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Assessment tools and resources

Scientific assessments often require the analysis of large amounts of data. Sophisticated modelling techniques are established alternative approaches when scientific data is lacking or non-existent.

EFSA’s scientists, statisticians and technical staff have developed and commissioned a range of tools to allow rapid processing of information, support consistent analysis and reporting of findings, and for predictive modelling.

The following resources are available for use by anyone involved in food and feed safety assessments (e.g. assessors, applicants, software developers).

Repositories and platforms

Knowledge Junction | Zenodo

The Knowledge Junction is a curated, open repository for the exchange of evidence and supporting materials used in food and feed safety risk assessments. It includes databases, models, reports, literature reviews, etc... Anyone can upload resources on Knowledge Junction following a few simple steps. Its aim is to improve transparency, reproducibility and evidence reuse.


The EFSA R4EU platform hosts a suite of different modules with different functionalities for modelling commonly used in assessments by EFSA. Existing models include benchmark dose, multi-drug resistance analysis, risk assessment using Monte Carlo, risk-based surveillance systems, sample size calculator, exploratory analysis for spatio-temporal epidemiology, food enzyme intake model and automatic abstract and full-text screening using machine learning. User manual

EFSA:API Developer Portal [beta]

The EFSA: API “developer portal” uses application programming interface (API) technology to make EFSA’s IT resources more accessible to software developers, allowing them to design creative new apps and tools for use by the food safety assessment community. Currently in beta version.

EFSA vector-borne disease map journals

The EFSA Vector-borne diseases map journals provides detailed maps and information for 36 vector borne diseases. This includes the disease agent, transmission, geographic distribution, potential vectors involved, impact on animal health and welfare, and available prevention and control measures.

Assessment calculation tools

EFSA One Health Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) System

The EFSA One Health WGS System is a platform designed for the collection and analysis of WGS based molecular typing data on Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli in food and animals. Data are uploaded and accessible by competent authorities from the food safety sector of the EU Member States and EEA countries. The platform interacts with the equivalent ECDC data collection system.

Feed Additive Consumer Exposure (FACE)

The FACE calculator estimates chronic and acute dietary exposure to residues of feed additives and their metabolites present in food of animal origin.

Feed Additives Maximum Safe Concentration in Feed for Target Species calculator (FACTS)

The FACTS tool estimates the maximum safe concentration of feed additives in feed for different animal categories and species.

Food Enzyme Intake Model (FEIM)

The FEIM tool estimates chronic dietary exposure to food enzymes used in food processes. It uses summary statistics on food consumption data collected from Member States.

Food Additives Intake Model 2.1 (FAIM)

The FAIM tool estimates chronic dietary exposure to food additives, including new food additives or authorised food additives for which a new use is proposed. Results are provided for different population groups (e.g. infants, toddlers, adults, etc) and for different countries.

PRIMo and other pesticide evaluation tools

Several pesticides-related calculation tools and models support assessors, managers and applicants on pesticide evaluations, including pesticide residues intake model (PRIMo), pesticide fate models, non-dietary (operator, worker, resident and bystander) exposure to pesticides, dermal absorption and risks for bees.

Rapid Assessment of Contaminant Exposure (RACE)

The RACE tool provides estimates of different population groups’ acute and chronic exposure to chemical contaminants from single foods and compares the result to the health-based guidance value or other relevant toxicological reference points. See the full description with user manual (Appendix J). To register: servicedesk [at] efsa.europa.eu

EFSA held a webinar to explain the RACE methodology and describe how the tool can be used for rapid risk evaluation of contaminants in food. The presentation and recording are available here

Risk assessment for infectious diseases in animals (MINTRISK)

The Method for INTegrated RISK assessment for infectious diseases in animals allows the risk assessment of vector-borne diseases of livestock and pets. Developed by Wageningen BioVeterinary Research and Wageningen Economic Research, it has specific functions for assessments falling in ESFA’s remit.

Dietary Exposure (DietEx) tool

The Dietary Exposure (DietEX) tool estimates chronic dietary exposure to substances present in food (e.g. intentionally added or naturally present chemicals, contaminants, proteins, novel food ingredients). Individual consumption data from the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database are used to estimate the mean and the 95th percentile exposure for different age classes and special population groups throughout several EU countries.