Resin Technology
- Planning Review
- Police Studies: Intnl Review of Police Development
- Policing: An International Journal
- Pricing Strategy and Practice
- Program: electronic library and information systems
- Property Management
- Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal
- Qualitative Market Research
- Qualitative Research Journal
- Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management
- Qualitative Research in Financial Markets
- Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management
- Quality Assurance in Education
- Quality Education for All
- Quality in Ageing and Older Adults
- RAUSP Management Journal
- Railway Sciences
- Rajagiri Management Journal
- Rapid Prototyping Journal
- Records Management Journal
- Reference Reviews
- Reference Services Review
- Research Journal of Textile and Apparel
- Retail and Distribution Management
- Review of Accounting and Finance
- Review of Behavioral Finance
- Review of Economics and Political Science
- Review of International Business and Strategy
- Revista de Gestão
- Robotic Intelligence and Automation
- SAM Advanced Management Journal
- Safer Communities
- Saudi Journal of Language Studies
- School-University Partnerships
- Sensor Review
- Smart and Resilient Transportation
- Smart and Sustainable Built Environment
- Social Care and Neurodisability
- Social Enterprise Journal
- Social Responsibility Journal
- Social Studies Research and Practice
- Social Transformations in Chinese Societies
- Society and Business Review
- Soldering & Surface Mount Technology
- South Asian Journal of Business Studies
- South Asian Journal of Global Business Research
- South Asian Journal of Marketing
- Southeast Asia: A Multidisciplinary Journal
- Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC
- Sport, Business and Management
- Strategic Direction
- Strategic HR Review
- Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal
- Strategy & Leadership
- Structural Survey
- Studies in Economics and Finance
- Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education
- Supply Chain Management
- Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal
- Team Performance Management
- Technological Sustainability
- The Antidote
- The Bottom Line
- The British Journal of Forensic Practice
- The CASE Journal
- The Electronic Library
- The International Journal of Logistics Management
- The International Journal of Organizational Analysis
- The Journal of Adult Protection
- The Journal of Forensic Practice
- The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice
- The Learning Organization
- The TQM Journal
- The TQM Magazine
- The Tourist Review
- Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities
- Tizard Learning Disability Review
- Tourism Critiques
- Tourism Review
- Training Strategies for Tomorrow
- Training for Quality
- Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy
- Urbanization, Sustainability and Society
- VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems
- Vilakshan - XIMB Journal of Management
- Women in Management Review
- Work Study
- Working with Older People
- World Class Design to Manufacture
- World Journal of Engineering
- World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development
- World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
- Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes
- Young Consumers
- info
Book series
- Law and Management of Family Firms
- Advanced Strategies in Entrepreneurship, Education and Ecology
- Advances in Digital Technology and Data-Driven Business Practices
- American Marketing Association
- And the Workplace
- Animal Abuse Studies
- Arts for Health
- Brexit Studies Series
- Building the Future of Tourism
- Business Innovation Strategies, Governance and Sustainability
- Communicating Responsible Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Contributions to International Accounting
- Corporate Ethics for Turbulent Markets
- Corporate Sustainability and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Critical Mixed Race Studies
- Cross-Disciplinary Management Perspectives
- Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy And Culture In Network Communication
- Digital Cultures
- Digital Materialities and Sustainable Futures
- Diverse Perspectives on Creating a Fairer Society
- Economics of Vice
- Emerald Advances in Historical Criminology
- Emerald Advances in Masculinities
- Emerald Critical Studies in Inclusion, Practice, and Impact
- Emerald Guides to Social Thought
- Emerald Interdisciplinary Connexions
- Emerald Professional Learning Networks Series
- Emerald Studies In Digital Crime, Technology and Social Harms
- Emerald Studies in Active and Transformative Learning in Higher Education
- Emerald Studies in Activist Criminology
- Emerald Studies in Alternativity and Marginalization
- Emerald Studies in Child Centred Practice
- Emerald Studies in Class Inequality
- Emerald Studies in Class and Inequality
- Emerald Studies in Computing and Communication
- Emerald Studies in Criminology, Feminism and Social Change
- Emerald Studies in Culture, Crime, Criminal Justice and the Arts
- Emerald Studies in Death and Culture
- Emerald Studies in Deviant Leisure
- Emerald Studies in Finance, Insurance, and Risk Management
- Emerald Studies in Gender, Sexuality and Education
- Emerald Studies in Global Strategic Responsiveness
- Emerald Studies in Higher Education, Innovation and Technology
- Emerald Studies in Islamic Economy and Finance
- Emerald Studies in Metal Music and Culture
- Emerald Studies in Neuro-Decision Making for Risk Analysis
- Emerald Studies in Out-of-School Learning
- Emerald Studies in Politics and Performance
- Emerald Studies in Politics and Technology
- Emerald Studies in Popular Culture and Gender
- Emerald Studies in Popular Music and Place
- Emerald Studies in Public Service Accounting and Accountability
- Emerald Studies in Reproduction, Culture and Society
- Emerald Studies in Sport and Gender
- Emerald Studies in State, Politics and Society
- Emerald Studies in Sustainable Approaches to Poverty Alleviation
- Emerald Studies in Sustainable Innovation Management
- Emerald Studies in Teacher Preparation in National and Global Contexts
- Emerald Studies in Trauma-Informed Education
- Emerald Studies in Workplace Neurodiversity
- Emerald Studies in the Humanities, Ageing and Later Life
- Emerald Studies in the Sociology of Education
- Entrepreneurial Behaviour Series
- Entrepreneurship and Global Economic Growth
- European Health Management in Transition
- Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture
- Family Businesses on a Mission
- Feminist Developments in Violence and Abuse
- Frontiers in Global Management
- Frontiers of Management History
- Fundamentals of Library Management
- Funerary International
- Global Perspectives on Higher Education Development
- Great Debates in Higher Education
- Higher Education and the Sustainable Development Goals
- Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship for Modern Business
- International Perspectives on Education, Employability and Work
- International Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research
- Kindness at Work
- Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development
- Linking Theory and Practice in Learning Environments
- Managing Innovation in Business Strategy, Marketing and Finance
- Marketing & Technology: New Horizons and Challenges
- Marketing in Emerging Markets
- New Business Culture
- New Frontiers in African Business and Society
- New Perspectives in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- PRCA Practice Guides
- PRCA Professional
- Perspectives on Crime, Law and Justice in the Global South
- Positive Psychology in Practice
- Rutgers Studies in Accounting Analytics
- Sharing Death Online
- Society Now
- Sports Management
- Studies in Educational Administration
- Surviving and Thriving in Academia
- Talent Management
- Technological Innovation and Sustainability for Business Competitive Advantage
- The BERA Guides
- The Changing Context of Managing People
- The FERMA-rimap Series
- The Future of Work
- The Savvy Investor's Guide
- The Theory and Practice of Financial Stability
- The Tourist Experience
- Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations
- Trade Unionism
- Transformative Women Leaders
- Transforming Education Through Critical Leadership, Policy and Practice
- Women, Economy and Labour Relations
- Working Methods for Knowledge Management
Book serials
- Actions and Insights - Middle East North Africa
- Advanced Series in Management
- Advances in Accounting Behavioural Research
- Advances in Accounting Education
- Advances in Agricultural Economic History
- Advances in Airline Economics
- Advances in Applied Business Strategy
- Advances in Applied Microeconomics
- Advances in Appreciative Inquiry
- Advances in Austrian Economics
- Advances in Bioethics
- Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing
- Advances in Business and Management Forecasting
- Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
- Advances in Digital Education and Lifelong Learning
- Advances in Early Education and Day Care
- Advances in Econometrics
- Advances in Ecopolitics
- Advances in Education in Diverse Communities
- Advances in Educational Administration
- Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth
- Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management
- Advances in Financial Economics
- Advances in Gender Research
