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How to Store Corn on the Cob: Best Tips and Tricks to Keep Corn Fresh

Corn on the cob is a summertime favorite, but it can be tricky to store. Keep reading to learn how to store corn on the cob correctly so that it remains fresh longer.

how to store corn on the cob

Corn on the cob is an amazing vegetable that is often underrated. It’s a great source of fiber and vitamins C and B, so it’s a delicious way to get your daily dose of veggies. Furthermore, it’s a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect your body against disease. It’s awesome if you can grow sweet corn for yourself.

However, corn on the cob can be difficult to store if you do not know how. This article will show you specific storage methods and times to keep corn fresh and safe to consume.

Corn on the Cob Health Benefits

Corn on the cob can be good for you because it provides several essential vitamins and minerals that are important for the growth and development of your body.

It also packs a hefty amount of antioxidants that help fight off damaging free radicals and oxidative stress to keep your cells healthy and functioning properly. For example:

  • Vitamin A helps maintain eye health, boosts immunity, enhances skin health, and keeps you looking vibrant.
  • Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, boosts immunity, and defends against oxidative stress inside cells that can lead to disease and damage healthy cells.
  • Folate is an essential nutrient needed for the formation of red blood cells and DNA synthesis. It is extremely important in pregnancy because it helps protect against neural tube defects and makes healthy new cells.

Corn on the cob is also low in calories and rich in fiber which can help promote weight loss by making you feel full. One ear of corn contains about 80 – 90 calories, 3 g total fat, 1 g dietary fiber, 6 g carbohydrates, 2 g protein, and 10 mg sodium.

How to Store Corn on the Cob

Check out the following tips and tricks for storing corn on the cob:

  • Fresh corn without preservatives, such as unfrozen corn, lasts up to 2 and a half days when kept in ideal conditions.
  • If you plan on eating the corn past the 2 and a half days, it’s best to refrigerate the ears within 2 hours of buying them to maintain their freshness.
  • Thoroughly inspect each ear for any signs of curved necks or dried-out silk. If you notice something, do not purchase that ear of corn.
  • Store un-husked ears in a plastic or paper bag, such as a grocery bag or newspaper, with the husks still attached. Then, tightly seal the bag to remove excess air and protect the corn from moisture loss.

boiled yellow corn with husks

How to Store Fresh Corn on the Cob

  • If you purchase fresh ears of corn with husks and attached green silk, you can keep them for over a week in your refrigerator.
  • Remove the corn from its plastic or paper bag before storing it, unless it is an ear of organic corn that remains un-husked.
  • To prevent mold growth on un-husked ears, keep them in a humid refrigerator at 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.5 degrees Celsius) or colder. The corn should stay fresh for about 7 days.
  • Make sure to check on it regularly for mold growth and take out any ears that show signs of spoilage. Even a bad ear may indicate that the rest are not safe to eat.

How to Store Corn on the Cob in the Freezer

If you would like to store your corn for longer than 2 days, put it in the freezer. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Pick the ears with a good shape and intact husks.Once they have cooled down and there’s no risk of burning yourself, husk the ears.
  • Label an airtight bag with the number of ears inside and other instructions. For example, you can write 4 ears – thaw before cooking or 8 ears – do not re-freeze.
  • Place each ear of corn upright in one layer inside the bag. Make sure the flat side is facing down; it will minimize air contact and keep the ears from sticking together.
  • Freeze the corn on the cob until ready to use.
  • Thaw the corn by running cool water over the bag or leaving it out on a counter at room temperature for a few hours, depending on which option is more convenient for you.
  • Be sure not to leave your thawed corn sitting out again until it has reached 40 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius) since it can potentially lead to the growth of harmful bacteria that causes food poisoning.

Corn on the stalk plantation

How to Blanch Corn on the Cob

Freezing is best for long-term storage since it locks out oxygen and slows decomposition. But the best way to freeze corn on the cob is by blanching it; it will give the corn a richer flavor. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Prepare a bowl of ice-cold water by storing it in the fridge. Otherwise, you can use tap water and cool it down by adding ice cubes.
  2. Clean the corn by running it under cold water; this helps get rid of any dirt.
  3. Remove the husk and corn silk to shuck the corn. If you can’t do it by hand, remove the bottom part, pop the corn in the microwave, and turn up the heat for 30 to 60 seconds.
  4. Prepare a pot of boiling water.
  5. Carefully insert the corn cobs using tongs and leave them to boil for 5 to 7 minutes.
  6. Transfer the cobs to the ice-cold water and keep them there for the same amount of time as boiling. It prevents the corn from getting cooked and maintains its current texture.
  7. Remove the corn kernels from the cob using a sharp knife.
  8. Transfer the corn kernels to resealable freezer bags, label them, and store them in the freezer.

How to Freeze Corn on the Cob in the Husk

You can freeze fresh corn on the cob in its husk, but make sure you wear some protective gear before shucking it. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Wear thick gloves and put newspaper or paper bags on the floor where you will be working. This will help reduce messes if any of the kernels fall off while removing the husk.
  2. Shuck the corn by lifting the end that has the stem; this will help remove any of the silk attached to it. Be careful not to pull too hard on the ear because you might also pull off some of its kernels in addition to tearing apart its husks.
  3. Once you clean the entire corn, cut off the other end and soak it in water for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the husks and dry them thoroughly. You can hang them up to dry or put them on a plate with paper towels underneath to help absorb moisture.
  5. Wrap each ear of corn individually using aluminum foil and place inside resealable freezer bags. Label the bag with the date and cook from frozen.

corn on the cob

How to Store Corn on the Cob (FAQ)

Discover more information about corn on the cob!

