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Closed calls

Since the launch of the First Call for Transnational Access, many calls have been subjected to applications. All the calls, which application phase is passed, are listed down below:

A 6th Call for Trans-National Access – Beyond Atmospheric Science!

We are delighted to offer enhanced access to Europe’s most advanced facilities for observation and exploration of the atmosphere to users outside the traditional atmospheric domain. We invite proposals for […]

A 5th Chance to Access the Most Advanced Atmospheric Research Facilities in Europe

We are pleased to provide access to Europe’s most advanced facilities for observation and exploration in atmospheric science.  ATMO-ACCESS provides access to 56 of the leading European atmospheric research facilities […]

ATMO-ACCESS 4th Remote TNA Call

A 4th Chance to Access the Most Advanced Atmospheric Research Facilities in Europe 

– the ATMO-ACCESS Remote and Hybrid Trans-National Access Call – We are pleased to provide access to Europe’s most advanced facilities for observation and exploration in atmospheric science. We invite […]

Agora Aerosol Training Course - Banner

AGORA Aerosol Training Course: Characterization of atmospheric aerosol using in-situ and remote sensing techniques

Dates: June 12-17, 2023 Venue: Andalusian Global ObseRvatory of the Atmosphere, Granada, Spain ATMO-ACCESS project supports innovative training and education activities related to atmospheric research infrastructures. It is crucial for the […]

Atmospheric and Environmental research infrastructure online training

6–10 November, 2023 The ATMO-ACCESS project supports innovative training and education activities related to atmospheric research infrastructures. It is crucial for the future success of European atmospheric research related facilities to ensure […]

Call for new Transnational access (TNA) platforms

ATMO-ACCESS is pleased to announce the official opening of a call for new TNA/VA facilities. This call aims at enlarging the offer of the ATMO-ACCESS TNA access programme with 3-5 […]

Call for Pilot TNA to support the Cal/Val of satellite atmospheric missions

ATMO-ACCESS is inviting proposals to shape a pilot for Trans National Access to ATMO-ACCESS Observation facilities, Central laboratories and Data centres to support in a coordinated manner pre- and post-launch […]

Third Call for Access (closed)

We are pleased to provide access to Europe’s most advanced facilities for observation and exploration in atmospheric science. If you would like to use ground-based observation stations, atmospheric simulation chambers, […]

Second call for access

ATMO-ACCESS provides opportunities for accessing 52 of the most advanced operational European atmospheric research facilities in Europe, in support of the objectives of the Green Deal. After the ample participation […]

First call for access

ATMO-ACCESS provides opportunities for accessing 43 operational European atmospheric research facilities in Europe. We are pleased to announce the first call to access facilities within the framework of ATMO-ACCESS. The […]

7th Call for Access  

Last Chance to access ATMO-ACCESS services! This is your last chance to access Europe’s most advanced facilities for observation and exploration in atmospheric science within the ATMO-ACCESS general call framework.  […]
