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BenQは創業以来、"Bring Enjoyment 'N Quality to Life" 「生活に楽しみと豊かさをお届けする」を企業理念に掲げ、製品やサービスを通して社会構築にも意欲的に取り組んでいます。 価値ある製品を生み出すだけでなく、ステークホルダーと良好な相互関係を築きあげ、社会に良い影響を与える貢献活動に取り組んでいます。 環境保護と人材育成には特に積極的に取り組んでおり、省エネや環境保全のためのモニタリング活動を行っています。 BenQグループ内で製品デザインや原材料、製造、カスタマーサービスなど、各部門で厳しい審査基準を設け、その厳しい要求に応えることで、ヨーロッパ連盟の指針「Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)」の基準をクリアしております。

また、品質マネジメントシステムの「国際規格ISO 9001」や、製品及びサービスの環境負荷の低減といった環境パフォーマンスの改善を継続的に実施する「ISO 14001規格基準」をクリアしました。さらに、社会貢献に関する「SA8000規格基準」もクリアし、社会的に適切な職場環境を整備、維持と提供に努めています。

BenQは従業員を最も重要な財産と考え、職場環境を整え、働きやすい「環境」と「仕組み」をつくることを目的として、従業員育成イベントや講習会を積極的に開催するなど、多種多様な社内施策を行っています。「OHSAS 18001 労働安全衛生マネジメントシステム(OHSMS)」の国際規格基準をクリアしました。


Sustainable Responsibility
Unaltered Promise
Message from our President

The sustainability of a company relies on a solid management of its environmental, social, and corporate governance affairs. Only through continuous implementation of ESG management can we accumulate momentum for sustainable growth in the future.

Fulfilling ESG Commitments and Bringing Enjoyment ‘N’ Quality to Life

With regard to corporate governance, BenQ is committed to sustainable corporate development. Since its establishment in July 2010, BenQ’s Corporate Social Responsibility Committee has integrated CSR objectives into the Company’s daily work goals. In 2022, the committee was renamed and reorganized as BenQ’s ESG Implementation Committee to further strengthen our management of ESG issues deemed to be important by our stakeholders and track our efficacy.

In 2023, BenQ adhered to its philosophy of serving the needs of people through technology and strived to integrate eye-protection technologies certified by TÜV Rheinland – our exclusive “CinematicColor™ color management technology,” and “ClassroomCare™,” our technology for healthy and smart classrooms – into our products. We also continued to create products to fulfill a wide variety of needs, including retouching monitors for photographers based on the WYSIWYP-principle (“what you see is what you print”), fast-rendering gaming monitors for e-sports players, mini home projectors, Interactive displays for education, docking stations, and desk lamps that help protect the eyes.

With regard to the environmental aspect of ESG management, BenQ products are designed with the entire product life cycle in mind. During the R&D and design stages, the impact of the product’s materials, delivery and usage on the environment is considered, and measures to reduce energy consumption and packaging and to make products more recyclable have been adopted.

Through improvements in every stage of production, we have created green products that are environmentally friendly. We have also conducted product carbon footprint inventories for our large-scale interactive displays (RE7503A), becoming the first company in the industry to have its large-scale interactive displays pass carbon footprint verification with a complete record of the entire production process, from the sourcing of raw material to the disposal of waste. All of BenQ’s products are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient, and have earned the Energy Star certification. In addition, BenQ regularly undergoes verification by third parties to ensure that work regarding environmental management is carried out, and we encourage our employees to take part in the work.

With regard to the social aspect of ESG management, we believe that talent is our most important asset and the key to business growth. Therefore, BenQ actively invests in diversified education and training to foster employees’ innovative and competitive strengths, which adds to the Company’s organizational capacity and competitiveness for sustainable growth. From 2019 to 2023, BenQ has won the “Best Companies to Work For in Asia” for five consecutive years, which shows that our employees recognize our efforts in nurturing talent and fostering a good working environment.