- Advances in Global Leadership
- Advances in Group Processes
- Advances in Health Care Management
- Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research
- Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
- Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research
- Advances in Industrial & Labor Relations
- Advances in Interdisciplinary Studies of Work Teams
- Advances in International Management
- Advances in International Marketing
- Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities
- Advances in Librarianship
- Advances in Library Administration and Organization
- Advances in Management Accounting
- Advances in Medical Sociology
- Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
- Advances in Motivation and Achievement
- Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance
- Advances in Positive Organizational Psychology
- Advances in Program Evaluation
- Advances in Public Interest Accounting
- Advances in Public Relations and Communication Management
- Advances in Race and Ethnicity in Education
- Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity
- Advances in Research on Teaching
- Advances in Special Education
- Advances in Special Education Technology
- Advances in Strategic Management
- Advances in Sustainability and Environmental Justice
- Advances in Taxation
- Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms
- Advances in the Economics of Environmental Resources
- Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth
- Applications of Management Science
- Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice
- Building Leadership Bridges
- Business and Society 360
- Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management
- Comparative Social Research
- Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research
- Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research
- Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis
- Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development
- Contributions to Economic Analysis
- Critical Management Studies
- Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management
- Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability
- Current Perspectives in Social Theory
- Cutting-Edge Technologies in Higher Education
- Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility
- Dialogues in Critical Management Studies
- Diversity in Higher Education
- Emerald Reach Proceedings Series
- Frontiers of Economics and Globalization
- Frontiers of Family Economics
- Handbooks in Transport
- Innovation, Technology, and Education for Growth
- Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning
- International Business and Management
- International Finance Review
- International Perspectives on Education and Society
- International Perspectives on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- International Perspectives on Higher Education Research
- International Perspectives on Inclusive Education
- International Research in the Business Disciplines
- International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics
- Library and Information Science
- Literacy Research, Practice and Evaluation
- Monographs in Leadership and Management
- New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition
- New Technology Based Firms in the New Millennium
- Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness
- Political Power and Social Theory
- Professional Perspectives on Banking and Finance
- Progress in International Business Research
- Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology
- Public Policy and Governance
- Research Methodology in Strategy and Management
- Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies
- Research in Biopolitics
- Research in Community and Mental Health
- Research in Competence-Based Management
- Research in Consumer Behavior
- Research in Economic Anthropology
- Research in Economic History
- Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations
- Research in Experimental Economics
- Research in Finance
- Research in Global Strategic Management
- Research in Human Capital and Development
- Research in Labor Economics
- Research in Law and Economics
- Research in Middle East Economics
- Research in Multi-Level Issues
- Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being
- Research in Organizational Change and Development
- Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
- Research in Political Economy
- Research in Political Sociology
- Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management
- Research in Race and Ethnic Relations
- Research in Rural Sociology and Development
- Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change
- Research in Social Problems and Public Policy
- Research in Social Science and Disability
- Research in Urban Policy
- Research in Urban Sociology
- Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
- Research in the Sociology of Education
- Research in the Sociology of Health Care
- Research in the Sociology of Organizations
- Research in the Sociology of Sport
- Research in the Sociology of Work
- Research on Economic Inequality
- Research on Emotion in Organizations
- Research on Managing Groups and Teams
- Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting
- Research on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy
- Review of Management Literature
- Review of Marketing Research
- Sociological Studies of Children and Youth
- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance
- Studies in Communications
- Studies in Educational Ethnography
- Studies in Information
- Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
- Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting
- Studies in Media and Communications
- Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance
- Studies in Qualitative Methodology
- Studies in Symbolic Interaction
- Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought
- Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy
- Theory and Method in Higher Education Research
- Tourism Social Science Series
- Transport and Sustainability
Standalone books
- (Il)Logical Knowledge Management
- 21 for 21
- 21st Century Corporate Citizenship
- 30-Minute Website Marketing
- A Digital Path to Sustainable Infrastructure Management
- A Guide to Healthcare Facility Dress Rehearsal Simulation Planning: Simplifying the Complex
- A Guide to Planning and Managing Open Innovative Ecosystems
- A History of the Assessment of Sex Offenders: 1830–2020
- A History of the World Tourism Organization
- A Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence Approach to Institutional Effectiveness in Higher Education
- A Meaningful Life at Work
- A Modern Perspective of Islamic Economics and Finance
- A Neoliberal Framework for Urban Housing Development in the Global South
- A New Left Economics: An Economy with a Social Conscience
- A Notion of Enterprise Risk Management: Enhancing Strategies and Wellbeing Programs
- A Postmodern Accounting Theory
- A Practitioner's Guide to Data Governance
- A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics
- A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics
- A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics
- A Sociological Examination of the Gift Economy: Envisioning the Future
- A Sociological Perspective on Hierarchies in Educational Institutions
- A Spring Aborted
- A Systemic Theory of Knowledge Management: Knowledge Workers in the Future of Artificial Intelligence
- AI in Fashion Industry
- Academic Freedom: Autonomy, Challenges and Conformation
- Academic Identity in the Age of AI: Higher Education and the Digital Revolution
- Academic Research, Publishing and Writing: Critical Thinking and Strategies for Business Scholars
- Accelerating Organisation Culture Change
- Acceptability of Transport Pricing Strategies
- Access to Destinations
- Accessibility, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Cultural Sector
- Achieving Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice in Education
- Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Late or Too Late?
- Action Learning and Action Research: Genres and Approaches
- Active Learning Strategies in Higher Education
- Addressing Student Sexual Violence in Higher Education
- Addressing Underserved Populations in Autism Spectrum Research
- Addressing Urban Shrinkage in Small and Medium Sized Towns
- Addressing Xenophobia in South Africa: Drivers, Responses and Lessons from the Durban Untold Stories
- Advanced Modeling for Transit Operations and Service Planning
- Advanced Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism
- Advances in Islamic Finance, Marketing, and Management
- Advertising in New Formats and Media
- Advocacy and Organizational Engagement
- Africa: The Future of Management Education
- African American Management History: Insights on Gaining a Cooperative Advantage
- African Economic Development
- African Leadership: Powerful Paradigms for the 21st Century
- Agents of Innovation
- Agile Business Leadership Methods for Industry 4.0
- Agile Management and VUCA-RR: Opportunities and Threats in Industry 4.0 towards Society 5.0
- Airport Design and Operation: Second Edition
- Airport Design and Operation: Third Edition
- Airport Marketing Strategies
- All That's Not Fit to Print
- American Federal Systems and COVID-19
- American Life Writing and the Medical Humanities: Writing Contagion
- An Introduction to Algorithmic Finance, Algorithmic Trading and Blockchain
- And Now What?
