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Carp-e Diem! Best Days to Go Fishing Calendar for 2025

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man fishing by the river or lake with his back turned

We can help you determine when the fish are biting and the best days to fish!

The Ultimate Fishing Times and Dates from the Old Farmer's Almanac

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Many of us enjoy fishing whenever we have the opportunity, but there are certain days and times that are considered the best days for fishing, according to experienced anglers and fishing lore. To find out, you can refer to The Old Farmer’s Almanac’s fishing calendar, which also provides useful advice from seasoned fishermen.

When Is the Best Time to Go Fishing?

The best times to catch fish are when they are naturally more active. The Sun, Moon, tides, and weather all influence fish activity. For example, fish tend to feed more at sunrise and sunset and during a full Moon (when tides are higher than average). 

Best Fishing Times

  • One hour before and one hour after high tides, and one hour before and one hour after low tides. Inland, the times for high tides correspond with when the Moon is due south. Low tides are halfway between high tides.
  • During the “morning rise” (after sunup for a spell) and the “evening rise” (just before sundown and the hour or so after).
  • During the rise and set of the Moon.
  • Just before the arrival of a storm, although the falling barometric pressure will eventually slow down the rate at which fish feed. (But even during stormy periods, the fish aren’t going to give up feeding. The smart fisherman will find just the right bait!) Angling can also be good when the pressure is either steady or on the rise 1 to 2 days after a storm. High pressure accompanying clear weather can bring on sluggishness and reduced activity.
  • When there is a hatch of flies—caddis flies or mayflies, commonly. (The fisherman will have to match his fly with the hatching flies or go fishless.)
  • When the breeze is from a westerly quarter rather than from the north or east.
  • When the water is still or slightly rippled, rather than during a wind.

Best Fishing Days for 2025

Fishing is said to be best during the time between a new Moon and a full Moon. This is what the Almanac’s Best Fishing Days are based on.

MonthBest Fishing Days
For the year 2025
January1-13, 29-31
February1-12, 27, 28
March1-14, 29-31
April1-11, 25-30
May1-12, 26-31
June1-11, 25-30
July1-10, 24-31
August1-9, 23-31
September1-7, 21-30
October1-6, 21-31
November1-5, 20-30
December1-4, 19-31

→ For customized Moon phase times, see our Moon Phase Calendar.

Read more about Fishing Folklore.

full moon at sunset over a lake
The best fishing days are between a new Moon and a full Moon.

Tackle Box Checklist

Be prepared! See our list of what to put in your fishing tackle box.

How to Fish Without Fail (According to Almanac Readers)

It should come as no surprise that many Almanac readers love to fish. Here are some of the best tips from experts:

  • “The best way to fish in South Texas with chicken liver is to let it sit a while in the good Texas sun, then sprinkle a little garlic powder and a little chili powder on it. This combination makes the liver pasty, and it will stay on your triple or single hook with little to no problem. I do offer a warning that pow you will feel on your line is going to be one big Texas-size catfish, so get ready and have some good Texas fishing fun.” –Ramiro Vela
  • “A really good bait I have found is hot dogs with chicken meat. Cut them into desired pieces and set in the sun to ‘dry up.’ When they are ‘dried,’ they will stay on the hook better. You can put them in a bag in the freezer to keep. Brim and catfish will bite this bait.” –Jean Cannon
  • “The best catfish bait are catalpa worms. You can put what you don’t use in the freezer with a few catalpa tree leaves. When you are ready to fish again, take them out and they come back to life. Start reeling in the big cats.” –Joey Brown
  • “To find the big cats, it would help out if you knew the underwater structure of the pond, river or lake. Find DEEP holes with lots of cover as in overhangs. Gravel pits are a great place to fish for cats.” –Todd Heil
boy wearing overalls fishing off of the dock with a metal bucket beside him
It’s never too early (or too late!) to take up fishing.
  • “The best catfish bait that I have found fishing for catfish anywhere, bar none, is shrimp—yeah, it’s a little costly but let me tell ya somethin’ friend, it’s worth it.” –Chuck Hubbard, Jr.
  • “I am Blackfoot American Native. We live to fish and hunt our meals. A true hint in catfishing is never to use any type of scents (cologne, powders, perfume, etc.) Don’t handle cigarettes or any type of tobacco products without washing your hands before applying baits, hooks, sinkers, new line, etc. The fish know these things.” –Tommy Bays
  • “The absolute best way I know to keep your liver on your hook while fishing is: Buy 1 or 2 old plastic ice trays. Go ahead and bait your hook the best you can. I use a ‘threading’ action. Place the hook and liver into the ice tray and let it freeze throughout the night before you go fishing. When you are ready to go fishing, twist the old ice trays and take the liver cubes and pack them in a bag and put them in a container of ice.” –Chris Payne
  • “In Kentucky, where I live, we use bait store crickets and mill worms floated with a bobber. Put three or four crickets and a couple of millworms on a hook, and hold on! You have to try different depths until you find the fish. Once you find them, you can have a lot of fun catching them in all sizes. I have caught them from squeakers to 62 pounds on this bait, so good luck!” –Kenny Conley
  • “I’m 68 years old and fish every chance I get. My daddy always told me to watch the cows. If they are up and eating, go fishing. If they are down resting, you might as well stay home. So far, this has worked pretty well.” –Edna James
  • “The best bait I have used here in Bradenton, Florida, is fresh mullet that has never been frozen. Catch them late afternoon or at night. Catch them as long as your leg. Good Luck!” –Bill Suggs
  • “As the water in your minnow bucket warms, the minnows will slowly die. They need a very cool temperature to survive. Never put ice cubes in with live minnows. The chlorine in the water stays and will kill your bait. Freeze water bottles, and then gently place them in the bucket. Usually one will be enough.” –Alec Plummer
  • “Try it all, love the outdoors, and keep a bait in the water. You won’t catch anything if you aren’t out there!” –Jody Wolf

Read some Unbelievable (but True) Bait Secrets and The Four Fundamentals of Successful Fishing too, and you’ll be all set.

Add your own suggestions in the comments below!

Do you have any fantastic fishing tales? We want to hear all about them—share them below, too!

About The Author

Catherine Boeckmann

Catherine Boeckmann loves nature, stargazing, and gardening so it’s not surprising that she and The Old Farmer’s Almanac found each other. She leads digital content for the Almanac website, and is also a certified master gardener in the state of Indiana. Read More from Catherine Boeckmann

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