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Under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), the EU takes a leading role in peacekeeping operations, conflict prevention and the strengthening of international security. It is an integral part of the EU's comprehensive approach towards crisis management, drawing on civilian and military assets. Currently, some 3,500 military personnel and 1,300 civilian personnel are deployed around the world. Since the first CSDP missions and operations were launched back in 2003, the EU has undertaken over 40 overseas operations, using civilian and military missions and operations in several countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. As of today, there are 24 ongoing EU CSDP missions and operations, including 13 civilian, 10 military and 1 civilian and military initiative. A Regional Advisory and Coordination Cell in the Sahel completes EU CSDP presence in the world.

In Focus

Civilian missions and operations


European Union Advisory Mission in support of Security Sector Reform in Iraq
EUAM Iraq logo

The European Union Advisory Mission in Iraq (EUAM Iraq) was launched in October 2017 in response to a request by the Iraqi government. The strategic objective of the mission is to supportthe Iraqi government in achieving lasting peace, stability and security in Iraq and the wider region  following the defeat of Da’esh (the Islamic State) in 2015 by offering strategic advice to the Iraqi security sector. The Mission is part of borader package of EU political, security and development measures to support Iraq.



EUAM RCA: European Union Advisory Mission in Central African Republic

Established in late 2019 , Mission provides strategic advice to the CAR Ministry of Interior and Public Security and to the Internal Security Forces. Through this action, the Mission supports the establishment of coherent and accountable security providers, under full national ownership.



EUAM UKRAINE: European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform in Ukraine
European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform in Ukraine logo

EUAM Ukraine was deployed in December 2014 to advise state security bodies  on security, police, judiciary, prosecution, anti-corruption and human rights. Since spring 2022, the Mission provides support to law enforcement agencies to facilitate the flow of refugees from Ukraine to the neighbouring Member States and the entry of humanitarian aid into Ukraine. EUAM also supports the rule of law institutions to facilitate the investigation and prosecution of international crimes.



EUBAM Libya: European Union Border Assistance Mission in Libya
Logo-EUBAM Libya

The European Union Integrated Border Management Assistance Mission in Libya (EUBAM Libya) was established in 2013 to support the capacity of Libyan authorities to enhance the security of their land, sea and air borders in the short term and to develop a broader Integrated Border Management (IBM) strategy in the long term. EUBAM is complementary to the UN-Mission (UNSMIL), established in 2011 at the request of the Libyan authorities to support the country's new transitional authorities in their post-conflict efforts.



EU BAM RAFAH: European Union Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point
Logo-EUBAM Rafha

Since 2007, EUBAM Rafah has continued to assist  the Palestinian General Administration for Borders and Crossings, delivering and coordinating strategic advice, training and equipment. The Mission maintains a readiness to redeploy to the Rafah Crossing Point once the political and security situation allows.


EUCAP SAHEL MALI: European Union Capacity Building Mission in Mali

EUCAP Sahel Mali is a European Union civilian mission dedicated to building the capacity of Mali’s internal security forces (ISF). The Mission was launched in 2015 in response to the Malian government’s official invitation. As a non-executive mission, it provides support to the ISF and their line ministries through training and advising activities and through the implementation of projects, including infrastructure projects.

The Mission is committed to promoting the rule of law, in full respect of human rights and gender equality. It provides training and advice on civilian crisis management, integrated border management, the fight against organised crime, relations between the ISF and the civilian population, access to justice and the fight against impunity. EUCAP Sahel Mali supports improved governance of the ISF and implements infrastructure projects in partnership with the local authorities and civil society organisations. The mission Headquarters is located in Bamako.


EUCAP Sahel Niger: European Union Capacity-Building

EUCAP Sahel Niger is a civilian capacity-building Mission established by the European Union as part of its Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) with the overall aim to strengthen Niger’s internal security sector and its capacities in the fight against significant security threats. Since its establishment in 2012, EUCAP Sahel Niger has supported the Nigerien Internal Security Forces, national authorities as well as non-state actors with a variety of different programs and activities. Following the decision by the de facto military authorities in Niger to end the status of mission agreement on 4 December 2023, all EUCAP Sahel Niger international mission personnel have now left the area of operation.