- Angel Financing in Asia Pacific
- Answer Intelligence
- Appearance as Capital
- Application of Big Data and Business Analytics
- Applied Spirituality and Sustainable Development Policy
- Applied Structural Equation Modelling for Researchers and Practitioners
- Applied Technical Analysis for Advanced Learners and Practitioners
- Applying Partial Least Squares in Tourism and Hospitality Research
- Architects, Sustainability and the Climate Emergency
- Architecture as a Global System: Scavengers, Tribes, Warlords and Megafirms
- Art in Diverse Social Settings
- Artificial Intelligence and Global Security
- Artificial Intelligence, Engineering Systems and Sustainable Development
- Artisan Entrepreneurship
- Asian Family Business Case Studies
- Augmenting Retail Reality, Part A: Blockchain, AR, VR, and the Internet of Things
- Augmenting Retail Reality, Part B: Blockchain, AR, VR, and AI
- Australian Franchising Code of Conduct
- Autism and COVID-19
- Auto Motives
- Autonomous Driving
- Awakening the Management of Coworking Spaces
- Baby Boomers, Age, and Beauty
- Bad to Good
- Becoming a Management Consultant
- Behavioral Economics in Healthcare
- Being a Child in a Global World
- Best Practices in Green Supply Chain Management
- Best Practices in Urban Solid Waste Management
- Beyond Confrontation: Globalists, Nationalists and Their Discontents
- Beyond Multi-channel Marketing
- Beyond Succession Planning: New Ways to Develop Talent
- Beyond the Digital Divide: Contextualizing the Information Society
- Beyond the Pandemic? Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Telecommunications and the Internet
- Big Data Analytics and Intelligence: A Perspective for Health Care
- Big Data Analytics for the Prediction of Tourist Preferences Worldwide
- Black Expression and White Generosity
- Black Youth Aspirations
- Boosting Impact and Innovation in Higher Education
- Borders and Barriers: Navigating the Postcolonial Era of Migration in a Globalized World
- Bounded Rational Choice Behaviour: Applications in Transport
- Braver Leaders in Action
- Breaking Ground
- Breaking the Poverty Code
- Broadlands and the New Rurality
- Broken Pie Chart
- Building Blocks for Sustainable Transport
- Building Business Value through Talent
- Building the Good Society
- Burial and Death in Colonial North America
- Business Acumen for Strategic Communicators
- Business Acumen for Strategic Communicators: A Primer
- Business Diplomacy by Multinational Corporations
- Business Plasticity through Disorganization
- Business Strategies and Ethical Challenges in the Digital Ecosystem
- Business and Corporation Engagement with Higher Education
- Business and Management Doctorates World-Wide: Developing the Next Generation
- Business in the 21st Century
- Businesses' Contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality Across B Corps in Latin America and the Caribbean
- COVID-19 and the Media in Sub-Saharan Africa: Media Viability, Framing and Health Communication
- COVID-19 in the African Continent
- COVID-19, Frontline Responders and Mental Health: A Playbook for Delivering Resilient Public Health Systems Post-Pandemic
- CSR for Purpose, Shared Value and Deep Transformation
- Capitalism, Health and Wellbeing
- Case Study Research
- Casebook of Indigenous Business Practices in Africa
- Casebook of Indigenous Business Practices in Africa
- Central Bank Policy: Theory and Practice
- Central Banking at the Frontier
- Challenges on the Path Toward Sustainability in Europe
- Change Management for Organizations
- Change and Continuity Management in the Public Sector: The DALI Model for Effective Decision-Making
- Changes in European Energy Markets
- Childhood and Education in the United States and Russia
- Children and Mobile Phones: Adoption, Use, Impact, and Control
- Children and the Climate Migration Crisis: A Casebook for Global Climate Action in Practice and Policy
- Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism
- China and Europe’s Partnership for a More Sustainable World
- China's Global Disruption
- Chinese Railways in the Era of High-Speed
- Choice Modelling: The State-of-the-art and The State-of-practice
- Circular Economy Supply Chains: From Chains to Systems
- Circular Economy in Developed and Developing Countries: Perspective, Methods and Examples
- City Logistics
- Civil-Military Relations in Taiwan
- Clan and Tribal Perspectives on Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability
- Clean Language Interviewing
- Climate Change, Media & Culture: Critical Issues in Global Environmental Communication
- Co-Creation for Sustainability
- Co-creation and Smart Cities: Looking Beyond Technology
- Coaching Winning Sales Teams
- Collaborative R&D and the National Research Joint Venture Database: A Statistical Analysis
- Collaborative Risk Mitigation Through Construction Planning and Scheduling
- Collaborative Writing Groups for Academic Publishing
- Collapse of the Global Order on Drugs: From UNGASS 2016 to Review 2019
- Collective Action and Civil Society: Disability Advocacy in EU Decision-Making
- College Student Mental Health and Wellness: Coping on Campus
- Communicating Climate
- Communication as Social Theory
- Community Management of Urban Open Spaces in Developing Economies
- Community Participation and Civic Engagement in the Digital Era
- Community Work with Migrant and Refugee Women
- Comparative Advantage in the Knowledge Economy
- Competencies for Effective Leadership
- Completing Your EdD: The Essential Guide to the Doctor of Education
- Completing Your EdD: The Essential Guide to the Doctor of Education, Second Edition
- Complexity in International Security
- Compliance and Financial Crime Risk in Banks
- Compliance in Multinational Corporations
- Comprehensive Strategic Management
- Computational Organizational Cognition: A Study on Thinking and Action in Organizations
- Conceptualising Risk Assessment and Management across the Public Sector
- Conceptualizing and Modeling Relational Processes in Sociology
- Conflict Management in Digital Business
- Conflict, Civil Society, and Women's Empowerment: Insights from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
- Connecting Values to Action: Non-Corporeal Actants and Choice
- Consciousness and Creativity in Artificial Intelligence
- Constructing Forest Learning
- Constructing Realities
- Construction Industry Advance and Change: Progress in Eight Asian Economies Since 1995
- Construction Supply Chain Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era
- Construction Workforce Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era
- Contemporary Approaches Studying Customer Experience in Tourism Research
- Contemporary Global Issues in Human Resource Management
- Contemporary HRM Issues in the 21st Century
- Contemporary Issues in International Trade
- Contemporary Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism
- Contestations in Global Civil Society
- Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies
- Continuous Change and Communication in Knowledge Management
- Continuous Teacher Education in Russia
- Contradictions in Fan Culture and Club Ownership in Contemporary English Football: The Game's Gone
- Coping with Disaster Risk Management in Northeast Asia: Economic and Financial Preparedness in China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea
- Core-Periphery Patterns Across the European Union
- Corporate Financial Distress
- Corporate Fraud Exposed
- Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in Iceland: Studies on Contemporary Governance and Ethical Dilemmas
- Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in Tourism Management: A Business Strategy for Sustainable Organizational Performance
- Corporate Success Stories in the UAE: The Key Drivers Behind Their Growth
- Cost Engineering and Pricing in Autonomous Manufacturing Systems
- Count Down
- Counterfeiting and Fraud in Supply Chains
- Covid, Brexit and The Anglosphere
- Crafting Customer Experience Strategy
- Crafting Your Edge for Today's Job Market
- Creating Meaningful Impact: The Essential Guide to Developing an Impact-Literate Mindset
- Creating Shared Value to get Social License to Operate in the Extractive Industry
- Creating Spaces for an Ageing Society
- Creating the Organization of the Future
- Creative Ageing and the Arts of Care: Reframing Active Ageing
- Creative Tourism and Sustainable Territories
- Creativity and Marketing: The Fuel for Success
- Criminal Justice Responses to Maternal Filicide: Judging the failed mother
- Crises and Popular Dissent
- Crises and Popular Dissent, Second Edition
- Critical Education Leadership and Policy Scholarship: Introducing a New Research Methodology
- Critical Perspectives on Educational Policies and Professional Identities
- Cross-Cultural Social Media Marketing: Bridging Across Cultural Differences
- Cross-Cultural Undergraduate Internships
- Crossroads of Rural Crime
- Crowd-Sourced Syllabus
- Cultural Rhythmics
- Culturally Responsive Strategies for Reforming STEM Higher Education
- Culture Your Culture
- Cultures of Authenticity
- Curriculum Making in Europe: Policy and Practice within and Across Diverse Contexts
- Custard, Culverts and Cake
- Customer Development of Effective Performance Indicators in Local and State Level Public Administration
- Customer Experience Innovation
- Cutting Edge Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism
- Danger in Police Culture
- Data Alchemy in the Insurance Industry
- Data Excess in Digital Media Research
- Data Science and Analytics
- Data-driven Marketing Content
- Database Management Systems
- Dealing With Change Through Information Sculpting
- Death in Custody
- Debates in Marketing Orientation
- Decent Work
- Deciphering the Eastern Mediterranean's Hydrocarbon Dynamics: Unravelling Regional Shifts
- Decision-Based Learning: An Innovative Pedagogy that Unpacks Expert Knowledge for the Novice Learner
- Decoloniality Praxis: The Logic and Ontology
- Decolonizing Educational Relationships: Practical Approaches for Higher and Teacher Education
- Delivering Entrepreneurship Education in Africa
- Delivering ITSM for Business Maturity: A Practical Framework
- Delivering Sustainable Transport
- Delivering Victory
- Democrats, Authoritarians and the Bologna Process
- Demystifying China’s Mega Trends
- Design Thinking and Innovation in Learning
- Design of Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Designing Creative Organizations
- Designing Environments for People with Dementia
- Designing Local e-Government: The Pillars of Organizational Structure
- Designing Public Space for an Ageing Population
- Designing XR: A Rhetorical Design Perspective for the Ecology of Human+Computer Systems
- Destination Boardroom: Secrets of a Discrete Profession – Executive Search Unveiled
- Destructive Leadership and Management Hypocrisy
- Deter, Detain, Dehumanise: The Politics of Seeking Asylum
- Developing Africa’s Financial Services
- Developing Digital Marketing
- Developing Holistic Leadership
- Developing Insights on Branding in the B2B Context
- Developing Leaders for Positive Organizing
- Developing Leaders for Real: Proven Approaches That Deliver Impact
- Developing Multicultural Leadership Using Knowledge Dynamics and Cultural Intelligence
- Developing Self and Self-Concepts in Early Childhood Education and Beyond
- Developing an Effective Model for Detecting Trade-based Market Manipulation
- Developing and Implementing Teaching in Sensitive Subject and Topic Areas: A Comprehensive Guide for Professionals in FE and HE Settings
- Developing the Prosocial Entrepreneur
- Dewey and Education in the 21st Century
- Different Diagnoses, Similar Experiences: Narratives of Mental Health, Addiction Recovery and Dual Diagnosis
- Digital Capital
- Digital Finance and Metaverse in Banking
- Digital Health and the Gamification of Life: How Apps Can Promote a Positive Medicalization
- Digital Influence on Consumer Habits: Marketing Challenges and Opportunities
- Digital Parenting Burdens in China: Online Homework, Parent Chats and Punch-in Culture
- Digital Protest and Activism in Public Education: Reactions to Neoliberal Restructuring in Israel
- Digital Theology: A Computer Science Perspective
- Digital Transformation Management for Agile Organizations: A Compass to Sail the Digital World
- Digital Transformation for Business Sustainability and Growth in Emerging Markets
- Digital Transformation of Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises
- Digitalization, Sustainable Development, and Industry 5.0
- Digitisation, AI and Algorithms in African Journalism and Media Contexts
- Digitized
- Disability Welfare Policy in Europe
- Disaster Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies, Institutions and Processes
- Disaster Planning and Preparedness in the Hotel Industry
- Dismantling White Supremacy in Counseling
- Disruptive Activity in a Regulated Industry
- Disruptive Frugal Digital Innovation in Africa
- Diversity and Discrimination in Research Organizations
- Diversity and Organizational Development
- Diversity in Action
- Dividend Policy
- Do Women Entrepreneurs Practice a Different Kind of Entrepreneurship?
