Graphic detail

War of words

An alternative look at the Trump-Harris debate, in five charts

We asked a linguist to assess the data

Prosecutor v promoter

Two charts assess Donald Trump’s distinctive debate style

Johnson, our language columnist, compares Trump-speak with Harris-ese

Growing pains

Three charts show that America’s imports are booming

Here’s why that could spell trouble

City life

What makes Europe so liveable?

Insights from the city liveability index

Good onya

Why do Australians live so long?

A new study finds they far outlive people in other English-speaking countries

The Kursk question

Has Ukraine’s shock raid successfully diverted Russian forces?

Insights from our war tracker

Can’t make it there

The best, and worst, American cities for upward mobility

A ranking of 50 metropolitan areas shows that the land of opportunity is far from even

Above, not beyond

Cities used to sprawl. Now they’re growing taller

Large-scale high-rise development is becoming the norm across the world

Rent and the City

Our Carrie Bradshaw index: where Americans can afford to live solo in 2024

Compared with last year, rent on basic apartments looks more affordable

Gold rush

As usual, the medal tally at the Olympic games was lopsided

But overall more countries are tasting sporting glory

City rankings

What is the least liveable city in the world?

It has ranked at the bottom of the EIU index for 11 years