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Open procedures

EMA usually follows an open procedure for tenders worth €143,000 or more. This means they are open to all economic operators with EU market access and published at least 37 days prior to the tender deadline.

EMA may also publish a prior information notice (PIN) to indicate that it intends to launch an open call for tenders in the future.

Publishing a PIN does not mean that EMA is required to follow through with a procurement procedure.

Economic operators can subscribe to two types of tenders on the Funding & Tenders Portal:

  • planned call for tenders, linked to a prior information notice (PIN);
  • call for tenders linked to a contract notice.

Economic operators who subscribe to a planned call for tenders are notified when the contract notice is published. They are automatically subscribed to the call for tenders linked to the contract notice.

They will also be notified when there are changes related to the call for tenders, including new or updated documents, questions and answer, or announcements being published.

Negotiated procedures

EMA follows negotiated procedures for tenders up toa value of € 143,000. The procedures differ depending on the value, as described below.

Below €15,000

EMA invites at least one candidate to submit an offer. A direct invitation is sent with no advance publicity.

€15,000 – 60,000

EMA publishes an ex ante publicity on the Funding & Tenders Portal. It then invites at least three candidates to submit an offer.

€60,000 – 143,000

EMA publishes an ex ante publicity on the Funding & Tenders Portal. It then invites at least five candidates to submit an offer.

Negotiated procedure with no call for tenders

EMA may invite only one economic operator to submit a tender, without publishing a call in the Official Journal. 

This exception may apply to purchases of any value under the following circumstances:

  • when there is a monopoly due to ownership or protection of exclusive rights;
  • when there is extreme urgency due to unforeseeable events.

The legal basis is paragraph 11.1 of annex 1 of the EU Financial Regulation.

Types of contract

EMA offers two types of contracts: direct contracts and framework contracts.

In a direct contract, the contract specifies the expected deliverables and timeline from the outset.

In contrast, a framework contract establishes a long-term relationship with contractors but does not specify the exact deliverables or timelines. Framework contracts are implemented through specific contracts or order forms which specify the expected deliverables and timelines.

EMA offers three types of framework contracts: single, cascade, and with re-opening of competition.

In a single framework contract, EMA signs a contract with one contractor, which can be an individual organisation or group of multiple organisations.

In a framework contract in cascade, EMA signs a contract with different contractors in an assigned order of ranking.

In a framework contract with re-opening of competition, EMA signs a contract with a pool of contractors that compete for specific assignments.

For more information on the general conditions for purchase order, please see:


EMA owns any results of a contract that is delivered to and approved by EMA itself. EMA also owns the rights to the intellectual property incorporated in the results, with the exception of pre-existing intellectual property rights.

EMA is free to make use of the results without consulting the contractor who created them.

In certain cases, EMA may decide to allow a contractor to use the results it has produced. This should be for research or teaching purposes and must be foreseen explicitly in the contract.

How to express interest

To express interest in a published call, you need to first create an account for the eTendering platform. Once you have created your account, select the relevant call and click on 'Express interest' and fill in the requested information.

After submitting your information, you will receive an acknowledgement of registration.

Please note that EMA is not obligated to invite you to tender or award you a contract after you have expressed interest to participate in a negotiated procedure.

For more detailed information on tenders, please see:

Ongoing tenders published on the Funding and Tenders Portal


Procurement procedure for the provision of legal advice in relation to real estate and commercial property law under the law of England and Wales, for EMA’s former premises at 30 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London





The reference of an ex-ante advertisement ends with "-ExA". The reference of a prior information notice ends with "-PIN".

Any information included on the EMA website in the present section “EMA tender opportunities” serves only as a means of re-directing tenderers to the Funding and Tenders Portal. It shall not be construed in any way as being an advertising measure within the meaning of point 5 of Annex I to the Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 (‘Financial Regulation’), nor as forming part of the procurement documentation within the meaning of point 16.1 of Annex I to the Financial Regulation.

Procurement documentation concerning EMA calls for tenders worth €143,000 or more, is only published on the Funding and Tenders Portal. This includes links to the contract notices and the deadline for submission of tenders.

It is your responsibility to check for updates to the procurement documents available on the Funding and Tenders Portal during the tendering period.

Preliminary market consultations

EMA regularly runs preliminary market consultations to understand certain aspects of relevant market segments and to help identify interested organisations and their capabilities, in preparation for future calls for tender. 

These consultations use an online survey format.

Responding provides helpful information to EMA. It does not imply any form of commitment between EMA and the responder. 

Current market consultations

There are currently no market consultations.

Calls for expressions of interest

Calls for expressions of interest are a means of preselecting candidates who may be invited to submit tenders in response to possible future restricted invitations to tender.

Upon examination of the applications, EMA draws up a list of potential contractors valid for 3 years. Any interested person or company can submit an application at any time during the period of validity of this list, except for the last 3 months.

EMA uses this list for contracts with an estimated value of over €60,000 but below the threshold for the Public Procurement Directive, which is:

  • €143,000 for services and supplies contracts;
  • €5,538,000 for works contracts.

Where a specific contract is to be awarded, EMA will send the procurement documents either to all the candidates on the list, or to certain selected candidates who meet the preselection criteria for the contract.

Current calls for expressions of interest

EMA/2024/CEI/0011 - Call for expression of interest for medical device and in-vitro diagnostics medical devices experts ((EXPAMED) (Group 1) and patient, consumer and healthcare professional experts(P&HCP) (Group 2)

This procedure is based on the provisions of Article 237 of the EU Financial Regulation and Article 93 of the EMA Financial Regulation. This call is directed only to natural persons. Any expressions of interest by applicants are to be submitted in accordance with the rules set out in this call. 

The aim of this call is to establish a list of external experts for two groups:

  1. Expert panels on medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices, and
  2. Pool of patient, consumer, and healthcare professional experts to provide expertise to the European Medicines Agency.

Please consult the Administrative information and all Annexes for detailed information on the scope of the call, overview of the procedure, exclusion, eligibility and selection criteria, application process and conditions for appointment. 

All the files are accessible by following the below link:

Applicants who wish to be considered for selection as experts in the first cycle of selection must submit a duly completed application by 25 October 2024, 23:59 CET (initial deadline to this call).

After the initial deadline, the call remains open for the period of 2024-2029 and applicants may submit an expression of interest at any time prior to the last three months of validity of the list of available experts (5 years from the date of its publication).

Any queries related to the procedure (Q&A) should be addressed to 

Calls for external experts

EMA may publish calls for expressions of interest for external experts when it identifies a specific need for expert opinion and advice.

Upon examination of the applications, EMA draws up a list of potential contractors valid for 5 years. Any interested person can submit an application at any time during the period of validity of a list, except for the last 3 months.

EMA will select expert(s) from the relevant list based on the best match between the scope of the advice and the expert's profile, as and when required.

Current calls for external experts


There are currently no calls for expressions of interest for external experts.

Procurement reports

Details on closed calls for tender for the current and past two years published by EMA and previous ex ante advertisements (advance notices) remain available in the Procurement archive.

Earlier tender notices are available in the TED database.

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