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Editorial board

Editors of this journal work on a purely voluntary basis without remuneration in line with the not-for-profit philosophy of the EGU.

Steven Bouillon

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences

Anja Rammig

Technical University of Munich
School of Life Sciences
Life Science Systems

Paul Stoy

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Biological Systems Engineering
United States

Tina Treude

University of California, Los Angeles
Earth, Planetary, and Space Science & Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences
United States

Sara Vicca

University of Antwerp
Bioscience engineering
Associate editors

Gwenaël Abril

Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Sea Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Groundwater
Biogeochemistry: Land - Sea Coupling
Biogeochemistry: Limnology
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Aquatic
Biogeochemistry: Rivers & Streams
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands

Trisha Atwood

Utah State University
Watershed Sciences and the Ecology Center
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Freshwater
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Rivers & Streams
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Hermann Bange

GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Marine Biogeochemistry

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Sea Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry

Mallory Barnes

Indiana University
O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeophysics: Ecohydrology
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Remote Sensing: Terrestrial

Marijn Bauters

Ghent Univeristy
Department of Environment

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers

Chiara Borrelli

University of Rochester
Earth and Environmental Sciences
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Paleo
Biogeochemistry: Biomineralization
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Paleobiogeoscience: Climate Connection
Paleobiogeoscience: Marine Record
Paleobiogeoscience: Past Ecosystem Functioning
Paleobiogeoscience: Proxy use, Development & Validation

Steven Bouillon

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Freshwater
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Land - Sea Coupling
Biogeochemistry: Limnology
Biogeochemistry: Rivers & Streams
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands

Nicolas Brüggemann

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Agrosphere (IBG-3)

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Biogeophysics: Ecohydrology

Erika Buscardo

Forest Sciences

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Perran Cook

Monash University
School of Chemistry
Water Studies Centre

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Groundwater
Biogeochemistry: Limnology
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Aquatic
Biogeochemistry: Rivers & Streams
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands

Tyler Cyronak

Georgia Southern University
Institute for Coastal Plain Science
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Groundwater
Biogeochemistry: Land - Sea Coupling
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Cindy De Jonge

ETH Zurich
Geological Institute
Earth Sciences

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Paleo
Biogeochemistry: Limnology
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Paleobiogeoscience: Organic Biomarkers
Paleobiogeoscience: Past Ecosystem Functioning
Paleobiogeoscience: Proxy use, Development & Validation
Paleobiogeoscience: Terrestrial Record

Niels de Winter

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Faculty of Science
Department of Earth Sciences

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Paleo
Biogeochemistry: Biomineralization
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Evolution of System Earth
Paleobiogeoscience: Climate Connection
Paleobiogeoscience: Marine Record
Paleobiogeoscience: Proxy use, Development & Validation

Alexey V. Eliseev

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Sea Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Land - Sea Coupling
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Models, Holocene/Anthropocene
Paleobiogeoscience: Climate Connection

Andrew Feldman

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/UMD
Biospheric Sciences Laboratory
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeophysics: Ecohydrology
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Remote Sensing: Terrestrial

Sébastien Fontaine

Grassland Ecosystem Research Unit

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Lucia Fuchslueger

University of Vienna
Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science
Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Frédéric Gazeau

Laboratoire d'Oceanographie de Villefranche (CNRS-SU, UMR 7093

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biogeochemistry: Air - Sea Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Biomineralization
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land - Sea Coupling
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Daniel S. Goll

Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Soils

Marilaure Grégoire

Liege University
Modeling for aquatic systems research group
Astrophysics, Geophysics and Oceanography Department

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Aquatic
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Biogeophysics: Physical - Biological Coupling
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Bertrand Guenet


Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Biomineralization
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Land - Sea Coupling
Biogeochemistry: Limnology
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Aquatic
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Evolution of System Earth
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Models, Holocene/Anthropocene

Frank Hagedorn

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Biomineralization
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers

Andreas Ibrom

Technical University of Denmark
Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeophysics: Ecohydrology
Biogeophysics: Physical - Biological Coupling
Biogeophysics: Turbulence & Biota
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Akihiko Ito

University of Tokyo
Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Forest Management

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Kerneels Jaars

North-West University
South Africa

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases

Petr Kuneš

Charles University
Faculty of Science
Department of Botany
Czech Republic

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Paleo
Paleobiogeoscience: Climate Connection
Paleobiogeoscience: Organic Biomarkers
Paleobiogeoscience: Past Ecosystem Functioning
Paleobiogeoscience: Proxy use, Development & Validation
Paleobiogeoscience: Terrestrial Record

Yakov Kuzyakov

University of Goettingen
Soil Science

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Biomineralization
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers

Peter Landschützer

Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)
Research Department

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Sea Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Aquatic
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Susanne Liebner

GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands

Carolin Löscher

University of Southern Denmark
Danish Institute for Advanced Study
Nordcee, Biology

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Evolution of System Earth


University of Ghana
Marine and Fisheries Sciences

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Land - Sea Coupling
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands

Emilio Marañón

University of Vigo
Department of Ecology

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean

David McLagan

Queen's University
School of Environmental Studies
Dept. of Geology

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Limnology
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Paleobiogeoscience: Terrestrial Record