- Does the Black Middle Class Exist and Are We Members?: Reflections from a Research Team
- Drones and the Law
- Dwarfism Arts and Advocacy
- Dynamic Future-proofing
- Dynamic Linkages and Volatility Spillover
- Dynamics of Financial Stress and Economic Performance
- Early Careers in Education: Perspectives for Students and NQTs
- Ecologically-compatible Urban Planning
- Econaissance
- Economic Policy Uncertainty and the Indian Economy
- Economically Sustainable Development
- Economy, Gender and Academy: A Pending Conversation
- Ecosystems of Youth Leadership Development
- Education Policy as a Roadmap for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
- Education Workforce Well-being
- Education and Sustainable Development in the Context of Crises: International Case Studies of Transformational Change
- Education, Migration and Family Relations between China and the UK: The Transnational One-Child Generation
- Education, Retirement and Career Transitions for 'Black' Ex-Professional Footballers
- Educational Standardisation in a Complex World
- Effective Practices in AI Literacy Education: Case Studies and Reflections
- Effeminate Belonging
- Elevating Leadership
- Embracing Chaos
- Emergence of Cross-innovation Systems
- Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes
- Emerging Issues in Islamic Finance Law and Practice in Malaysia
- Emotional Appeals in Advertising Banking Services
- Emotional Self-Management in Academia
- Empirical Nursing
- Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent
- Empowerment, Transparency, Technological Readiness and their Influence on Financial Performance, from a Latin American Perspective
- Enabling Strategic Decision-Making in Organizations Through Dataplex
- Energy Economics
- Energy Economics
- Energy Power Risk
- Energy Security in Times of Economic Transition: Lessons from China
- Enterprise Risk Management in Europe
- Enterprise and Economic Development in Africa
- Entrepreneurial Opportunities
- Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices
- Entrepreneurship and Post-Pandemic Future
- Entrepreneurship as Empowerment: Knowledge Spillovers and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
- Entrepreneurship for Deprived Communities
- Entrepreneurship, Institutional Framework and Support Mechanisms in the EU
- Entrepreneurship, Neurodiversity & Gender
- Entrepreneurs’ Creative Responses to Institutional Challenges
- Environmental Sustainability, Growth Trajectory and Gender: Contemporary Issues of Developing Economies
- Equality vs Equity: Tackling Issues of Race in the Workplace
- Ethics and Hidden Greed
- Ethnos Oblige: Theory and Evidence
- Events Management for the Infant and Youth Market
- Evidence Based Counselling & Psychotherapy for the 21st Century Practitioner
- Evidence-Based Innovation Leadership
- Evolutionary Selection Processes
- Examining Net Zero: Creating Solutions for a Greener Society and Sustainable Economic Growth
- Examining the Impact of Industry 4.0 on Academic Libraries
- Exceptional Leadership by Design: How Design in Great Organizations Produces Great Leadership
- Executive Burnout
- Expand, Grow, Thrive
- Expatriate Leaders of International Development Projects
- Expert Humans: Critical Leadership Skills for a Disrupted World
- Exploring Australian National Identity
- Exploring Cultural Value
- Exploring the Culture of Open Innovation
- Exploring the Future of Russia’s Economy and Markets
- Extractive Industries, Social Licensing and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Extreme Teaming
- Fake News in Digital Cultures: Technology, Populism and Digital Misinformation
- Families in Economically Hard Times
- Families in Motion: Ebbing and Flowing through Space and Time
- Family Business Debates
- Fandom Culture and The Archers
- Fashionable Queerness: Straight Appropriation of Queer Fashion
- Feminist Activists on Brexit: From the Political to the Personal
- Financial Derivatives: A Blessing or a Curse?
- Financial Inclusion Across Asia: Bringing Opportunities for Businesses
- Financial Modeling for Decision Making: Using MS-Excel in Accounting and Finance
- Financial and Managerial Aspects in Human Resource Management: A Practical Guide
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the Eurozone: Theoretical Concepts and Empirical Evidence
- Flapjacks and Feudalism
- Flexible Urban Transportation
- Followership in Action
- Food Retailing and Sustainable Development
- Forensic Psychologists
- Forming and Centering
- Fostering Sustainable Businesses in Emerging Economies
- Fostering Sustainable Development in the Age of Technologies
- Foundation Years and Why They Matter
- Fragmented Powers
- Freedom and Borders
- Freight Transport Modelling
- From Human to Post Human Security in Latin America: Examples and Reflections from Across the Region
- From Humility to Hubris among Scholars and Politicians
- From Microverse to Metaverse
- From Pedagogy to Quality Assurance in Education: An International Perspective
- From the Enlightenment to Black Lives Matter: Tracing the Impacts of Racial Trauma in Black Communities from the Colonial Era to the Present
- Fundamental British Values in Education
- Fundamentals of HR Analytics
- Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations
- Funding Transport Systems
- Future-Proof Accounting
- Fuzzy Hybrid Computing in Construction Engineering and Management
- Gambling Advertising: Nature, Effects and Regulation
- Games in Everyday Life: For Play
- Gaming and the Virtual Sublime: Rhetoric, Awe, Fear, and Death in Contemporary Video Games
- Gang Entry and Exit in Cape Town
- Gastronomy for Tourism Development
- Gen Z Around the World
- Gender Bias and Digital Financial Services in South Asia
- Gender Equity in Hospitality: The Case of India
- Gender Equity in the Boardroom: The Case of India
- Gender Inequality and its Implications on Education and Health
- Gender and Tourism
- Gender, Sex and Gossip in Ambridge
- Generation Impact
- Generational Career Shifts
- Genes, Climate, and Consumption Culture
- George Spencer Brown's “Design with the NOR”: With Related Essays
- Gerontechnology
- Global Classroom
- Global Currents in Gender and Feminisms
- Global Higher Education Practices in Times of Crisis: Questions for Sustainability and Digitalization
- Global Perspectives on Recruiting International Students: Challenges and Opportunities
- Global Strategic Management in the Service Industry: A Perspective of the New Era
- Global Tariff War: Economic, Political and Social Implications
- Globalization, Income Distribution and Sustainable Development
- Go-to-Market Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs
- Governance of the Smart Mobility Transition
- Governance-Led Corporate Performance: Theory and Practice
- Green Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia
- Green Economy in the Western Balkans
- Greenwashing
- Growth and Developmental Aspects of Credit Allocation: An inquiry for Leading Countries and the Indian States
- Growth, Poverty and Developmental Aspects of Agriculture
- HR Initiatives in Building Inclusive and Accessible Workplaces
- Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain Management
- Handbook of Transport Geography and Spatial Systems
- Handbook of Transport Modelling
- Handbook of Transport Strategy, Policy and Institutions
- Handbook of Transport Systems and Traffic Control
