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The Grants Unit provides strategic direction, policy and guidance, and best practices for state agencies managing state and federal grant funds. The Grants Unit also facilitates the Statewide Grant Managers Group (SWGMG) which provides quarterly training to grant managers and provides a forum for financial and program grant managers to share and collaborate on best practices in grant management.

Lastly, the Grants Unit provides user support and training on the implementation and use of the CORE Grantee module.

Staff Contacts


Stacey Alles
Manager, Grants Unit

Gina Salazar-Love
Grants Unit

Grants Information



Through the Coronavirus Relief Fund, the CARES Act provides for payments to State, Local, and Tribal governments navigating the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. The CARES Act established the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund. The CARES Act requires that the payments from the Coronavirus Relief Fund only be used to cover expenses that,

(1) are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19),

(2) were not accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020 (the date of enactment of the CARES Act) for the State or government, and

(3) were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 30, 2020.

OSC Guidance

OSC Alert Updates - Real time updates from the OSC (please check in frequently)

OSC CARES Act Guidance

Coronavirus Relief Fund FAQ

Guidance on Use of Corona Virus Relief Funds for Institutions of Higher Education Payroll Related Costs

Memorandums and Guidance

OMB Updated M-20-26 - Extension of two flexibilities to provide administration relief.

CRF Guidance for State, Territorial, Local and Tribal Governments - September 2, 2020

Side-by-Side Comparison of OMB Memos (M-20-11 and M-20-17) - RESCINDED

Contract Termination Due to Lack of Funds- Guidance and templates for agencies to use when reducing state commitments, including: contracts, POs, grants, and leases.


CRF FAQ October 10, 2020 (Supplement)

Treasury Department of OIG CRF FAQ Related to Reporting and Recordkeeping (revised) - November 25, 2020

Treasury Department OIG CRF FAQ Related to Reporting and Recordkeeping (revised) - March 2, 2021

Additional CRF Guidance

FFATA Special Attachments for Grants and Contracts

Pandemic Oversight  - Publicly accessible site created by the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) for pandemic-related information (i.e. who received funding and how it's being spent)

CRF Monitoring Videos

Duplication of Benefits

Fraud, Waste and Abuse

Supporting Documentation


CORE Grantee

In 2017, CORE Grantee was launched as the required tool for agencies to submit their request to submit federal funding applications for approval by the Governor's Office. The Governor's Office will be creating a new process for agencies applying for federal funding that requires state matching funds beyond the department's current appropriations. The Office of State Planning and Budget (OSPB) will be developing more complete guidance, but in the meantime please work with your agency budget directors to notify your OSPB analyst with the following information: 

  • Agency Name
  • Program/Grant contact lead name and email
  • Matching fund requirements and amounts that may exceed agency funds available 
  • Date by which matching funds are needed
  • Link to grant announcement

If you have any grants currently pending in CORE Grantee, no need to wait for approval,  go ahead and submit your application to your funding agency. If the criteria described in bold above, please notify your OSPB analyst. If you have any questions about the upcoming process, please reach out to Edmond Toy, OSPB Chief of Staff 

Statewide Grant Manager's Group (SWGMG)

The Statewide Grant Manager's group (SWGMG) was established in 2016 as a forum for statewide grant managers to learn, share and collaborate on all things grants. In this section you will find upcoming quarterly meeting dates and ways to join the meetings, as well as agendas, slide decks and a recording of each meeting. Questions: please contact Gina Salazar-Love.

2024 SWGMG Meetings

All SWGMG meetings start at 9:00 am on the following dates: 

February 21, 2024 - CANCELLED 

August 21, 2024 - Recorded

November 20, 2024 - Join 


Prior SWGMG Slide Decks and Recordings

August 2024

November 2023

August 2023

May 2023

February 2023 - SWGMG Grant Summit

November 2022

August 2022

May 2022

February 2022


SWGMG Grant Summit

The SWGMG Grant Summit is the OSC Grants Office annual gathering of statewide agency grant staff. The Summit takes the place of one of the quarterly SWGMG meeting and provides additional training topics that are relevant to grants management in Colorado. You can find annual registration information and past SWGMG Grant Summit materials in this section. 


