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The ANGOLAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES / REVISTA ANGOLANA DE CIÊNCIAS DA SAÚDE, under ISSNs (Online: 2789-2832 and Print: 2789-2824), also represented by the acronym RACSaúde, whose abbreviation is Rev. Ang. de Ciênc. da Saúde / Ang. Journ. of Health Scienc., is a peer-reviewed angolan research journal, edited by a Multidisciplinary Team of Health Professionals, Professors and National Researchers, aiming to attribute easy access to scientific production and give visibility to research of the highest quality (in Portuguese, English and eventually Spanish) help them to make better decisions in the exercise of their profession.

You can view the journal's website here.

Published: 2022-09-29

Perfil radiológico dos doentes com mal de Pott observados em uma unidade hospitalar terciária

Adilson José Manuel de Oliveira, Cintia Estrela Santos dos Reis, N´denga Solange Machado Bebiano Tomás


Expected prevalence of Sheehan's syndrome in Mexico by extrapolation of screenings in other countries

Miriam Deyanira Rodriguez Piña, Nohemi Piña Vidal, Betsy Corina Sosa Garcia, Pamela Lagos Robles, Hugo Mendieta Zerón


Postoperative Covid-19 infection following coronary artery bypass: description of a case

Adnaldo da Silveira Maia, Iuri Betuel Gomes António, Antônio Flávio Sanchez de Almeida


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Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2789-2832
print ISSN: 2789-2824