- Handbook of Transport and the Environment
- Harm Production and the Moral Dislocation of Finance in the City of London: An Ethnography
- Harnessing Change to Develop Talent and Beat the Competition
- Harnessing the Power of Failure: Using Storytelling and Systems Engineering to Enhance Organizational Learning
- Health Policy, Power and Politics: Sociological Insights
- Health and Illness in the Neoliberal Era in Europe
- Higher Education for the Sustainable Development Goals: Bridging the Global North and South
- Holocaust and Human Rights Education
- Honing Self-Awareness of Faculty and Future Business Leaders: Emotions Connected with Teaching and Learning
- Household Self-Tracking during a Global Health Crisis
- How Entrepreneurs are Driving Sustainable Development
- How Gay Men Prepare for Death
- How Mediation Works
- How Social Science Can Help Us Make Better Choices
- How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a School-Based Intervention: Evaluating the Impact of the Philosophy for Children Programme on Students' Skills
- Human & Technological Resource Management (HTRM): New Insights into Revolution 4.0
- Human Capital and Assets in the Networked World
- Human Resource Management
- Humanizing Businesses for a Better World of Work
- Humiliation
- Hybrid Media Events
- IDeaLs (Innovation and Design as Leadership)
- Ideators
- Identity in the Public Sector
- Identity, Territories, and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain Sustainability
- Impact of Industry 4.0 on Sustainable Tourism
- Improving Outcomes for Looked after Children
- Inclusive Developments Through Socio-economic Indicators: New Theoretical and Empirical Insights
- Inclusive Education in South Africa and the Developing World
- Inclusive Growth
- Indian Tourism
- Individualism, Holism and the Central Dilemma of Sociological Theory
- Industry 4.0 and Global Businesses
- Industry Clusters and Innovation in the Arab World
- Inequalities in the UK
- Informal Economy and Sustainable Development Goals: Ideas, Interventions and Challenges
- Informal Manufacturing and Environmental Sustainability
- Informal Networks in International Business
- Informality in Policymaking: Weaving the Threads of Everyday Policy Work
- Information Technology in Organisations and Societies: Multidisciplinary Perspectives from AI to Technostress
- Innovation Africa
- Innovation Leadership in Practice: How Leaders Turn Ideas into Value in a Changing World
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A New Mindset for Emerging Markets
- Innovation and the Arts: The Value of Humanities Studies for Business
- Innovation in Responsible Management Education
- Innovative to the Core: Stories from China and the World
- Inquiring into Academic Timescapes
- Inside Knowledge
- Inside Major East Asian Library Collections in North America, Volume 1
- Inside Major East Asian Library Collections in North America, Volume 2
- Insider and Outsider Cultures in Web3: Data Ownership, Transparency and Privacy
- Insights and Research on the Study of Gender and Intersectionality in International Airline Cultures
- Insights on Financial Services Regulation
- Institutional Interconnections and Cross-Boundary Cooperation in Inclusive Business
- Integrated Business Transformation
- Integrated Care: Reflections on Change in Health Services
- Integrated Land-Use and Transportation Models
- Integrated Management
- Integrating Curricular and Co-Curricular Endeavors to Enhance Student Outcomes
- Integrating Gender in Agricultural Development
- Integrating Performance Management and Enterprise Risk Management Systems
- Integrating Service-Learning and Consulting in Distance Education
- Intellectual Disability Nursing: An Oral History Project
- Intelligence and State Surveillance in Modern Societies
- Intelligence and State Surveillance in Modern Societies
- Intelligent Agriculture
- Intercultural Management in Practice
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Dignity and Human Rights
- Interdisciplinary Qualitative Research in Global Development: A Concise Guide
- Intergenerational Harmony
- Intergenerational Locative Play
- International Business Blunders: Lessons for Future Managers
- International Environments and Practices of Higher Education
- International Perspectives on Crowdfunding
- International Perspectives on Democratization and Peace
- International Perspectives on Gender and Higher Education
- International Perspectives on Sustainability Reporting
- International Schooling and Education in the ‘New Era’
- International Trade and Inclusive Economic Growth
- International Trade, Economic Crisis and the Sustainable Development Goals
- Internationalization of Firms: The Role of Institutional Distance on Location and Entry mode
- Internet+ and Electronic Business in China: Innovation and Applications
- Interparliamentary Relations and the Future of Devolution in the UK 1998-2018
- Intersections of Financial Literacy, Citizenship, and Spirituality: Examining a Forbidden Frontier of Social Education
- Introducing Multidisciplinary Micro-credentialing: Rethinking Learning and Development for Higher Education and Industry
- Introducing Therapeutic Robotics for Autism
- Inventing Mobility for All: Mastering Mobility-as-a-Service with Self-Driving Vehicles
- Investigating Spatial Inequalities
- Investment Behaviour
- Investment Traps Exposed
- Issues and Challenges in the Malaysian Economy
- Issues and Opportunities in Primary Health Care for Children in Europe
- Jack Katz
- Jerome Bruner, Meaning Making and Education for Conflict Resolution
- Job Crafting
- Journalism, Economic Uncertainty and Political Irregularity in the Digital and Data Era
- Juvenile Delinquency, Crime and Social Marginalization
- Knowledge Management Philosophy: Communication as a Strategic Asset in Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Management and the Practice of Storytelling
- Knowledge Management as a Strategic Asset
- Knowledge Management for Leadership and Communication
- Knowledge Risk and its Mitigation: Practices and Cases
- LGBTQ+ Healthy Ageing: How Queer History Impacts Healthy Ageing
- Land Use and Transport
- Latin America
- Leadership
- Leadership and Organization in the Innovation Economy
- Leadership in Multigenerational Organizations: Strategies to Successfully Manage an Age Diverse Workforce
- Leadership, Communication, and Social Influence
- Leaders’ Decision Making and Neuroscience
- Leading Education Systems
- Leading Educational Systems and Schools in Times of Disruption and Exponential Change: A Call for Courage, Commitment and Collaboration
- Leading Lean Six Sigma
- Leading Local Government: The Role of Directly Elected Mayors
- Leading and Managing Change in the Age of Disruption and Artificial Intelligence
- Leading for Equity in Uncertain Times
- Leading with Presence: Fundamental Tools and Insights for Impactful, Engaging Leadership
- Leading within Digital Worlds
- Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education
- Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education Institutions
- Learning Differentiated Curriculum Design in Higher Education
- Learning Disabilities and e-Information
- Left-Wing Populism
- Legal Protection for Traditional Knowledge
- Leisure Lifestyles
- Lesson Study in Initial Teacher Education: Principles and Practices
- Lessons from British and French New Towns: Paradise Lost?
