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Preprint submission

EGUsphere avoids double preprinting

If authors already posted a preprint on a non-EGU preprint server, they can join the public discussion on EGUsphere to receive a public peer review and possible journal publication in one of EGU's journals, but they would join EGUsphere as so-called external preprint without additional posting of a new EGUsphere preprint and without assigning an EGUsphere DOI. If authors claim that the content of their preprint has been updated, the procedure depends on the level of adjustment: if the similarity of the contents between the posted non-EGUsphere preprint and the updated manuscript is greater than 60%, authors are required to update their preprint on the non-EGU preprint server, keep their original, non-EGUsphere DOI, and continue as external preprint. However, if the similarity is less than 60%, the updated manuscript might qualify for the posting of an original EGUsphere preprint including EGUsphere DOI, if and when EGUsphere moderators or EGU journal editors accept the manuscript for preprint posting.

Preprints not (immediately) targeting journal publication

Preprints not (immediately) targeting journal publication are screened and, if accepted, posted solely on EGUsphere. Such EGUsphere preprints do not have to follow the submission guidelines of EGU's topical journals and the requirements to the *.pdf file are thus significantly lower than for preprints aimed at publication in an EGU journal. However, the following needs to be fulfilled:

  1. Download the Copernicus Publications LaTeX Package or WORD template to compile your preprint's *.pdf file;
  2. Ensure that your preprint's *.pdf file includes page and line numbers, and your title page includes full first names for all authors. Should you have used AI tools to generate (parts of) your manuscript, please describe the usage either in the Methods section or the Acknowledgements;
  3. Prepare your abstract text so that you can paste it into the file upload form and, if applicable, your supplement file as *.pdf or *.zip archive;
  4. Ensure that your text and figures include either standard fonts like Times, Arial, Helvetica, or Verdana, or, if other fonts have been used, such fonts have been embedded;
  5. Ensure that your figures' colour schemes allow readers with colour vision deficiencies to correctly interpret your findings. Please check your figures using the Coblis – Color Blindness Simulator and revise the colour schemes accordingly;
  6. Ensure that you have secured the reproduction rights for figures, tables, maps, images, and aerials, if such materials are included in your preprint;
  7. Ensure that you included copyright statements or credits for maps, images, and aerials, according to the regulations of the provider;
  8. Ensure that you properly cited all literature and materials used with corresponding entries in your reference list;
  9. Consider submitting assets like data sets, software and model code, samples, and videos to reliable repositories and link such assets, ideally through DOI, from your preprint.

Other preprint options

Preprints aimed at publication in an EGU journal as well as external preprints seeking publication in an EGU journal follow the individual submission guidelines of the selected EGU topical journal. Please visit the journal websites for more information.

Preprint registration and submission

Register your preprint in order to receive a link to upload the required files into the online system Copernicus Office Editor. The preprint registration form asks you for your preferred preprint option on EGUsphere (see above).

Register your preprint for file submission

Templates for your manuscript file

Technical instructions for LaTeX

Technical instructions for MS Word and compatible formats

Technical instructions for R Markdown