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Uk Streamer, I host strange tournaments with interesting positions

Hi everyone! My name is Alexandra Samaganova and I am a WFM from Kyrgyzstan. My peak FIDE Rating is 2109. I am a Five-time...

Najgorszy szachista w internecie. Paweł Kowalczyk czyli Krol Pawel Najbardziej toksyczny szachista na świecie @krolpaweltvkick https://kick.com/krolpaweltv

Greetings! I am GM Samvel Ter-Sahakyan from Armenia. My current elo is 2608 (November 1 2024). You can contact me here or by email...

Hello, I'm Grandmaster Elo 2614 and Licensed Fide Trainer I can help you to improve your play, openings and endgames, calculation...

Hey guys! I am a big chess lover from Russia who always tries to learn something new in chess. I am currently studying and living...

Hello Guys Im a Youtuber. Do subscribe to my channel : Anish Naik - YouTube I am a Chess Coach as well. In this field for last 4 years....

Greetings to everyone on Chess.com! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vikrant.bohra/ Discord: https://discord.gg/88PjE8qrm8

💫 IMPROVE YOUR CHESS : https://keithonsky.gumroad.com/l/lfacm 💫 Road to 3000+ : https://keithonsky.gumroad.com/l/3000 💫 Live Streams...

Attila Turzo is at your service! You can follow and play with me on my stream at https://www.twitch.tv/attilaturzo Would you like...