This mission will officially end on 30 September 2024.

EUCAP Somalia

EUCAP Somalia: European Union Capacity Building Mission in Somalia
Logo-EUCAP Somalia 2023

The European Union Capacity Building Mission in Somalia (EUCAP Somalia) is a civilian Common Security and Defence Policy mission that has been assisting Somalia since 2016. The Mission supports the development of the Somali maritime security and police sectors, as well as promoting the rule of law.
EUCAP Somalia provides advice on strategic level, mentors, and trains Somali law enforcement agencies, to strengthen their capacities on coastguard functions, policing, and legislative drafting.
In the spirit of the EU integrated approach, it cooperates with the European Union Special Representative for the Horn of Africa, the European Union Delegation to Somalia, the military European Union Training Mission to Somalia and the European Naval Force Operation Atalanta.


EULEX Kosovo: European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo
EULEX Kosovo logo

The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) was launched in 2008 as the largest civilian mission under the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union. EULEX’s overall mission is to support relevant rule of law institutions in Kosovo on their path towards increased effectiveness, sustainability, multi-ethnicity and accountability, free from political interference and in full compliance with international human rights standards and best European practices.

Under EULEX’s current mandate, the Mission undertakes monitoring activities and has limited executive functions,  including as second tier security responder. EULEX continues to support the Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office in line with relevant Kosovo legislation.

The Mission works within the framework of UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

EUM Armenia

EUM Armenia: EU Mission in Armenia
Logo_Mission Armenia

The EU Mission in Armenia (EUMA) is tasked with observing and reporting on the situation on the ground, contributing to human security in conflict-affected areas and supporting confidence building between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

EUMA has a two-year mandate, employing up to 209 staff, including EU experts and monitors.

EUMA was launched by the decision of EU Foreign Affairs Council on 20 February 2023, when it also started its operational activities. EUMA is deployed on the Armenian side of the international border with Azerbaijan. EUMA Headquarters is located in Yeghegnadzor, with six Forward Operating Bases in Goris, Ijevan, Jermuk, Kapan, Martuni and Yeghegnadzor. The Mission also has a Liaison and Support Office in Yerevan.

EUMM Georgia

EUMM Georgia: The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia
EUMM Georgia logo

The EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) is an unarmed civilian monitoring mission. It was established by the European Union on 15 September 2008.

EUMM civilian personnel monitor compliance by all sides with the EU brokered Six-Point Agreement of 12 August, signed by both Georgia and Russia, and the Agreement on Implementing Measures of 8 September 2008. The Mission patrols day and night, particularly in the areas adjacent to the South Ossetian and Abkhazian Administrative Boundary Lines. The Mission’s efforts have been primarily directed at observing the situation on the ground, reporting on incidents, and, generally, through its presence in the relevant areas, contributing to improving the security situation.

EUPOL COPPS/Palestinian territories

EUPOL COPPS: EU Police and Rule of Law Mission for the occupied Palestinian territory

Initially the Mission was established in 2006 as a Police Mission comprising a Police Advisory Section. In 2008 a Rule of Law Section was added. EUPOL COPPS (the EU Coordinating Office for Palestinian Police Support) assists the Palestinian Authority in building its institutions with a focus on security and justice sector reforms. This support is placed under Palestinian ownership and is delivered in accordance with European and international standards. Ultimately, the Mission’s objective is to improve the safety and security of the Palestinian people.

The Mission forms part of the wider EU effort to support Palestinian state building, in the context of working towards a comprehensive peace, based on a two-State solution.

EUPM Moldova

EU Partnership Mission in the Republic of Moldova

The EU Partnership Mission in Moldova was inaugurated on 31 May 2023 in Chisinau.

EUPM Moldova contributes to the consolidation of the resilience of the country, through strategic advice and operational support to consolidate the internal security sector of the Republic of Moldova.

EUPM Moldova is the first EU civilian CSDP mission focused on the field of fighting hybrid threats, on cybersecurity, fighting foreign informational manipulation and interferences and crisis management.

