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Also known as: Neomeniomorpha, Solenogastres
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- Epimenia
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- Aplacophora
solenogaster, small, wormlike, marine mollusk of the class Aplacophora (subclass Neomeniomorpha). Unlike most other mollusks, solenogasters have no shell. The body is covered instead by a cuticle containing many calcareous spicules. Most solenogasters are 2.5 cm (1 inch) or less in length. The largest is 30 cm long. The animals occur at ocean depths of 30 to 1,800 m (100 to 5,900 feet). About 240 species are known.
In addition to the solenogasters, about 120 aplacophoran species are classified in a separate subclass Chaetodermomorpha.