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QRdraw II

A tool to create one- and two-dimensional codes using your PC and use your codes to streamline data management in multiple applications for your business.

Multiple Code Types

  • Generates 2D codes: QR Code, PDF417, MaxiCode, DataMatrix, rMQR.
  • Generates barcodes: EAN, UPC,ITF, STF, Code39, Codabar, Code128 and more.

Multiple File Formats

Renders code images in popular file formats: BMP, TIFF, PNG, WMF, EMF, GIF, and JPG. Save files for digital sharing or generate hard copy via connected printer.

Other Features

Embed documentation (copy and paste to perform in-place editing) in other applications, such as Microsoft Word. You can also create symbols using macro languages of Excel, Access, and other programs.

To download QRdraw Ad, log into QB Direct.

Support Function List


QRdraw II
2D Code CreationQR code (Model 1/2)
Micro QR code
EAN UCC Composite
Barcode CreationJAN/UPC/ITF/STF/CODE39/CODE93/Codabar/CODE128/EAN-128 and other
ActiveX Control
Image File TypesBMP, TIFF, PNG, WMF, EMF, GIF, JPG
Binary Data Encoding

Operation Environment

OS Windows® 10(32bit/64bit(WOW64))/11(Wow64)(1)
CPUClock frequency:1GHz or higher (recommended)(2)
Memory1GB or higher
HDDMinimum 10MB
OLE environment Access2016/2019, PowerPoint2016/2019, Word2016/2019, Excel2016/2019, Visual Basic2015/2017/2019/2022, Visual C++2015/2017/2019/2022, Visual C#2015,2017/2019/2022 (2)

(1) Microsoft®, Windows®, Visual Basic®, Visual C++® and Visual C#® are registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
(2) VisualBasic/Visual C# can use the late binding only.



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