- Libraries and Reading
- Library Dementia Services
- Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in Central and Eastern Europe
- Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in Western and Southern Europe
- Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in the Western Balkans
- Link
- Living Alone, Living Together
- Living History in the Classroom
- Living Innovation
- Living Life to the Fullest: Disability, Youth and Voice
- Living in Two Homes
- Local Government Shared Services Centers: Management and Organizations
- Locating the Influencer: Place and Platform in Global Tourism
- Logistics Systems for Sustainable Cities
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Marketing and Sales
- Machine Translation and Global Research: Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community
- Mad Muse: The Mental Illness Memoir in a Writer's Life and Work
- Making Aid Agencies Work
- Making Mergers and Acquisitions Work
- Making Sense of Problems in Primary Headship
- Making Sense of Ultra-Realism
- Making Trade Missions Work: A Best Practice Guide to International Business and Commercial Diplomacy
- Male Rape Victimisation on Screen
- Malleable, Digital, and Posthuman
- Management for Scientists
- Managing Brands in 4D
- Managing Customer Experiences in an Omnichannel World: Melody of Online and Offline Environments in the Customer Journey
- Managing NGOs in the Developing World
- Managing Silence in Workplaces
- Managing Urban Mobility Systems
- Managing and Negotiating Disagreements: A Contemporary Approach for Conflict Resolution
- Mandatory and Discretional Non-financial Disclosure after the European Directive 2014/95/EU
- Mapping a Winning Strategy: Developing and Executing a Successful Strategy in Turbulent Markets
- Marconomics
- Maritime Logistics
- Market Grooming
- Market Research Methods in the Sports Industry
- Marketing and Design in the Service Sector
- Marketing in Customer Technology Environments
- Marketisation and Forensic Science Provision in England and Wales
- Mastering Brexits Through The Ages
- Mastering Business for Strategic Communicators
- Mastering Market Analytics
- Mate Selection in China: Causes and Consequences in the Search for a Spouse
- Materiality in Financial Reporting
- Mathematical and Economic Theory of Road Pricing
- Mathematics in Transport Planning and Control
- Maturing Leadership: How Adult Development Impacts Leadership
- Measures of Sustainable Construction Projects Performance
- Media Use in Digital Everyday Life
- Mediation and Thinking Development in Schools: Theories and Practices for Education
- Megaproject Risk Analysis and Simulation
- Men Writing Eating Disorders: Autobiographical Writing and Illness Experience in English and German Narratives
- Mental Health Literacy and Young People
- Mentoring Millennials in an Asian Context
- Mentoring Within and Beyond Academia
- Mentorship-driven Talent Management
- Methodological Issues in Management Research: Advances, Challenges, and the Way Ahead
- Metric Culture
- Microcelebrity Around the Globe
- Microfinance and Development in Emerging Economies
- Middle Leadership in Schools: Ideas and Strategies for Navigating the Muddy Waters of Leading from the Middle
- Middle-Power Responses to China’s BRI and America’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
- Midlife Creativity and Identity: Life into Art
- Migrant Entrepreneurship
- Migration Practice as Creative Practice
- Mixed-Income Housing Development Planning Strategies and Frameworks in the Global South
- Mobile Technologies in Children’s Language and Literacy
- Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Russia
- Models of Modern Information Economy
- Modern Energy Market Manipulation
- Modern Management in the Global Mining Industry
- Monetary Policy, Islamic Finance, and Islamic Corporate Governance: An International Overview
- More Accounting Changes
- Mothering from the Inside
- Multi-Channel Marketing, Branding and Retail Design
- Multidimensional Strategic Outlook on Global Competitive Energy Economics and Finance
- Multinational Companies in China
- National Identity and Education in Early Twentieth Century Australia
- National Identity and Europe in Times of Crisis
- Nature-Based Solutions for More Sustainable Cities – A Framework Approach for Planning and Evaluation
- Navigating the Digital Landscape
- Navigating the Investment Minefield
- Neighbours Around the World: An International Look at the People Next Door
- Network Policy Making within the Turkish Health Sector: Becoming Collaborative
- Networks in Healthcare
- New Approaches to Creating a Culture of Innovation
- New Approaches to Flexible Working
- New Approaches to Recruitment and Selection
- New Developments in Islamic Economics
- New Directions in the Future of Work
- New Horizons and Global Perspectives in Female Entrepreneurship Research
- New Perspectives and Methods in Transport and Social Exclusion Research
- New Perspectives on Critical Marketing and Consumer Society
- New Principles of Equity Investment
- No Business is an Island
- Non-work Obligations
- Normalization of the Global Far Right: Pandemic Disruption?
- Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: Rewiring the DNA in Banking
- Now Hiring
- Obsessive Measurement Disorder or Pragmatic Bureaucracy?
- Occupational Therapy With Older People into the Twenty-First Century
- Older People in a Digitalized Society
- Onboarding: Getting New Hires off to a Flying Start
- One Health
- Online Reputation Management in Destination and Hospitality
- Operational Risk Management in Banks and Idiosyncratic Loss Theory: A Leadership Perspective
- Operations Management in the Hospitality Industry
- Organic Growth Disciplines
- Organisational Behaviour in the Public Sector: A Critical Introduction
- Organisational Control in University Management
- Organizational Behavior Management
- Organizational Culture and Its Impact on Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing
- Organized Labor and Civil Society for Multiculturalism: A Solidarity Success Story from South Korea
- Organizing Marketing and Sales
- Our Future in Public Relations: A Cautionary Tale in Three Parts
- Overcoming Workplace Loneliness
- Overcoming the Challenge of Structural Change in Research Organisations – A Reflexive Approach to Gender Equality
- Pandemics, Disasters, Sustainability, Tourism
- Participation Based Intelligent Manufacturing: Customisation, Costs, and Engagement
- Pedagogy in Islamic Education
- Pedestrian Behavior
- Peer Support Work
- Perceptions of a Pandemic: A Cross-Continental Comparison of Citizen Perceptions, Attitudes, and Behaviors During Covid-19
- Performance Analysis of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: A Global Outlook
- Performance-Based Strategy
- Personalised Learning for the Learning Person
- Personalized Principal Leadership Practices
- Pervasive Punishment
- Philosophy of Management and Sustainability: Rethinking Business Ethics and Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development
- Pioneering New Perspectives in the Fashion Industry: Disruption, Diversity and Sustainable Innovation
- Place, Race and Politics
- Placemaking
- Platforms Everywhere: Transforming Organizations by Integrating Ecosystems in Business Design
- Police Responses to Islamist Violent Extremism and Terrorism
- Policy Capacity, Design and the Sustainable Development Goals
- Policy Solutions for Economic Growth in a Developing Country
- Political Identification in Europe: Community in Crisis?
- Politics and Development in the North American Arctic
- Post-Merger Management
- Post-Migration Experiences, Cultural Practices and Homemaking: An Ethnography of Dominican Migration to Europe
- Power, Policy and the Pandemic
- Pragmatic Engineering and Lifestyle
- Precarity and Insecurity in International Schooling
- Preliminary Feasibility for Public Research and Development Projects
- Press B to Belong
- Primary Teachers, Inspection and the Silencing of the Ethic of Care
- Principles and Fundamentals of Islamic Management
- Prioritization of Failure Modes in Manufacturing Processes
- Problematising Young People
- Problems in Paradise?
- Process Automation Strategy in Services, Manufacturing and Construction
- Production, Safety and Teamwork in a Deep-Level Mining Workplace
- Productivity Growth in the Manufacturing Sector
- Products for Conscious Consumers
- Professional Identity Crisis
- Progressive Leadership: Challenging the Theory of the Firm in the 21st Century
- Project Management
- Proleptic Leadership on the Commons: Ushering in a New Global Order
- Promotion, Recruitment and Retention of Members in Nonprofit Organizations
- Proposition 13 – America’s Second Great Tax Revolt: A Forty Year Struggle for Library Survival
- Propping up the Performative School: A Critical Examination of the English Educational Paraprofessional
- Public Governance in Denmark
- Public Morality and the Culture Wars: The Triple Divide
- Public Procurement Fundamentals
- Public Transport in Developing Countries
- Public Value Co-Creation
- Public-Private Partnerships, Capital Infrastructure Project Investments and Infrastructure Finance
- Punishment, Probation and Parole: Mapping Out ‘Mass Supervision’ In International Contexts
- Punk, Gender and Ageing: Just Typical Girls?