2025 SWGMG Summit - Details coming January 2025

Previous SWGMG Grant Summits

2024 SWGMG Grant Summit (May 16-17, 2024 - Arapahoe Community College)


Day 1 - 


Jason Schrock - Vice President of Finance & Administrative Services, Arapahoe Community College

Bob Jaros - Colorado State Controller, Department of Personnel & Administration

SWGMG UpdatesOSC Grants Office 

Colorado False Claims Act 

(slides available upon request)

Ben Gillig, Assistant Attorney General, Colorado Department of Law
Granting to Tribal Entities

Melissa Vorenburg - Central Contracts Unit, Department of Personnel & Administration

Kathryn Redhorse - Executive Director, Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs, Colorado Governor's Office

Linda Shubow - Senior Assistant Attorney General, Colorado Attorney General's Office

Insurance Requirements for Grants                  Julie Mileham - Director, State Office of Risk Management, Department of Personnel & Administration
Duplication of BenefitsJeffrey Thomas - KPMG

Day 2 - 

SWGMG Agency Spotlight:

CDOT Presents: Grant One Project                               



Neysa Birmingham - Colorado Department of Transportation                                                                  

John Marcantonio - Colorado Department of Transportation

CDHE Presents: Pulse Check: An Overview of COSI's 

Grantee Health Assessment Process

Kolby Knupp - COSI, Colorado Department of Higher Education
Fraud, Waste, Abuse, Misue AND Monitoring of FundsThomas Stanton - KPMG
Documents & Templates for State Funded GrantsBreanne Nugent - History Colorado
How Do I Develop a Subrecipient Monitoring Checklist?

Linc Hubert - Colorado Department of Labor & Employment

Gail Hoagland - SLFRF Compliance Liaison, Department of Personnel & Administration

What Can I Change on the OSC Grant Agreements?OSC Grant Office Staff


Grants Newsletter


Below are links to previous SWGMG grant newsletters, however the new email delivery platform does not allow for PDF versions or the ability to go back and view on the web. This is something we are working to correct. 


Are you a state agency or local unit of government and interested in receiving the SWGMG Grant newsletter?  Contact Gina Salazar-Love to be added.


Volume 59 - October 2023 (Grant and SLFRF updates, Civil Rights audit questionnaire and upcoming events)

Volume 58 - September 2023 (Grant updates, SLFRF Updates, ICYMI, Upcoming events)

Volume 57 - August 2023 (SWGMG Meeting Agenda)

Volume 56 - May 2023 (SWGMG Meeting Agenda)

Volume 55 - February 2023 (Summit follow up, GA 101 help, Grant systems inquiry)

Volume 54 - January 2023 (Summit updates and SWGMG meetings)

Volume 53 - December 2022 (Summit, GM 101 dates and SWGMG dates)

Volume 52 - November 2022 (SWGMG agenda, slide deck and Zoom link)

Volume 51 - November 2022 (SWGMG Agenda, ARPA Update, Summit Information)

Volume 50 - October 2022 (Office Updates, Job posting, Summit Information)

Volume 47 - August 2022 (SWGMG recording, Job postings)

Volume 46 - August 2022 (SWGMG, Summit Survey, GM 101)

Volume 45 - May 2022 (SWGMG, GM101)

Volume 41 - February 2022 (SWGMG Registration, Job Posting)

Volume 39 - January 2022 (Tribal Policy & Template)


Grant Policies and Guidance

OSC Competition Requirements for Grants Policy

OSC Guidance Regarding OMB Uniform Guidance Compliance

OSC Subrecipient Guidance

OSC Grant Related Policies

OSC Electronic Signature Policy

Federal Grant Guidance

OMB Tools

Federal Audit Resources

Grant Manager 101

Grant Manager 101 Virtual Training

The Grants Office provides virtual training options throughout the year. Below are upcoming dates for the Grant Manager 101 training sessions. The Grant Manager 101 training is a full day (8:30am - 4:30pm) and intended for state employed grant managers and registration is required. Please select a training date below to register. 