Military missions

EUMAM Mozambique

EUMAM Mozambique: European Union Military Assistance Mission
EUMAM Mozambique Logo

Launched 1 September 2024, the EUMAM Mozambique Mission provides training and support to the Mozambican armed forces to protect the civilian population and restore security in the Cabo Delgado province. The EU and Mozambique have a longstanding partnership covering a wide range of fields, including the security and defence sector. The excellent cooperation and close partnership between the Republic of Mozambique and the European Union will continue. We can count on Mozambique’s full support for EUMAM’s success.


EUTM RCA: European Union Training Mission in Central African Republic

As an integral part of the EU´s integrated approach that encompasses political, security, humanitarian, and development actions, EUTM RCA was born from the achievements of EUFOR RCA and EUMAM RCA. The European Union Training Mission in Central African Republic (EUTM- RCA) was launched on 16 July 2016 after a Central African Government request. After a first extending from 2018 to 2020, the European Union Council extended the mandate (3rd Mandate) of the mission for two years, until 19 September 2022. The mission contributes to the defence sector reform within the framework of a wider Security Sector Reform (SSR), in close coordination with other EU and International Support Missions [especially the EU Delegation, the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) and the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM)]. The mission supports the Central African authorities and is engaged in three domains: strategic advice, operational training and education. The mission has a not executive mandate and is not engaged in combat operations.

EUTM Somalia

EUTM Somalia: European Union Training Mission in Somalia
EUTM Somalia logo

EUTM Somalia, launched on 7 April 2010 aims at contributing to strengthening the federal government and the defence and security institutions in Somalia, following a three-pillar approach: training, mentoring and advising. The mission’s mandate has been extended seven times, with adapted mandates reflecting changes in the political and security situation on the ground. In line with Somali needs and priorities, EUTM Somalia provides, through its 7th mandate, strategic level advice to Somali Authorities within the Security Institutions in the Mogadishu area as well as specific mentoring, advice, tailored training and capacity building in the training domain. The current mandate remains focused on supporting the Somali National Armed Forces (SNAF) through advisory, mentoring, “train the trainers” and specialized training in order to develop its Defence Institutions. The mission does not have an executive mandate and is not engaged in combat operations.

EUMAM Ukraine

EUMAM Ukraine: European Union Assistance Mission Ukraine

The EU Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine (EUMAM Ukraine) is the EU’s coordinated response to enhance the military capacity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and build their long-term resilience. The aim of the mission is to tackle urgent and longer-term training needs that will strengthen Ukraine’s efforts in defending its territorial integrity and ability to effectively conduct military operations in deterrence of Russia.


EUFOR Althea

EUFOR BiH Operation Althea logo

On 2 December 2004, 9 years after the war ended, the European Union (EU) launched the military Operation ALTHEA in BiH. This followed the decision by NATO to hand over its own peacekeeping mission that had maintained security in the region since the war ended. The EU deployed a robust military force (EUFOR) to ensure continued compliance with the Dayton/Paris Agreement and to contribute to a Safe And Secure Environment (SASE) in BiH.


EUNAVFOR ASPIDES - Naval Operation
Logo EUNAVFOR Aspides: Stars, shield and waves

EUNAVFOR ASPIDES is an EU military operation contributing to the protection of freedom of navigation, to safeguarding maritime security, especially for merchant and commercial vessels in the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Gulf under the EU Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP).

The EUNAVFOR ASPIDES within its defensive mandate is to provide maritime situational awareness, accompany vessels, and protect them against possible multi-domain attacks at sea.


EUNAVFOR MED IRINI: European Union Naval Force IRINI - Military Operation
EUNAVFOR Med Irini logo

The European Union Naval Force IRINI (EUNAVFOR MED IRINI) commenced on 31st of March 2020 as a concrete and tangible contribution to achieve peace and stability in Libya. As part of the wider European Integrated Approach to Libya, IRINI is a military maritime security operation deployed in the Mediterranean Sea under the EU Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP).