What is an ear of corn?

An ear of corn is a type of cereal grain that grows on the cob. It comes from the monocot family Poaceae, subfamily subgroup Zeoideae.

Can you freeze corn in the husk?

Yes. You can freeze corn with or without its husk as long as you thaw it completely before cooking it.

How to tell if corn on the cob is bad?

If you are not sure if the corn on the cob is bad, you can check for these signs:

  • The husks are dry and withered.
  • The kernels are sunken in or have dried out.
  • The silk is brown or has mold.
  • There is a bad smell coming from the corn.

If you notice any of these signs, it is best to discard the corn.

What’s an easy way to shuck corn?

One way to shuck corn is by microwaving it. However, this technique may not work for older or large ears of corn because they have a harder exterior and can still be tough to handle.

Another method is using a sharp knife. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Cut off the tip of the husk on one end so that you can easily grab it.
  2. Hold the corn by the stem and start peeling off the husk to get to the silk. Be sure you are not pulling down on the ear but rather starting at the tip; this way, you don’t accidentally remove too much of the kernels when removing the husk.
  3. After removing the silk, cut one more time at the tip of the husk to release it completely.
  4. Soak corn in water for half an hour.
  5. Hold onto the end with the stem, grab hold of some of the husk, and start peeling off to get to the kernels.
  6. Once you’ve peeled all the way down, turn over the ear on its flat side and use a knife to cut the kernels off.

sweet fresh corn

How long can I keep corn on the cob in the freezer?

You can keep your corn frozen for up to 3 months. Make sure you wrap them properly and store them as soon as possible after cooking or preparing them.

How long is corn on the cob good for?

If you’re wondering for how long does corn on the cob last, it’s best to eat fresh corn within 1 week of purchase. But it can last for up to 2 weeks if stored properly in the refrigerator.

What’s the best way to store corn on the cob?

One of the best ways to store corn on the cob is by cooking it, and then immediately placing and storing them in resealable freezer bags. Label and date each bag accordingly, and cook from frozen for optimal taste and texture.

Can you eat raw corn?

Yes, you can eat raw corn, but you need to know that it’s not as sweet or flavorful as cooked corn because enzymes in your body will break down the sugars.

Why does corn come out whole?

When you cook corn on the cob, part of its water content evaporates. This can cause air pockets to form between kernels, which makes them stay intact even after boiling.

How much corn is on a cob?

There are anywhere from about 50 – 100 kernels in one ear of corn.

What is corn silk?

Corn silk is slender hair that grows in the middle of an ear of corn. It serves as a channel for nutrients to travel down when developing into kernels, but it can be pulled out before cooking without much harm.

Can dogs eat corn husks?

No, dogs cannot eat corn husks. They are not toxic but they are indigestible and can cause choking or intestinal blockage for your pup.

What is the best time of year to buy corn?

You will find the sweetest tasting corn during the late summer months if you want to get it at its peak flavor. But you can also purchase fresh corn during the early spring months.

How to can corn?

It’s possible to corn by using a pressure cooker. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Combine 3 pounds of cut, husked corn with 4 cups water and 1 tsp salt in a pan.
  • Arrange jars and lids in a large pot filled with 2 inches of simmering water. Fill the jars halfway with water and bring to a boil for 30 minutes. Keep the jar warm until they are ready to fill them.
  • Place 5 metal tablespoons of sugar into each jar, reserving one tablespoon per jar. Add butter on top if desired. Turn off the stovetop when done heating up the jars and place the rack in the middle of your pressure cooker or steamer pot with enough water so that it’s not touching the bottom of the pot.
  • Place the jars on a rack. Adjust the heat so that the water is barely boiling, using medium-low heat for 30 minutes. Never leave your pressure cooker unsupervised while it’s working because there could be an explosion caused by high temperature.
  • Let cook for 5 minutes after you turn off the heat and remove from stovetop. Then, allow the cans to cool overnight without disturbing them so that they don’t break or crack. Make sure to tighten lids securely to avoid leakage during the canning process.

Sweet fresh corn

What else do I need to know about canning corn?

Make sure to place your jars of canned corn in a pan with 2 or 3 inches of simmering water on the bottom. Keep the temperature below 240 degrees Fahrenheit (116 degrees Celsius) or you could have potentially fatal consequences.

Keep an eye on your cans while they are inside your pressure cooker, checking for any leakage after cooling overnight. Never release steam away from yourself because it’s hot and could cause serious injury.

Where can I buy corn in bulk?

Many farmers sell their excess corn in large quantities. Visit local farms, farmer’s markets, or produce stands to check for availability in your area.

How long is canned food good for after the expiration date?

It’s not recommended to eat foods that are past their expiration dates because they won’t taste as fresh or they could be dangerous to your health due to bacteria growth.

What is the best way to cook leftover canned corn?

You can use leftover canned corn by sauteing it with onion, garlic powder, or salt for a few minutes on medium heat. Place the cooked mixture in a blender for a smoother consistency if desired, but be sure to wait until they are cool enough to touch.

Add fresh lime juice and any other spices you desire before serving tacos, burritos, or enchiladas – just like you would purchase at an authentic Mexican restaurant.

Final Thoughts on Storing Corn on the Cob

Storing corn on the cob is not challenging if you follow the correct steps for ensuring long-term storage. You can keep it on the counter or prolong its life by moving the corn to your refrigerator.

However, the best way to enjoy corn after several months is by blanching and freezing it. Another good idea is to learn how to can corn. Make sure you do your research to avoid any health hazards or dangers of canning, storing, and handling corn improperly.

What are your secrets when it comes to storing corn on the cob? Let us know in the comment section below.

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