communism: Facts & Related Content
Did You Know?
- Well-known communist writings are still read today; "The Communist Manifesto" written by Marx and Engels in 1848 was a best seller in Britain in 2015.
- The first known use of the word "communism" was in 1840.
- Many anticolonial nationalists in East Asia in the 1940s and Latin and South America starting in the late 1960s saw communism as a promising ideology.
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Related Topics and References
primitive communismNational CommunismEurocommunismdemocratic centralismanarcho-communismpolycentrismMarxismsocialismRed Scarecollectivizationdemocracyfascismanarchismliberalismconservatismlibertarianismsecularismnationalismauthoritarianismfeudalism
Dig Deeper: More Articles That Discuss This Topic
- government: 20th-century models
- education: Education under communism
- history of Latin America: Socialism, communism, fascism
- Poland: Communist Poland
- Soviet Union: Culture and religion under communism
- property law: Aspects of property law in communist and postcommunist countries
- Romania: Communist Romania
- Afghanistan: Civil war, communist phase (1978–92)
- Balkans: Communism of the Balkans
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bosnia and Herzegovina in communist Yugoslavia
- government: Communism and fascism
- Slovenia: The communist era
- civil service: Civil servants and communism
- Josip Broz Tito: Communist organizer
Key People

Vladimir Lenin
prime minister of Soviet Union

Mao Zedong
Chinese leader

Joseph Stalin
premier of Soviet Union

Nikita Khrushchev
premier of Soviet Union

Leon Trotsky
Russian revolutionary

Ho Chi Minh
president of North Vietnam

Josip Broz Tito
president of Yugoslavia

Lin Biao
Chinese military leader

Władysław Gomułka
Polish politician

Zhou Enlai
premier of China

Chen Duxiu
Chinese leader

Deng Xiaoping
Chinese leader

Slobodan Milošević
president of Yugoslavia

Kim Jong Il
North Korean political leader

Leonid Brezhnev
president of Soviet Union

Kim Il-Sung
president of North Korea

Jiang Qing
Chinese politician

Grigory Yevseyevich Zinovyev
Russian revolutionary

Joseph McCarthy
United States senator

Zhu De
Chinese military leader