David Medvigy

University of Notre Dame
Biological Sciences
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Biogeophysics: Ecohydrology
Biogeophysics: Physical - Biological Coupling
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Lutz Merbold

Agroecology and Environment

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands

Edouard Metzger

Université d'Angers
Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences, UMR 6112 CNRS

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Land - Sea Coupling
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Biogeophysics: Bioturbation
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Jack Middelburg

Utrecht University
Faculty of Geosciences
Earth Sciences

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biogeochemistry: Air - Sea Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Limnology
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Aquatic
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Biogeophysics: Biota & Sediment Stability
Biogeophysics: Bioturbation
Paleobiogeoscience: Organic Biomarkers

Sebastian Naeher

GNS Science
Surface Geosciences
New Zealand

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Paleo
Biogeochemistry: Limnology
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Paleobiogeoscience: Organic Biomarkers
Paleobiogeoscience: Proxy use, Development & Validation

Helge Niemann

NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and Utrecht University
Department of Marine Microbiology & Biogeochemistry

Subject areas

Subject areas

Astrobiology and Exobiology: Extreme Environments, Brines & Hydrothermal
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Limnology
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands
Paleobiogeoscience: Organic Biomarkers
Paleobiogeoscience: Proxy use, Development & Validation

Ji-Hyung Park

Ewha Womans University
Dept. Environmental Science & Engineering
Korea, Republic Of

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Biomineralization
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Rivers & Streams
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Soils

Anja Rammig

Technical University of Munich
School of Life Sciences
Life Science Systems

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Models, Holocene/Anthropocene

Robert Rhew

University of California at Berkeley
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands

Eyal Rotenberg

Weizmann Institute

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeophysics: Ecohydrology

Manmohan Sarin

Physical Research Laboratory

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Sea Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Rivers & Streams
Biogeochemistry: Sediment

Yuan Shen

Xiamen University
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL)
College of Ocean and Earth Sciences

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers

Jamie Shutler

University of Exeter
College of Life and Environmental Sciences
United Kingdom

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biogeochemistry: Air - Sea Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Aquatic
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Remote Sensing: Marine
Remote Sensing: Terrestrial

Gabriel Singer


Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Freshwater
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Limnology
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Rivers & Streams
Biogeophysics: Biota & Sediment Stability

Ciavatta Stefano

Mercator Ocean International
Operational oceanography

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeophysics: Physical - Biological Coupling
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Paul Stoy

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Biological Systems Engineering
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands
Biogeophysics: Ecohydrology
Biogeophysics: Physical - Biological Coupling
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Olivier Sulpis


Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Aquatic
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeophysics: Benthic Boundary Layer Processes
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Models, Holocene/Anthropocene

Koji Suzuki

Hokkaido University
Faculty of Environmental Earth Science

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biogeochemistry: Bio-Optics
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers

Kirsten Thonicke

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) e.V.
Research Domain 1

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Models, Holocene/Anthropocene

Andrew Thurber

Oregon State University
College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences & College of Science
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers

Ivonne Trebs

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN)

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Biogeophysics: Ecohydrology
Biogeophysics: Physical - Biological Coupling

Tina Treude

University of California, Los Angeles
Earth, Planetary, and Space Science & Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Astrobiology and Exobiology: Deep Biosphere
Astrobiology and Exobiology: Extraterrestrial Biogeosciences
Astrobiology and Exobiology: Extreme Environments, Brines & Hydrothermal
Biogeochemistry: Biomineralization
Biogeochemistry: Coastal Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers

Julia Uitz

Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Marine
Biogeochemistry: Bio-Optics
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Open Ocean

Kees Jan van Groenigen

University of Exeter
United Kingdom

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Soils

Edzo Veldkamp

University of Göttingen
Soil Science of Tropical Ecosystems

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Air - Land Exchange
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Modelling, Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers

Sara Vicca

University of Antwerp
Bioscience engineering

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Land
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change

Ny Riavo G. Voarintsoa

University of Houston
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Paleo
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Terrestrial
Biogeochemistry: Limnology
Biogeochemistry: Rivers & Streams
Biogeochemistry: Sediment
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Climate Change
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Evolution of System Earth
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Models, Geological History
Earth System Science/Response to Global Change: Models, Holocene/Anthropocene
Paleobiogeoscience: Climate Connection
Paleobiogeoscience: Past Ecosystem Functioning
Paleobiogeoscience: Proxy use, Development & Validation
Paleobiogeoscience: Terrestrial Record

Jianming Xu

Zhejiang University
Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Biomineralization
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Wetlands

Xi Yang

University of Virginia
Environmental Sciences
United States

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biogeochemistry: Land
Remote Sensing: Terrestrial

Luo Yu

Zhejiang University
Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science

Subject areas

Subject areas

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Microbial Ecology & Geomicrobiology
Biogeochemistry: Environmental Microbiology
Biogeochemistry: Organic Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry: Soils
Biogeochemistry: Stable Isotopes & Other Tracers
Associate editors on leave

Trevor Keenan

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
Climate and Ecosystem Science
United States

Christopher Still

Oregon State University
Forest Ecosystems and Society
United States