Upcoming Grant Manager 101 Training Dates:


       September 25, 2024 - CLASS FULL registration closed


NEW! Looking for a dedicated and customized Grant Manager 101 for your department staff? The Grants Office can work with you to determine which modules of the Grant Manager 101 training are most applicable for your staff. Please reach out to Gina Salazar-Love if you're interested or have any questions.


Grant Manager 101 Topics

  • Common Grant Definitions
  • Advisory Boards and Committees
    • Type 1 and Type 2 Boards
  • Grant Manager Roles
  • Determining Funding Priorities
  • Grants Lifecycle
  • Request for Application (RFA) Processes
    • RFA Basics
    • Understanding the RFA Process
    • Staff Reviews
    • Scoring Applications
    • Notifying Applicants
  • Sources of Funding
  • State Agency Grant Functions
    • Reporting to Funding Agency (programmatically/fiscally)
    • Monitoring of Award Special Conditions
    • Financial Reconciliation
    • Drawdown of Funds
  • Types of Grants
  • Subrecipient Grant Functions
    • Programmatic and Financial
    • Reporting to the Pass-Thru Entity
    • Payments and Reimbursements
  • Where to Look for Grants
  • Subrecipient Monitoring
    • Quarterly Reports
    • Desk Reviews
    • On-site Monitoring
    • Audits
  • Grant Policies
  • Subrecipient Closeout Activities
  • State Agency Priorities: 
    • Looking for Grants
    • Applying to a Funding Source
    • Receiving and Accepting a Grant Award
  • Department Monitoring
  • Match Requirements
  • Summary


SLFRF Grant Manager 101 The State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) Grant Manager 101 training provides a common base of knowledge regarding grant best practices and the full life cycle of grants, woven with specific SLFRF requirements. This training is intended for those new grant managers that are working with SLFRF funding only and should not be taken in place of the standard Grant Manager 101. If you are interested in the SLFRF Grant Manager 101 training for your staff, please contact Gina Salazar-Love.

Grant Terminology

The Grants Unit has created an extensive list of common terms that are used in grants management. The list includes terms from Federal and State sources.



In grants management, sharing resources is fundamental. No need to reinvent the wheel when you have colleagues who have created many tools already and are willing to share. Please check back often, as more resources are collected, they will be posted here.

Have anything you'd like to share? Please send your resources to Gina Salazar.

Subrecipient Monitoring

New Subrecipient Monitoring Training - Recorded*

Accompanying guidance and sample documents:

*Some of the information in this recorded training will change when the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) is updated and finalized in October 2024. This is noted throughout the training.

Grant Setup

Request for Application

State Funded Grants

The Grants Office is working with the State Grant Cohort group to develop resources for grant managers who manage state funded grants. This area is currently under construction and updated frequently. Please check back often to see what's new!


NEW State Funded Grant Group Office Hours 

Join fellow state funded grants personnel to ask questions, chat state grants, and more! The State Funded Office Hours will be hosted every other month on the last Wednesday of that month. All meetings will run from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Below are upcoming meetings, click the date link to join:

December 27, 2023

February 28, 2024

April 24, 2024

June 26, 2024

August 28, 2024

October 23, 2024


NEW State Grant Google Space

The state grant group has a dedicated Google Space for state agency state funding grant managers to chat, post questions, share files and more! Contact Gina Salazar-Love to be added to the State Funded Grants Google Space. This is a closed group so you must contact the Grants Office to be added. 


Contracts and Grant Agreements

Provided are links to the Central Contracts Unit (CCU). They have many resources, tools and forms available for grants management as well as who to contact.