The core task of the Operation is the implementation of the arms embargo imposed on Libya by the United Nations Security Council. The Operation also monitors and gathers information on illicit exports of petroleum products from Libya and contributes to the disruption of the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks through information gathering and patrolling by air assets.


European Union Naval Operation
Logo for EUNAVFOR Atalanta mission

The European Naval Force Operation ATALANTA is a maritime security operation focused on counter piracy and the protection of World Food Programme and other vulnerable vessels off the Horn of Africa and in the Western Indian Ocean. It was the first Maritime CSDP operation of the European Union in which individual Member States united together under the EU flag. Since its launch on 8 December 2008, Operation ATALANTA remains committed to ensure the freedom of navigation in the Area of Operations, in line with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). In late 2022, EUNAVFOR Operation ATALANTA was extended towards December 2024 with a new mandate enforced,  reflecting achievements, challenges and the evolution of the Operation to adapt to the demanding security situation in the region.



The EU Regional Advisory and Coordination Cell for the Sahel (RACC)
EU RACC logo

The EU's Regional Advisory and Coordination Cell for the Sahel (RACC) contributes to peace and stability in region. It was deployed in 2019 to  support G5 Sahel structures and countries to enhance regional cooperation and operational capabilities in the field of defense and security, in compliance with international law, human rights and the EU Strategic Approach to women peace and security. To reinforce international cooperation and transparency in support of the G5 Sahel structures and countries capacities, as well as to facilitate internal EU coordination on security and defense, in the framework of the integrated approach to the Sahel.


EU Security and Defence Initiative in support of West African countries of the Gulf of Guinea - Civilian and Military Mission

The European Union Security and Defence Initiative in support of West African countries of the Gulf of Guinea (EU SDI in the Gulf of Guinea) was established in December 2023 in partnership with Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo and Benin. It is based on tailored support combining military and civilian expertise based on the needs identified and formulated by the four countries themselves.

The initiative complements the EU’s ongoing support to maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea.

Europeans on the ground: missions and operations

Close to 4,000 European women and men are currently engaged on the ground in Europe’s neighbourhood: Africa, the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe, the Middle East. They are military forces and civilian experts detached by the EU’s Member States under EU-led CSDP missions and operations. With mandates tailored to the needs of the situation on the ground, their aim is to stabilise our partner countries in the neighbourhood and thus provide security at home.

The EU currently conducts seven military missions and operations on land and sea, to reform and train armies, assist in creating a safe and secure environment, fighting pirates or disrupting networks of traffickers. Three of them are military training missions who provide advice and training to local security forces in Mali, Somalia and the Central African Republic. To strengthen coordination and cooperation on the ground, a single command centre for these military training missions the Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC) was established in 2017. The MPCC is also empowered to plan and conduct military missions of up to 2,500 troops.

As a further improvement, the European Peace Facility (EPF) will address current limitations that do not allow for the Union’s budget to finance expenditure with military or defence implications. As a fund outside the Union’s budget, it enables the financing of operational actions under the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) that have military or defence implications and thus allow more flexibility and effectiveness of our operations abroad.

Military missions are just one element in the EU’s toolbox of instruments to tackle today’s complex security challenges in a comprehensive way. There are also eleven civilian missions deployed in partner countries whose assistance plays a crucial role in border management, conflict prevention, combatting organised crime and smuggling, reforming national security sectors or in monitoring the judicial system and the rule of law. The Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC) serves as the common operational headquarters for the EU’s civilian CSDP missions.

Their contribution is being stepped up further. In November 2018, EU Member States agreed on a Civilian CSDP Compact aimed at strengthening civilian CSDP. A Joint Action Plan has been subsequently presented by the EEAS and the European Commission to implement this Compact, and EU Member States are implementing National Implementation Plans

Each EU mission works in the framework of a comprehensive approach. The mission works in agreement and coordination with the EU Delegations in the same area and in the framework of EU regional policies.

The decisions of deployment and management of the mission are taken by the EU countries during the Foreign Affairs Council.


Around 4,000 EU military and civilian staff are currently deployed in CSDP missions and operations in three continents. The 21 missions and operations work towards a more stable world and therefore contribute to a safer Europe.

Read the factsheet