- Purpose-driven Innovation: Lessons from Managing Change in the United Nations
- Putting the Genie Back
- Qualitative Research in the Study of Leadership
- Quality Control Procedure for Statutory Financial Audit
- Quality Management: Tools, Methods, and Standards
- Quantum Governance: Rewiring the Foundation of Public Policy
- Race and Assessment in Higher Education
- Racializing Media Policy
- Racism and Anti-Racism Today
- Radical Business
- Radical Environmental Resistance
- Radical Proceduralism
- Radical Transparency and Digital Democracy
- Re-conceptualizing Safe Spaces
- Real Time Strategy: When Strategic Foresight Meets Artificial Intelligence
- Realignment, Region, and Race
- Rebuilding the Fire and Rescue Services
- Recent Developments in Transport Modelling
- Recognising Students who Care for Children while Studying
- Reconsidering Patient Centred Care
- Recovering Women's Voices: Islam, Citizenship, and Patriarchy in Egypt
- Redefining Educational Leadership in Central Asia
- Redefining Irishness in a Globalized World: National Identity and European Integration
- Reentry, Desistance, and the Responsibility of the State
- Refugee Crises and Third-World Economies
- Regenerative and Sustainable Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Regional Integration in Latin America
- Reimagining Business Education
- Renewable Energy Investments for Sustainable Business Projects
- ResearcHER: The Power and Potential of Research Careers for Women
- Research in Administrative Sciences Under COVID-19
- Research in Corporate and Shari’ah Governance in the Muslim World: Theory and Practice
- Research-practice Partnerships for School Improvement: The Learning Schools Model
- Researching Contemporary Wellness Cultures
- Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in An Evolving Sector
- Researching Practices Across and Within Diverse Educational Sites: Onto-epistemological Considerations
- Reshaping Youth Participation: Manchester in a European Gaze
- Reshaping the Future: The Phenomenon of Gig Workers and Knowledge-Economy
- Resilient Democratic Governance
- Resilient Leadership
- Resolving the African Leadership Challenge
- Responsible Investment Around the World: Finance after the Great Reset
- Responsible Management and Taoism, Volume 1
- Responsible Management and Taoism, Volume 2
- Responsible Management in Africa, Volume 1: Traditions of Principled Entrepreneurship
- Responsible Management in Africa, Volume 2: Ethical Work and Sustainability
- Responsible Management in Theory and Practice in Muslim Societies
- Responsible Management of Shifts in Work Modes – Values for Post Pandemic Sustainability, Volume 2
- Responsible Management of Shifts in Work Modes – Values for a Post Pandemic Future, Volume 1
- Retail Futures
- Retail in a New World
- Rethinking Community Sanctions
- Rethinking Decision-Making Strategies and Tools: Emerging Research and Opportunities
- Rethinking Ethics Through Hypertext
- Rethinking the Business Models of Business Schools
- Return on Investment in Corporate Responsibility
- Revitalizing Special Education
- Reviving Arab Reform: Development Challenges and Opportunities
- Rewriting Leadership with Narrative Intelligence: How Leaders Can Thrive in Complex, Confusing and Contradictory Times
- Rich Crime, Poor Crime: Inequality and the Rule of Law
- Riding the Innovation Wave
- Risk Management in Emerging Markets
- Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality
- Rural Marketing as a Tool for National Development
- Sameness and Repetition in Contemporary Media Culture
- Satire, Comedy and Mental Health: Coping with the Limits of Critique
- Scaling Social Innovation Through Cross-sector Social Partnerships: Driving Optimal Performance
- Scandal and Corruption in Congress
- School-to-School Collaboration: Learning Across International Contexts
- Schoolchildren of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact and Opportunities
- Schooling Multicultural Teachers
- Schooling for Social Justice, Equity and Inclusion: Problematizing Theory, Policy and Practice
- Science & Theatre: Communicating Science and Technology with Performing Arts
- Science, Faith and the Climate Crisis
- Sciencepreneurship: Science, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Economic Growth
- Secrets of Working Across Five Continents: Thriving Through the Power of Cultural Diversity
- Self-Knowledge and Knowledge Management Applications
- Self-Learning and Adaptive Algorithms for Business Applications
- Seven Faces of Women’s Sport
- Shaping Smart Mobility Futures: Governance and Policy Instruments in times of Sustainability Transitions
- Shaping Social Enterprise
- Shipping Company Strategies
- Simplifying the Complex
- Slow Ethics and the Art of Care
- Smart Cities
- Smart Cities and Circular Economy
- Smart Cities and Digital Transformation: Empowering Communities, Limitless Innovation, Sustainable Development and the Next Generation
- Smart Cities: A Panacea for Sustainable Development
- Smash
- Social Capital
- Social Ecology in Holistic Leadership
- Social Housing and Urban Renewal
- Social Innovation and Welfare State Retrenchment
- Social Justice Case Studies
- Social Management Responsiveness in Business
- Social Media Influencing in The City of Likes
- Social Media Use in Crisis and Risk Communication
- Social Media in Earthquake-Related Communication
- Social Media, Mobile and Cloud Technology Use in Accounting: Value-Analyses in Developing Economies
- Social Sciences: A Dying Fire
- Social Worlds and the Leisure Experience
- Societal Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness
- Sociometrics and Human Relationships
- Soldiers on International Missions
- South Africa’s Democracy at the Crossroads
- Spatial Justice and Informal Settlements
- Specialised Tourism Products
- Specifics of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems
- Spirituality Management in the Workplace
- Spirituality in Education: Professional Accounts of the Impact of Spirituality on Education
- Sport Business in Leading Economies
- Sport Entrepreneurship
- Sport Startups: New Advances in Entrepreneurship
- Start-up Marketing Strategies in India
- Start-ups and the Mobilization of Social Interactions
- Stealth Construction: Integrating Practices for Resilience and Sustainability
- Stories and Lessons from the World's Leading Opera, Orchestra Librarians, and Music Archivists, Volume 1: North and South America
- Stories and Lessons from the World's Leading Opera, Orchestra Librarians, and Music Archivists, Volume 2: Europe and Asia
- Stories of Addiction Recovery
- Strategic Airport Planning
- Strategic Business Models: Idealism and Realism in Strategy
- Strategic Corporate Communication in the Digital Age
- Strategic Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Business Model Innovation
- Strategic Financial Management
- Strategic Information System Agility: From Theory to Practices
- Strategic Leadership Models and Theories: Indian Perspectives
- Strategic Management in Emerging Markets
- Strategic Marketing Management in Asia
- Strategic Outlook in Business and Finance Innovation: Multidimensional Policies for Emerging Economies
- Strategic Thinking
- Strategizing
- Strategy and Geopolitics
- Strategy, Power and CSR: Practices and Challenges in Organizational Management
- Structural Road Accident Models
- Structure and Social Action
- Super-Sticky Wechat and Chinese Society
- Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Emerging Markets
- Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Latin America
- Supply Networks in Developing Countries: Sustainable and Humanitarian Logistics in Growing Consumer Markets
- Supporting and Sustaining Well-Being in the Workplace: Insights from a Developing Economy
- Sustainability Assessment
- Sustainability Marketing
- Sustainability and Social Marketing Issues in Asia
- Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Economic and Environmental Implications
- Sustainable Business in the Arab Region: Corporate Social Responsibility vs Culture
- Sustainable Development Through Global Circular Economy Practices
- Sustainable Negotiation
- Sustainable Pathways
- Sustainable Real Estate in the Developing World
- Sustainable Road Infrastructure Project Implementation in Developing Countries: An Integrated Model
- Sustainable Tourism, Part A
- Sustainable Tourism, Part B
- Swarm Leadership and the Collective Mind
- Take Care
- Talent Management in Practice
- Tales of Brexits Past and Present
- Teacher Leadership in Professional Development Schools
- Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: The Context of Being, Interculturality and New Knowledge Systems
- Teaching from the Emerging Now
- Teaching in England Post-1988: Reflections and Career Histories
- Team Work Quality
- Team for Change: A Practitioner's Guide to Implementing Change in the Modern Workplace
- Tech Development through HRM
- Tech, Smart Cities, and Regional Development in Contemporary Russia
- Technologies of Trauma
- Technology and (Dis)Empowerment: A Call to Technologists
- Technology and Talent Strategies for Sustainable Smart Cities
- The AGM in Europe
- The Academic Language of Climate Change: An Introduction for Students and Non-native Speakers
- The Aging Workforce Handbook
- The Ambiguities of Desistance
- The Anthropocene and Popular Culture
- The Ark of Shared Value: Using Shared Value Creation to Increase Corporate Social Responsibility Investments
- The Art of Leadership Through Public Relations
- The Battle to Do Good
- The Bologna Reform in Ukraine
- The Branding of Tourist Destinations: Theoretical and Empirical Insights
- The Brazilian Way of Doing Public Administration
- The Brexit Referendum on Twitter
- The Business of Choice: How Human Instinct Influences Everyone’s Decisions
- The Business of Widening Participation: Policy, Practice and Culture
- The COMPASS Model in Criminal and Forensic Psychology
- The Catalyst Effect
- The Citizen and the State
- The Corruption of Play: Mapping the Ideological Play-Space of AAA Videogames
- The Creative Industries and International Business Development in Africa
- The Creative PhD: Challenges, Opportunities, Reflection
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- The Culture of Women in Tech
- The Current Global Recession
- The Definitive Guide to Blockchain for Accounting and Business: Understanding the Revolutionary Technology
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- The Development of Socialism, Social Democracy and Communism
- The Development of the Maltese Insurance Industry: A Comprehensive Study
- The Digital Pill: What Everyone Should Know about the Future of Our Healthcare System
- The Digital Renminbi’s Disruption
- The Digital Transformation of the Fitness Sector: A Global Perspective
- The Disruptive Power of Online Education
- The Economic Decoding of Religious Dogmas
- The Efficiency of Mutual Fund Families
- The Emerald Handbook of Appearance in the Workplace
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- The Entrepreneur's Guide to Risk and Decisions: Building Successful Early-Stage Ventures
- The Entrepreneurial Dilemma in the Life Cycle of the Small Firm
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- The Ethnically Diverse Workplace: Experience of Immigrant Indian Professionals in Australia
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- The Executive’s Guide to 21st Century Corporate Citizenship
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- The Extinction Curve
- The Future of Corporate Universities
- The Future of HR
- The Future of India's Rural Markets: A Transformational Opportunity
- The Future of Islamic Finance
- The Future of the Self: Understanding Personalization in Childhood and Beyond
- The Gains and Pains of Financial Integration and Trade Liberalization
- The Game Plan of Successful Career Sponsorship
- The Global Evolution, Changing Landscape and Future of Financial Markets
- The Global Private Health & Fitness Business: A Marketing Perspective
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- The Globalization of Foreign Investment in Africa
- The Growth Paths of State-Society Relations
- The Guide to LGBTQ+ Research
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- The Heroic Leadership Imperative: How Leaders Inspire and Mobilize Change
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- The History of Entrepreneurship in Mexico
- The Ideas-Informed Society
- The Imagination Gap
- The Impact of ChatGPT on Higher Education
- The Impact of Environmental Emissions and Aggregate Economic Activity on Industry: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives
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- The Impact of Global Drug Policy on Women: Shifting the Needle
- The Impact of Global Terrorism on Economic and Political Development
- The Impacts of Monetary Policy in the 21st Century: Perspectives from Emerging Economies
- The Inclusive Management Strategy: Engineering Culture Change for Employees with DisAbilities
- The Innovation Approach: Overcoming the Limitations of Design Thinking and the Lean Startup
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- The Mainstream Right and Family Policy Agendas in the Post-Fordist Age
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- The Need for Sustainable Tourism in an Era of Global Climate Change: Pathway to a Greener Future
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- The Networked School Leader
- The New Era of Global Services: A Framework for Successful Enterprises in Business Services and IT
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- The Notorious ESG
- The Online Healthcare Community
- The Overtourism Debate
- The Perspective of Historical Sociology
- The Philosophy of Disruption
- The Philosophy of Tacit Knowledge
- The Philosophy of Transhumanism
- The Politics and Possibilities of Self-Tracking Technology
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- The Promises and Properties of Rapidly Growing Companies: Gazelles
- The Psychophysics of Learning
- The Purpose-Driven University
- The Quantification of Bodies in Health: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
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- The Reflective Leader
- The Return of Trust? Institutions and the Public after the Icelandic Financial Crisis
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- The Rise of Hungarian Populism: State Autocracy and the Orbán Regime
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- The Social Consequences of Climate Change
- The Social Life of Busyness
- The Social, Cultural and Environmental Costs of Hyper-Connectivity: Sleeping Through the Revolution
- The Sociological Inheritance of the 1960s: Historical Reflections on a Decade of Changing Thought
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- The Spatial Grasp Model
- The Spectacle of Criminal Justice: Mass Media and the Criminal Trial
- The Stalled Revolution: Is Equality for Women an Impossible Dream?
