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DCMI By-laws

About DCMI

The Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI) is an organization supporting innovation in metadata design and best practices across the metadata ecology. DCMI works openly, and is supported by fees-paying organizational members. DCMI's activities include:

The Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative is a project of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T), a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit incorporated in the state of Maryland. The registered address is:

Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T)
8555 16th Street, Suite 850
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910

DCMI's finances and membership program infrastructure are managed by ASIS&T. DCMI financial affairs are formally reported as part of ASIS&T's legally required financial disclosures as a U.S. nonprofit under federal and state law. Donations to ASIS&T to support DCMI programs may be treated as tax exempt depending upon the provisions of applicable law.

DCMI Organizational Chart

Governing Board

The business and activities of DCMI are conducted under the leadership and oversight of the Governing Board. The Governing Board consists of representatives appointed by organizational members of DCMI and of independent members. The Governing Board provides direction for the general management of the Initiative, oversight of the DCMI Directorate, stewardship of DCMI's finances, approval or amendment of these Bylaws, and a broad remit to shape the strategic direction of DCMI and formulate DCMI policies. The Board establishes DCMI membership categories and periodically reviews and revises associated fees, rights, and duties.

Voting. Any Governing Board action requires passage by a majority vote of the voting members of the Governing Board. A non-response shall be considered an affirmative vote. Votes may be conducted face-to-face, by voice (for audio meetings), or by electronic means. For face-to-face and voice votes, votes may be tallied and recorded immediately following the vote. Decisions of the Governing Board are recorded in the minutes of Governing Board meetings.

Meetings. The Governing Board shall meet at least once each calendar quarter. Meetings shall be called by the Governing Board Chair or by the DCMI Executive Director. Non-members may attend meetings at the invitation of the Chair and with consent of the Governing Board.


  • The Chair of the Governing Board, a two-year appointment, presides at all meetings of the Governing Board.
  • A Chair-Elect is appointed by the Governing Board.
  • The Past-Chair provides advice and guidance to the Chair and Chair-Elect as needed, for up to one year, and may assume other responsibilities at the discretion of the Governing Board.

Candidate institutional members are presented by the Directorate for approval by the Governing Board officers. Approved candidates shall become Members upon receipt of payment and be immediately eligible for all rights and responsibilities associated with their membership type.

Independent Members are selected on the basis of criteria such as expertise related to the mission of the organization, leadership capacity in areas important to organizational objectives, and ability to create opportunities in new domains or regions.


Day-to-day administration of DCMI is carried out by a Directorate of compensated personnel who provide specific services in areas such as financial management, required reporting, and the development and execution of DCMI activities. The exact roles of Directorate members may change from time to time depending on the administrative and programmatic needs and resources of DCMI. Members of the Directorate serve at the pleasure of the Governing Board which has domain over all DCMI personnel matters.

Usage Board

The Usage Board serves as DCMI's decision-making body on technical specifications to which DCMI, as an organization, makes a long-term maintenance commitment. The commitment applies to DCMI Metadata Terms and to related international standards such as ISO 15836; mappings from DCMI Metadata Terms to other vocabularies; vocabulary maintenance policies; agreements with other vocabulary owners such as the FOAF Project; other vocabularies under the DCMI umbrella, such as LRMI vocabularies and BIBO; and DCMI-endorsed application profiles.

Education Committee

The DCMI Education Committee coordinates activities and publications that teach and inform users about current developments and technologies for metadata. The committee organizes webinars and tutorials and commissions blog posts for audiences ranging from newcomers to experts, including teachers of metadata in both academic and professional settings.

Working Groups and Interest Groups

Working groups and interest groups are created by the Governing Board on the basis of formally submitted proposals. Interest groups are self-organizing; they may not use the DCMI name or logo, or claim DCMI endorsement of meetings or work products without permission from DCMI.

Other activities

Collaboration and liaisons. DCMI also maintains collaboration and liaison relationships with other organizations with common or related interests. Liaisons with other organizations may be appointed by the Governing Board.