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The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing

Cooperation with other conventions, organizations and initiatives

Issues related to access and benefit-sharing are addressed in a number of other international forums besides the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol. The Secretariat collaborates with intergovernmental organizations working in this area, including by sharing information on developments related to the Protocol. Many of these organizations also participate in processes under the Protocol.


Developments since entry into force of the Protocol

COP-MOP 5 (October 2024)

Pursuant to decision NP-3/7, the meeting of the Parties considered a by the Executive Secretary providing an overview of activities undertaken by the Executive Secretary since COP-MOP 4 to develop and enhance cooperation with international organizations, bodies established under other conventions and initiatives, including key developments under international agreements and instruments of relevance. The COP-MOP took note of the information provided.

COP-MOP 5 Relevant Documents

  • Cooperation with international organizations, bodies established under other conventions, and initiatives - CBD/NP/MOP/5/8
  • Report on recent developments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of relevance to the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization - CBD/COP/16/INF/20

COP-MOP 4 (December 2022)

Pursuant to decision NP-3/7, the meeting of the Parties considered a note by the Executive Secretary providing an update on cooperative activities between the Secretariat and other conventions, international organizations and initiatives relevant to access and benefit-sharing and the Nagoya Protocol, including an overview of key developments under international agreements and instruments of relevance to the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. The meeting took note of the information provided.

COP-MOP 4 Relevant Documents

  • Cooperation with other conventions, international organizations and initiatives - CBD/NP/MOP/4/8
  • Further information from international processes related to access and benefit-sharing - CBD/NP/MOP/4/INF/4
  • Information provided by Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on the national implementation of Article 8(b) and other relevant provisions of the Protocol - CBD/NP/MOP/3/INF/4
  • Update on recent developments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of Relevance to the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization - CBD/COP/15/INF/15

COP-MOP 3 (November 2018)

At its third meeting the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol (COP-MOP) considered a note by the Executive Secretary providing an overview of activities undertaken since the second meeting of the Parties to the Protocol to develop and enhance cooperation with other conventions, international organizations and initiatives.

Based on the overview, COP-MOP adopted decision NP-3/7 in which the Executive Secretary was requested, among other things, to continue to engage with relevant ongoing processes and policy debates, and liaise with other conventions, international organizations and initiatives, in order to provide and collect information on current discussions on matters related to access and benefit-sharing, and in particular on public health issues.

COP-MOP 3 Decision and Relevant Documents

  • Cooperation with other conventions, international organizations and initiatives - CBD/NP/MOP/3/9
  • Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and pathogen sharing: public health implications - CBD/NP/MOP/3/INF/3
  • Information provided by Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on the national implementation of Article 8(b) and other relevant provisions of the Protocol - CBD/NP/MOP/3/INF/4
  • Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the context of human and animal health, and food safety: access to pathogens and fair and equitable sharing of benefit: questions and answers - CBD/NP/MOP/3/INF/5
  • Update on recent developments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of Relevance to Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization - CBD/COP/14/INF/30

COP-MOP 2 (December 2016)

At its second meeting, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties (COP-MOP) considered an overview of cooperative activities undertaken by the Secretariat since the last COP-MOP (UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/2/6) and adopted decision NP-2/5. In the decision, the Executive Secretary is requested to liaise with the World Health Organization (WHO) on public health implications of the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and pathogen-sharing, and to share, with the WHO, information from Parties' national reports of relevance to Article 8, paragraph b, of the Protocol. The Executive Secretary is also requested to conduct a study into criteria that could be used to identify what constitutes a specialized international ABS instrument in the context of Article 4, paragraph 4 of the Protocol and what could be a possible process for recognizing such an instrument.

The decision also requested the Executive Secretary to continue to engage with relevant ongoing processes and policy debates in others forums to collect information on current discussions on the relationship between the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources and ABS.

COP-MOP 2 Decision and Relevant Documents

  • Cooperation with other conventions, international organizations and initiatives - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/2/6
  • Update on recent developments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of relevance to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/2/INF/10
  • Executive Summary of the ABS Bonn Workshop: "A Workshop on Access and Benefit Sharing: Benefit Sharing from Academic Research - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/2/INF/11
  • Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and Pathogen Sharing: Public Health Implications - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/2/INF/12

COP-MOP 1 (October 2014)

For the first meeting of the COP-MOP, the Executive Secretary provided an overview of activities undertaken to develop and enhance cooperation with other conventions, international organizations and initiatives to facilitate the entry into force and implementation of the Nagoya Protocol (UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/1/6).

The COP-MOP recognized the importance of cooperative activities to support the ratification and implementation of the Protocol through, in particular, the adoption of the strategic framework for capacity-building and development (decision NP-1/8) and the awareness-raising strategy (decision NP-1/9).

COP-MOP 1 Decision and Relevant Documents
  • Cooperation with other conventions, international organizations and initiatives - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/1/6
  • Outcomes of the Fifth Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture relevant to the Convention on Biological Diversity - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/1/INF/5

COP-MOP Decisions
  • Decision NP-3/7 on cooperation with other international organizations, conventions and initiatives
  • Decision NP-2/5 on cooperation with other international organizations, conventions and initiatives

Relevant Documents

Intersessional Period 2023-2024 (COP-MOP 5)

  • Cooperation with international organizations, bodies established under other conventions, and initiatives - CBD/NP/MOP/5/8
  • Report on recent developments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of relevance to the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization - CBD/COP/16/INF/20

Intersessional Period 2019-2022 (COP-MOP 4)

  • Cooperation with other conventions, international organizations and initiatives - CBD/NP/MOP/4/8
  • Further information from international processes related to access and benefit-sharing - CBD/NP/MOP/4/INF/4
  • Update on recent developments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of Relevance to the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization - CBD/COP/15/INF/15

Intersessional Period 2017-2018 (COP-MOP 3)

  • Cooperation with other conventions, international organizations and initiatives - CBD/NP/MOP/3/9
  • Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and pathogen sharing: public health implications - CBD/NP/MOP/3/INF/3
  • Information provided by Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on the national implementation of Article 8(b) and other relevant provisions of the Protocol - CBD/NP/MOP/3/INF/4
  • Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the context of human and animal health, and food safety: access to pathogens and fair and equitable sharing of benefit: questions and answers - CBD/NP/MOP/3/INF/5
  • Update on recent developments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of Relevance to Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization - CBD/COP/14/INF/30

Intersessional Period 2015-2016 (COP-MOP 2)

  • Cooperation with other conventions, international organizations and initiatives - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/2/6
  • Update on recent developments under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of relevance to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/2/INF/10
  • Executive Summary of the ABS Bonn Workshop: “A Workshop on Access and Benefit Sharing: Benefit Sharing from Academic Research - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/2/INF/11
  • Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and Pathogen Sharing: Public Health Implications - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/2/INF/12

Intersessional Period 2013-2014 (COP-MOP 1)

  • Cooperation with other conventions, international organizations and initiatives - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/1/6
  • Outcomes of the Fifth Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture relevant to the Convention on Biological Diversity - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/1/INF/5