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Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award

Nomination period: October 15 – January 15, annually
Presented: ECS fall meeting, annually

The ECS Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award was created in 1989 to recognize outstanding achievement in service to the sensor community and research and/or technical contributions to the field of sensors, and to encourage work excellence in the field.

Eligibility criteria
  • Current membership in The Electrochemical Society with Sensor division as the primary membership;
  • Lead or contact author on at least four papers published in an ECS journal relevant to the sensor division Topical Interest Area (TIA);
  • Outstanding research and/or technical contributions to the field of sensors;
  • Outstanding service to the ECS Sensor Division and the sensor community in general;
  • Assessment is based on the candidate’s holistic merits rather than on their h-index or the Impact Factor of the journals in which their research is published.
Nomination guidelines

A complete nomination package includes:

  • Completed electronic nomination form;
  • Nominee’s curriculum vitae (CV) including a record of achievements (e.g., publications, technical presentations, patents, etc.), as well as service to the ECS Sensor Division, Society, and broader sensor research community;
  • List of nominee’s key published or accepted paper(s); nominee is the lead or contact author on at least four published in an ECS journal in a relevant sensor division TIA;
  • Nomination letter;
  • Letters of support (minimum of three; maximum of five).

Unsuccessful nominations are considered for one additional year.

The Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award Committee members may not submit nominations or provide letters of support during their terms of service on the committee.


The award consists of:

  • Framed certificate;
  • USD $1,500;
  • Complimentary meeting registration;
  • ECS Sensor Division Business Luncheon ticket.
Recipient obligations

The award recipient:

  • Presents a talk at the ECS Sensor Division symposium at the Society’s fall meeting when the award is presented;
  • Submits a featured review article on a topic of the recipient’s choice to an ECS journal (Sensors TIA) within one year of the award presentation.

For more information or questions, contact awards@electrochem.org.

Review the Society’s robust Honors & Awards and Fellowships & Grants Programs.


Anja Boisen (2022)
Marc Madou (2021)
Yasuhiro Shimizu (2021)
Shekhar Bhansali (2020)
Nianqiang (Nick) Wu (2020)
Joseph Wang(2018)
Rangachary Mukundan (2016)
Peter Hesketh (2014)
Sheikh Ali Akbar (2012)
Thomas Thundat (2010)
Chung Chiun Liu (2008)
W. Heineman (2004) 
N. Yamazoe (2004)
M. Aizawa (2002)
A. J. Ricco (2000)
I. Lundstroem (1998)
R. P. Buck (1996)
J. Janata (1994)