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Nömrə 1 Şahmat Uyğulamasını Endir

1,000,000+ Dəyərləndirmə

Join the largest global chess community used by over 100 million players

  • Play chess online
  • Learn key strategies
  • Have fun with friends
Nömrə 1 Şahmat Uyğulamasını Endir Nömrə 1 Şahmat Uyğulamasını Endir

Ən Yaxşı Şahmat Uyğulaması

SpecterWolf göndərdi

Not only can you play chess, you can play it how you want to! Tons of themes you can choose from for your board and pieces. There are hundreds of lessons to help you improve in chess! I don't usually write reviews, but the developers of this app deserve one!


Ankit göndərdi

This is an amazing application for all level of chess players. The app lets you play with so many players all around the world. Great - Thumbs up!

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