Since 2016, BenQ has been awarded the “Sports Enterprise Certification” by the Ministry of Education’s Sports Administration for several years, and continuously innovated in sports facilities and events to provide a five-star workplace environment that lets employees “Work Smart, Play Hard.” In 2023, we bid farewell to the pandemic and headed outdoors with more innovative activities, such as the Beach Cleanup Tour Train, which allowed people to experience firsthand the importance of protecting the environment and reducing plastic waste at the source. Also, we provide incentives above the industry standard: we encourage our employees to participate in the Group Stock Ownership Trust Plan to integrate Company performance and employee interests, which enables the Company to take care of our employees’ life after retirement. Since the plan’s inception, employee participation rate has reached nearly 90%, facilitating a virtuous cycle for the Company and its employees.

Aligning with SDGs, education, health, and earth-friendly sustainable development

To keep our sustainable development aligned with worldwide practice, BenQ actively responds to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), committing itself to “quality education,” “good health and well-being,” and “climate action.” Our sustainable operations respond to the SDGs related to clean energy, responsible production, and climate action, all of which are implemented in our daily operations.

For example, in climate action, BenQ utilized green design and packaging to reduce the impact on the environment. In terms of green product design, mechanical innovations were made for the GV projectors to reduce the number of parts that needed to be produced, which not only reduced pollution and waste, but also met the consumers’ need to adjust the angle of the projectors in all directions. In terms of green packaging, single-use packaging for large-sized LCD products catering to gamers was reduced by using molded pulp instead. Consumers can also transform the packaging into a joystick storage rack, making the upgrading and reuse of packaging a reality.

In addition, BenQ has adhered to ISO 20121, the international standard for event sustainability management, in its participation in international conventions and been authenticated, creating business opportunities as well as a green miracle without generating a large amount of waste from convention decor. In 2023, by following Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) principles, BenQ achieved zero waste from its convention decor, joined the Teach for Taiwan initiative to help eliminate educational inequality, sourced locally produced goods from Taiwan, and became the world’s first and only group to receive ISO 20121 event sustainability management certification since COMPUTEX began in 1981.

BenQ is a people-centered brand. We believe that design and technology should meet the real needs of consumers to function optimally. If we can expand our efforts from individuals to all of society, we can spread our good corporate values and have a positive influence on society. We hope that BenQ’s spirit can reach every corner of society and make “Bringing Enjoyment ‘N’ Quality to Life” a reality.

Peter Huang

President of BenQ Corporation

Learn more about BenQ’s CSR initiatives, download


BenQのCSR活動のついて詳しくみる(英語) BenQ CSR report.



1. SOMOやEnoughといった国際NGO(非政府組織)の研究結果により、第二次世界大戦以降、最悪の紛争の場となっているコンゴ民主共和国は、女性や少女にとって世界で最も危険な場所のままであることがわかっており、東コンゴで発見される鉱物を必要とする電子機器製品への国際的な需要が、大きな原因となっています。東コンゴ産出の紛争鉱石を含む電子機器を生産する会社は、そのビジネス上の取引が、不注意に残虐行為をあおる助けになっていないことを確認する責任があります。
2. コンゴ民主共和国及び隣接国: アンゴラ共和国、ブルンジ共和国、中央アフリカ共和国、コンゴ共和国、ルワンダ共和国、南スーダン共和国、タンザニア連合共和国、ウガンダ共和国、及びザンビア共和国
3. 紛争鉱石:タンタル、スズ、タングステン、及び金


‧ 会社の社会的及び環境的責任並びに法令遵守を容易にする

‧ 環境関連の物質の使用を削減し、環境に優しいデザインで環境への影響をなくす

‧ 汚染を防ぎ、エネルギーを保全し、安全と健康を向上させ、継続的に衛生上のリスクを削減する

‧ 被雇用者の身体的かつ精神的健康増進のために安全で健康的な職場を創る

‧ 監査とコミュニケーションにより、環境、安全、及び健康を継続的に高める活動に全面的に参加する