Volume 51 | November 1, 2022

Statewide Grant Manager Group

SWGMG is November 16, 2022 starting at 9:00 am. As always, we will provide udpates from the grants world as well as updates regarding SLFRF. This month, our main presentation will be State Grants. Last year we started a State Grant group and those folks have worked tirelessly to come up with some useful tools for those of us managing state level grants.

Please register for SWGMG here and you can find the SWGMG agenda here.


The next SLFRF Office hours is coming up on November 17, 3:00pm - 4:00pm. Office hours provides updates on SLFRF/ARPA related topics and provides opportunity to ask questions of the OSC Compliance Liaisons and reporting staff. To attend office hours, click here.

ARPA Website: The OSC ARPA website is updated on a regular basis. Recently, we have added new compliance documents. These compliance documents are quick reference documents to help SLFRF recipients navigate the requirements of 2 CFR 200. The compliance documents can be found under the green banner labeled "SLFRF Compliance Resources" on the ARPA website.

Job Postings

CDPHE is Hiring

The Department of Public Health and Environment is hiring a Recycling Grants Specialist II. Please feel free to share the job posting with others. Posting closes 11/10 @ 5:00pm.


SAVE THE DATE! The first Grant Summit is fasting approaching. Thank you to all that volunteered to present, we're excited. Stay tuned for more information!

Upcoming Events

Grant Manager 101 Training - Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Register here

Grant Summit  - February 2023

Grant Manager 101 Training

Grants Unit Contact Info
Stacey Alles

Gina Salazar-Love