- The Strategically Networked Organization
- The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment Systems
- The Sustainable Marketing Concept in European SMEs
- The Swedish Microchipping Phenomenon
- The Systemic Approach in Sociology and Niklas Luhmann: Expectations, Discussions, Doubts
- The Techlash and Tech Crisis Communication
- The Technology Takers
- The Ten Commandments of Lean Six Sigma
- The Theory and Practice of Directors’ Remuneration
- The Theory, Methods and Application of Managing Digital Supply Chains
- The Thinking Strategist: Unleashing the Power of Strategic Management to Identify, Explore and Solve Problems
- The Thinking Strategist: Unleashing the Power of Strategic Management to Identify, Explore and Solve Problems, 2nd Edition
- The Ultimate Guide to Compact Cases: Case Research, Writing, and Teaching
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- The Value of Design in Retail and Branding
- The World Economic Forum and Transnational Networking
- The ‘C-Suite’ Executive Leader in Sport: Contemporary Global Challenges for Elite Professionals
- Theoretical Times
- Thinking Home on the Move
- Threaded Harmony: A Sustainable Approach to Fashion
- Threats from Car Traffic to the Quality of Urban Life
- Time of Death
- Tourism Destination Quality
- Tourism Planning and Destination Marketing
- Tourism Planning and Destination Marketing, 2nd Edition
- Tourism Risk
- Tourism in Cuba
- Tourism in a VUCA World: Managing the Future of Tourism
- Tourism in the Mediterranean Sea
- Towards Social Justice in the Neoliberal Bologna Process
- Towards a Post-Covid Global Financial System
- Toxic Humans
- Traffic Safety Culture
- Traffic Safety and Human Behavior
- Traffic Safety and Human Behavior
- Transformation for Sustainable Business and Management Practices: Exploring the Spectrum of Industry 5.0
- Transformation of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets, Volume I
- Transformation of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets, Volume II
- Transformative Research and Higher Education
- Transforming Africa
- Transforming Information Security
- Transforming Social Media Business Models Through Blockchain
- Transforming Teacher Work
- Transgender and Non-binary Prisoners' Experiences in England and Wales
- Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century: Perspectives and Narratives
- Transitions from Vocational Qualifications to Higher Education
- Transport Economic Theory
- Transport Science and Technology
- Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making
- Transport Survey Methods: Keeping up with a Changing World
- Transport Survey Quality and Innovation
- Transportation and Traffic Theory in the 21st Century
- Transregional Europe
- Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
- Trauma-Responsive Organisations: The Trauma Ecology Model
- Travel Survey Methods
- Tribal Wisdom for Business Ethics
- Trump Studies
- Tweeting the Environment #Brexit
- Twenty-First Century Celebrity: Fame In Digital Culture
- Two Faces of Digital Transformation
- Ultimate Gig
- Understanding 5G Mobile Networks
- Understanding Comics-Based Research: A Practical Guide for Social Scientists
- Understanding Financial Risk Management, Second Edition
- Understanding Financial Risk Management, Third Edition
- Understanding Industry 4.0: AI, the Internet of Things, and the Future of Work
- Understanding Interactive Network Branding in SME Firms
- Understanding Intercultural Interaction: An Analysis of Key Concepts
- Understanding Intercultural Interaction: An Analysis of Key Concepts, 2nd Edition
- Understanding National Culture and Ethics in Organizations
- Understanding Products as Services: How the Internet and AI are Transforming Product Companies
- Understanding Safeguarding for Children and Their Educational Experiences
- Understanding the Investor: A Maltese Study of Risk and Behavior in Financial Investment Decisions
- Understanding the Mexican Economy
- Understanding the New Business Paradigm in Eastern Europe
- Unmaking Waste in Production and Consumption: Towards the Circular Economy
- Unsafe Spaces
- Unsettling Colonial Automobilities
- Urban Governance and Smart City Planning
- Urban Planning for the City of the Future
- Urban Resilience: Lessons on Urban Environmental Planning from Turkey
- Urban Transport and the Environment
- Using Economic Indicators in Analysing Financial Markets
- Using Interactive Digital Narrative in Science and Health Education
- Value Management Implementation in Construction
- Video Games Crime and Next-Gen Deviance
- Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks
- Virtual Reality Gaming
- Virtually International: How Remote Teams Can Harness the Energy, Talent, and Insights of Diverse Cultures
- Visionary Leadership in a Turbulent World
- Visual Pollution
- Voices of Teenage Transplant Survivors
- Vulnerability in a Mobile World
- Wellness, Social Policy and Public Health
- When Leadership Fails: Individual, Group and Organizational Lessons from the Worst Workplace Experiences
- Why Do People Migrate?
- Why Teach With Cases?
- Women Courageous
- Women in Leadership 2nd Edition
- Women vs Feminism
- Women, Activism and Apartheid South Africa: Using Play Texts to Document the Herstory of South Africa
- Women’s Work in Public Relations
- Work Life After Failure?: How Employees Bounce Back, Learn, and Recover from Work-Related Setbacks
- Work from Home: Multi-level Perspectives on the New Normal
- Work-Life Inclusion: Broadening Perspectives Across the Life-Course
- Working Deeply
- Working Women in the Sandwich Generation: Theories, Tools and Recommendations for Supporting Women's Working Lives
- World Class Cooking for Solving Global Challenges: Reparadigming Societal Innovation
- World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities
- Young Adulthood Across Digital Platforms
- Young Children’s Play Practices with Digital Tablets
- Youth Exclusion and Empowerment in the Contemporary Global Order: Contexts of Economy, Education and Governance
- Youth Exclusion and Empowerment in the Contemporary Global Order: Existentialities in Migrations, Identity and the Digital Space
- Youth Transitions Out of State Care: Being Recognized as Worthy of Care, Respect, and Support
- You’re Hired!
- ‘Purpose-built’ Art in Hospitals: Art with Intent
- “Conflict-Free” Socio-Economic Systems
- “Counting Black and White Beans”: Critical Race Theory in Accounting
- “C” Leadership: A New Way to Beat the Competition and Manage Organization Stakeholders