Residences along a winding coastline.
Reducing flood risk

Building resilience along coasts and watersheds

The problem: Climate change is making flooding from rivers, rain and the ocean more destructive. Around the world, more than 1.8 billion people are at risk from flooding, with low-income and marginalized communities at the most risk. Damage to natural protections like wetlands and risky economic development make the threat of flooding worse.

What we’re doing about it: We’re bringing natural flooding solutions to communities along the East and Gulf coasts of the U.S., the Mississippi River area and the Caribbean. Working with partners, we’re helping communities adapt better — especially those hit the hardest — fixing unfair flooding rules and making sure nature is valued in the process.

Our coastal resilience experts

We bring wide-ranging perspectives and skills to forging coastal resilience. Meet some of the people who make it happen.

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